Executive Board Meeting, September 7, 1917.
The Executive Board of the Jamaica Plain Tuesday Club met
at 793 Centre St., Friday, September 7. In the absene of the
president, Mrs. Kenyon presided.
The secretary's report was read and accepted.
Miss Beaumont for the Art Committee reported that Mr. Craig
would be one of the speakers for that course, his subject being
"Home Gardens in War Time". The arrangements for other speakers
were not decisive.
Mrs. Brackett for the Social Service Committee reported that
the speaker for November 27 would be either Miss Mary Boyle O'Reilly
or Mr. Eddy who would speak on the Y.M.C.A. work now being done among
the soldiers abroad.
Mrs. Carter for the Hospitality Committee said that Mr. Ratcliffe
had been secured as the speaker for Guest Night.
The Music and Dramatic Committee, Mrs. Kenyon Chairman, had
found it impossible to arrange to give "The Story of the Flag" in
October, but would try to arrange it for a later date.
Some notices from the Drama League were read, and Mrs. Carter
and Mrs. Adams spoke of the war libraries to be established for the
enlisted men.
Miss Knight inquired about the possibility of making over the
present box used by the custodian into a closet and it was VOTED
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