Executive Board. Oct. 9, 1925.
The regular meeting of the Executive
Board was held October ninth, at the
Loring-Greenough House, with the
President in the Chair. Those present
were, Miss George, Miss Perry, Miss
Howard, Miss Holmes, Mrs. Williams,
Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Dane, Miss Fowler,
Mrs. Grabill, Mrs. Seabury, Mrs.
Eldridge, Miss Henderson.
The secretary's and treasurer's reports
were read and accepted, the latter
showing a balance $2156.53 for the
Tuesday Club, and $1809.30 for the
Loring-Greenough Fund. Miss George
also reported the proceeds of the Bazaar.
$1972.56 has been received at that date.
Miss Perry read the following new
names for membership, all of whom
were accepted and placed on the waiting
list. Mrs. Williams B. Parker, Mrs.
Ellwood L. Wilson, Mrs. Henry H.
Putnam, Mrs. Thomas P. Glyner*.
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