TOMATO One ounce will produce about 2,500 plants. Sow early in hotbeds or seed boxes and when plants have four leaves transplant to four or five inches apart. Give plenty of air and endeavor to secure a vigorous growth. When all danger of frost is past, transplant to open ground, four to six feet apart each way. Well manured, light, sandy soil is best, but it must be remembered that a surplus of manure stimulates leaf growth to the detriment of fruit. Through long years of selection we have now a stock of tomato seed which is far superior to that of most other dealers. Our packets contain from 500 to 1,000 seeds. SPARKS' EARLIANA.--Probably no early tomato introduced in many years has attracted so much attention and has so large a sale as Sparks' Earliana. It is not only extremely early, but is remarkable for its large size, handsome shape, and beautiful bright red color. Its solidity and fine qualities are fully equal to many of the best late sorts. Extra early tomatoes are one of the most profitable crops for the market gardener as well as especially desirable in the home garden. You will make no mistake in planting the Earliana. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c, ¼ lb. 90c; lb. $3.00.
MATCHLESS.--Well worthy of its name, for in beauty, color and symmetry of form it is indeed without a peer. Vines are of strong, vigorous growth, well set with fruit, which is entirely free from core, of finest flavor, very rich cardinal red color, and not liable to crack from wet weather; of large size, and the size of the fruit is maintained throughout the season. Solid, of fine quality and keeps well. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, ¼ lb. 75c, lb. $2.50.
[image] MATCHLESS.
LIVINGSTON'S BEAUTY.--Originated with the late Mr. A. W. Livingston, of Franklin County, Ohio, and is one of the best ever introduced. Its size, beauty, shape, color, flavor, durability and productiveness make it desirable to growers. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, ¼ lb. 75c, lb. $2.50. ACME.--Valuable for early market; medium size, color a glossy red with purplish tinge. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, ¼ lb. 65c, lb. $2.50. IMPROVED TROPHY.--Our Improved Trophy is vigorous and productive; its large, solid, smooth, fine-flavored fruit will satisfy the most exacting. Also much liked for canning. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, ¼ lb. 60c, lb. $2.00. FAVORITE.--Bears clusters of 3 to 7 tomatoes of a rich, dark red color, very smooth, flesh firm, nice for canning. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, ¼ lb. 60c, lb. $2.00. PERFECTION.--Large and round, smooth, handsome red fruit of highest quality. It proves very satisfactory for forcing under glass. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, ¼ lb. 60c, lb. $2.00.
I must say your garden seeds are first class and the largest packets I ever received from any company.--Mrs. Clarence Barker, Atwater, Ohio. Yonr [Your] seeds are the best I ever got anywhere. I had a very fine garden from your seeds, and will recommend them whenever I can.--Mrs. Christ H. Westby, Burlington, Wisc.
JUNE PINK--This may briefly be described as a pink Sparks' Earliana. About ten days earlier than most of the early sorts. Fruits medium size, smooth, without cracks or green core. Skin is tough, thus making it a good shipper. Color is bright pink. Pkt. 5c, oz. 35c, ¼ lb. $1.00, lb. $3.50. JAPANESE CLIMBING.--A great novelty. Beyond comparison the tallest growing variety that we know of, growing 10 to 12 feet high and bearing fruit way to the tip. Fruits are of a nice medium size, of fine shape, solid, smooth and of a beautiful shining crimson color. They are produced in great clusters and the plant is productive and a continuous bearer. One plant properly trained on a trellis will produce more fruit than a dozen ordinary tomato plants. Fruits contain few seeds and are of superior flavor. If the seed is started early in the house they will begin fruiting in July and one or two well developed plants will produce enough fruit for a small family the entire season, and every owner of a garden, no matter how small, should grow this wonderful tomato. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, ¼ lb. $1.25.
[image] JUNE PINK
GOLDEN QUEEN.--Best of the large, common yellow varieties. Fruit smooth, of finest flavor; ripens evenly; a handsome sort. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, ¼ lb. 90c, lb. $3.00. PONDEROSA.--Very large, inclined to be irregular in shape, but of fine quality. Purplish red. Pkt. 5c, oz. 35c, ¼ lb. $1.00, lb. $3.50. CRIMSON CUSHION.--Persons having only a small garden will appreciate this as it can be grown on trellises and in this way three to four times as much fruit can be grown on same space. Grows 7 to 10 feet high, if desired, but as most of fruit is borne three or four feet from the ground, well out of reach of chickens, it is just as well to trim off tips. Fine quality, extremely large and excellent for slicing or canning. Pkt. 5c, oz. 35c, ¼ lb. $1.00, lb. $3.50. WONDER MAGNUS.--Of very good size, deep, rich, red color, very solid and containing very few seeds. We secured this variety from the introducers, and as many of our customers know it favorably we do not hesitate to recommend it to all of our patrons. A favorite for canning purposes because of color. Each season seems to add to its popularity for all purposes. Pkt. 5c, oz. 35c, ¼ lb. $1.00, lb. $3.50. MIXED TOMATOES.--For the benefit of some customers who would like to try all kinds, we offer this mixture of many sorts. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, ¼ lb. 75c.
DWARF CHAMPION.--Habit of growth peculiar, for not only is it dwarf and compact, but the stem being thick, stiff and short jointed, it is almost self-supporting when laden with fruit. Early, of a purplish pink color; smooth, symmetrical, solid and of fine quality. Best variety to grow for plants for sale as they are so stocky. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, ¼ lb. 90c, lb. $3.00. DWARF STONE.--A dwarf growing sort after the manner of Dwarf Champion, with very large, bright red fruits, fully as large as the standard stone variety. Pkt. 5c, oz. 35c, ¼ lb. $1.00, lb. $3.50. STONE.--One of the best of all standard sorts. Color is a bright red. Fruit is of large size, perfectly smooth and of best table quality in every respect. It is a famous main crop tomato in many sections, both north and south, and is much used for canning. Productive and the fruit bears shipment well. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, ¼ lb. 65c, lb. $2.25.
GRAND TOMATO TRIO THE THREE MAJESTICS One Packet Each of the Three Majestics 25c
GOLDEN MAJESTIC, the $1,800.00 Tomato.--A magnificent new variety which originated in northern Iowa, and we were so favorably impressed with it that we bought all the stock in existence and paid for same at the rate of $1,800.00 per lb. It is the golden member of the great triumvirate, fully equal to its elder brothers in size, solidity, yield and flavor. Without hesitation we pronounce it the grandest yellow tomato in existence. The tomato is undoubtedly the most popular vegetable in America, and nothing presents a more oppetizing [appetizing] appearance on the table than thick, luscious slices of alternating purple, red and yellow, cut from our Majestics. A trial will convince you of their superior qualities. Pkt. 15c, oz. $1.00. MAJESTIC.--The largest, handsomest and finest quality tomato ever sent out. When we first secured this grand sort we knew that it was of exceptional merit, and superior in size and flavor to anything on the market, but were astonished at the reports received from our customers. Thousands of letters arrived speaking of it in highest praise. Undoubtedly the largest fruited of any, and the fruit is solid, weighing more than its size would indicate. The first fruits matured are somewhat rough, but later they are smooth and handsome; of a rosy red color, ripening evenly all over, way up to the stem. When cut it is a rich coral red color, its core blending into delicate shell-rose tints. Fruit is unusually solid, very small seed cells, few in number and near the surface. Flesh is tender fine-grained and rich, yet of mild, delicate flavor, being of the sub-acid class. Plant is of vigorous growth from start to finish. Many of our customers reported specimens weighing 3 lbs. to 7 lbs. each. The largest were, of course, grown by special culture, allowing only one or two fruits to ripen on a plant. In this way the whole strength of the vine goes to the fruit and the size is increased greatly. There were also many reports of 120 to 160 lbs. of tomatoes grown on one plant. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c, ¼ lb. $1.50, lb. $5.50. RED MAJESTIC.--This new variety appears to have all the good qualities as well as the large size of the world-renowned Majestic, but it is of a bright cardinal red in color, and for this reason may be preferred by some. It is also of special value for growing on a trellis and will quickly cover a support six or eight feet high, and bears its fruit well up from the ground, out of reach of the chickens. Many growing both this and the Purple Majestic pronounce the red variety superior. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c, ¼ lb. $1.50, lb. $5.50.
FROM THE SUNNY SOUTH I have used your seed for the three past years and find them to be the best seed and the fullest packages I ever bought. I cannot say too much in their favor. My garden was the finest and my yard the prettiest in the community last year.--Mrs. T. W. Humphries, Notasulga, Ala.
[image] MAJESTIC TOMATO 7 lbs. 7 ozs.
[image] Plant of Majestic Tomato grown by W. R. Long, Iowa Co., Iowa.
MAJESTIC TOMATO PLANTS Strong, Well Grown Transplanted Plants Majestic... per doz. 40 cts. Red Majestic... [per doz.] 40 [cts.] Golden Majestic... [per doz.] 40 [cts.] One Dozen of Each, only $1.00 postpaid
PRESERVING TOMATOES GOLDEN NUGGET.--When at the Royal Agricultural Show in England, our attention was especially attracted by this grand new variety. Fruits are beautiful golden yellow, round as a ball and about as large as a hulled black walnut. Flavor exceptionally fine, and a most desirable variety for eating from the hand or as a dessert fruit. We have grown them now both on our farm and at our trial grounds, and were more than pleased. Plants were loaded down with most beautiful rich golden yellow fruits of delicious flavor. Try them. Extra fine. Pkt. 10c, oz. 75c.
RUBY NUGGET.--This we consider one of our most fortunate discoveries. It is a sport from the Golden Nugget, discovered in a field of that variety which we were growing for a seed crop. In shape of fruit, great productiveness and fine flavor it is the equal of the yellow variety, while the color is the popular bright red tomato color. Pkt. 10c, oz. 75c. PEACH.--Named from a resemblance to a peach in size and shape. The color is a peculiar shade of pink and orange, differing from ordinary tomatoes. A fine sort for preserving. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c. YELLOW PEAR.--A favorite with all who know them. Fruit is pear-shaped and of a deep yellow color. Highly valued as a table delicacy raw, also for preserving or to make "tomato figs"; fine pickled. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, ¼ lb. 75c. CRIMSON CURRANT.--Most charming little fruit, hardly more than a half inch in diameter, of bright crimson color; borne in long clusters containing 20 to 60 tomatoes. Excellent for eating from the hand or preserved. Pkt. 10c, oz. 60c. STRAWBERRY, or Husk Tomato.--Also called Ground Cherry. Plants are of spreading habit and immensely productive. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c.
TURNIP One ounce will sow 150 feet of drill. Two pounds will sow an acre. For early, sow in April in drills half an inch deep and twelve inches apart; thin to six inches apart in the drill. For main crop sow broadcast in July and August, and before a shower if possible.
EXTRA EARLY PURPLE TOP MILAN.--One of the earliest sorts in cultivation. Bulb very flat, medium size, quite smooth, with a bright purple top; leaves few, short, and light color; grows compact and makes exceedingly small strap-leaved top. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, ¼ lb. 40c, lb. $1.20. EARLY WHITE MILAN.--Much like the above, but is pure white all over, instead of having purple top. Quite popular with gardeners. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, ¼ lb. 50c, lb. $1.50. EARLY SNOWBALL.--A globe-shaped, white-skinned turnip, very fine grained, firm and of delicate flavor. One of best keeping of white fleshed sorts, very early and particularly adapted for family or market use. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, ¼ lb. 25c, lb. 75c. WHITE EGG.--A quick-growing, egg-shaped, perfectly smooth, pure white variety with small top and rough leaves. Flesh very sweet, firm and mild, never having any rank, strong taste. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, ¼ lb. 25c, lb. 75c.
GOLDEN BALL, or Orange Jelly.--A beautiful bright yellow turnip of medium size and universally sweet and delicious flavor. Is hardy and one of the best keepers. Flesh extremely firm and solid. Brings good price on market. If you have never tried yellow turnips we advise you to plant some of the Golden Ball in your home garden this year. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, ¼ lb. 20c, lb. 60c. PURPLE TOP GLOBE.--Similar to the Purple Top Strap Leaved except shape. The largest yielder of any turnip on the list and always brings top market price. Desirable for table use or for stock. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, ¼ lb. 20c, lb. 60c, 5 lbs. or more, not prepaid, 50c per lb.
MIXED TURNIPS--All the table varieties mixed in equal proportions. For family use. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, ¼ lb. 20c, lb. 60c.
[image] WHITE EGG.
PURPLE TOP STRAP LEAVED.--The standard for this part of the country for late planting, and we sell immense quantities of it every year. One of the best table and stock sorts on the market; fine grained and of mild flavor. Of good size, flat shape, pure white below with purplish red top. Good cropper and excellent keeper. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, ¼ lb. 20c, lb. 60c; 5 bls. or more, not prepaid, at 45c.
COW HORN.--This variety pure white; in shape like a carrot, growing nearly half out of the ground, and slightly crooked. It is delicate and well flavored. Used also as a green manuring crop. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, ¼ lb. 25c, lb. 70c. SCARLET KASHMYR.--This new extra early, bright scarlet turnip has a striking resemblance to a large radish. The flesh is white and crisp. Matures almost as quickly as the earliest radish, and when cooked is of unsurpassed quality. Good keeper and entitled to a place among garden favorites. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, ¼ lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. SEVEN TOP.--Cultivated extensively in the south for the tops, which are used for greens. It is very hardy and will grow all winter, but does not produce a good root, and is recommended only for tops. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, ¼ lb. 20c, lb. 60c.
RUTA BAGA Largely grown in the north for stock feeding, and for this are superior to turnips. Sow not later than June in drills 2 feet apart and thin out to 8 inches in the row. IMPROVED AMERICAN.--Very solid, fine quality, good shape, smooth skin, small neck, keeps well. A choice strain of the very best quality for table use or stock feeding. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, ¼ lb. 20c, lb. 65c, 5 lbs. or more, not prepaid, at 40c. MONARCH.--This grand new and distinct form of ruta baga is, we believe, by far the most productive of all. Of tankard shape, with very small neck, skin dark red above ground and yellow below, flesh rich yellow, fine grained, good quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, ¼ lb. 20c, lb. 65c, 5 lbs. or more, not prepaid, at 55c per lb.
WHITE SWEET GERMAN.--Large size, oval and very solid; flesh pure white, sweet. Best keeping sort. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, ¼ lb. 20c, lb. 60c, 5 lbs. or more, not prepaid, at 45c per lb.
TOBACCO BIG ORONOCO.--A favorite Virginia variety. Grows very large, broad leaves. A fine variety for dark plug wrappers and brings a good price in the market. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, ¼ lb. $1.00. CONNECTICUT SEED LEAF.--This is a staple variety in all sections of the country and will grow successfully over a wide range of territory. Used for cigar fillers. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, ¼ lb. 75c. HAVANA.--the best known variety, as it is used very largely for cigar wrappers. Commands the highest market price when well grown and cured. Pkt. 5c, oz. 40c, ¼ lb. $1.25. WHITE BURLEY.--A mild and sweet tobacco. It is the standard main crop variety in the tobacco sections as it is extra fine for manufacturing in nearly every manner that tobacco is used. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, ¼ lb. $1.00.
[image] TOBACCO
Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines, Iowa. 37
In making up your assortment of seeds for the year don't neglect to order a few varieties of herbs. The chief point is to harvest them properly, which should be done on a dry day when not quite in full bloom, dried quickly and packed closely and entirely excluded from air. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are perennial.
[Image of jars of herbs]
Anise.--Seeds of agreeable, aromatic taste. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c.
Balm.--For making balm tea. Pkt. 5c; oz. 25c.
Basil, Sweet.--For flavoring soups, stews, etc. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c.
Borage.--Leaves used for flavoring. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c.
*Caraway.--Seeds are used for flavoring bread, etc. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c.
*Catnip or Catmint.--For seasoning. Pkt. 5c; oz. 30c.
Coriander.--Seeds used for confectionery. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c.
Castor Oil Plant.--Seeds are pressed out to obtain oil. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 50c.
*Chamomile.--Largely used for medicinal purposes. Pkt. 10c; oz. $1.50.
*Dandelion.--Grown for greens, also medicine. Pkt. 5c; oz. 35c.
Dill.--Used in making dill pickles. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 1/4 lb. 20c; lb. 60c.
*Fennel, Sweet.--Leaves used for sauces. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c.
*Horehound.--For seasoning and cough remedy. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c.
*Hyssop.--For asthma and catarrh. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c.
*Lavender.--Used as a perfume. Pkt 5c; oz. 15c.
Marjoram, Sweet.--For seasoning. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c.
Poppy, or Maw.--Blue Seeded. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c.
*Rosemary.--Aromatic leaves used for seasoning. Pkt. 5c; oz. 40c.
*Rue.--For medicinal uses; good for fowls. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c.
Saffron.--Flowers used for coloring. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c.
*Sage.--Much used for dressing. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 1/4 lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.
Summer Savory.--Used for flavoring. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 1/4 lb. 30c.
Sweet Woodruff.--A sweet-scented herb; forms the principal ingredient of the famous German Maitrank. Pkt. 5c; oz. 50c.
*Tansy.--Cultivated for medicinal purposes. Pkt. 5c; oz. 40c.
*Thyme.--Leaves and young shoots used for seasoning. Pkt. 5c; oz. 40c.
*Wormwood.--Used medicinally, and also for poultry. Per pkt. 5c; oz. 20c.
Mixed Varieties.--A mixture of all of the above. A nice garden assortment. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; 1/4 lb. 45c.
[image of leaf labelled Holt's Mammoth Sage-- Average Size Leaf]
Garden Plants and Roots
Every garden should contain an assortment of these hardy plants and a few square feet will supply the family. Many persons now believe that if these well known old remedies were kept and used more in families in place of so many drugs and patent medicines it would be better for the health of the people. Orders for these plants must amount to at least twenty-five cents. We pay the postage.
Artemisia, or Brotan.--A hardy plant sometimes called "Old Man." The leaves have a pleasant odor and bitter taste. Use similar to wormwood. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
Balsam Mint.--Has a soft, agreeable fragrance and is used for perfume; also used for flavoring soups, salads, etc. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
Calamus--Plain Leaf.--(Acorus.)--Also called "Sweet Flag." Leaves have a aromatic odor and roots a pungent taste. Grows in wet soil or beside ponds, but can be grown in dry places also. Each 15c; doz. $1.50.
Variegated.--A variegated-leaved variety of the sweet flag which is preferred to the plain because in addition to its medicinal qualities it is useful as an ornamental plant. Each 15c; doz. $1.50.
Chives.--Perfectly hardy little perennials of the onion tribe, and are grown entirely for their tops, which are used wherever flavor of onion is required. Plant in small clumps in any common garden soil and they will grow rapidly. The tops appear very early in spring and can be shorn throughout the season. In New England it is considered indispensable for use in omelets. Roots per bunch 10c; 3 for 25c; doz. 85c.
[Image of chives plant labelled chives]
Catnip, or Catmint.--A well known perennial herb having great medicinal value. Used largely for infants. Ea. 10c; 3 for 25c; doz. 75c.
Hop Roots- English Cluster.--A fine variety of commercial hops. The vines are very ornamental when trained over rockeries, stumps, etc., with the added value of usefulness from the crop produced. Each 10c; 3 for 25c; doz. 75c.
[Image of hop vine labelled English Cluster Hop]
Lemon Mint.--Also called Citronelle and Bergamot Mint. A perennial, hardy herb, leaves of which furnish a sweet lemon fragrance and flavor. Each 10c; 3 for 25c; doz. 75c.
Monarda Didyma.--Also called Scarlet Bergamot and Oswego Tea. Not only useful as an herb, but very ornamental for its bright scarlet flowers. Each 10c; 3 for 25c; doz. 75c.
Peppermint.--All children know and like the flavor of peppermint. It has a high medicinal value. Each 10c; 3 for 25c; doz. 75c.
Genuine Pennyroyal.--Warm, pungent, of somewhat aromatic taste; used for medicinal purposes. Each 15c; 3 for 40c; doz. $1.25.
Rosemary.--Used for perfume; for flavoring meats, stews, etc., and garnishing. Each 10c; 3 for 25c; doz. 75c.
Holt's Mammoth Sage.--Great improvement on common sage. Plants very strong growing, first season attaining one foot in height, and so spreading that a single plant covers space three feet in diameter; leaves are borne well above the soil; very large and of unusual substance, strong in flavor and of superior quality. A single plant of Holt's Mammoth will yield more than a dozen of the common sort; hardy. Each 10c; 3 for 25c; doz. 75c.
Lavender.--A favorite plant with our grandmothers for perfuming wearing apparel, by distributing its sprays in the bureau drawers. Each 10c; 3 for 25c.
Variegated Mammoth Sage.--Beautifully variegated dark green and pure white color, which makes it a very ornamental plant; equal to Holt's in productiveness and flavor; new and scarce. Each 15c; 3 for 35c.
Spearmint.--This is commonly called Mint and thousands of dollars' worth of it is sold annually in New York, Boston and other cities for flavoring salads, garnishing meats, mint julep, etc. Each 10c; 3 for 25c; doz. 75c.
Thyme--A well known plant which is used for sauces and flavoring. Each 10c; 3 for 25c.
Tansy.--Used largely for its tonic, stomachic and other medicinal qualities. Each 10c; 3 for 25c; doz. 75c.
Tarragon.--The true tarragon is appreciated thoroughly by all who know of it, for the use of its aromatic leaves in seasoning salads, soups, pickles, etc., and also for tarragon vinegar. Each 15c; 3 for 40c; doz. $1.25.
Housewife Herb Collection 3 bunches Chives, 1 Hop Vine, 2 Holt's Mammoth Sage, 2 Lavender, 1 Rosemary and 3 Spearmint; all postpaid for $1.00.
[Image of plant labelled Tarragon]
No pantry is really complete in winter without its assortment of herbs.
[image] Vegetable Plants by the Million Grown in Greenhouses Cold Frames Hotbeds and Field. We ship everywhere.
Well grown and lightly packed to carry a long distance. They can be shipped fresh, well packed at the beds, on a day's notice. All are strong, transplanted plants unless otherwise stated. Plants quoted "by mail" are sent at our expense; "by express" the purchaser is to pay the express charges. No charge either for packing or boxes. Plants from either hotbed or cold frame are ready during April or May; outdoor grown during June and until the middle of July. We sell 500 at the 1,000 rate.
EARLY CABBAGE. Transplanted ready April 10. Extra Early Express. Early Jersey Wakefield. Washington Wakefield. All-Head Early. By mail postpaid, 25 for 35c, 100 for $1.00. By express, not prepaid, 100 for 85c, 1,000 for $7.50. If preferred we can furnish seedling plants, not transplanted, by mail postpaid, 25 for 25c, 100 75c. By express, not prepaid, 100 for 60c, 1,000 for $4.00. LATE CABBAGE. Ready May 15; field grown after June 15. Premium Flat Dutch. Short Stem Drumhead. Danish Ball Head. By mail postpaid, 25 for 25c, 100 for 65c. By express, not prepaid, 100 for 45c, 1,000 for $3.50. CELERY. Transplanted ready May 1. White Plume. Giant Pascal. Golden Self Blanching. By mail postpaid, doz. 20c, 100 for 75c. By express, not prepaid, 100 for 60c, 1,000 for $4.50. After June 15 we can furnish outdoor grown plants, not transplanted, by express, not prepaid, 100 for 40c, 1,000 for $3.00.
CAULIFLOWER. Transplanted ready April 15. Henderson's Snowball. By mail postpaid, doz. 25c, 100 for $1.50. By express, not prepaid, 100 for $1.25, 1,000 for $10.00. TOMATO. Transplanted ready May 1. Sparks' Earliana. Beauty. Dwarf Champion. Matchless. By mail postpaid, doz. 25c, 100 for $1.40. By express, not prepaid, 100 for $1.00, 1,000 for $7.50. Not transplanted, by express, not prepaid, 100 for 75c, 1,000 for $5.00. SPECIAL TOMATO. Transplanted plants only. Majestic. Red Majestic. Yellow Majestic. Dwarf Stone. By mail postpaid, doz. 40c, 100 $2.00. Pot Grown Plants, doz. 75c, postpaid.
VEGETABLE PLANT COLLECTION JUST ENOUGH FOR THE HOME GARDEN It often happens that you would prefer to buy a few vegetable plants rather than bother with growing from seed. We appreciate this fact and offer you the following collection of vegetable plants in such way as to make it a veritable bargain: 12 Tomatoes, 25 Early Cabbage, 6 Pepper, 6 Egg Plant, 25 Celery, 50 Sweet Potatoes. All by mail, postpaid, for $1.00.
EGG PLANT. Hotbed grown ready May 1. New York Improved. By mail postpaid, doz. 25c, 100 for $1.50. By express, not prepaid, 100 for $1.25, 1,000 for $10.00. GROUND CHERRY. Transplanted ready May 1. Improved Yellow. By mail postpaid, doz. 25c, 100 for $1.25. By express, not prepaid, 100 for $1.00, 1,000 for $8.00. PEPPER. Transplanted ready May 1. Red Chili. Large Bell. Ruby King. By mail postpaid, doz. 25c, 100 for $1.25. By express, not prepaid, 100 for $1.00, $1,000 [1,000] for $7.50. SWEET POTATO. Ready May 1. Plants strong and vigorous, well rooted and hardy. Prices subject to change, depending on crop conditions. Ask price on large lots. Yellow Jersey. Yellow Nansemond. By mail postpaid, 100 60c. By exp., not prepaid, 100 for 40c, 1,000 for $3.00. Red Jersey. White Southern Queen. By mail postpaid, 100 for $1.00. By express, not prepaid, 100 for 75c, 1,000 for $5.00.
ASPARAGUS ROOTS It pays to have a small bed of asparagus so as to gather it fresh, and when once set, a bed will last many years. Our roots are strong and healthy. We recommend the one-year-old roots as more desirable for general planting than the two-year-old, as well as cheaper. Ask for circular giving directions for planting. CONOVER'S COLOSSAL.--One year plants.--Per doz. 25c, 100 for 90c, postpaid. By express or freight, not prepaid, 100 for 60c, 1,000 for $4.00. Two year plants.--Per doz. 50c, 100 for $1.40, postpaid. By express or freight, not prepaid, 100 for 90c, 1,000 for $6.00. PALMETTO.--One year plants.--Per doz. 30c, 100 for $1.00, postpaid. By express or freight, not prepaid, 100 for 75c, 1,000 for $5.00. Two year plants.--Per doz. 55c, 100 for $1.50, postpaid. By express or freight, not prepaid, 100 for $1.00, 1,000 for $6.50. COLUMBIAN MAMMOTH WHITE.--Per doz. 30c, 100 for $1.10, postpaid. By express or freight, not prepaid, 100 for 75c, 1,000 for $5.00. Two year plants.--Per doz. 55c, 100 for $1.50, postpaid. By express or freight, not prepaid, 100 for $1.00, 1,000 for $6.50.
RHUBARB ROOTS Everyone realizes the value of rhubarb or pie plant in the home garden. The best way to get a start is to purchase a few roots, as you can save one year's time in this way. The roots we offer are not seedlings but large divided plants. Plant in spring or fall, setting plants 3 feet apart each way. VICTORIA.--The standard for general use. Each 15c, 5 for 70c, dozen $1.50, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, per doz. $1.00. IDEAL MAMMOTH.--The largest and best variety. See description in vegetable seed department. Strong roots 25c each, doz. $2.00, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, per doz. $1.50.
HORSE RADISH Grow it in your own garden and grate fresh. Plant the sets small end down in rows 2 feet apart, about 18 inches apart in the row. It does best in rich, loose soil set slanting and covered about two to three inches. Doz. 15c, 100 75c, postpaid. By express, per 100 50c, 1,000 for $4.00.
GARLIC Species of onion propagated by dividing the bulbs into small pieces, planting each one separately. It is quite pungent and is used for flavoring soups, stews, etc. Per lb. 40c, postpaid. By exp., lb. 25c, 10 lbs. $2.25.