The reports of the various committees
were heard with much interest, all
showing excellent work in securing
a fine program for the coming year.
It was voted that Mrs. Faden be
allowed to present the cause of
saving Old Ironsides to the Club, by
the sale of hat bands, with U.S.S.
Consitution printed on them, in gold.
It was voted that a note of thanks
should be extended to Mr. Channing
Souther* and Mr. Fred Seaver, for their
work in helping the Club, at the
Bazaar, and Miss Perry was requested
to write two letter to this effect.
It was voted that Miss Frannie Cox
be asked to fill the vacancy on the
Board, caused by the resignation of
Mrs. Lane.
Adjournement followed,
Respectfully submitted,
Lucy E. Henderson.
Rec. Sec.
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