01 May 7 1917



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Report of Annual Meeting, May 7, 1917 The regular annual meeting of the club was held on May 7 - with the President, Mrs. Thomas N. Carter in the chair. The Sec. report of the last meeeting was read and accepted. The reading of the Secretary's Annual report followed. It was voted that this be accepted and placed on record. The Treasurers report was read. The total am'ts were Credit $3143.98 Expenditures 1981.52 Bal. 1162.46. Reserve Fund. 983.94. Active " 178.52. It was voted to accept the report.

Last edit 9 months ago by Peter Utas
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2 The Corresponding Secretary read her report stating - Letters & post cards sent. 589 Notices, tickets &c " 1614. This was accepted by vote. The Auditor's report was also given and accepted. Mrs. Kenyon presented the report of the nominating committee - as follows. For Pres. Mrs. Thomas G. Rees. " Vice Pres. " Sewall C. Brackett. " Recording Sec. " Orville R. Chadwell. " Cor. " Miss Jean M. Swain Treas. Mrs. Albert N. Goodnow. Auditor Miss Emily J. F. Knight. Directors for 3 years. Mrs. Thomas N. Carter Mrs. Ransom D. Pratt. Mrs. Stephen F. Gardner Mrs. M. Victor Safford.

Last edit 9 months ago by Peter Utas
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3 The chair appointed tellers to collect the ballots Mrs. Bliss Mrs. Grabill Mrs. Coe Mrs. Laird The chair then presented the recommendation of the Executive Boad, that in recognition of her long and faithful service, Mrs. Chas. H. Adams be made honorary vice president. This was made a motion and carried by the club. Mrs Adams responding with a few sincere words of appreciation. After the statement that the expenditures of the club this year had left only a small amount for charity, the presend offered the recommendations of the board for the following appropriations J. P. Friendly Society $75 - District Nurse. $38 - Blind Babies Nursery. 10 Bowditch Agassiz House & School Assn. 5. Anne Hutchinson statue. 10. Total 138 -

Last edit 9 months ago by Peter Utas
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4 It was moved & seconded to vote on the recommendations as a whole. It was so voted, and they were accepted. Notice was given of the Annual State Federation to meet at Great Barrington in June, also notice of the Fair to be held in Boston in the Fall for the Federation Endowment Fund. A request for volunteers to give 1 article apiece for a table at this fair, brought a gratifying response - apparently all the club rising to their feet. It was stated that there would be some money to the club for charity, the past proceeds of an entertainment given by Miss Souther. It was voted to leave the disposition of this to the discretion of the Board. The tellers reported 147 votes cast - electing the ballot. entire. A list of 10 candidates for

Last edit 9 months ago by Peter Utas
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5 membership was voted in - to fill the vacancies caused by resignations to date. Mrs. Carter then said a few words of fare well with much feeling, and presented the gavel of office to Mrs. Thomas G. Rees, the newly elected President, whose brief address to the club struck a note of high purpose and resolve. Mrs. Rees then appointed the nominating committee for next year as follows. Mrs. Arthur P. Perry. Mrs. Ira C. Hersey. " Frank DeLand. " Albert N Robinson " Elmer H. Mure. " Robert T. Coe. Delightful music was interspersed with the business of the day, rendered by Mr. Louis Besserer violinist - accompanied on the piano by Mr. Ecker. Tea followed. Those who served were Miss Jean. M. Swain, Mrs. Clyde Ordway, Miss Marian Payson, Mrs. Henry B. Sears. Respectfully submitted Mary T. Sears, Rec. Sec.

Last edit 9 months ago by Peter Utas
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