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Current Events. Nov. 4, 1924.

The first meeting of the Current Events
class, was held November fourth, at the
Loring-Greenough House. In the absence
of the president, Mrs. Charles H. Williams,
Chairman of the Current Events Committee,
presided, and presented Mrs. Claude U.
Gibson, who is to conduct the class [Added "^again"] this
year. Mrs. Gibson's subject was South
America and she spoke in her usual
entertaining way, of it's people, it's social
customs, the Brazilian Revolution, and our
need of a closer understanding of this other
half of our hemisphere.
It was the first meeting to be held in
the Loring-Greenough House, and every
one expressed themselves as very happy
over the arrangemnet.

Respectfully submitted,
Lucy E. Henderson.
Rec. Sec.

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