November 13, 1917.
The Tuesday Club met on November 13 in the lower hall, Mrs.Rees presiding. After the reading of the records notice was given of the Christmas cards which would be on sale for the benefit of the Red Cross after the meeting. Mrs.Rees also read a notice from the committee having in charge the patriotic entertainment on November 23, and asked for volunteers to assist in providing refreshments that evening for the young men who are to assist. A generous response was given.
The President also read an appeal from the committee on home hospitality for soldiers and sailors, Mrs.George W. Wheelwright, chairman, asking any who were willing to entertain men in their homes to hand in their names.
Attention was called to the work which had been done this summer in the tent on Boston Common for the enlisted men, and for the expense of which there is now a deficit. The Club voted that five dollars be contributed toward this expense.
Mrs.Rees then presented Mr.Robert Cushman who briefly outlined the work being done at home abroad among the soldiers and sailors by the Young Men's Christian Association, with special reference to the attempt being made during the current week to raise a fund of $35,000,000 for this work.
The following candidates were by vote of the club admitted to membership: - Mrs. John M. Minton Mrs. Atlea L. Percy Mrs. Joseph T. Mooney Mrs. W.E.Ferris Mrs. William M. Wheeler
(November 13) 2
The afternoon was in charge of the History and Travel Class. Mrs. Souther Chairman, who presented Mrs. H.W. Sawyer, known to the Club through her previous talk on Egypt. Under the tital of "An Alaskan Greenhorn" Mrs. Sawyer led her audience on a most fascinating and absorbing trip through that land of "big" things - big mountains, big lakes, big rivers, big men. A rising vote of thanks was given Mrs. Sawyer at the close of her talk as an expression of the club's enjoymentt.
Adjourned to November 20.
Margaret H. Chadwell Recording Secretary