take place at stated intervals, preferably
twice a year.
The following names were read by
Miss Perry and were accepted by
the Executive Board. [strikethrough of Mrs. Frank
James], Mrs. N. A*, Hinckley Jr. Mrs
Joseph Harriman, Miss Elizabette I*.
Brierstadt*, Mrs. Timothy Leary, Mrs.
Alijah* A. Cahoon, Mrs. Alfred J.
Gayson, Miss Anna S. Weld, and for
reinstatemen, Mrs. Heirrich Hofman,
and Mrs. Joel Barnes.
It was voted that Miss Ruth Blake,
be extended the courtesy of the Club, for
the winter.
It was voted that Club dues be refunded
to Miss Ella J. Adams.
The advisability of discontinuing the
privlidge of attending four Club meetings
a year, usually accorded* to the waiting
list, was discussed but no action taken.
It was suggested that member's names,
with the activities they prefer to assist, be
written on the bulletin board.
Adjournment followd,
Respecfully submitted, Lucy E. Henderson
Rec. Sec.
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