Iowa Seed Catalogs

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[left column]



The Most Popular Main Crop Variety.

One of the largest yielding varieties in existence. Preferred by large buyers because it is large and unusually smooth, with few and shallow eyes, skin white as is also flesh, which is of good quality. Medium late and the best drouth resister. There is no other potato of more handsome appearance than the Rural New Yorker. It is very hardy and will stand the heaviest manuring without getting scabby or spotted. For this reason it is one of the most desirable varieties for farmers and potato growers near large cities to grow for main crop for market. Under ordinary ci[r]cumstances they will yield from 300 to 400 bushels per acre and by heavy manuring this yield can be almost doubled. Pkt. 75c, bu. $2.50. See red ink price list for quantity prices.


A Main Crop Potato of Exceptional Quality.

Offered as the potato par excellence in quality. Has light red or pink color and oblong shape and is vigorous and prolific. It will outyield either Rural New Yorker or Burbank and because of extra vigor and vitality will make a crop under most trying conditions. It is quality that recommends this variety, the writer preferring them to all other kinds for winter use. The tubers average larger in size than most sorts, are smooth and of good shape, and they cook whole, either baked or boiled, without hard centers or becoming "soggy." For the family who wish to grow their own potatoes for the winter supply we believe the Northern King will prove the best variety to plant. Pk. 75c, bu. $2.50. See red ink price list for quantity prices.

[image: bowl of potatoes, with text caption] BURBANK POTATO

[right column]

[image: basket of potatoes, with text caption] RURAL NEW YORKER


A Standard Long White Variety.

An old standard main crop variety which is very popular because of market demand and heavy yields. Satisfies both the grower and the consumer. Tubers are large, oblong and have fairly deep eyes. Color is white, quality excellent. Contends with the Rural New Yorker for first place. In our opinion no white potato excels the Burbank in quality, and some grown in sandy soils on new land often command a premium in city markets. Pk. 75c, bu. $2.50. See red ink price list for quantity prices.

HYBRIDIZED POTATO SEED.--Potato seed from the flower boil (the true seed). It is from such seed that the choice new varieties of potatoes are originated. The result is interesting and often very profitable, and you are just as apt to obtain a choice new variety as a potato specialist. Pkt. 10c, 3 for 25c.

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Thrive on any of the loam soils of the Middle West, and do specially well on sandy ground. They are so easily grown that there should be plenty at every home where a small plot of ground is available. A few hundred plants will supply you all you need. One customer reports 20 tubers, weighing over twenty pounds, from a single hill, and a full bushel from three hills last year. We do not recommend that you buy sweet potatoes for a small family garden. Better buy plants unless you need a thousand or more. They are not expensive, ship without loss, and grow readily when transplanted. Plants are priced on page 36. It is not difficult to grow plants and if you desire information ask for our free circular, "How to Grow Sweet Potatoes." Keep them free from weeds and the ground mellow. After vines begin to run they will keep down the weeds.

Our seed sweet potatoes are grown, stored and handled especially for seed purposes. They are not cold storage stock on which the germ has been killed but are fresh and vigorous. It is absolutely necessary that they be handled quickly in spring as they do not keep well after being taken from the storage bins. We cannot guarantee them to be all sound upon arrival and for this reason we hold the potatoes and fill all orders at once so as to get them to you promptly. We usually ship from April 12th to 20th and notify customers when we start them.

[image: sweet potatoes, with text caption] EARLY YELLOW JERSEY

EARLY YELLOW JERSEY.--In spite of the many so-called new varieties, all of which we have tested. Early Jersey holds first place. Earliest and most productive; of large, short, chunky shape and of the very best quality. 10 lbs. $1.25, bushel basket $3.00. Ask for prices in quantities.

NANCY HALL.--A variety originated in the south. Flesh is dark colored and cooks a bright orange. Splendid for baking and is extra sweet and full of sugar. 10 lbs. $1.25; bushel basket $3.00. Ask for prices in quantities.

By mail, postpaid, 35c per lb. 3 lbs. for $1.00.

I received the sweet potato plants in very good condition. I did not believe you could send plants to Texas so fresh and nice. Chas. Schubert, Lexington, Texas.

[right column]

[image: two potatoes in front of a woman's portrait, with text caption] NORTHERN KING POTATO


It is thin and of the right shape to cut 1, 2 or 3 eye pieces fast and not crack the tuber nor injure the germ.

Each 35c, postpaid.

[image: potato knife, with text caption] CONCAVED AND CURVED POTATO KNIFE

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Last edit 1 day ago by hoffmeri


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"WINDOW BOX" HYACINTH COLLECTION TWELVE CHOICE BULBS, ALL DIFFERENT, AT A LOW PRICE, QUALITY CONSIDERED For this collection we buy a special grade of hyacinths, paying a premium to secure first class stock. They are sound and solid and will produce fine, large flowers. We include in this collection both double and single sorts so that you may have both types in dozen bulbs you will have a dozen different colors, no two being alike. From our experience with hyacinths we offer you this as a special bargain and believe you cannot do better for the small sum asked for this collection: 1 Single White, 1 Single Pink, 1 Single Red, 1 Single light Blues, 1 Single Dark Blue, 1 Single Yellow, 1 double white, 1 Double Pink, 1 Double Red, 1 Double Light Blue, 1 Double Dark Blue, 1 Double Yellow TWELVE BLUBS ALL DIFFERENT- OUR BEST GRADE OF UNNAMED HYACINTHS-A WIDE RANGE OF COLOLR AND BEAUTY. Postpaid for only $1.25 Anywhere in the United States [Picture of a windowbox planter of Hyacthins with writing Window-Box Collection of Hyacinths on the planter] POSTPAID $1.25 [Left Column] NATIONAL BANNER COLLECTION "RED, WHITE, AND BLUE" A fine collections for those who want a few hyacinths only. The Romans will bloom early and the Dutch sorts later so that a sucession may be had from Christmas time until March. By Purchasing two or three of these collections you can have several plants in bloom most of the winter. One Dutch Hyacinth, Red; 1 Dutch Hyacinth, White; 1 Dutch Hyacinth, blue; 1 Roman Hyacinth, red; 1 Roman Hyacinth, white; 1 Roman Hyacinth, white, 1 Roman Hyacinth, blue-6 fine bulbs, postpaid, 60 cents. Four Collections (24 bulbs) for $2.00, postpaid. [Right Column] CHRISTMAS DAY COLLECTION The bulbs in this offer are for early planting in September and will furnish fine, fragrant flowers, and handsome table decorations during December and the holiday period. Planted in October or later they will come into bloom during the winter when flowers are wanted. Consists of 6 Paper White Grandiflora Narcissus, 2 Chinese Sacred Lilies, 6 Roman Hyacinths (four different colors), 12 choice Freezia and 16 bulbs in all for only $2.00 postpaid. Two full collections sent by express, customer paying charges, for only 3.50 [end Column] HOUSEHOLD COLLECTION- One National Banner and one Christmas Collection, both sent Postpaid for $2.50

Last edit 10 months ago by My_sztt


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Fiftyseven yers successful Business!

Des Moines, Iowa, January 1922 Greetings to Our Customers

The lower value levels of merchandise generally has in our opinion reached the bottom so far as farm and garden products are concerned. We are fully confident that better prices will be realized by the farmer and producer this coming year. We do not believe it advisable to curtail your planting operations, but rather to strive for greater returns from the land. This you can do by using our Choice Iowa Seeds, and giving the crops the care and attention worthy of good seed. By this means you can increase production to a profit. We expect by supplying seeds of the best quality to help raise both production and profit, and to strengthen our position as



tn tradln,," by mnll yOU have to lIu~' lIeedll' without aeelng them. We protect YOU In thill. however. heenu$e It a ny I,,~eda from U$ are not BatlRtactory upon arrival and Inapectlon, rllturn them to UII nnd we w111 refund the money ~·ou lIt,ld tor Utem. 'Vlth lhll "gree· mf'nt )·ou (,an i>urcha~e your lIeeda of UII In eVllry con,lIko('1I and JUllt all Willi aa though you trad .'11 over our counter,,- You "ra !JOle Jlldge; all we require III that they II'ha l1 he lent bat'k to 1111 within IItteen d ay. from date of receipt by you. Thl" applies to garden. fnrm and Uower "ee da. \Ve cnnnot j.{ua r nntee 8. crop. hut we can and do Kuarllntee to takp "eeda bn,'k lhnt )'ou your.e lr ar e not plea~ed with. Th l' nfl/'en dR.Y. will give you nmpll' l'me to 11'111 th em In any way yOU wanl. It will giv e you lime to Bl'nd ..ampll'~ fl)r In"pectinn. nnRI~' IIIB or lelOt to t he "lInte ~eed l n~pector or to the ,\gr'eulillral ~~"lwrJmenl l';lntion. O\lr stnckll will stand the dOal'at IICtuUn~' and we are ready to be judg('d nc· co rdln Kh·. Ynu will readily Bee that we could not make thlll olrer unlell8 our stocka were n r at cia .. anti "h'" 1II\11,faction to the bu~·er.

Each ~'ear thllr ('ntalogu e got'll to 1,1"03pec, th'e buyer .. who have never traded with UII and a re not nellUal nt ed wllh ou r Btockll or methodR. To Rueh JUllt a fllw wordB Of 110· 1I(·11atlon. Thill. book I" co mplied with Krein care that It may be a help to you In you r R"Il rd llnlng $nd farming operations. BOlli. text and IlIU$lratlons are truthfu l In detail. !tnd It will be tound II. real guide to bf'tter farma and better garden"- Head It caretull)', w .. lgh ali the IItatementll and ItI'nd u, " Irlal order. We will glndly leave In yo ur han(11i tile qU..,Itlon ot future nn d continued !)atronnge. ~~ach yea r our frlenda Incrense n number, and thl! II becalllle thoee who ~Iv .. UR tri al ordl' r . bl!"C:ome t1rm (r'f'nds *.nd conUnuous j)ntronB. \\'e ",,11 the bl'lIl pnll ' 811)\1' alorks III the 10we8l r,rlces con"l~tent with profitable merehandle n(C. Pr ice. how· ever. II)lI l1t be "ecfi nd In quality. You dn not want poor Sf'edB at any Price. \\'" " f. firm without quallnt'atlon Ihllt Ou r prl("1'1I lire al low 8.1' quality au!) pll ed wll1 JustifY. 'Ve want your trade and will sh'e value reo r .. lvl'd In Qunllty _~.eda for mane)" aent "".

Mt;T ..If. ITaliC ASP 0 ..... '("1> 2,,11·211 ........ Nt·T ' TU1<T

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Iowa Seed Company, 209-211 Walnut St. Des Moines, Iowa I'r ..... ! !~. :!'-. I·!~. \ k ..·I·r..... ! .J. 'I: • • .\llorl.,;"I, :,t'r.. n ... ] (~"!,;.~urh"'''U • .IIe.··J;! (.'. \\ .






Last edit about 4 years ago by Mimo
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IOWA SEED COMPANY, DES MOINES, IOWA. LETTUCE (One ounce will sow 100 feet of drill.) There are four recognized types of lettuce. The curled leaf open type includes such well known sorts as Grand Rapids, Early Curled Simpson, Black Seeded Simpson and Prize Head. The crisp head type is represented by the Hanson, Iceberg and Immensity. The smooth leaf cabbage headed type grow large and solid and the best of this type including the California Cream Butter, Improved New York, May King and Salamander. The Romane or Coz lettuce is a distinct type, which grows close and compact and which can be blanched like celery. Sow in hotbeds in early March and in the open ground as early as it can be worked, thinly in rows. EARLY CURLED SIMPSON.--A great variety for the backyard garden where only a small plot is available. Can be sown quite quickly and thinned out as used so that the later plants can have room to mature. Not called a heading sort, but produces pale green, somewhat crumpled leaves and is usable in all stages. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 1/4 lb. 40c; lb. $1.40. BLACK SEEDED SIMPSON.--This is the standard variety with market growers who grow lettuce under glass or in frames. Makes large loose heads of light colored, brittle leaves. Can be sown outside for first early use but will not stand hot summer weather. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.40. NEW YORK.--A new sort producing immense heads, often 15 and 16 inches across, and weighing enormously. The interior is beautifully blanched, creamy-white, crisp, tender and delicious, being absolutely free from any trace of bitterness. It is a very large, robust growing variety, rooting deeply, resisting hot, dry weather, very slow to run to seed and a sure header under most trying conditions. The outer color is of a distinct apple green. As a standard main summer crop, hot weather lettuce, it is in every way desirable and has no equal. Pkt. 10c; oz. 35c; 1/4 lb. $1.00; lb. $3.50. ICEBERG.--Has large, curly light green leaves, sometimes slightly tinged with red. Has a rich well bleached center; stands the summer sun without blighting. Belongs to head lettuce type, but is fit for cutting any time and by thinning out a succession is available. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 1/4 lb. 35c; lb. $1.40. IMMENSITY.--An extra large, crisp head variety. Give room to grow. Make rows 18 inches and thin plants to 6 inches in the rows. Cultivate and you will be delighted with the great loose heads of such splendid quality. Stands heat. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 35c, lb. $1.40. MIXED LETTUCE.--A careful and proportionate mixtures of the above. Pkt. 5c oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. MAY KING.--A very early variety of head lettuce of compact growth. The inner leaves are a bright yellow, the outer ones a light green, sometimes slightly tinged with brown. It is extremely tender and brittle. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.40. IMPROVED HANSON.--As a head lettuce the Hanson has no superior, either for home use or for market. Makes the most solid large heads and is the surest to head of all lettuces. Stands heat well when grown out doors and does well in hotbed or greenhouse. Can be used as a leaf lettuce but is a splendid header. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25. GRAND RAPIDS.--A splendid loose leaf lettuce. In appearance it is attractive and striking, as it is beautifully curled and crumpled. It does not form a head but produces a large number of leaves of pale green color which are finely curled and crumpled. Retains crispness and sweetness when old. Grows upright. A favorite for forcing. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25. CALIFORNIA CREAM BUTTER.--A cabbage lettuce, with round, solid head, outside medium green, slightly marked with small brown spots; within, leaves are very rich cream yellow color, rich and buttery to the taste. Heads good size, compact, very hard and solid. Generally the heart only is eaten, with dressing of olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.50. ROMAINE.--Leaves are of rather light green color, shading to white when blanched. More self-folding than any other variety of cos lettuce, so it is not necessary to tie the leaves in order that it may blanch. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c. PRIZE HEAD.--Leading brown leaved lettuce. Tender leaves, dark reddish brown. Heads large and rather loose, with very good flavor. We sell more of this than any other brown leaved variety. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25. MUSTARD A pungent salad used for greens. Sow thickly in rows. One ounce will sow about 75 feet of drill. OSTRICH PLUME.--Leaves are long, ruffled, frilled and curved gracefully as an ostrich plume; desirable for garnishing. Can be cut quite early. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 1/4 lb. 35c; lb. $1.00. SOUTHERN GIANT CURLED.--This is the true curled leaf variety so populaar in the South for fall planting for early spring salad. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 1/4 lb. 30c; lb. 75c. LETTUCE SOWN BROADCAST ON GOOD GROUND MAKES EXCELLENT GREEN FEED FOR POULTRY. GIVE IT A TRIAL.

Last edit 2 months ago by n01586718
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IOWA SEED COMPANY, DES MOINES, IOWA. FLOWER SEEDS. Our floral beauties come in for their full share of attention, and aside from our seed farm we have several acres of land right in the city, convenient to the street cars, devoted exclusively to flowers. Here we grow thousands of varieties and have in our employ experienced specialists in this line, who, under our supervision, attend to growing whatever can be grown to advantage in this country, test all novelties offered in this country or Europe, and are constantly trying by selection and hybridization to improve the leading varieties, and make our choice Iowa Flower seeds just what we are striving for--the best in the world. We invite all our customers to call and see this Floral Exhibition whenever they are in the city. Even during the winter the large green-houses on these grounds are a revelation of beauty which surprises everyone. We also have a large acreage on our seed farms east of this city devoted to floriculture. Our flower seeds are all fresh and we know are unsurpassed. Quality is always the first consideration. Our mixtures are mainly made up by ourselves and will yield a better assortment than is commonly found. DIRECTIONS FOR SOWING, ETC.--The conditions and requirements of the several species as to soil, moisture, heat, etc., should be studied and observed in culture. We give a few general instructions though more complete directions are printed on seed packets. The soil best adapted to most flowers is light, rich loam, containing enough sand to make it porous. If there is some clay with it the colors will be brighter. Make surface smooth and fine as possible; sow seeds in rows, covering each sort of seed in proportion to its size and you should press the soil down firmly over the seeds. Do not plant any seeds when the ground is wet. Many varieties, such as pansy, verbena, daisy, hollyhock and the fine greenhouse plant seeds, should be sown early in shallow boxes in the house, in soil consisting of equal parts of fine sand and rich, mellow loam well mixed together and sifted to remove all gravel and lumps. Sow as before directed. Covering the box with glass helps to retain the moisture and keeps the temperature even. Do not keep too wet; when large enough transplant to boxes or beds. AGROSTEMMA A hardy plant introduced from Russia. Blossoms similar to pinks on long, slender stems. Suitable for border plants; fine for bouquets or cemetery. Mixed colors. Pkt. 5c. AMARANTHUS Prized for very handsome foliage, whether grown in conservatory or garden. Colors will be more brilliant if in moderately rich soil. Should not be planted in the north before May. TRICOLOR.--Leaves yellow, red and green; well known as "Joseph's Coat." Hardy annual; 2 feet high. Pkt. 5c. SALICIFOLIUS.--Known as "Fountain Plant." Pkt. 10c. CAUDATUS.--(Love Lies Bleeding.)--Produces long, drooping chains of brilliant colored flowers. Pkt. 10c. MIXED VARIETIES.--Pkt. 5c; 1/4 oz. 10; oz. 30c. ANTIRRHINUM GIANT FLOWERED.--Most beautiful new class, having all the finest colors and markings known in the old varieties, together with several new shades. Flowers are of immense size and produced in long spikes, 1 to 2 feet high, almost as large and beautiful as gladiolus, blooming continuously. Pkt. 10c; 1/4 oz. 40c; oz. $1.25. AGERATUM BLUE PERFECTION.--Great improvement over common blue ageratum. Flowers larger and of deeper blue. Blooms profusely; fine for beds or borders. Pkt. 10c; 1/4 oz. 25c. ALBIFLORUM--Like above, only white. Pkt. 5c; 1/4 oz. 15c; oz. 45c. ARCTOTIS GRANDIS Remarkably handsome annual; much-branched bushes about 2 ft. high. Foliage soft and downy, of whitish color; its flowers, borne on long stems, are large and showy; surface embellished with a narraw (narrow) yellow zone at base; reverse of petals lilac-blue; disc is light blue with slightly projecting white stamens. Lovely flower. Pkt. 10c. AMBROSIA (Perfume Plant.)--Long spiral stem with abundant round, greenish-yellow buds and blossoms. Very fragrant. Pkt. 10c; 1/4 oz. 25c. ALYSSUM SWEET.--Has little white flowers useful for small bouquets. Its fragrance, while pronounced, is very delicate. Makes a pretty border. Pkt. 5c; 1/4 oz. 10c; oz. 25c. LITTLE GEM.--Very dwarf and remarkably uniform, only 3 or 4 in. high and spreads to 12 in. in diameter. Pkt. 5c; 1/4 oz. 20c; oz. 50c. LILAC QUEEN.--A new color in Alyssum which will be very attractive and popular with those who desire a delicate blue plant for borders. Pkt. 10c. AQUILEGIA (Columbine)--Free-flowering and deservedly popular hardy plants; bloom profusely through spring into early summer. Hardy perennial. LONG SPURRED HYBRIDS.--A much more robust species than the ordinary kinds. Colors show wide variations and beauty. Splendid, showy, lasting flowers. Pkt. 15c. CHRYSANTHA.--The beautiful large flowered variety. Very showy and satisfactory. Pkt. 10c. COERULEA.--Flowers very large, violet, blue and white. Seed in mixed colors only. Pkt. 10c. DOUBLE VARIETIES MIXED.--A fine assortment. Per pkt. 10c. BALSAM A most beautiful annual, and under the old names Lady Slipper and Touch-Me-Not, has always been popular. Flowers are most brilliantly colored, very large and double. Pkts. contain about 50 seeds. CAMELIA-FLOWERED MIXED.--Very double, resembling camelia in form, of unusual size, perfect shape, and contains all the best colors. Pkt. 10c; oz. 60c. PEERLESS MIXED.--A new mixture from best foreign and American strains. Flowers are double and all colors. Pkt. 10c; oz. 60c. ALL VARIETIES MIXED.--A nice mixture of older sort. Pkt. 5c; oz. 35c. YOU WILL BE WELL PLEASED WITH OUR CHOICE FLOWER SEEDS. THEY ARE THE VERY BEST OBTAINABLE.

Last edit 2 months ago by n01586718
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IOWA SEED COMPANY, DES MOINES, IOWA PULL EASY GARDEN TOOLS A line of adjustable hand tools very effective and low in price. CULTIVATOR HOE NO. PE5.--Adjustable 6 in. to 12 in. wide. Five prongs each nine inches long. Sturdy 4 ft. handle. The long grasping teeth cultivate deeply and thoroughly. Instantly adjustable by loosening two broad winged thumb nuts, tightening the nuts. Tooth points concaved for scouring. Middle tooth removable. Price, each $1.10. Mailing weight, 4 lbs. CULTIVATOR RAKE NO. PEC.--Adjustable 6 in. to 18 in. wide, nine teeth. All steel parts enameled royal blue. French polished handle 4 1/2 ft. long. Middle tooth removable for cultivating rows of small plants on both sides at the same time. Better than a rake for preparing the soil or for cultivating. Price, each $1.35. Cannot mail. PULL EASY DANDELION RAKE.--Wedge-shaped teeth, gather in leaves and stems of dandelions, stripping them from lawn. Backward stroke cleans rake instantly. Wonderfully popular. Will rid a lawn of leaves and dead grass, 16-gauge, high-carbon steel--18 inches wide, unbreakable teeth. Price 90c. Cannot mail. DIBBER.--Steel pointed for transplanting vegetable plants. Each 35c, postpaid. HAZELTINE HAND WEEDER.--This hand weeder is about 9 in. long. For hand weeding it is extremely useful because it will be found almost necessary in the proper management of small vegetables and flowers. It has five sharp edges. Each 35c, postpaid. By exp., per doz. $3.00. DANDELION DIGGERS.--Straight, chisel-like bladed tool with notched cutting knife. Each 20c, postpaid. FLORIST TROWELS.--Extra heavy and durable. Best made. By parcel post, each 50c; by express, each 40. CYCLONE SEED SOWER.--Farmers should have a small hand seed sower for emergency use. This is an improved style, strong, well made and durable. It is very easy to understand and easy to operate. Directions with each machine. By express $2.25. Mailing weight 4 lbs. EUREKA POTATO PLANTER.--The best hand potato planter that we know of as it does the work perfectly. Also plants beans and corn equal to any corn planter. See cut. Price $2.25. EXCELSIOR WEEDING HOOK.--Can be used to advantage among small and tender plants. By parcel post each 25c, doz. $2.50; by exp. 20c, doz. $2.25. BLUE GRASS STRIPPERS.--For gathering seeds. Ea. by exp. $2.50. Mailing wt. 4 lbs. GARDEN TROWELS.--By parcel post 5-in. 20c; 6-in. 25c. By express 5-in. 15c, 6-in. 20c LANG'S HAND WEEDER.--Is in our opinion the best; its special feature a band which passes over the fingers, which, when the tool is not in use, gives full use of the hand for pulling weeds and thinning out plants without laying down the tool. Price 30c each, postpaid. By express, per dozen $2.50. HOLDEN'S IDEAL CORN TESTER.--NO. 1.--Made of galvanized iron as per pattern shown in the illustration. It is for testing ears of seed corn before shelling for seed. Capacity of this size 400 ears (one to each compartment) and each compartment is removable at will. It is quite simple in operation and full directions for use will be sent with each tester. By express or freight, not prepaid, $13.00. HOLDEN'S IDEAL CORN TESTER.--NO. 2.--A cabinet tester with capacity for 400 tests at one time. By express or freight, each $22.00. No. 4.--A single box tester of galvanized iron; capacity 200 tests. By freight, each $7.00. COLUMBIA GARDEN DRILL The Columbia Garden Drill we consider one of the most perfect machines in the market for planting all kinds of seeds. It is not only adaptable to all kinds of vegetable seeds, but can also be used for planting seed grain or forage crops. A first-class seeder, but not a cultivator. No. 10.--Like illustration. Strong durable, simple and performs the work splendidly. Price each $22.00. No. 11.--Is exactly like No. 10, but has fertilizer attachments. Tremendous advantage gained in earliness and strong growth. Price each $26.50. EUREKA SEED DRILL.--A small hand drill for vegetable seeds in beds. Gardeners will like it for sowing seeds in hotbeds. By express, $1.25. Weight 3 lbs. SEGMENT HAND CORN PLANTER.--Operated with one hand. An immense amound of ground can be planted in one day. Drops as fast as you can walk, and you make it drop where you want it. Open drop by simply bending the planter forward thus pressing the spring which controls the hopper opening and permits the corn to fall through. You can also plant beans or peas and it drops pumpkin seed by a simple operation without interfering with the corn planting. Price, each, by express, $2.00. Mailing weight 4 lbs. STAR CORN SHELLER.--A fine sheller for hand use. Has attachment for shelling tips and butts separately, making it desirable in saving seed corn. We also sell an extra attachment for shelling pop corn. Can be fastened on a box and has reversible chute which throws cobs out at the rear away from the shelled corn. Strong, well made, and will last a lifetime. At our very low price, we consider it the best hand sheller on the market. Each, by express $2.00, wt. 12 lbs. PLANTER PATENT SEED CORN GRADER (GRATER).--Single Sieve.--A sieve grader 12 x 18 in. in size with screen of heavy galvanized iron and mesh especially suited to grading seed corn before planting. A cheap, quick and effective method of eliminating tip and butt grains and preparing seed for edge dropping. Each by express, $1.00. Mailing weight 3 lbs. Double Sieve.--Like above, with two sieves attached. Each, by express, $1.25. Mailing weight 5 lbs. FULL LIST OF LAWN GRASS SEEDS FOR ALL SORTS OF SOILS AND CONDITIONS MAY BE FOUND ON PAGE 40 OF THIS BOOK.

Last edit 2 months ago by n01586718

Golden Harvest 1900

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Golden Harvest Catalogue

To Our Customers:

The success of the seed dealer depends on the success of his customers and in looking over our spring order it is pleasing to note that they not only averaged larger in size than previous years, but there were also far more of them than ever before. and we therefore most sincerely thank our customers for having given us the most prosperous season that we have ever had. The people have learned to have confidence in our Choice Iowa Seeds and know that they can be depended on. This small catalogue is sent to only a few of our customers whom we believe would be specially intereested in it, and we request that you thoroughly examine all parts of this brief list.

There are many things which can be planted to advantage in the fall and everyone who loves flowers should set out at least one bed of Dutch Bulbs for early spring blooming. They prolong the season of garden flowers about two months. They are also the main dependence for winter blooming in the house. Autumn is also a favorable season for making lawns and setting out strawberry plants.

There wlll be an immense demand for seed wheat this year owing to the fact that our special varieties of winter wheat have yielded so immensely during the past three seasons when compared to the older sorts. The average yield of wheat in this state for the past ten years has been only fourteen bushels per acre, but our improved Turkish Red Winter Wheat produced the wonderful, prodigious crop of SIXTY BUSHELS PEP ACRE lacking only twelve pounds. Just think of that for a crop; fifty-nine and four-fifths bushels per acre on a carefully measured field.

START RIGHT this year by purchasing our best Defiance Turkish Red Seed Wheat and prepare for a big crop in 1903. There will be a great call for it. Order early.

PERMANENT PASTURES Fall is undoubtedly THE season for sowing most kinds of grass seeds. Unless the weather is extremely dry they usually do better than when sown in the spring; they have the advantage of several months' growing weather, they come up early and vigorously in the spring and make a full crop the first year. Read our description of the various kinds and especially of our mixtures for permanent pastures and meadows and don't fail to try them this year.

SUGGESTIONS TO CUSTOMERS Please order early. We ship all heavy goods by freight by the most direct and cheapest route, unless otherwise Instructed Our prices in this catalogue include cost of bags for shipping in and delivering on cars at Des Moines. Purchaser pays tbe freight,but as wheat is shipped at fourth class and timothy and clover at third rates,the cost of transportation is small. Our terms are Cash with order. We refer you by permission to the Valley National Bank of this city, or to any commercial agency as to our responsibility. We do not care to make shipments C. O. D. unless at least one-third of the amount is sent with order as a guarantee of good faith. If you prefer, however, you can have your banker or some responsible merchant there guarantee payment and you can pay on arrival of goods. We prepay postage on plants and bulbs.

ABOUT WARRANTING. -We thoroughly test all our seeds and nothing is sent out that we do not believe to be good in every respect. Still, when it is considered how many are the contingencies on which the success of any crop depends, such as sowing too deep or too shallow, too wet or dry soil, unfavorable weather, insects, etc,our customers will readily see that it would be sheer folly for anyone to warrant them to grow and produce a perfect crop, and we want it plainly understood that while we exercise great care to have all seeds pure and reliable, and also true to name, we give no warranty express or implied.

Our experience of over a QUARTER OF A CENTURY in the seed business should convince you of our ability to please customers.

IOWA SEED CO., Des Moines, Iowa.

GERMAN SEED CATALOGUE.-Published In January, ask for a copy If Interested.

Dwarf Essex Rape The great summer and autumn crop. Of comparatively recent introduction in this country, but has proved to be tbe MOST VALUABLE FORAGE PLANT IN EXISTEXCE for many sections of tho country. It is easily grown everywhere, can be sown early with a grain crop, but is usually sown in June or July in a field with corn or potatoes for summer or faIl pasture. Can be sown as late as September, as it is ready for pasturing in about a month after sowing. It produces a wonderful amount of feed. While it is the ideal food for sheep, still it is of equal value for hogs and cattle, as they are very fond of it, and it is extremely cheap, having yielded twenty tons of fodder per acre. It is well to make several sowings during the season. Can be sown in stubble after oats, wheat, etc., and makes a fine fall pasture. Our seed is the best quality imported direct from Essex, England, and cannot be surpassed. Per pkt. 5c. lb. 30c, 3 Lbs. 75c, postpaid. By freight; 5 lbs. 30c. 10 lbs. 80c, 25 lbs. $1.75, 100 lbs. $6.50.

Last edit over 1 year ago by jamesw
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[illustration of] TULIPS [illustration of] LILY OF THE VALLEY [illustration of] HYACINTHS


[illustration of] ACRES OF PAEONIES

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