02 May 11 1917



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Special Meeting, Executive Board, May 11, 1917.

A special meeting of the Executive Board of the Jamaica Plain Tuesday Club was held on May 11, 1917, at 51 Orchard St., with the President, Mrs. Rees, in the chair.

Those present were Mrs. Rees, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Souther, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Kenyon, Mrs. Monteith, Mrs. Grabill, Miss Swain, Mrs. Pratt, Mrs. Safford, Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Laird, Miss Knight, Miss Beaumont, Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Goodnow, Mrs. Chadwell.

The report of the secretary was read and accepted.

The report of the corresponding secretary was read and accepted.

The report of the treasurer was read and accepted.

It was VOTED that Mrs. Souther fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Perry as Vice-President.

VOTED that Mrs. Sears be invited to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Mrs. Souther.

VOTED to invite Mrs. Edric Eldridge to fill the vacancy of two years as directer caused by Mrs. Rees's change of office.

VOTED that Mrs. Adams as Honorary Vice-President be given all the privileges of an active member of the board of directors.

The Chair appointed the following chairmen of committees: Hospitality Mrs. Carter. Art Miss Beaumont Current Events Mrs. Monteith. History and Travel Mrs. Souther Literature Mrs. Grabill Children's Day Mrs. Coe xxxxxxxxxxxx Mrs. Laird Home Economics

Mrs. Rees suggested combining the Social Service and

Last edit 8 months ago by Jannyp
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Legislative Committees, thinking perhaps that the work ob both committees might be made more effective, and after discussion its was VOTED that these two committees be combined for the following year and Mrs. Brackett was appointed as chairman of this committee.

After some financial suggestions from Mrs. Goodnow, it was VOTED that the Year Book committee should increase the number of books for the coming year.

Mrs. Rees suggested that an entertainment be given next year by the club for the support of local charities, thus easing on our appropriations for that purpose.

VOTED that a Musical and Dramatic committee be formed, and Mrs. Kenyon, Mrs. Safford and Mrs. Carter were appointed as that committee.

The dates for the year book were decided as follows:- Oct. 23. Hospitality Commitee. 30. Current Events. Mrs. Ward. Nov. 6. " " " " 13. History and Travel. 20. Literature. 27. Social Service and Legislative. Tea Day. Dec. 4. Current Events. Mrs. Crawford. 11. History and Travel. 18. 25. Jan. 1. Guest Night. 8. Current Events. Mrs. Crawford? 15. Art. 22. Literature. Tea Day. 29. Musical and Dramatic. Feb. 5. Current Events. Mrs. Crawford. 12. Home Economics 19. Legislative and Social Service. 26. History and Travel. Tea. Mar. 5. Current Events. Mrs. Crawford. 12. Musical and Dramatic. 19. Literature. 26. Art. Tea.

Last edit 9 months ago by Peter Utas
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Apr. 2. Current Events. Mrs. Ward. 9. History and Travel. 16. Literature. 23. Home Economics. Tea. 30. Current Events. Mrs. Ward. May 7. M " " " " 14. Hospitality Committee. Tea.

VOTED that Mrs. Ward be engaged for five meetings and Mrs. Crawford for four.

The following members from the board were appointed on the different committees:-- Hospitality: Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Morse. Art Mrs. Sears. Current Events: Mrs. Gardner. Literature. Mrs. Pratt. History and Travel. Mrs. Edric Eldridge.

VOTED to have the next Board meeting on Tuesday, June 19.

Adjourned. Margaret H. Chadwell, Secretary.

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