United States Food Administration License No. G 30069
Fiftyfive Years Successful Business!
Des Moines, Iowa, January, 1920
Greeting to our Customers
We owe our friends great obligations for the business given us last year. The volume was larger than ever before. We were able to render better service, and we expect to take even better care of your orders this season. Transportation is not all that we could wish, but we expect steady improvement in this regard. The personnel of our force is not changed and we all have added experience to place in your service. Crops are generally very good, so we expect to meet all demands, and will give you stocks of highest quality. Our business shows a steady, conservative growth during the past ten years and it will continue to grow because we shall give our best efforts to pleasing our customers and by this means hold our position as
In trading by mail you have to buy seeds without seeing them. We protect you in this, however, because if any seeds from us are not satisfactory upon arrival and inspection, return them to us and we will refund the money you paid for them. With this agreement you can purchase your seeds of us in every confidence and just as well as though you traded over our counters. You are sole judge; all we require is that they shall be sent back to us within fifteen days from date of receipt by you. This applies to garden farm and flower seeds. We cannot guarantee a crop, but we can and do guarantee to take seeds back that you yourself are not pleased with. The fifteen days will give you ample time to test them in any way you want. It will give you time to send samples for inspection, analysis or test to the State Seed Inspector or to the Agricultural Experiment Station. Our stocks will stand the closest scrutiny and we are ready to be judged accordingly. You will readily see that we could not make this offer unless our stocks were first class and would give satisfaction to the purchaser.[end left column]
[right column]TO OUR NEW FRIENDS
Each year this catalogue goes to prospective buyers who have never traded with us and are not acquainted with our stocks or methods. To such just a few words of solicitation. This book is compiled with great care that it may be a help to you in your gardening and farming operations. Both text and illustrations are truthful in detail and it will be found a real guide to better farms and better gardens. Read it carefully, weigh all the statements and send us a trial order. We will gladly leave in your hands the question of future and continued patronage. Each year our friends increase in number, and this is because those who give us trial orders become firm friends and continous patrons. We sell the best possible stocks at the lowest prices consistent with profitable merchandizing. Price, however, must be second to quality. You do not want poor seeds at any price. We affirm without qualification that our prices are as low as quality supplied will justify. We want your trade and will give value received in quality seeds for money sent us.[end right column]
Iowa Seed Company, 209-211 Walnut St. Des Moines, Iowa
Our constant aim is to make the highest quality the first consideeration, and nect to put our prices as lowas good seed can be sold
[left column]Order Early: The best time to order is just as soon as you receive this catalogue, as we can always give your orders more of our personal attention if they come in before the rush of the spring trade. Please use the order sheet, as it makes it more convenient for us in filling orders. You will note there are two order sheets enclosed; one for seeds, tools and miscellaneous goods, and the other for plants, bulbs and nursery stock. If you will use them as intended, it will greatly facilitate the execution of your orders. Term are invariably cash with order, as we keep no book accounts in our mail order department , and the expense of sending goods C.O.D. is quite large. Postage stamps received the same as cash.
Shipping: There are three [inter?]urban companies and fifteen railroad lines at Des Moines, so that quick shipments can be made to any town in the United States.
Charges Prepaid: All Vegetables and Flower Seeds, Bulbs and Plants except those noted, are sent prepaid by mail or express by the quickest and most direct routes, unless ordered otherwise, and we guarantee the safe arrival. Seeds sold by the peck or bushel, Field Seeds, Potatoes, Implements and other heavy goods are sent by freight or express, customers paying charges. Remember seeds go at special rates by express.
Seeds by Mail: Seeds, plants and bulbs may be sent by Parcel Post. The table of rates, page 2, gives amount of postage required on quantities over 7 pound. Miscellaneous merchandise may go by Parcel Post, and mailing weight is given on items of this kind.
Delivery: The point of delivery of all goods is on cars at Des Moines. When we quote a delivery price it means simply that we prepay the freight, express charges or postage. Many of our farmer customers live at railroad stations where there are no agents. In such cases we must request them to send sufficient money to prepay freight charges on heavy shipments; also in cases where perishable or other goods are ordered to be sent by freight or express to such great distances that cost of transportation will nearly or quite equal the value of the goods.
Discounts: We have this year made the prices in this catalogue as low as our high grade seeds can be sold, and we can give no discounts. In ordering seeds in bulk you may deduct ten cents per pound on vegetable seeds, such as are listed prepaid. If you are willing to have them sent by express or freight at your expense.
Premiums: Each year we put up thousands of packets of new or particularly desirable varieties of seeds for free distribution to our customers. We will send these out with the seeds ordered by you and will treat you liberally in this respect. We shall also try to please our plant customers by adding something to their order when shipping it.[end left column]
[right column]Our Responsibility: As this book will probably go into the hands of some who are unacquainted with us, this question will naturally arise, and in answer to same we refer you, by permissions, to the Commercial Savings Bank of this city, the postmaster, or to any express company.
What We Guarantee: That all money sent to us for seed shall reach us if sent us by registered letter, post office or express money order, or bank draft, made payable to our order. That your order will be filled promptly and well. That goods ordered will reach you safely. Keep a copy of your order. Sometimes persons think they have ordered articles which they have omitted, and blame us for not sending them.
About Warranting: We thoroughly test all our seeds and nothing is sent out whichc we do not believe to be good in every repect. When it is considered how many are the contingencies on which the success of any crop depends, such as sowing too deep or too shallow, too wet or dry soil, unfavorable weather, insects, etc., our customers will readily see that it would be sheer folly for anyone to warrant seeds to procue a perfect crop, and we want it plainly understood that while we exercise great care to have all seeds pure and reliable, and also true to name, we do not give any warranty express or implied as to description, quality, productiveness, or any other matter of any seeds, bulbs or plants we send out, and we will not be in any way responsible for the crop. If the purchaser does not accept the seeds on these terms and conditions, they are to be returned at once, and the money that had been paid for same will be refunded. No officer, agent or employee this company is authorized to make any warranty whatsoever. However, we have so much confidence in our seeds that we hereby agree to refill any retail order for vegetable or flower seeds free of charge should they prove otherwise than as we represent them. We know of no responsible seed firm in the world which guarantees seeds any further than this. Compare with other seed catalogues and you see that we are right.
Market Gardeners and others who buy vegetable seeds in bulk to the amount of $5.00 or more are requested to send their list of seeds wanted to us and let us make special quotations.
Plant Orders: Orders for plants will be filled as early in the spring as we consider it safe to send them. if ordered for immediate shipment in severe weather they will be sent at purchaser's risk.
Small Orders: We take pains to fill orders promptly and correctly, no matter if only for but one packet of seeds but we request that plant orders amount to at least 25 cents, and nursery stock to at least 50 cents, as otherwise they are filled at a loss to us.[end right column]
Our stock of vegetable seeds we are sure cannot be excelled either in quality or selection by any firm in the country, as we watch our growing crops with great care, taking pains to isolate and keep pure and true to name. Every variety listed is desirable and has our recommendation. Our packets are, we believe, as well filled as any reliable seed dealer's in the United States, and, in fact, a comparison has shown that they contain more seed, on the average, than those of any other firm whose packets we have secured. We pay the postage on vegetable seeds at these prices, except on Beans, Peas and Corn at the 3 lb. and larger quantities. We make it a rule to carefully test all seeds. We carry on extensive trials by which we are enabled to offer only those strains of seeds which come up to the standard of purity and excellence, and are of the highest vitality, and our Choice Iowa Seeds are sure to please. The vegetable seed department is under the personal supervision of the president of our company. He places the contracts, inspects the growing crops, superintends the farm operations in summer and during the busy months in spring he gives personal oversight to the order filling department. We expect to give you high quality in our Choice Iowa Seeds and to supply them at as low prices as present world conditions will warrant.
SEEDS BY PARCELS POST Customers are urged to use the Parcels Post. We return Excess Postage.
BE SURE AND ADD ONE POUND ADDITIONAL TO COVER WEIGHT OF PACKING Many of our friends will prefer to have their seeds come by parcel post rather than by express. There is not much difference in the cost of transportation by these two methods, but if you want the seeds to come by mail you must send postage, because it must be prepaid. We submit herewith a table showing the postage per pound to each state. This is figured in the way to be most easily understood by our friends. The only thing to remember is to add one pound over the actual amount of seeds you order to cover the weight of packing. For example, you will live in Alabama and you order three pounds of Gradus peas by parcel post. You will add 24 cents to the price quoted in the catalogue. If you live in Illinois and want 15 lbs. of peas by parcel post, add 64 cents to the price in the catalogue. If the postage you send is more than is necessary the surplus will be returned to you enclosed in a small envelope within the package. if you do not send postage we will take it for granted you want the goods forwarded by express or freight. Remember that we pay the postage on garden seeds ordered by the packet, ounce, quarter pound or pound, no matter what the cost, but on larger quantities postage must be added if we are to send them by mail. OUR POSTAGE RATE FROM DES MOINES TO ALL IOWA POINTS IS ONE CENT PER POUND. STATE Postage Per Lb. STATE Postage Per Lb. Alabama 6 cents Missouri 4 cents Alaska 12 cents Montana 8 cents Arizona 8 cents Nebraska 4 cents Arkansas 4 cents Nevada 8 cents California 10 cents New Hampshire 8 cents Canal Zone 12 cents New Jersey 8 cents Colorado 6 cents New Mexico 8 cents Connecticut 8 cents New York 8 cents Delaware 6 cents North Carolina 8 cents Dist. of Columbia 6 cents Ohio 6 cents Florida 8 cents Oklahoma 4 cents Georgia 6 cents Oregon 10 cents Guam 12 cents Pennsylvania 6 cents Hawaii 12 cents Porto Rico 12 cents Idaho 8 cents Rhode Island 8 cents Illinois 4 cents Samoa 12 cents Indiana 4 cents South Carolina 6 cents Kansas 4 cents South Dakota 4 cents Kentucky 6 cents Tennessee 6 cents Louisiana 6 cents Texas 8 cents Maine 8 cents Utah 8 cents Maryland 6 cents Vermont 8 cents Massachusetts 8 cents Virginia 6 cents Mexico 12 cents Washington 10 cents Michigan 4 cents West Virginia 6 cents Minnesota 4 cents Wisconsin 4 cents Mississippi 6 cents Wyoming 6 cents
(One ounce will sow forty feet of drill.) (For asparagus roots, see page 35.) Asparagus is so easily grown and such a large quantity is produced on a small amount of ground that every garden should contain a bed. A bed ten feet square requiring 50 plants will give abundant supply for an ordinary family. Sow early in spring in rows a foot apart; keep clean by frequent weeding and hoeing. Circular on How to Make an Asparagus Bed, free. BONVALLET`S GIANT.--A new and entirely distinct variety, that produces shoots which are white as long as they are fit for use. Robust and vigorous in habit, and throws up larger shoots and fully as many as Conover's Colossal, and requires no earthing up in order to furnish the white shoots so much sought after. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. PALMETTO.--Stalks frequently measure 2 inches in diameter, and even when of extra length are perfectly tender when cooked. Pkt. 5c, oz 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. CONOVER`S COLOSSAL.--The standard variety. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
[Drawing at right of BONVALLET'S GIANT]
ARTICHOKE A great delicacy. A perennial producing the large flower heads, which are the part eaten, the second season and every year thereafter. Sow seed and when weather becomes settle transplant in rows 4 feet apart and 2 feet in the row. LARGE GREEN GLOBE--The best variety for general use; buds large; scales green; very thick, fleshy. Pkt. 10c; oz. 35c; 1/4 lb. $1.00
BROCCOLI (One ounce will produce about 3,000 plants.) Growth and habit like cauliflower, except more hardy, and heads are not so compact; not desirable for warm or dry countries. EARLY LARGE WHITE.--The most popular sort. Has medium sized, creamy white heads. Pkt. 10c; oz. 40c.
[Drawing above of BRUSSELS SPROUT] BUESSELS SPROUTS (One ounce for about 3,000 plants.) Of the cabbage family, producing numerous heads on the stem, of most delicious quality, with cabbage like head at top. Use and cultivate like winter cabbage. AMERICAN MAMMOTH.--Greatly superior variety of American growth, which forms heads about 3 weeks earlier than other sorts. Profitable for market gardeners. Pkt. 10c oz. 35c, 1/4 lb. $1.00.
[image1: beans] | BEANS | [image2: beans] |
[caption1:] STRINGLESS GREEN POD | DWARF BUSH VARIETIES: (One pound [will] sow 50 feet of drill.) Dwarf or bush beans require no support and may be planted in drills or hills. They do best if not crowded. Beans are tender annuals and cannot be planted until danger of frost is past. Do not plant more than two inches deep. Never cultivate when the plants are wet. | [caption2:] IMPROVED GOLDEN WAX |
IMPROVED GOLDEN WAX: The most popular variety and this popularity is due largely to the fact that the strain we have is a great improvement on the old Golden Wax, having larger pods and being more prolific. This improved stock is one of the handsomest beans we have ever seen, the pods a rich golden yellow color and of perfect shape and rust proof. Best for family or market garden. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15 lb, $0.50 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.20, 10 lbs $3.80, 25 lbs or over $0.35 per lb. | ||
CHALLENGE BLACK WAX: This strain of Black Wax is in our opinion superior to that generally offered. Pods tender, round, fleshy and stringless. (See illustration below.) Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.50 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.20, 10 lbs $3.80, 25 lbs or over $0.35 per lb. | ||
STRINGLESS GREEN POD: A stringless green pod bush bean. Surpasses all others in crips, tender flavor. Finely shaped, long green pods, absolutely stringless; ready to market two weeks earlier than Valentines. Of immense value to market gardeners and amateurs who seek an early bean. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15 lb, $0.50 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.20, 10 lbs $3.50, 25 lbs or over $0.30 per lb. | [image3: beans] | BRITTLE WAX: Claimed to be earlier than Golden Wax. Plant is a strong grower with large foliage and very productive. Pods are nearly straight, rather broad, solid and four to six inches long. Pods are stringless and the quality is excellent. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.60 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.50, 10 lbs $4.50, 25 lbs or over $0.40 per lb. |
BOUNTIFUL: Vines strong, upright, abundant heavy foliage. The pods are thick and broad and entirely stringless, and produced in greater profusion than any other bush bean. Resembles Yellow Six Weeks in habit of growth. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.50 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.20, 10 lbs $3.50, 25 lbs or over $0.30 per lb. | [caption3:] BRITTLE WAX | DAVIS WHITE WAX: The best white seeded wax-pod variety. While other sorts may have superior qualities this bean does not show discoloration when cooked, and for that reason is preferred for canning. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.60 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.50. |
FULL MEASURE: A new variety which is a cross of Refugee and Yosemite Mammoth Wax. Is very prolific and the pods are large, handsome, of dark green color, and entirely stringless. Matures as early and equal in quality to Stringless Green Pod, surpassing that variety in productiveness. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.50 postpaid. | ||
[image4: beans] | IMPROVED EARLY VALENTINE: Standard green pod variety. Produces the true, round curved pods abundantly. Unexcelled in quality and uniformity of ripening; nearly the whole crop can be taken at one picking, usually within 35 days after planting. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.50 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.20, 10 lbs $3.50, 25 lbs or over $0.30 per lb. | [image5: beans] |
[caption4:] CHALLENGE BLACK WAX | IMPROVED NAVY, or Boston Pea: An improvement over the old-time Navy Bean. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.35 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $0.75, 10 lbs $2.25, 25 lbs or over $0.20 per lb. | [caption5:] IMPROVED EARLY VALENTINE |
PROLIFIC TREE, or California Branch: A valuable variety for field culture. Grows about 20 inches high, has stiff, upright branches and bears immensely. The beans resemble White Navy. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.35 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $0.75, 10 lbs $2.25, 25 lbs or over $0.20 per lb. | ||
[column1] | [column2] | [column3] |
[image1: bean plant] | BEANS··CONTINUED | [image2: bean plant] |
[ [caption1:] HENDERSON'S DWARF LIMA. | BURPEE`S BUSH LIMA.--A dwarf or bush form of the true large Lima which is of great value. They grow form 18 to 20 inches high, of stout, erect growth, yet branching and vigorous; an immense yielder. Does not always mature this far north, but makes excellent green shelled beans. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.60 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.50, 10 lbs $4.50, 25 lbs or over $0.45 [per] lb. | [caption2:] BURPEE'S BUSH LIMA |
HENDERSON`S BUSH LIMA.--A true bush Lima, and sure to ripen its enormous crop. Beans grow to good size and are excellent either green, shelled or dry. Produces a continuous crop from the middle of July until frost. Enormously productive. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.50 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.20, 10 lbs $3.80, 25 lbs or over at $0.35 per lb. | ||
[image3: beans] | POLE BEANS.--This class of beans require support for best results. Frequently they are planted among the corn and good returns are secured in this way, but if you can furnish poles for support they will produce wonderfully. The extra care given will be fully repaid by increased yield. | [image4: beans] |
[caption3:] GOLDEN CLUSTER WAX | OLD HOMESTEAD.--Is also known as Improved Kentucky Wonder. It has reached first place on the list solely on merit as it is enormously productive, pods hanging in great clusters from top to bottom of the pole. Entirely stringless, pods of silvery green color. Can be grown with corn to good advantage. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.50 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.20, 10 lbs $3.80, 25 lbs or over at $0.35 per lb. | [caption4:] OLD HOMESTEAD |
LAZY WIFE.--Very popular pole bean. Derived its name form its immense productiveness. Pods produced in great abundance, measure from 4 1/2 to 6 inches in length. They retain their rich, tender and stringless qualities until nearly ripe. The white beans are large, round, plump, and make excellent winter shell beans. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.60 postpaid. By express, 3 lbs $1.50, 10 lbs $4.50, 25 lbs or over at $0.40 per lb. | ||
[image5: beans] | SPECKLED CUT SHORT.--The old-fashioned cornfield bean so popular because it seems better than most pole varieties. Of good quality and a good yielder. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.50 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs $1.20, 10 lbs $3.80, 25 lbs or over at $0.35 per lb. | [image6: beans] |
[caption5:] SPECKLED CUT SHORT | GOLDEN CLUSTER WAX.--Considered the best of all wax pole beans. It bears profusely its long, golden yellow pods in clusters of from 3 to 6, from the bottom to the top of the pole, and continues in bearing from the middle of July until the vines are cut by frost. Pods are 7 to 8 inches long. They are quite flat but fleshy, absolutely stringless, very brittle and delicious. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.20, lb $0.65 [?postpaid?]. Not prepaid, 3 lbs $1.75, 10 lbs $5.00. | [caption6:] LAZY WIFE |
KING OF THE GARDEN LIMA.--An improvement on the large White Lima. Pods are of enormous size. Packet $0.10, 1/4 lb $0.15, lb $0.60 postpaid. Not prepaid, 3 lbs $1.50, 10 lbs $4.50, 25 lbs or more at $0.40 per lb. | ||
YARD LONG.--A great curiosity but withal an excellent variety. Produces pods fully three feet long. Splendid for use in the green state as the pods are tender and of fine flavor. Packet $0.15, 1/4 lb $0.50, lb $1.75 postpaid. | ||
SCARLET RUNNER.--Valuable for table use or as an ornamental vine. Packet $0.15, 1/4 lb $0.50, lb $1.75 postpaid. Not prepaid: 3 lbs for $5.00. | ||