Pages That Need Review
Seed Catalogue and Garden Guide
Sweet Corn
Plant as soon as the ground becomes warm in the spring. In hills about three feet apart, five or six grains to the hill, and when up thin them out, allowing three or four of the strongest plants to remain; give thorough cultivation. Our sweet corn is carefully grown and selected, only the choicest, most perfect ears being selected for seed. It is far superior to ordinary stock. We pay postage by the packet or pound. Quantities of three pounds or more go by express or freight at customer's cost for transportation or will be sent by parcel post if you send postage. See page 2.
[Left Column] Improved Golden Bantam. (See cut No 1) This handsome new variety is one of the most delicious of all and it is generally believed to be the richest in flavor. Is extremely early, or hardy, vigorous growth, so that it can be planted quite early. The stalks grow only about four feet high but they bear two or three good ears five or six inches long, of handsome golden yellow color. In flavor it is quite distinct from the white sorts and some have called it as sweet as honey. Give it a trial. Pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 10 c, 1b 30c, postpaid. By express, 3 lbs, 50 c, 1/2 pk. 85 c, pk $1.40, bu. (50 lbs.) $4.50
[Right Column] Governor Gilman. Named for Governor Gilman, of Minnesota, who produced it by crossing Golden Bantam on a larger early white variety of sweet corn of exceptional quality. Both green and mature corn show uneven dotting of white and golden grains as will be noted in our illustration of an ear in fit table condition. When cooked it presents a beautiful golden appearance. It is quality that has induced us to give it a prominent place in our list. There is no corn offered so sweet, so tender and fine flavored. When to quality we add good size, earliness and prolific yield we have in our opinion the best of all sweet corn. It will prove superior in every way. Pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 10c, lb. 30c, postpaid. By express, 3 lbs. 50 c; 1/2 pk. 85 c; pk. $1.50.
[Left Column] Pharaoh's Dream (No. 11) "And Pharaoh slept and dreamed... and behold seven ears of corn came up, upon one stalk, rank and good." -Genesis 41:5. The most productive variety of sweet corn ever sent out. Does not come from an accidental sport, but from a cross of two well-known sorts and selected for a number of years. So frequently produces seven ears to the stalk. It has been aptly named "Pharaoh's Dream." It begins bearing almost from the bottom and produces quite long ear stalks from each leaf joint. Ears are large and would sell for Stowell's Evergreen in market. Corn is pure white, tender and of rich, delicate flavor, remaining a long time in an edible condition. Ears form in succession and make a constant supply all season. Produces better when only one or town grains are planted in a hill. Pkt 5c, 1/4 lb 10 c, lb 25 c, postpaid. By exp., 3 lbs. 50c, 1/2 pk. 85 c, pk. $1.40, bu. (50 lbs.) $4.50.
[Right Column] Early Sunrise. (No. 5) Is a splendid new variety which we introduced. It is undoubtedly the best extra early corn for either private gardens or the public market. the ears are about six inches long, well filled out at the end, and husk covering so completely and being so tight as to prevent working of worn, which are so bad in Cory. Grains fairly deep and set in straight rows on a small white cob; very uniform and handsome. Market gardeners will find Early Sunrise a most profitable and satisfactory sort. Pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 10c, lb. 30c, postpaid. By express, 3 lbs. 50 c, 1/2 pk. 85c, pk. $1.40, bu. (50 lbs.) $4.50.
We offer our customers the choicest stocks of sweet corn at very low prices. Quality considered.
IOWA SEED COMPANY, DES MOINES, IOWA. SWEET CORN--CONTINUED PEEP O'DAY.--(No. 2.)--See illustration, page 12.--Of Minnesota origin, five to seven days earlier than other kinds. Ear five inches long, of perfect form, and well filled. The corn is tender and sweet. On our place it matured with Early Sunrise and is similar to it in many respects. You will make no mistake in planting some of it for first early. Pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 10c, lb. 25c, postpaid. By express, 3 lbs. 45c, 1/2 pk. 70c, pk. $1.25, bu. (50 lbs.) $4.00. EXTRA EARLY CORY.--(White Cob.)--(No. 3.)--This was for years the most popular variety with market gardeners for first early until the introduction of Early Sunrise. Dwarf growth and yields well; ears medium fine. Pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 10c, lb. 25c, postpaid. By express, 3 lbs. 40c, 1/2 pk. 70c, pk. $1.15, bu. (50 lbs.) $3.75. EARLY MINNESOTA.--(No. 7.)--A standard variety. Has held its position in the list for a long period of years as a dependable sort. The ears are of good size and well flavored. Valuable for either private or market use. Pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 10c, postpaid. By express, 3 lbs. 35c, 1/2 pk. 65c, pk. $1.00, bu. (50 lbs.) $3.75. CHAMPION EARLY.--(No. 6.)--Earliest large corn ever introduced, maturing only a few days later than the small-eared sorts and producing large 12-rowed ears 8 to 10 inches long. Pure white kernels with medium white cob, very sweet and tender, usually producing two stalk. Unsurpassed for market gardening or family garden owing to its large size and fine appearance. Pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 10c, lb. 25c, postpaid. By express, 3 lbs. 45c, 1/2 pk. 70c, pk. $1.25, bu. (50 lbs.) $4.00. CROSBY'S EARLY.--(See Cut No. 3.)--For medium early use and general crop is one of the most desirable sorts. Ears of medium size and cooking qualities excellent. A good cropper and profitable for family use and as a market sort. Pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 10c, lb. 25c, postpaid. By express, 3 lbs. 40c, 1/2 pk. 70c, pk. $1.15, bu. (50 lbs.) $3.75. COUNTRY GENTLEMEN.--(No. 9.)--An improvement on the old favorite Shoe Peg Sweet Corn. Our illustration of a single stalk shows its great productiveness; 3 to 5 ears to a stalk. In this, coupled with the luscious quality, the general superiority of this new variety will be quickly seen. The cob is small, giving great depth to the kernels, which are pearly white, and we cannot say too often--surpassingly sweet and tender. Pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 10c, lb. 30c, postpaid. By exp., 3 lbs. 50c, 1/2 pk. 85c, pk. $1.50, bu. (50 lbs.) $5. BLACK MEXICAN.--(No. 10.)--Although the ripe grain is black, or bluish black, the corn when in condition for table cooks remarkably and is surpassed by none in tenderness. This, by many, is considered the most desirable for family use of the second early sorts. Withstands hot, dry weather. Pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 30c, postpaid. By express, 3 lbs. 45c, 1/2 pk. 75c, pk. $1.25, bu. (50 lbs.) $4.50. IMPROVED STOWELL'S EVERGREEN.--(No. 12.)--For many years this corn has been the most prominent main crop sort and more largely planted than any other, being a general favorite with canners and market gardeners for late use. We have been selecting this for a number of years to improve it for family use. The ears are medium to large size and our illustration was made by combining the picture of the lower part of an ear in fit condition for table use with part of an ear of dry seed corn. The grains are deep, exceptionally tender and remain a long time in an edible condition. The dried kernels are shriveled so much that they readily show its unusual sweetness. Pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 10c, lb. 25c, postpaid. By express, 3 lbs. 25c, 1/2 pk. 70c, pk. $1.25, bu. (50 lbs.) $4.00. MAMMOTH SUGAR.--(No. 13.)--This produces the largest ear of any sweet corn; a single ear will sometimes weigh two or three lbs. Sweet and luscious. Pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 10c, lb. 30c, postpaid. By express, 3 lbs. 50c, 1/2 pk. 75c, pk. $1.25, bu. (50 lbs.) $4.50. EVERGREEN SWEET FODDER.--Particularly selected. See page 46. Lb. 20c, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, 3 lbs. 30c, 1/2 pk. 45c, pk. 75c, bu. (50 lbs.) $2.50. CRESS EARLY CURLED.--Well known salad. Sow at intervals all season. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c. TRUE WATER.--Sow seeds along the running water. Pkt. 10c, oz. 35c. UPLAND CRESS.--A perennial sort; hardy; produces well; same flavor as Water Cress. Grown on high, dry land; does not run to seed soon. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c. WE GIVE PARTICULAR CARE AND ATTENTION TO THE PRODUCTION OF SEED SWEET CORN OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY.
[top line of page] Seed Catalogue and Garden Guide
[left column] Chervil Chervil (An ounce will sow 100 feet of drill.) Leaves used in soups and salads. Have a pleasant, aromatic taste greatly liked. Cultivate like parsley. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15, 1/4 lb. 40 c.
[middle column] Egg Plant Improved New York Egg Plant.
A tender plant that should be started quite early in a hotbed or box in the house, which must be kept warm. Transplant late to open ground 2 1/2 feet apart.
Improved New York. - Our strain of this, the leading market variety, we believe to be unsurpassed. Very large size, skin deep purple, flesh white and of excellent quality. Very productive. Pkt. 5c, oz. 35c, 1/4 lb. $1.50.
Early Long Purple. - The earliest variety in existence, being several weeks earlier than the above. Same color Improved New York, but longer and somewhat smaller. Pkt. 5s, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. $1.25.
Pearl White. - Pure creamy white, slight shading of light green near stem; good quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 40c, 1/4 lb. $1.50.
[right column] White Vienna Kohl Rabi Kohl Rabi (One oz. produces 2,500 plants.) If you have never grown Kohl Rabi, you should try it this year. It is a most excellent vegetable, intermediate between the cabbage and turnip. Cultivate like cabbage and cook like turnips.
Goliath Purple. - This is a new sort, of immense size, solid and sweet. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 70c, lb. $2.25.
Early White Vienna. - The flesh is white and tender and it is a good market sort. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20 c, 1/4 lb. 60 c, lb. $2.00.
[left column] Corn salad Corn Salad (One ounce will sow about 20 square feet.)
Nice winter salad. Sow in September in drills. Just before cold weather cover with straw or leaves. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c.
[middle column] Gourds Cultivate like cucumbers; they may be trained over lattice work, fences, etc.
Japanese Nest Egg. - Grows almost uniformly to the size, color and shape of a hen's egg. The shells are hard and make the very best of nest eggs, as they do not crack. The largest ones, when sawed in two, make excellent pots for starting plants. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.
Pipe Gourd. - The calabash variety, somewhat resembling the Dipper. Pipes are made from the neck and lower portion of the gourd. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.
Dipper. - Makes a light, convenient dipper. Dippers of various sizes, of a capacity from a pint to a quart and a half, can be had from a few vines. Pkt. 5c, oz 20c.
Sugar Trough. - Very large and strong grower. For buckets, etc. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.
Luffa, or Dishcloth. - Has peculiar lining which is spongelike, porous, tough, elastic and durable, making a natural dishcloth or sponge. Start early. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c.
Hercules' Club. - Grows to immense size - 4 to 5 feet in length. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c.
Mixed Utility. - Seeds of above mixed. This is a very popular item with our customers. Many grow them as curiosities, but they are really useful in many ways. They are easily grown and will repay the work expended. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.
[right column] Nest Egg Gourd
[left column] Chicory
Large Rooted. - Used as a substitute for coffee. Cultivate the same carrots. Take up roots in the fall, cut in small pieces, and let dry. When wanted for use it is roasted and ground like coffee. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25 c, lb. $1.00.
Witloof. - A delicious winter vegetable which is really a variety of Chicory, but is sometimes called French Endive. It makes one of the finest of all salads and is also excellent boiled. Plant seed in May or June in open ground and in the fall dig the roots and plant them in earth in a dark, cool [place] in the cellar or under greenhouse bench. By planting deeply in loose soil a more solid head is produced, which is very fine. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c. Witloof.
[middle column] Leek
Leeks are quite appetizing slice and served as a salad, or can be cooked and served like onions. Sow thinly in drills early, thin out to stand 6 inches apart in the row. Early in fall draw earth up about the stems as you would blanch celery.
Large Rouen. - Largest and most uniform. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.25.
[left column] Endive
(One ounce will sow about 60 sq. ft.)
Preferred to lettuce by many. Should be more largely used. One of the best and most wholesome salads for fall and winter. Sow in April for early; in June or July for winter. When 8 inches long tie together with a string near top to blanch.
Green Curled. - Has finely cut leaves and makes a handsome plant. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.
Giant Fringed. - Also called winter lettuce. The best of all. Strong, vigorous grower, making large white heart; leaves are beautifully curled, and of best quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, 1b. $1.50.
[middle column] Flower Seeds For Bees
Below we offer seeds of a few flowers specially desirable for sowing to furnish food for bees. They are all heavy producers of nectar, bloom quickly and will bloom first year from seed, furnishing food during the spring and summer until frost.
Mised Flower Seeds for Bees, including Adonis, Sweet Alyssum, Asperula, Cleome, Pungens, Dracocephalum, Candytuft, Matthiola, Phacelia, Mignonette, and Sweet Rocket, in mixture, pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, lb. $1.50.
[right column] Large Rouen Leek
[bottom line of page] Read this page carefully. Many spledid items, that will be appreciated on trial, are offered here.
LETTUCE (One ounce will sow 100 ft. of drill.) No vegetable is more universally used than lettuce, and to be thoroughly appreciated it must be brought to the table fresh and unwilted. Quality depends largely upon rapid and vigorous growth. Sow in hotbed in March and in open ground as early as it can be worked, thinly in drills one foot apart. For succession, sow every three weeks during season. Thin out plants as they grow. ICEBERG.--The large, curly leaves covering the heads are a bright, light green, with slight reddish tinge at edges. Center thoroughly blanched. In early spring or hottest summer days quality is simply perfect. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25. CALIFORNIA CREAM BUTTER.--A cabbage lettuce, with round, solid head; outside medium green, slightly marked with small brown spots; within, leaves are very rich cream yellow color, rich and buttery to the taste. Heads good size, compact, very hard and solid. In California they eat the heart only, with a dressing or olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. CONTINUITY.--A grand variety. Outside leaves are brown tinged with purple, inside of the head a fine creamy white, tender, crisp and well flavored, making it a very desirable sort. Especially recommended for remaining crisp and brittle at all times. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. MAY KING.--A very early variety of head lettuce of compact growth. The inner leaves are a bright yellow, the outer ones a light green, sometimes slightly tinged with brown. Its greatest claim to popularity is in quick and rapid growth, making it extremely tender and brittle. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. RELISH, or Improved Big Boston.--We are greatly pleased with this fine new variety. Is one of those rich, buttery-flavored sorts, which when accustomed too, is preferred to the crisp-leaved varieties. It is the blanched yellow center of the head that is eaten. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25. IMMENSITY.--Enormous solid head variety, sometimes 18 inches in diameter, but still tender, crisp and of excellent quality. A reliable sort. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25. EARLY CURLED SIMPSON.--Improved variety of Curled Silesia; large, loose heads; fine flavor. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. IMPROVED HANSON.--For general use no variety can surpass our improved, and carefully selected strain of Hanson's Lettuce. It has been so improved that the heads are solid and often they do not send up a seed stalk unless cut open with a knife. The heads are very large, green outside and nearly white within, deliciously sweet, crisp and tender, and almost absolutely free from rank or bitter taste. Resists summer heat. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25. BLACK SEEDED SIMPSON.--Nearly double the size of an ordinary Curled Simpson. It stands summer well without becoming tough or running to seed quickly. By far the most popular variety for greenhouse forcing, making large, handsome heads in a very short time. Gardeners are pleased with our seed. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. DENVER MARKET.--An early variety of head lettuce either for forcing or open ground. Large, solid heads, light green color, and is very slow to go to seed. Leaves beautifully marked and blistered, very crisp and tender. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. ROMAINE.--Very popular in France, where choice flavor in vegetables is especially appreciated. The leaves are of rather light green color, shading to white when blanched. It is more uniform growing and self-folding than any other variety of cos lettuce, so that it is not really necessary to tie the leaves together in order that it may blanch. Give this a trial this season and you will be more than pleased with it. Possesses a peculiar flavor, crisp and delicious. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 50c. GRAND RAPIDS.--A forcing variety of superior quality. Strong grower, free from rot, keeps crisp and tender longer than any forcing lettuce. Desirable for sowing in the open ground. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.25. SALAMANDER.--Excellent all seasons sort (?), forming good heads that stand drouth and heat longer without injury than other [unintelligible]. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25. PRIZE HEAD.--Very tender leaves, dark reddish brown. Heads large, of good flavor. We sell more of this than any other brown-leaved variety. Always satisfactory. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. MIXED LETTUCE.--A number of the best kinds in mixture. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. LETTUCE SOWN BROADCAST ON GOOD GROUND MAKES EXCELLENT GREEN FEED FOR POULTRY. GIVE IT A TRIAL.
IOWA SEED COMPANY, DES MOINES, IOWA. LARGE FRUITED MUSK MELONS OSAGE.--One of the best melons for family use; greatly liked by gardeners. Flesh salmon color, remarkably sweet and spicy, very thick and delicious to the rind. Seed cavity very small. It is seldom that one of poor quality is found. The whole crop is very even and extra heavy, owing to thickness of meat. Medium size, oval, slightly ribbed. Skin thin, dark green color and covered more or less with shallow netting. We have taken great pains to develop the thick, deep, rich colored and fine flavored flesh, and a careful comparison proves it to be unequaled. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25. ENORMOUS.--A new musk melon growing to immense size. Shape oblong with wide fissures, and while it is well netted the fruits are so large that the netting does not show as heavily as it does on the smaller sized varieties. Specimens have been grown to upward of fifteen pounds in weight. The flesh is very thick, is salmon colored and of better flavor than any other large melon we have ever seen. The seeds are very much larger than in the ordinary sorts. Vine is vigorous and very productive. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c. IMPROVED GREEN NUTMEG.--A greatly improved strain of the old Green Nutmeg. Fruit of medium size, very rich and melting, of exquisite flavor; flesh light green. Is very productive. The original was a standard sort for many years, and is one of the best main crop sorts. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. BAY VIEW.--Fruit of largest size, frequently 10 or 15 lbs. Deep ribbed and coarse netted. Best of the large, late maturing sorts. As many persons prefer the old form of musk melon, which was large and long, we offer this as the best of the type. It is of good flavor, productive, with firm flesh, and does not rot quickly. Pkt. 5c, oz 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c. lb. $1.25. IMPROVED EARLY HACKENSACK.--Ready for market fully ten days ahead of the well known Hacksensack, which it resembles in size, shape and quality, weighing from five to twelve pounds each. Very productive, averaging five to six melons on the vine all of them deeply netted; flesh light green. Shape is round flattened at the ends and ribs are prominent. Quality fine and a splendid market melon as it ships well. Pkt. 5c oz. 15c 1/4 lb. 40c lb. $1.25. TIP TOP.--(Orange Flesh.--A fine, nearly round melon of such attractive appearance as to always sell quickly. It is sweet, juicy and delicious. Flesh firm but not hard, and is edible almost to the rind. Of medium to large size, evenly ribbed and moderately netted; strong grower, heavy yielder and handsome. One of the best of the orange fleshed sorts. Customers soon learn to prefer them to others. Particularly adapted to the West. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
Seed Catalogue And Garden Guide
Water Melon (One ounce is required for forty hills; three pounds will plant an acre.)
A light sandy soil, with good exposure to the sun, is the best for water melons. It should be prepared deep, but receive shallow cultivation. Hoe often and thoroughly, Plant in hills 8 to 10 seeds in a hill, and, finally, when danger of insects is past, leave but three strong plants. Thousands of melon growers depend on us annually for their seeds and are universally pleased, claiming that nowhere have they ever obtained seeds so pure and reliable. It pays to have the best. Packets contain about one hundred seeds.
New Excel. - (Cut No. 1) - This new variety resembles the well known Monte Cristo, but is much large in size, often growing to weight 60 lbs. Similar in shape and color and will be taken for Monte Cristo by those who are not familiar with this new variety. Has all the melting, delicious sweetness of its prototype, and surpasses it in size, shipping qualities and market value. A splended sort for both home and market. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, 1b. $1.00.
Tom Watson. - (Cut No. 2) - A new variety destined to become a leader among melons, because of its quality and shipping excellence. There is no variety to our knowledge that combines both essentials as does this melon. Most sorts of extra quality are not tough enough to ship, and most shipping melons are too tough to excel in quality. The Tom Watson is a large, oblong melon, the skin of which is dark green, which thick netting on the entire surface, quite distinct from other varieties. It averages 18 to 24 inches long and 10 to 12 inches in diameter and it weighs 50 to 60 pounds. The rind is thin but tough and flesh is bright, attractive red color, crisp, sweet and delicious. The heart is large with no core. Seeds brown, tipped white. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
McIver's Wonderful Sugar. - (Cut No. 3. - This is a famous melon for sweetness and high quality. The fruits are long and of large size, averaging about 50 lbs. each. Is considered one of the handsomest melons, being rather light colored, irregularly striped and mottled with dark green. Rind is rather thin but tough; a good shipper. Flesh is delicate light red, entirely stringless and tender, and juicy and luscious. Vine is a strong, vigorous grower, very prolific and withstands extremes of weather, either wet or dry. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c.
Golden Sweet. - There is a demand for yellow fleshed melons to contrast with red sorts for table service, and in this variety we have the unique color of flesh combined with quality that will make it a fit companion for the sweetest red sorts that grow. The Golden Sweet is a most delicious and fine flavored melon, unsurpassed for sweetness and aroma. Outside skin dark, shape oblong, as shown, size medium a little larger than Monte Cristo, averaging about 20 lbs., just right for family use. Rind very thin but hard and will carry without cracking or bursting. Flesh golden yellow, solid, smooth, with few seeds. Pkt. 10c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 60c, lb. $2.00.
Kolb's Gem. - For many years a favorite sort among northern market growers. On account of its excellent shipping qualities it is extensively grown for that purpose. Nearly round; color a dark green with lighter narrow strips. Very thin rind; flesh bright red, good flavor. Our seed is choice. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 60c.
Citron Melons
Nice for preserving and largely used for this purpose.
Apple Pie. - A novelty which will be appreciated in many parts of the country. Illustrated in colors on back cover page. Vine and fruit quite similar to a water melon and are easily grown on any good soil. Each vine produces from five to fifteen fruits and one of the large size will make as many pies as a half bushel of apples. The flesh is white, solid throughout and of excellent quality for making pies, preserves, etc., and resembles apples in flavor. They keep nice and fresh all winter, so they can be used any t ime and any surplus can be fed to the live stock. It will pay to raise them for this alone as they can be kept and fed all winter. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c,
Colorado Preserving. - This is a large fruiting strain of citron for preserving. The flesh is clear white and very solid. Green seed. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
Red Seeded Citron. - Is round, dark green, striped and mottled with light green. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
Reading from top to bottom: Excel, Tom Watson, McIver's Sugar, Golden Sweet.
Additional Varieties Of Water Melons, Including Many Choice Sorts, Described And Priced, Following Page.
SEED CATALOGUE AND GARDEN GUIDE. PEPPER (One ounce will produce about 1,800 plants.) Sow seed in hotbed early in spring; transplant to open ground when the weather is favorable, in warm, mellow soil, in rows 18 inches apart. Seeds germinate slowly and require considerable heat. CORAL GEM BOUQUET.--(Cut No. 1.)--This new red hot pepper is the finest of the smallest sized varieties. Excellent for pepper sauce. Nice to chop up for mixing picilili. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c. RUBY KING.--(Cut No. 2.)--Very large in size, 4 1/2 to 6 inches long by 3 1/2 to 4 inches thick. When ripe they are of beautiful bright ruby red color are always remarkably mild and pleasant to the taste. Produces large, handsome fruit and is splendid for stuffed peppers or mangoes. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. 90c. CHINESE GIANT.--(Cut No. 3.)--Most gigantic of all Giant Peppers. A fine mild red pepper of enormous size, magnificent appearance and brilliant, glossy scarlet color. The flesh is mind and unusually thick. Makes an excellent salad sliced and served like tomatoes. Pkt. 10c, oz. 45c, 1/4 lb. $1.50. KALEIDOSCOPE.--(Cut No. 4.)--A very ornamental new sort. The small fruit changes from cream color to canary, deepens to orange then turns into pink, until it becomes a deep, shining scarlet Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c. JAPANESE FANCY.--(Cut No. 5.)--A very ornamental variety, bearing little heart-shaped fruits of various colors, purple, white, yellow, orange, red, all on same bush. Fruits are edible, of mild flavor. Pkt. 10c. LARGE BELL, or Bull Nose.--(Cut No. 6.--Early standard sort. More pungent than Ruby King and not quite so large. Is the favorite for drying for winter use. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c. RED CHILI.--(Cut No. 7.)--Small, long fruit, but very hot. Used for pepper sauce. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c. MAMMOTH GOLDEN QUEEN.--(Cut No. 8.) Average a third larger than Ruby King. Is 8 to 10 inches long; bright, waxy, golden yellow and mild flavor. A favorite variety for mangoes. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. $1.00. SWEET MOUNTAIN, or Mammoth.--This pepper is in shape similar to Large Bell, but fruits are much larger and not nearly so pungent. A splendid sort for making stuffed pickle. Has been a standard large pepper for many years. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c. RED CAYENNE.--Pods long and slim, of medium size. Pungent. Used for pepper sauce. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c. MIXED PEPPERS.--A choice mixture of all the above and several other fancy varieties. Fine for exhibition. Pkt. 10c, oz. 35c. Pepper plants of the large varieties listed on page 34. PARSLEY (One ounce will sow 150 feet of drill.) Sow early, thinly, in drills 1 ft. apart, 1/2 inch deep. Soak seed in warm water a few hours before sowing. For winter use, protect in glass frame or light cellar. MARKET GARDENER'S.--An extra choice stock with dark green, beautifully curled, mossy leaves, very ornamental in its growth and very productive. Valuable for either garnishing or flavoring. Earlier than other varieties and what is more important it retains its dark green color till late in the fall and continues to produce well throughout the winter when transferred to the greenhouse. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25. CHAMPION MOSS CURLED.--Very select stock, finely crimped and curled. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25. HAMBURG.--Turnip-rooted variety, used for flavoring soups, etc. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. PARSNIP (One ounce will sow 200 feet of drills. Five pounds will sow an acre in drills.) Sow early in spring in good, rich soil, which has been plowed deep, in drills 15 inches apart, covering half an inch. Thin to 5 or 6 inches apart in rows. They are improved by frost. IMPROVED TABLE GUERNSEY.--A greatly improved and wonderfully fine strain of the Guernsey Hollow Crown Parnsnip (Parsnip). The roots do not grow as long as the Hollow Crown, but are of greater diameter and more easily gathered. Very heavy cropper; roots are smooth with a deep, hollow crown and a small top. Flesh fine grained, sweet and of excellent quality; cooks evenly, center being as fine, soft, even quality as outside portions. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 80c. IMPROVED HOLLOW CROWN.--This greatly improved strain is about same shape as the old sort, but smoother and of more even quality; fine grained and excellent. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. POMEGRANATE Ornamental little fruit commonly grown in gardens a century ago, but now rarely seen. Grows on pretty vine; fruit is round, yellow, and irregularly striped with orange, red or mahogany; fragrant; a specimen will perfume a room many days. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c. PEANUTS Peanuts can be grown in Iowa, and everyone should plant at least a few, for children. RED CROSS.--The most desirable variety is early as the earliest, most hardy, very prolific and of best quality. Boys, here is a chance for you. Think of growing peanuts in your own garden and having plenty of them to eat. Shell nuts carefully so as not to break inside skin, plant as soon as ground becomes warm, from 2 to 3 ft. apart each way, 4 or 5 to the hill, covering 2 inches. Soil should be deep and mellow. Produce from 25 to 75 bushels to the acre; easily cultivated as corn. Pkt. 10c, lb. 40c, postpaid. By express, 5 lbs. or more at 25c per lb. SPANISH.--Very early variety; quite prolific, but pods are small. Pkg. 10c, lb. 50c. THE VEGETABLE SEEDS WE SELL ARE THE BEST MONEY AND SKILL CAN PRODUCE. THEY ARE SUPERIOR EVERY WAY.
Seed Catalogue And Garden Guide [image of corn] Farmers' Reliance Iowa Silver Mine The Profit Iowa Gold Mine
[left column] The Big Four For 1916
Thousands of farmers will this year purchase seed corn. We set forth above an actual photograph illustrating true types of our four leading varieties, that you may choose intelligently. Each sort is more fully described in the following pages, but this illustration is so perfect we hope you will give it careful attention. It is the time for you to change your seed and start a new deal on the firm foundation of thoroughbred pedigreed seed.
They Will Give You Results
We have other good varieties of corn, as you will see by reading the following pages of our catalogue, but our stocks of the four varieties illustrated here are so exceptionally choice, and we have such large quantities of the very finest seed of these varieties, that we desired to especially urge our friends to plant them this year. Each has its special value, but any one of them will be satisfactory. All will prove profitable and any of them produce more than double official average per acre of ordinary Iowa corn.
Another reason for urging these varieties to our customers arises from the fact that hundreds of farmer friends have visited our store and warehouse in search of seed corn, making personal inspection of our stocks with the result that the four varieties specially offered this season are by far the most popular, when compared with our choice stocks of other kinds. We are therefore persuaded that we are offering you as special the very varieties you would select if you had opportunity to look over our stocks.
Why We Push The Big Four
You can buy seed corn of us that will produce a crop anywhere in the corn belt. Don't think because you are 150 miles north of Des Moines that our corn will not do in you section, for we have varieties specially suited to your locality, and will produce better crops than home growns seed. Don't think it will not pay to raise these varieties south of us. The experience of our customers in the South for many years has demonstrated that our seed corn grows more vigorously, produces larger crops and better quality corn than the slow maturing varieties usually grown in the South. We ship seed corn all over the United States. We have exported seed corn to Mexico, Central, and South America, Australia, Africa and New Zealand and never yet [right column] has failure to mature them been reported in seasons when any corn has ripened. There are many reasons for this but the main reason is that our seed corn is grown in the best spot on earth for growth of corn - Central Iowa. It is a recognized fact that any seed crop is better when grown in a locality suited to its growth, hence the best seed corn is grown in the center of the queen of corn states - Iowa.
Iowa Silver Mine
Our premier variety, introduced by us in 1895. This corn has furnished the basis from which many greatly advertised new white varieties were orginiated, yet we fail to find among any of these later sorts any equal to our own strain of Silver Mine, grown continuously by us for twenty years, selecting our own stocks each year, maintaining the orginial beautiful type, and keeping up the productiveness that has made it the most popular corn in the world.
Iowa Gold Mine
Deepest grained, smallest cob and handsomest corn in existence. The corn that will furnish more feed per bushel than any corn in our list. Its earliness makes it a desirabled variety for any portion of the corn belt. It is grown with success from Minnesota, South Dakota and Wisconsin on the north to Arkansas and Texas on the south; from New York east to California west, and seed grown by us here produces good crops no matter where it is planted.
The Profit
Our oldest pedigreed variety. Thirty years of careful selection for a foundation. The very best feeding corn for central and southern corn belt farmers who can be assured of 100 days good corn weather. Will surprise the grower with its enormous yield of shelled corn of first quality. We have not pushed it as hard as other kinds but the demand for it has several years exceeded amount we had to offer.
Farmers' Reliance
This is our extra early variety. It has many times matured in 90 days and never fails to produce a crop of sound corn in any season or locality. The ears are as large as Iowa Gold Mine, though of different type, the grain being smooth and not quite so deep, but thick and heavy. The earliest large corn and the largest early corn, and is most of all a sound, smooth, solid corn of substantial value.
Full description and prices of the Big Four and other valuable varieties of seed corn on the following pages.
[bottom of page] Send All Orders To The Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines, Iowa. They Will Receive Our Careful Attention.
SEED CATALOGUE AND GARDEN GUIDE. CHOICE GLADIOLUS. These are a specialty with us and our fields devoted to them make a most magnificent sight each year, appearing at a distance a mass of bright colors. It is the most desirable of all bulbs and it is claimed by many who are well acquainted their varied beauty, to be the flower of flowers. NAMED VARIETIES AMERICA.--A splendid new variety of beautiful soft pink shade. It will delight the gladiolus grower with its large flowers and pleasing beauty. Each 5c; dozen 50c. AUGUSTA.--White ground color with blue shading. Fine variety as it is very vigorous and spikes are large and fine. A very beautiful flower. Each 5c; dozen 50c. BERNICE.--A popular light yellow, with buff and pink markings. Very fine. Each 5c, dozen 50c. BLACK'S 113.--A beautiful large white with scarlet feather in lower petals. Each 5c, dozen 50c. BRENCHLEYENSIS.--Deep vermilion scarlet. One of the brightest and most showy varieties. A few spikes of the above make a striking bouquet. Each 4c, dozen 40c. CANARY BIRD.--The best yellow variety. It is a good, vigorous grower and color of the flower is pleasing and attractive. Each 10c, dozen $1.00. EARLY PINK.--Pure salmon pink. A very large open flower, borne on spreading stalks. Each 6c, dozen 60c. EVALINE.--A large, open flower of violet underlaid terra cotta. Rich and striking. Each 6c, dozen 60c. GRACE.--A lovely flower of blush white, striped crimson with white throat. Very fine spikes of wide open flowers, often 10 to 15 on a stalk. Each 10c, dozen $1.00. INDEPENDENCE.--Introduced by us. Extra large size, wide open flowers and handsome salmon rose color. Strong, vigorous grower, nearly 3 feet high. Its color varies as flower grows older. Ea. 5c, dozen 50c. MAY.--White flaked with crimson. A dainty flower with just enough color to make it really beautiful. Ea. 6c, doz. 60c. MAUDE.--Cream yellow with rich maroon spots in lower petals. One of the best of light sorts. Ea. 5c, doz. 50c. MEADOWVALE.--Pure white ground, crimson throat and stripes of pink in lower petals. A beautiful flower. Each 5c, dozen 50c. MRS. FRANCES KING.--A hybrid sort of great beauty and attractiveness. The color is very pleasing light scarlet. The spike is strong, flowers large and usually a half a dozen open at once. Each 5c, dozen 50c. NIAGARA.--A distinct variety. Tall stalk, strong stem, vigorous; color canary and cream shadings. A splendid sort. Each 6c, dozen 60c. PRINCEPS.--Rich crimson with deep shadings in throat, and fine large white blotches on the lower petals. The flowers are exceedingly large and fine and they bloom for a long time. This is one of the most magnificent of gladioli. Each 10c, dozen $1.00. TACONIC.--A beautiful flower of a lovely pink color, striped and flaked lighter shade, and with throat of light blush. Crimson markings on the lower petals. Each 10c, dozen $1.00. VELVET KING.--Almost solid colored flower, of deep crimson. A very fine variety for bouquets or decorative effects. Each 10c, dozen $1.00. GLADIOLUS COLLECTION One choice first size bulb each of Augusta, Bernice, Evaline, Grace, May, Mrs. Frances King and Maude; 7 choice sorts, only 35c, postpaid. SPECIAL GLADIOLI MIXTURES For the benefit of such of our customers as wish a number of given tints for massing we are offering at attractive prices some of the choicest mixtures to be found in this country. . . . . . . . . . ALTOONA MIXED.--This is put first in our list of Gladioli because we believe it is the best mixture in existence. These bulbs are grown by us on our Altoona farm and the mixture is made mainly from the named varieties on this page and other very choice sorts which we do not list. Large bulbs each 7c, dozen 60c, 100 for $4.00. SILVER TROPHY MIXED.--Considered one of the finest of commercial mixtures. Our stock was procured from the originator and has been carefully grown, so that we can without hesitation recommend it to our friends. Each 6c, dozen 50c, 100 for $3.00. FINE MIXED.--Our own mixture containing a wide range of color; offered at a very low price and we feel sure they will prove satisfactory. First size each 4c, doz. 35c, 100 $2.50; second size each 3c, doz. 25c, 100 for $1.50. FANCY FLOWERED GLOXINIA We know of no bulbous plant that will give such universal satisfaction as the Gloxinia. Their charming trumpet-shaped flowers are exquisitely tinted, blotched or tigered with miniature dots of violet, pink or crimson. They are of the easiest culture in pots and bloom continuously for months. We have a grand strain of Hybrid Gloxinias in mixed colors or in separate colors of crimson, rose, scarlet, violet, white, etc. The Gloxinia may be handled with success anywhere if given good, rich, light soil and a partially shady situation until well started into growth. Each 15c, dozen $1.25. HYACINTHUS CANDICANS This is a large, strong, vigorous bulb, growing a stem 3 to 4 feet high. The stems bear quantities of large, drooping flowers, ivory in color and bell-shaped, per illustration. Flowers are delicately fragrant and by planting closely a clump of these will produce a charming effect, the flowers appearing like giant snowdrops. Ea. 5c, doz. 50c. Extra large bulbs, ea. 10c, doz. $1. THE EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS OF THE GLADIOLUS MAKE THE FINEST CUT FLOWERS FOR USE IN TALL VASES.
United States Food Administration License No. G 30069
Fiftyfive Years Successful Business!
Des Moines, Iowa, January, 1920
Greeting to our Customers
We owe our friends great obligations for the business given us last year. The volume was larger than ever before. We were able to render better service, and we expect to take even better care of your orders this season. Transportation is not all that we could wish, but we expect steady improvement in this regard. The personnel of our force is not changed and we all have added experience to place in your service. Crops are generally very good, so we expect to meet all demands, and will give you stocks of highest quality. Our business shows a steady, conservative growth during the past ten years and it will continue to grow because we shall give our best efforts to pleasing our customers and by this means hold our position as
In trading by mail you have to buy seeds without seeing them. We protect you in this, however, because if any seeds from us are not satisfactory upon arrival and inspection, return them to us and we will refund the money you paid for them. With this agreement you can purchase your seeds of us in every confidence and just as well as though you traded over our counters. You are sole judge; all we require is that they shall be sent back to us within fifteen days from date of receipt by you. This applies to garden farm and flower seeds. We cannot guarantee a crop, but we can and do guarantee to take seeds back that you yourself are not pleased with. The fifteen days will give you ample time to test them in any way you want. It will give you time to send samples for inspection, analysis or test to the State Seed Inspector or to the Agricultural Experiment Station. Our stocks will stand the closest scrutiny and we are ready to be judged accordingly. You will readily see that we could not make this offer unless our stocks were first class and would give satisfaction to the purchaser.[end left column]
[right column]TO OUR NEW FRIENDS
Each year this catalogue goes to prospective buyers who have never traded with us and are not acquainted with our stocks or methods. To such just a few words of solicitation. This book is compiled with great care that it may be a help to you in your gardening and farming operations. Both text and illustrations are truthful in detail and it will be found a real guide to better farms and better gardens. Read it carefully, weigh all the statements and send us a trial order. We will gladly leave in your hands the question of future and continued patronage. Each year our friends increase in number, and this is because those who give us trial orders become firm friends and continous patrons. We sell the best possible stocks at the lowest prices consistent with profitable merchandizing. Price, however, must be second to quality. You do not want poor seeds at any price. We affirm without qualification that our prices are as low as quality supplied will justify. We want your trade and will give value received in quality seeds for money sent us.[end right column]
Iowa Seed Company, 209-211 Walnut St. Des Moines, Iowa
Our constant aim is to make the highest quality the first consideeration, and nect to put our prices as lowas good seed can be sold
[left column]Order Early: The best time to order is just as soon as you receive this catalogue, as we can always give your orders more of our personal attention if they come in before the rush of the spring trade. Please use the order sheet, as it makes it more convenient for us in filling orders. You will note there are two order sheets enclosed; one for seeds, tools and miscellaneous goods, and the other for plants, bulbs and nursery stock. If you will use them as intended, it will greatly facilitate the execution of your orders. Term are invariably cash with order, as we keep no book accounts in our mail order department , and the expense of sending goods C.O.D. is quite large. Postage stamps received the same as cash.
Shipping: There are three [inter?]urban companies and fifteen railroad lines at Des Moines, so that quick shipments can be made to any town in the United States.
Charges Prepaid: All Vegetables and Flower Seeds, Bulbs and Plants except those noted, are sent prepaid by mail or express by the quickest and most direct routes, unless ordered otherwise, and we guarantee the safe arrival. Seeds sold by the peck or bushel, Field Seeds, Potatoes, Implements and other heavy goods are sent by freight or express, customers paying charges. Remember seeds go at special rates by express.
Seeds by Mail: Seeds, plants and bulbs may be sent by Parcel Post. The table of rates, page 2, gives amount of postage required on quantities over 7 pound. Miscellaneous merchandise may go by Parcel Post, and mailing weight is given on items of this kind.
Delivery: The point of delivery of all goods is on cars at Des Moines. When we quote a delivery price it means simply that we prepay the freight, express charges or postage. Many of our farmer customers live at railroad stations where there are no agents. In such cases we must request them to send sufficient money to prepay freight charges on heavy shipments; also in cases where perishable or other goods are ordered to be sent by freight or express to such great distances that cost of transportation will nearly or quite equal the value of the goods.
Discounts: We have this year made the prices in this catalogue as low as our high grade seeds can be sold, and we can give no discounts. In ordering seeds in bulk you may deduct ten cents per pound on vegetable seeds, such as are listed prepaid. If you are willing to have them sent by express or freight at your expense.
Premiums: Each year we put up thousands of packets of new or particularly desirable varieties of seeds for free distribution to our customers. We will send these out with the seeds ordered by you and will treat you liberally in this respect. We shall also try to please our plant customers by adding something to their order when shipping it.[end left column]
[right column]Our Responsibility: As this book will probably go into the hands of some who are unacquainted with us, this question will naturally arise, and in answer to same we refer you, by permissions, to the Commercial Savings Bank of this city, the postmaster, or to any express company.
What We Guarantee: That all money sent to us for seed shall reach us if sent us by registered letter, post office or express money order, or bank draft, made payable to our order. That your order will be filled promptly and well. That goods ordered will reach you safely. Keep a copy of your order. Sometimes persons think they have ordered articles which they have omitted, and blame us for not sending them.
About Warranting: We thoroughly test all our seeds and nothing is sent out whichc we do not believe to be good in every repect. When it is considered how many are the contingencies on which the success of any crop depends, such as sowing too deep or too shallow, too wet or dry soil, unfavorable weather, insects, etc., our customers will readily see that it would be sheer folly for anyone to warrant seeds to procue a perfect crop, and we want it plainly understood that while we exercise great care to have all seeds pure and reliable, and also true to name, we do not give any warranty express or implied as to description, quality, productiveness, or any other matter of any seeds, bulbs or plants we send out, and we will not be in any way responsible for the crop. If the purchaser does not accept the seeds on these terms and conditions, they are to be returned at once, and the money that had been paid for same will be refunded. No officer, agent or employee this company is authorized to make any warranty whatsoever. However, we have so much confidence in our seeds that we hereby agree to refill any retail order for vegetable or flower seeds free of charge should they prove otherwise than as we represent them. We know of no responsible seed firm in the world which guarantees seeds any further than this. Compare with other seed catalogues and you see that we are right.
Market Gardeners and others who buy vegetable seeds in bulk to the amount of $5.00 or more are requested to send their list of seeds wanted to us and let us make special quotations.
Plant Orders: Orders for plants will be filled as early in the spring as we consider it safe to send them. if ordered for immediate shipment in severe weather they will be sent at purchaser's risk.
Small Orders: We take pains to fill orders promptly and correctly, no matter if only for but one packet of seeds but we request that plant orders amount to at least 25 cents, and nursery stock to at least 50 cents, as otherwise they are filled at a loss to us.[end right column]