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Current Events. Nov. 3, 1925

The first meeting of the Current
Events Class, Mrs. Charles H. Williams,
Chairman, was held at the Loring-
Greenough House, November third. It
was delightful to welcome Mrs. Claude
U. Gibson again, one of the most
interesting and authoritative speakers
that we have. Mrs. Gibson [strikethrough of "has"] returned
recently from Czecho-Slovakia, and
although that was not her subject for
the afternoon, two Czecho-Slovakian
dolls, a youth and maiden, dressed
in perfect reproduction of the native
costume were passed around for
minute* inspection. Mrs. Gibson spoke
especially of the Locarno-Contract,
the Ballean difficulty, with particular
emphasis on the helpful intervention of
the League of Nations, and also
pictured improving conditions in
Germany, Czecho-Slovakia and France.

Respectfully submitted,
Lucy E. Henderson,
Rec. Sec.

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