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IOWA SEED COMPANY, DES MOINES, IOWA. MANGEL & SUGAR BEETS FOR STOCK EXTENSIVELY grown in all parts of the country for feeding stock. Sow in April or may in drills three feet apart, and thin to ten inches in the row(.) If your soil is deep and mellow, try the long varieties; if shallow the round kinds will do better. No crop pays the farmer and stockraiser better than mangels; 1,000 bushels to the acre is an ordinary yield, while, with good culture, 2,339 bushels have been grown to this amount of ground. It costs, counting labor, use of ground and everything, less than $50 to raise an acre of mangels and gather and store them. This, for an ordinary yield, is a cost of only five cents per bushel. They make the cheapest of foods for all kinds of live stock--horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, etc. Easily grown, and they help to keep stock in good condition and free from disease. Dairymen claim that a bushel of mangels and a bushel of corn are worth more than two bushels of corn. Full directions for culture and storing mangels, will be sent on application. Use five pounds to an acre. Prices quoted by express are not prepaid. PRICES are higher. Considering the yield the cost of seed is very low. COLLECTION OF MANGELS One ounce each of the eight varieties of Mangels and Sugar Beets for 50c, 1/4 lb. of each $2.00 postpaid; one lb. of each not prepaid, only $6.50. Giant Half Sugar Mangel is cheap. See Description. MAMMOTH GOLDEN GIANT.--The largest of yellow flesh mangels. Grows more than half above ground and of a more grayish or rather russet yellow. Remarkably even in shape; of vigorous growth; has a fine neck and very smooth skin; flesh firm and sweet. It is a most excellent keeper; yields 40 to 60 tons per acre. Oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. 90c. Not prepaid, 5 lbs. for $4.00. CHAMPION YELLOW GLOBE.--The finest type yellow globe in cultivation. Roots immense size, fine shape, small tap root, neat top. Flesh being very firm and fine grained renders it an excellent keeping variety. We recommend this variety as the best adapted to shallow soils. Our seed of this sort is particularly choice. Per oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. 85c. Not prepaid, 5 lbs. or more at 80c per lb. GIANT SLUDSTROP.--This is a variety of exceptionally even growth, showing careful production of stock seeds for many years. Color is reddish yellow, excellent in shape, which resembles Golden Tankard, and is superior to that popular sort in every way. Contains more sugar, grows larger, more above ground and is therefore easier to harvest. It is the best of all mangels for feeding purposes. Per oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. 85c. Not prepaid, 5 lbs. or more at 80c per lb. DIGNITY LONG RED.--Improvement on the Mammoth Long Red by careful selection for a number of years. Unexcelled for yielding and feeding qualities. Grows to a very large size, weighing from 20 to 50 lbs., and will yield 50 tons per acre. Very uniform, smooth and of good shape. Should be grown on deep, loose soil. Per oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. 85c. Not prepaid, 5 lbs. at 80c per lb. GIANT HALF SUGAR MANGEL.--A hybrid or cross between the Mammoth Long Red and Sugar Beet, and for our own feeding we have found it superior to either. Being sweeter, both cattle and hogs relish them greatly. As heavy a yielder as the mangels and equally as smooth. Per oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. Not prepaid, 5 lbs. or more at 60c per lb. GOLDEN TANKARD.--It is stated by English Dairy Farmers they are able to obtain a higher price for milk when feeding cows on Golden Tankard. Sheep thrive on it. Other mangels cut white, circled with yellow, but this is of a rich, deep yellow throughout. Early, hardy, a heavy cropper, and on account of shape the roots can grow close in rows. Oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. 90c. Not prepaid, 5 lbs. or more at 85c per lb. KLIEN-WANZLEBEN SUGAR BEET.--Cultivated for beet sugar factories, yields fifteen to twenty per cent of sugar. Roots of shape shown in our illustration, straight, tapering evenly and somewhat screw shape. Our seed is from beets which were tested as to per cent of sugar before setting out. The sugar makes it of great value for feeding. Per oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. Not prepaid, 5 lbs. or more at 90c lb. LANES IMPERIAL SUGAR BEET.--Largest sugar beet and the one usually grown for stock feeding. Yields heavy tonnage of beets with high percentage of sugar. Per oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. Not prepaid, 5 lbs. or more at 90c per lb. SEND FOR CIRCULAR TELLING HOW TO GROW AND STORE MAGELS AND OTHER ROOTS. MAILED FREE ON REQUEST.
[image, left: some tomatoes, with text caption] JOHN BAER
(One ounce will produce about 2,500 plants.)
Sow early in hotbeds or seed boxes and when plants have four leaves transplant to four or five inches apart. Give plenty of air and endeavor to secure a vigorous growth. When all danger of frost is past, transplant to the open ground, four to six feet apart each way. Well manured, light, sandy, soil is best. Our tomato seed is saved from hand picked fruits. No decayed or deformed tomatoes are used.
[image, right: bowl of tomatoes, with text caption] BONNIE BEST
SPARKS' EARLIANA.--Probably no early tomato has so large a sale as Sparks' Earliana. Extremely early, remarkable for its large size, handsome shape, and beautiful bright red color. One of the most profitable crops for the market gardener and especially desirable in the home garden. Pkt. 10c, oz. 35c, 1/4 lb., $1.25, lb. $4.00.
[image, left: plate with tomatoes, with text caption] SUPERLATIVE
JOHN BAER.--This variety is offered as one of the earliest for home and commercial use. In our trials we found it to mature about the same time as Spark's Earliana, which varitey it resembles in size, shape and color. Vines are not very large, but are productive, bearing the fruits in clusters and abundantly. The Tomatoes are of medium size, nearly round in shape, scarlet in color and of excellent flavor. On account of the large yield, desirable size and shape, this variety it suited both for early market and home use. Pkt. 10c, oz. 35c, 1/4 lb. $1.25, lb. $4.00.
BONNIE BEST.--A very early and desirable variety. The fruits are most attractive in shape, solidity and color, which is bright scarlet from outside to center. The vines are strong and vigorous, producing a good crop of round, globe-shaped fruits which ripen more uniformly than other early sorts. A favorite with market gardeners. Pkt. 10c, oz. 35c, 1/4 lb. $1.25, lb. $4.00.
SUPERLATIVE.--The best of all the main crop, medium sized tomatoes. Fruits are medium size, very solid, and without exception the best flavored red tomato we have ever grown. It is very handsome, being a pinkish crimson in color. While we grow many other varieties on our seed farm, our women folks use Superlative in preference to any other. See Thrift Collection, page 34. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c.
[image, right: a few tomatoes, with text caption] MATCHLESS
MATCHLESS.--Well worthy of its name, for in beauty, color symmetry of form it is indeed without a peer. Vines of strong, vigorous growth, well set with fruit, very rich cardinal red color, and not liable to crack from wet weather: of large size, and the size of fruit is maintained throughout the season. Solid, of fine quality, keeps well. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. $1.10, lb. $4.00.
PERFECTION.--Large and round, smooth and handsome red fruit of highest quality. It produces very satisfactory for forcing under glass. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 85c, lb. $3.00.
DWARF STONE.--A dwarf, upright growing plant with fruits fully as large as the standard Stone variety. The fruits are held up well, while it is far superior to any of the other kinds in size. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. $1.10, lb. $4.00.
STONE.--One of the best standard sorts. Color bright red. Fruit large size, perfectly smooth and of best table quality. Much used for canning. Productive. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. $1.00, lb. $3.50.
[image, left: tomato plant, with text caption] LIVINGSTON'S BEAUTY
LIVINGSTON'S BEAUTY.--One of the best. Its size, beauty, shape, color, flavor and productiveness make it desirable to market growers. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. $1.00, lb. $3.50.
DWARF CHAMPION.--Plant dwarf and compact, stem stiff and short jointed, almost self-supporting when it is laden with fruit. Early. Color is purplish pink. Fruit is smooth, symmetrical, solid and of fine quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. $1.00, lb. $3.50.
[image, right: basket of tomatoes, with text caption] THE STONE TOMATO
GOLDEN QUEEN.--Large, yellow. Its fruit is smooth and of finest flavor; ripens evenly; handsome. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. $1.10, lb. $4.00.
PONDEROSA.--Very large, inclined to be irregular in shape, but of fine quality. A variety quite generally known, popular. Fruits solid, color purple. Pkt. 10c, oz. 45c, 1/4 lb. $1.50, lb. $5.50.
CRIMSON CUSHION.--Can be grown on trellises. Grows 7 to 10 feet high, if desired; most of fruit is borne 3 to 4 feet from the ground. Fine quality, extremely large, excellent. Pkt. 10c, oz. 45c, 1/4 lb. $1.50, lb. $5.50
WONDER MAGNUS.--Deep rich, red color, very solid and containing few seeds. The best of the potatoleaved tomatoes. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. $1.00, lb. $3.50.
[left column]
THE THREE MAJESTICS One Packet Each of the Three Majestics, 25c
MAJESTIC.--This is the largest, handsomest and finest quality tomato ever sent out. When we first secured this grand sort we knew that it was of exceptional merit and superior in size and flavor to anything on the market, but we were astonished at the reports received from our numerous customers. Undoubtedly the largest fruited of any, and the fruit is solid, weighing more than its size would indicate. The first fruits matured are somewhat rough, but later they are smooth and handsome, of rosy red color, its core blending into delicate shell-rose tints. Fruit is unusually soild, with very small seed cells. Flesh is tender, fine grained and rich, yet of mild, delicate flavor, being of the sub-acid class. Plant is of vigorous growth and many of our customers report specimens of 3 lbs. to 7 lbs. each. The largest were, of course, grown by special culture. There were also many reports of 120 to 160 lbs. of tomatoes grown on one plant. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c, 1/4 lb. $1.50.
[image: cluster of tomatoes on a vine, with text caption] CLUSTER OF MAJESTIC TOMATOES
MAJESTIC TOMATO PLANTS STRONG, WELL-GROWN, TRANSPLANTED Majestic . . . . . . . . .Per dozen, 40c; per 100, $2.00 Red Majestic . . . . . Per dozen, 40c; per 100, 2.00 Golden Majestic . . .Per dozen, 40c; per 100, 2.00 One dozen of each only $1.00, postpaid.
[image: tomato plant, with text caption] GOLDEN NUGGET TOMATO
[right column]
[image: plate of tomatoes, with text caption] RED MAJESTIC TOMATOES
RED MAJESTIC.--This new sort appears to have all the good qualities as well as large size of the world-renowned Majestic, but is a bright cardinal red in color, and for this reason may be preferred. Bears its fruit well up from the ground, out of reach of the chickens. Many growing both this and the Purple Majestic pronounce the red variety superior. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c, 1/4 lb. $1.50.
GOLDEN MAJESTIC, the $1,800.00 Tomato.--A magnificent new variety which originated in northern Iowa, and we were so favorably impressed with it that we bought all the stock in existence and pair for same at the rate of $1,800.00 per lb. It is the golden member of the great triumvirate, fully equal to its elder brothers in size, solidity, yield and flavor. Without hesitation, we pronounce it the grandest yellow tomato in existence. Nothing presents a more appetizing appearance than thick, luscious slices of alternating purple, red and yellow, cut from our Majestics. A trial will convince you of their superior qualities. Pkt. 15c, oz. 50c.
[image: tomato plant, with text caption] PLANT OF MAJESTIC TOMATO
GOLDEN NUGGET.--(See Canning Club Collection, page 13.) Fruits are beautiful golden yellow, round as a ball and about as larget as a hulled black walnut. Flavor exceptionally fine, and a most desirable variety for eating from the hand or as a dessert fruit. Plants are loaded with most beautiful, rich, golden yellow fruits of delicious flavor. Pkt. 10c, oz. 75c.
PEACH.--Named from its resemblance to a peach in size and shape. Color a peculiar shade of pink and orange, differing from ordinary tomatoes. A fine sort for preserving. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c.
YELLOW PEAR.--A favorite with all who know them. Pearshaped and a deep yellow color. Highly valued for preserving or to make "tomato figs." They are fine pickled. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, 1/4 lb $1.
CRIMSON CURRANT.--A most charming little fruit, hardly more than a half inch in diameter, of bright crimson color; borne in long clusters containing from twenty to sixty tomatoes. Excellent for eating from the hand or preserved. Pkt. 10c, oz. 60c.
STRAWBERRY, or Hust Tomato.--Also called Ground Cherry. Is of spreading habit and immensely productive. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c.
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One ounce will sow 150 feet of drill. TURNIP Two pounds will sow an acre.
[image, right: three different turnips, labeled EXTRA EARLY MILAN, EARLY SNOWBALL, and GOLDEN BALL]
For early, sow in April in drills half an inch deep and twelve inches apart; thin to six inches apart in the drill. For main crop sow broadcast in July and August, and before a shower if possible.
EXTRA EARLY PURPLE TOP MILAN.--One of the earliest sorts in cultivation. Bulb very flat, medium size, quite smooth, with a bright purple top; grows compact and makes exceedingly small strap-leaved top. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 60c.
EARLY WHITE MODEL.-- Much like the above, but is pure white all over, instead of having purple top. Quite popular with gardeners. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 60c.
EARLY SNOWBALL.--A globe-shaped, white-skinned turnip, very fine grained, firm and of delicate flavor. One of the best keeping of white fleshed sorts, very early and particularly adapted for market use. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c.
GOLDEN BALL, or Orange Jelly.--A beautiful bright yellow turnip of medium size and universsally sweet and delicious flavor. Is hardy and one of the best keepers. Flesh extremely firm and solid. Brings good price on market. If you have never tried yellow turnips we advise you to plant some of the Golden Ball this year. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c.
[image, right: several turnips, with text caption] WHITE EGG.
PURPLE TOP GLOBE.--Similar to the Purple Top Strap Leaved except shape. The largest yielder of any turnip on the list and always brings top market price. Produces wonderful crops, as much as 1,000 bushels per acre frequently. A splendid item for winter stock feeding. Usually fed in connection with mixed grain feeds. It is so fine in quality that it is very desirable for table use. See Thrift Collection, page 34. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.50.
PURPLE TOP STRAP LEAVED.--The standard for this part of the country for late planting, and we sell immense quantities of it every year. One of the best table and stock sorts on the market, fine grained and of mild flavor. Of good size, flat shape, pure white below with purplish red top. Good cropper, excellent keeper, Pkt, 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.50.
WHITE EGG.--A quick-growing, egg-shaped, perfectly smooth, pure white variety with small top and rough leaves. The flesh is very sweet and mild, never having any rank, strong taste. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.50.
[image, left: two turnips, with text caption] PURPLE TOP GLOBE
[image, right: turnip, with text caption] PURPLE TOP STRAP LEAF
MIXED TURNIPS.--All the table varieties mixed in equal proportions. For family use. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c.
Largely grown in the north for stock feeding, and for this are superior to turnips. Sow in June in drills 2 feet apart and thin out to 8 inches in the row.
IMPROVED AMERICAN.--Very solid, fine quality, good shape, smooth skin, small neck, keeps well. A choice strain of very best quality for table use or stock feeding. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.50.
MONARCH.--This grand new and distinct form of ruta baga is, we believe, by far the most productive of all. Of tankard shape with very small neck, skin dark red above ground and yellow below. The flesh is rich yellow in color, fine grained and of good quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.50.
[image, left: two rutabagas, labeled AMERICAN IMPROVED RUTA BAGA and MONARCH SWEDE, titled RUTA BAGAS OR SWEDES]
[image, right: leafy plant, with text caption] TOBACCO
BIG ORONOCO.--A favorite Virginia variety. Grows very large, broad leaves. A fine variety for dark plug wrappers and brings a good price in the market. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, 1/4 lb. $1.50.
CONNECTICUT SEED LEAF.--This is a staple variety in all sections of the country and will grow successfully over a wide range of territory. Used for cigar fillers. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, 1/4 lb. $1.50.
HAVANA.--The best known variety, as it is used very largely for cigar wrappers. Commands the highest market price when well grown and cured. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, 1/4 lb. $1.50.
WHITE BURLEY.--A mild and sweet tobacco. It is the standard main crop variety in the tobacco sections as it is extra fine for manufacturing in nearly every manner that tobacco is used. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, 1/4 lb. $1.50.
[this page is in color]
[page divided into 9 rectangles]
[top row]
[left image: turnips, with text caption] TURNIP PURPLE TOP GLOBE
[center image: cucumbers, with text caption] CUCUMBER DAVIS PERFECT
[right image: parsnips, with text caption] PARSNIP IMPROVED GUERNSEY
[middle row]
[left image: tomato, with text caption] TOMATO SUPERLATIVE
TURNIP Purple Top Globe.
CUCUMBER Davis Perfect.
PARSNIP Improved Guernsey.
TOMATO Superlative.
BEET Market Gardeners.
SQUASH Des Moines.
ONION Golden Globe.
CABBAGE Surehead.
[right image: beets, with text caption] BEET MARKET GARDENERS
[bottom row]
[left image: squash with section cut out, with text caption] SQUASH DES MOINES
[center image: onion, with text caption] ONION GOLDEN GLOBE
[right image: cabbage, with text caption] CABBAGE SURE HEAD
Eight Substantial Home Garden Vegetables One Packet of Each Sent Postpaid for only 50 cents anywhere in the United States
[left column]
[image: basket of onions, with text caption] GOLDEN GLOBE ONIONS
Golden Globe Onion --A select and highly developed strain of this type of onion. Preferable to red varieties because it is milder in flavor and handsome. It is solid and heavy, a splendid keeper, very uniform in shape, size and color. Certainly a good looker and as good as it looks. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c; 1/4 lb. $1; lb. $3.00.
Surehead Cabbage This standard variety is properly named; makes fine solid heads with few outer leaves when it matures. A first class main crop, late sort. Heads are almost round, solid and keep well in winter. It has been for a long time a rival of Premium Flat Dutch and still preferred by many to that excellent sort. Pkt. 10c; oz. 40c; 1/4 lb. $1.25; lb. $4.00.
[image: plate of tomatoes, with text caption] SUPERLATIVE TOMATO
Davis Perfect Cucumber A good variety every way. Vines are stronger and leaves larger than most sorts, making a vigorous plant. The fruits are really perfect in all stages both as pickles, slicing cucumbers or cucumbers for sweet pickles. They are a lively, rich, green with white shading at the blossom end. Very tender, brittle and splendid flavor. A profuse bearer. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 1/4 lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.
Market Gardeners Beet Without exception the one very best varitey for the home garden. Almost as early as the early varieties and if not used early in the summer will not become woody but remains tender and crisp for winter use. A handsome oval in shape, rich red in color, fine grained and sweet. A vigorous grower and if given plenty of room on good ground grows to large size. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c. 1/4 lb. 60c; lb. $2.00.
Improved Guernsey Parsnip We introduced this excellent English variety to our customers several years ago and it not only became popular but its popularity is increasing, and justly so, as it is quite an improvement over the well known Hollow Crown, being shorter and not so slender. But its most desirable quality is that it cooks done as quickly as potatoes. Keeps well either when left out over winter or if stored in cellar. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 1/4 lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.
[right column]
[image: squash halves, with text caption] DES MOINES SQUASH
The Des Moines Squash (Formerly Table Queen.) This variety was introduced by us in 1914. It has since become very popular with market gardeners in this and surrounding states. Baked halves of Table Queen were served at the annual banquet of the Minnesota Vegetable Growers' Association two years ago and caused much favorable comment. The Iowa Vegetable Growers in their convention last year passed a resolution that the name be changed to include the name Des Moines. The entire name would be too long to be serviceable so we have dropped the name Table Queen and now list it as Des Moines. It is the same squash of unsurpassed flavor and sure to please. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 1/4 lb. 75c; lb. $2.50.
Superlative Tomato It may now seem extravagant to use the term "the best" yet this new variety is so much superior in quality and productiveness that it is well worthy of its name. The plant is vigorous and healthy with plenty of foliage. The fruits are large, very smooth, thick meated, very solid, has never shown signs of rot or disease. Pkt. 10c; oz. 50c; 1/4 lb. $1.50.
Purple Top Globe Turnip A standard variety, the largest of the table turnips, smooth skinned pure white with bright purple top, fine graines, firm, and sweet. A heavy yielder and a good keeper. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 1/4 lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.
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All children, and grownups, too, love melons, peanuts, pop corn and other good things to eat. Devote a small plot in the garden to the production of these items. Let the children have their own plot, do their own harvesting and see how much enjoyment they get from their work. They will take a great deal more interest in gardening for peanuts and pop corn, melons and fruites than they will in the growing of ordinary vegetables. The ground cherry, melons and tomatoes may be eaten as they ripen while the chufas, peanuts and pop corn will be a delight during the winter. Refer to illustrations and descriptions in the catalogue.
[image: ear of corn and popcorn in a popper]
1 pkt. Yellow Ground Cherry, sweet and good; 1 pkt. Peach Tomato, fine flavored and small size; 1 pkt. Tip Top Musk Melon, large and fine quality; 1 oz. Sweetheart Water Melon, as good as its name; 1 pkt. Australian Hulless Pop Corn, the best pop corn variety; 1 oz. Chufas or Earth Almond, small sweet ground nuts of delicious flavor; 1/4 lb. Spanish Peanuts, can be grown in any good soil.
Seven items of the best, and in quantity sufficient, amounting at regular value to 80 cents.
[image: peanut plants and peanuts, with text caption] SPANISH PEANUTS
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In making up your assortment of seeds for the year don't neglect to order a few varieties of herbs. The chief point is to harvest them properly, which should be done on a dry day when not quite in full bloom, dried quickly and packed closely and entirely excluded from air. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are perennial.
ANISE.--Seeds of agreeable, aromatic taste. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c.
BALM.--For making balm tea. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c.
BASIL, SWEET.--For flavoring soups, stews, etc. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c.
BORAGE.--Leaves used for flavoring. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c.
*CARAWAY--Seeds are used for flavoring bread, etc. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c.
*CATNIP, or Catmint.--For seasoning. Pkt. 5c; oz. 30c.
CORIANDER.--Seeds used in confectionery. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 1/4 lb. 25c.
CASTOR OIL PLANT.--Seeds are pressed out to obtain oil. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 50c.
*CHAMOMILE.--Largely used for medicinal purposes. Pkt. 10c.
*DANDELION.--Grown for greens, also for medicine. Pkt. 5c; oz. 35c.
DILL.--Used in making dill pickles. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 1/4 lb. 20c; lb. 60c.
*FENNEL, SWEET.--Leaves used in sauces. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c.
*HYSSOP.--For asthma and catarrh. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c.
[right column]
*HOREHOUND.--For seasoning and cough remedy. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c.
*LAVENDER.--Used as a perfume. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c.
MARJORAM, SWEET.--For seasoning. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c.
POPPY, or Maw.--Blue Seeded. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c.
*ROSEMARY.--Aromatic leaves used for seasoning. Pkt. 5c; oz. 40c.
SAFFRON.--Flowers used for coloring. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c.
*SAGE.--Much used for dressing. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c; 1/4 lb. 70c; lb. $2.50.
SUMMER SAVORY.--Used for flavoring. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c.
*THYME.--Leaves and young shoots used for seasoning. Pkt. 5c; oz. 40c.
*WORMWOOD.--Used medicinally, and also for poultry. Per pkt. 5c; oz. 20c.
MIXED VARIETIES.--A mixture of all the above. A nice garden assortment. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c; 1/4 lb. 65c.
[left column]
[image: leaf, with text caption] HOLT'S MAMMOTH SAGE--AVERAGE SIZE LEAF
ARTEMISIA, or Brotan.--A hardy plant sometimes called "Old Man." This perennial herb is not fullly appreciated. It has great medicinal value and should have a place in every garden. The leaves have a pleasant odor and bitter taste. Use similar to wormwood. Each 15c. 3 for 40c.
CALAMUS--Plain Leaf.--(Acorus.)--Also called "Sweet Flag." Leaves have an aromatic odor and roots a pungent taste. Grows in wet soil or beside ponds, but can be grown in dry places also. Each 15c; doz. $1.50.
CHIVES.--Perfectly hardy little perennials of the onion tribe, and are grown entirely for their tops, which are used wherever flavor of onion is required. Plant in any common garden soil and they will grow readily. The tops appear very early in spring and can be shorn throughout the season. Roots per bunch 15c; 3 for 40c; dozen $1.25.
CATNIP, or Catmint.--A well known perennial herb having great medicinal value. Used largely for infants. Each 15c; 3 for 40c, dozen $1.25.
HOP ROOTS.--Golden Cluster.--A fine variety of commercial hops. The vines are very ornamental when trained over rockeries, stumps, etc., with the added value of usefulness from the crop produced. Each 15c; 3 for 40c; dozen $1.25.
[image: leafy plant, with text caption] CHIVES
LEMON MINT.--Also called Citronelle. A perennial, hardy herb, leaves of which furnish a sweet lemon fragrance and flavor. Each 15c; 3 for 40c; dozen $1.25.
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Every garden should contain an assortment of these hardy plants and a few square feet will supply the family. Many persons now believe that if these well known old remedies were kept and used more in families in place of so many drugs and patent medicines it would be better for the health of the people. Orders for these plants must amount to at lease twenty-five cents. We pay the postage.
LAVENDER.--A favorite plant with our grandmothers for perfuming wearing apparel, by distributing its sprays in the bureau drawers. Each 15c, 2 for 25c.
VARIEGATED MAMMOTH SAGE.--Beautifully variegated dark green and pure white color, which makes it a very ornamental plant; equal to Holt's in productiveness and flavor; new and scarce. 25c.
SPEARMINT.--This is commonly called Mint and thousands of dollars' worth of it is solid annually in New York, Boston and other cities for flavoring salads, garnishing meats, etc. Each 15c; 2 for 40c; doz. $1.25.
THYME.--A well known plant which is used for sauces and flavoring. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
TANSY.--Used largely for its tonic, stomachic and other medicinal qualities. Each 15c; 3 for 40c; doz. $1.25.
TARRAGON.--The true tarragon is appreciated throroughly by all who know of it, for the use of its aromatic leaves in seasoning salads, soups, pickles, etc., and also for tarragon vinegar. Each 25c; 3 for 60c; doz. $2.00.
3 bunches Chives, 1 Hop Vine, 2 Holt's Mammoth Sage, 2 Lavender, 1 Rosemary and 3 Spearming; all postpaid for $1.50.
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[image: window with leafy vine, with text caption] ENGLISH CLUSTER HOP
MONARDA DIDYMA.--Also called Scarlet Bergamot and Oswego Tea. Not only useful as an herb, but very ornamental with its bright scarlet flowers. Each 15c; 3 for 40c; dozen $1.25.
PEPPERMINT.--All children know and like the flavor of peppermint. It has a high medicinal value. Any pantry collection of dried herbs is incomplete if it does not contain some pepperment. Be sure that your order calls for at least a few plants. Each 15c, 3 for 40c; dozen $1.25.
GENUINE PENNYROYAL.--Warm, pungent, of somewhat aromatic taste; used for medicinal purposes. Each 15c; 3 for 40c; doz.$1.50.
ROSEMARY.--Used for perfume; for flavoing meats, stews, etc., and garnishing. Each 15c; 3 for 40c; doz. $1.25.
HOLT'S MAMMOTH SAGE.--Great improvement on common sage. Plants very strong growing; leaves are very large and of unusual substance, strong in flavor and of superior quality. A single plant of Holt's Mammoth will yield more than a dozen of the common sort. Each 20c; 3 for 50c; dozen $1.75.
[image: plant, with text caption] TARRAGON
[image: greenhouses, frames, and fields, with text, Vegetable Plants by the Million, Grown in Greenhouses Cold Frames Hotbeds and Field. Live Plants from IOWA SEED CO. Des Moines, We ship everywhere]
Well grown and lightly packed to carry a long distance. They can be shipped fresh, well packed at the beds, on a day's notice. All are strong, transplanted plants unless otherwise stated. Plants quoted "by mail" are sent at our expense; "by express: the purchaser is to pay the express charges. Not charge either for packing or boxes. Plants from either hotbed or cold frame are ready during April or May; outdoor grown during June and until the middle of July. 500 sold at 1,000 rate. Large orders for more than 1,000 plants should be placed at least 30 days before shipping date.
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Transplanted ready April 10.
Early Jersey Wakefield. Washington Wakefield. All-Head Early.
By mail postpaid, 25 for 35c, 100 for $1.00. By express, not prepaid, 100 for 85c, 1,000 for $7.50.
If preferred we can furnish seedling plants, not transplanted, by mail postpaid, 35 for 35c, 100 75c. By express, not prepaid, 100 for 60c, 1,000 for $5.00.
Ready May 15; field grown after June 15.
Premium Flat Dutch. Short Stem Drumhead. Danish Ball Head.
By mail postpaid, 25 for 25c, 100 for 75c. By express, not prepaid, 100 for 60c, 1,000 for $5.00.
Transplanted ready May 1.
White Plume. Giant Pascal. Golden Self Blanshing.
By amil postpaid, doz. 20c, 100 for $1.00. By express, not prepaid, 100 for 85c, 1,000 for $7.50.
After June 15 we can furnish outdoor plants, not transplanted, by express, not prepaid, 100 for 60c, 1,000 for $5.00.
[center column]
Transplanted ready April 15.
Henderson's Snowball.
By mail postpaid, doz. 25c, 100 for $1.50. By express, not prepaid, 100 for $1.25, 1,000 for $10.00.
Hotbed grown ready May 1.
New York Improved.
By mail postpaid, doz. 35c, 100 for $1.50. By express, not prepaid, 100 for $1.25, 1,000 for $12.50.
Transplanted ready May 1.
Improved Yellow.
By mail postpaid, doz. 25c, 100 for $1.25. By express, not prepaid, 100 for $1.00, 1,000 for $8.00.
It often happens that you wouyld prefer to buy a few vegetable plants rather than bother with growing from seed. We appreciate this fact and offer you the following collection as a veritable bargain: 12 Tomatoes, 25 Early Cabbage, 6 Pepper, 6 Egg Plant, 25 Celery, 50 Sweet Potatoes. All by mail, postpaid for [illegible].
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Transplanted ready May 1.
Red Chili. Pimento. Ruby King.
By mail postpaid, doz. 25c, 100 for $1.25. By express, not prepaid, 100 for $1.00, $1,000 for $7.50.
Transplanted ready May 1.
Sparks' Earliana. Beauty. Stone. Dwarf Champion. Matchless.
By mail postpaid, doz. 25c, 100 for $1.40. By express, not prepaid, 100 for $1.00, 1,000 for $8.00.
Not transplanted, by express, not prepaid, 100 for 75c, 1,000 for $5.00.
Transplanted plants only.
Superlative. Majestic. Red Majestic. Yellow Majestic. Bonny Best.
By mail postpaid, doz. 40c, 100 $2.00
Pot Grown Plants, doz. 75c, postpaid.
Ready may 1. Plants strong and vigorou, well rooted and hgardy. Prices subject to change, depending on crop
Yellow Jersey and Nancy Hall.
By mail postpaid, 100 $1.00. By express, not prepaid, 100 for 75c, 1,000 for $7.00.
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[image: bunch of asparagus roots]
When once set, a bed will last many years. Our roots are strong and healthy. We recommend the one-year-old roots as more desirable for general planting than the two-year-old, as well as cheaper. Ask for circular giving directions for planting.
CONOVER'S COLOSSAL.--One year plants.--Per doz. 30, 100 for $1.50, postpaid. By express or freight, not prepaid, 100 for $1.25, 1,000 for $10.00. Two year plants.--Per doz. 50c, 100 for $2.50, postpaid. By express or freight, not prepaid, 100 for $2.00, 1,000 for $15.00.
PALMETTO.--One year plants.--Per doz. 30c, 100 for $1.00, postpaid. By express or ffreight, not prepaid, 100 for 75c, 1,000 for $6.00. Two year plants.--Per doz. 55c, 100 for $2.50, postpaid. By express or freight, not prepaid, 100 for $2.00, 1,000 for $15.00.
BONVALLET'S GIANT.--Per doz. 30c, 100 for $1.10, postpaid. By express or freight, not prepaid, 100 for 75c, 1,000 for $6.00. Two year plants.--Per doz. 55c, 100 for $2.50, postpaid. By express or freight, not prepaid, 100 for $2.00, 1,000 for $15.00.
[image: bunch of roots, with text caption] HORSE RADISH SETS
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Rhubarb Roots
Everyone realizes the value of rhubarb or pie plant in the home garden. The best way to get a start is to purchase a few roots, as you can save one year's time in this way. The roots we offer are not seedlings but large divided plants. Plant in spring or fall, setting plants 2 feet apart each way.
VICTORIA.--The standard for general use Each 25c, 5 for $1.00, dozen $2.00, postpaid By express, not prepaid, per doz. $1.50.
IDEAL MAMMOTH.--The largest and best variety. See description in vegetable seed department. Strong roots 35c each, doz. $3.00, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, per doz. $2.50.
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[image: bulbs of garlic, with text caption] GARLIC ROOTS.
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Horse Radish
Grow it in your own garden and grate fresh. Plant the sets small end down in rows 3 feet apart, about 12 inches apart in the row. It does best in rich, loose soil set slanting and covered about two to three inches. Doz. 25c, 100 for $1.50, postpaid. By express, per 100 $1.25, 1,000 for $10.00.
Species of onion propagated by dividing the bulbs into small pieces, planting each one sparately. It is quite pungent and is used for flavoring soups, stews, etc. Per lb. 50c, postpaid. By exp., lb. 40c, 10 lbs. $4.00.
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[image: field being harvested by tractor]
We can help you if you will patronize our Farm Seed Department. We have the equipment necessary to grade up our Farm Seeds to the highest possible excellence. We can give you better stocks than you can get elsewhere. Every item offered in this list has been carefully grown to maintain purity. Every one has had expert treatment in our special machinery and appliances to make it better than when it came to us, and we do imporove it. We have so much pride in our stocks that we are ready to be judged in any way you see fit. We will mail free samples of any item for inspection. We will ship you seed with the understanding that it must be satisfactory or it may be returned to us within fifteen days and the money paid for it will be refunded. You can inspect it and test it yourself You can have it inspected and tested by any authority and we will cheerfully abide by the report. You know we could not afford to make such an offer if we were not sure of our ground.
[image: diamond-shaped logo, which reads SEEDS BULBS PLANTS TOOLS ONLY ONE QUALITY THE BEST]
Let us help you improve your crops, both in quality and quantity
We put time and money and painstaking care into the farm seed line. We have to. We must supply better seeds than you can get elsewhere if we are to have your trade. The present-day farmer raises good grains and if we are to surpass him in quality, we have to keep wide awake and progressive. If our grass seedes are to excel in purity and vitality, it requirest the closest scrutiny in buying and cleaning. We ask your trade solely upon our ability to please you.
PRICES named in this department are always subject to important market changes. All quotations are net and are not subject to any premium or discount. Clover and grass seeds are constantly varying in value, and we issue a red ink price list daily during the bust season. Please write for quotations sending list of requirements when in need. Orders sent us will be given benefit of lowest prices on day order is received. Will take pleasure in mailing samples and quoring inside prices at any time on large orders.
SHIPPING.--In this department everything that is quoted by the packet or pound is sent by mail, postpaid; all larger quantities, unless noted, are sent by express or freight at the expense of the purchaser. Prices named include bags and delivering to depot here.
ABOUT WARRANTING.--We thoroughly test all our seeds and nothing is sent out which we do not believe to be good in every respect. However, we give no warranty, express or implied, as to description, quality, productiveness, or any other matter of any seeds, bulbs or plants we sent out, and we will not be in any way responsible for the crop. If the purchaser does not accept the goods on these terms, they are at once to be returned, and the money paid for same will be refunded. We know of no responsible seed firm in the world which guarantees seeds any further than this. Compare with other seed catalogues and you will find we are right.
[image: building, with text caption] RETAIL STORE AND OFFICE 209-211 WALNUT STREET.
M. Kurtzwell, President.
E. T. Pierce, Vice-President
Geo. L. Kurtzwell, Secretary
J. N. Albright, Treasurer
C. W. Davison, Director
Mr. Kurtzwell, the president of our company, began service with the business in 1885 and in the same year Mr. Pierce, the vice-president, also began work with the house. Mr. Albright the treasurer, has labored since 1891, and Mr. Geo. L. Kurtzell, the secretary, begain his business career as errand boy in the office twenty-five years ago. Mr. C. W. Davison, who takes a place on the directory board, has been superintendent of our greenhouse plant for eleven years and has grown thoroughly familiar with the policies of the house. The heads of departments remain as before the war began, and with such an organization we are in position to render expert service in all branches of the business. The seed business is one which requires great technical knowledge and our customers may be assured that their favors will receive at all times the close attention to detail and the full benefit of the experience gained in the long period of successful conduct under the present management.
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The shipping warehouse has side track capacity for seven cars at once, and loading stations for five wagons at the same time. It houses all our machinery. We have several large clipper mills, equipped with hundreds of sleves for close cleaning of grass seeds and grain. We hae a special grading machine which operates on gravity principle, and separates grain perfectly. There is a scarifying machine of the Hughes pattern for treating sweet clover and other hard seeds. We have a special system for sorting and preparing seed corn and a Hess grain drier to help perfect the germ of unripened grains. We have a pattery of hand sorting machines for use where ordinary methods will not cover separating requirements. We are equipped in the best possible manner to improve the quality of our stocks and it is this service we sell.
[image: building, with text caption] WAREHOUSE, 208-210-212 SOUTH EIGHTH ST., WHERE ORDERS FOR FARM SEEDS ARE FILLED.
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[image: basket of potatoes]
An improvement on the old Early Rose which has been grown on the virgin soil of the far north. It is very early, being only a trifle later than the Early Ohio and much larger. Is smooth and of handsome rose color. Quality superb, either baked or boiled, and yields immensely. It is rapidly gaining the place long held by the old Early Rose. Pk. 80c, bu. $2.75.
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The Proof of the Potato is in the Eating
Prices on Potatoes frequently change with the market See Red Ink Price List accompanying this Catalogue.
It is of greatest advantage to potato growers to purchase their seed of us. By using our northern grown stock you are assured of early maturity, increased yield and vigorous growth. There is no longer any doubt that seed potatoes from the Red River Valley surpass those from any other section of the country with the possible exception of the state of Maine. We have for a number of years had our supplies grown in the northern part of Minnesota and Dakota and the comparative tests have each season shown an advantage for the northern seed. This is especially true of the early varieties. They mature earlier, are free from disease and produce more abundantly than home grown stocks. Prices on potatoes fluctuate greatly, but good seed potatoes are always worth more than ordinary table stock. This part of the catalogue is printed in November. We cannot fix price so far in advance of the selling season, hence we only quote in smaller quantities. If you want a large lot consult the red ink price list of farm seeds which is dated the day it is mailed with this catalogue. Should you not send your order until a change in price has occurred we will notify you upon receipt of your order and hold it until we can hear from you. If the order comes too late in the season for correspondence we will send the full value of the money received.
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[image: several potatoes, with text caption] FANCY NORTHERN GROWN EXTRA EARLY OHIO (Grown in Red River Valley)
[text box] A PLANET JR. NO. 8 HORSE HOE is the best machine for cultivating the potatoes. You can do all the work but the planting with this tool, and do it with ease and satisfaction.
EXTRA EARLY OHIO--Fancy Northern Grown Stock
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We have these grwon about 400 miles north of Des Moines, and careful tests have proved them fully ten days earlier than Iowa grown. This is a great advantage and makes this the most popular of all. They are all of good, average size, strictly pure, smooth and free from scab or rot. Is an especially favorite with marketmen, and the most profitable they can grow. Sprout is very strong and vines grow erect, making it easy to cultivate, and on account of early maturity you get the highest market prices. Will keep firm till late in the spring. Frequently sold under the name Early Six Weeks. Desirable for late planting as they keep well for winter. Pk. 80c, bu. $2.75.
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"Professor C. L. Fitch, specialist in vegetables, of the Extrension Departlment at Ames, says: 'All northern Iowa should buy each year from the best regions in Wisconsin and Minnesota enough seed potatoes to grow their seed for the next year. Practically all of southern Iowa should buy all their Early Ohio and Irish Cobbler seed in most seasons and all their Rurals in trying years. Our demonstrations show a gain by this practice of from 25 to 73 bushels per acre in one case at Sigourney.'"
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[image: potato, with text caption] IRISH COBBLER
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A popular first early variety. This is the round red potato which is generally in our markets as new potatoes early in spring. Most of our customers are no doubt familiar with the Early Triumph. The color is bright red, shape is almost spherical, and in size they are about equal to the Early Ohio. They ripen very quickly and are ready for the table as soon as large enough. Our stock is strictly pure. Pk. 90c, bu. $3.00.
Has the form and color so popular in the market. Is prolific and profitable to the grower and has become a much prized variety. Matures as early as the Ohio, and is preferred because it is smooth and round in shape and of cream white color. The flesh is white and of fine quality and flavor. It is a strong, vigorous grower, with strong germ. Eyes well developed and slightly indented. Generally quoted at a premium in the summer markets because it is of economical shape, there being no waste in preparing for cooking. Pk. 90c, bu. $3.00.
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[image: potato, with text caption] EXTRA EARLY TRIUMPH
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