done by the women's clubs.
Mrs. Reed read the notice of the fall meeting of the State Federation to be held on November 14.
Miss Knight reported in regard to the copper tank, and it was VOTED that Miss Knight and Mrs. Brackett should arrange for the care of same.
The President then brought up the matter of the Tuesday Club co-operating with the local branch of the Women's Municipal League and possibly other local clubs in arranging for a series of food demonstrations to be held in Eliot Hal under the auspices of the Federal Government, and the Board VOTED that the President be authorized to pledge the club to the amount of $20.00 for this work.
VOTED that Miss Estabrook's ticket be transferred to Mrs. Lincoln for such time as she wishes.
VOTED that the Tuesday Club send five dollars toward the deficit for the work of the tent on Boston Common.
Mrs. Carter read a letter asking for the club's assistance in the posing of the Anne Hutchinson statue at a conference of the City Federation, and it was decided that we do so if they were willing to pay two dollars for the use of the costume.
Mrs. Rees reported that she had asked Mrs. Whiton to present the matter of the endowment fund for the General Federation before the Tuesday Club.
It was also suggested that we have a speaker on some occasion to bring the matter of the Y.M.C.A. war work before the club.
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