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LUTHE BROOD COOP.--Round metal coop, made of galvanized iron, with sliding door which can be fastened open at desired size. Adjustable top for ventilation. Rat, mink, weazel [weasel], mite and rain proof. Size 20 in. diameter, 20 in. high. Each $1.50; doz. $16.00. SUCCESSFUL SANITARY BROOD COOP.--Made of galvanized iron. Rat, mink, weasel, mite and rain proof. No. 1--17½x23 in.; height, front 16 in., rear 12 in. Each $1.75, doz. $19.00. No. 2--23½x29 in.; height, front 24 in., rear 18 in. Each $3.00, doz. $32.00. No. 3--23½x29 in.; height, front 16 in., rear 12 in. (for young chicks). Each $2.50, doz. $27.00. EMPIRE EXHIBITION COOP.--The standard make, used by nearly all first-class shows: Style AA--Length 2 ft., width 2 ft., height 27 in., with solid ends and wire back $3.00. With solid veneer back $3.20. Style C--Is 4 ft. long with two compartments each of which is 22x24x26 in. Price with solid veneer ends, wire back and front, $4.60; with solid ends and back $5.00. We also carry the Style AA fronts 2 ft. long at 90c each. Style C fronts 4 ft. long at $1.75 each. Larger sizes ordered when wanted. ECLIPSE EXHIBITION COOP.--The frames and bottom are of basswood. Front bars iron. Top, sides and front curtain are canvas. Shipped "knock down" but are easily put together. [table] [column headings: High. Deep. Long. Weight. Each.] No. 1. 28 in. 25 in. 20 in. 16 lbs. $1.75. No. 2. 28 in. 25 in. 36 in. 23 lbs. 2.50. No. 3. 28 in. 25 in. 48 in. 27 lbs. 3.50. IOWA SHIPPING COOPS.--All wood. Sides and end pieces nailed together with cleats so that coops are readily made in using form. As shown by cut the coops are ventilated both front and back, while the top is covered with slats, giving thorough ventilation. Cleats around upper and lower end make it easy to handle. [table] [column headings: High. Wide. Deep. ¼ doz. 1 doz.] No. 6--18 in. x 12 in. x 18 in. $1.00. $3.60. No. 5--18 in. x 15 in. x 18 in. 1.10. 4.00. No. 4--18 in. x 20 in. x 18 in. 1.25. 4.50. No. 3--24 in. x 20 in. x 18 in. 1.40. 5.00. No. 2--30 in. x 20 in. x 18 in. 1.60. 6.00. No. 1--36 in. x 24 in. x 18 in. 2.00. 7.50.


CROWN BONE CUTTERS.--No. 1--Weighs 50 lbs.; is to be bolted to bench or table for operation. Ea. $7. No. 2.--Same as above but has a tripod metal stand upon which cutter is fastened. Weighs 80 lbs. Each $8.50. WILSON DRY BONE AND SHELL MILL.--It will grind either shell or dry bone and crack wheat or corn. Each $4.50. HUMPHREY'S GREEN BONE AND VEGETABLE CUTTER.--One of the leading bone cutters. Be sure and investigate before you purchase. Manufacturer's guarantee given with each cutter sold. No. 1 cutter $12.00; No. 2½, semi-power, $15.00; No. 2, all-power cutters, each $13.50. HUMPHREY'S RAPID CLOVER CUTTER.--For cutting clover, alfalfa, etc., which are essential foods for poultry. Strong and durable with five cutting knives and double-edge stationary knife which is reversible. Price each $11.00. MODEL GRINDING MILL.--To grind shell, grit, bone and grains. Easily adjusted to grind coarse or fine as desired. No. 1½, each $3.00. No. 2, $4.50.


WIRE POULTRY NETTING The best make; thoroughly galvanized to prevent rusting, and properly twisted. The following prices are subject to important market changes: Made of No. 19 wire and 2-inch mesh; put up in rolls 150 feet in length. [table] [column headings: Width Inches. Per Roll.] 12. $1.10. 18. 1.60. 24. 2.15. 30. 2.70. 36. $3.25. 48. 4.35. 60. 5.40. 72. 6.50. One-inch mesh, No. 20 wire, for young chicks and Belgian hares. 12. $2.40. 18. 3.60. 24. 4.80. 30. $6.00. 36. 7.20. Other widths if desired.

Will allow 5 per cent discount on lots of five rolls or more. Cut rolls, any width, of 2-inch mesh, 1 cent per square foot. Cut rolls, any width, of 1-inch mesh, 2 cents per square foot. BANNER POULTRY FENCE.--Made of heavy No. 17 galvanized wire with small square mesh at bottom, ranging larger at top. Strong and durable. Small chicks cannot get through and it will turn dogs and small animals. Put up in rolls of ten rods length. [table] [column headings: Width. Cut Rolls Per 10 Ft. Full Roll. Five Rolls.] 18-inch. $ .16. $2.40. $11.50. 24-inch. .20. 3.00. 14.00. 36-inch. .25. 3.60. 17.00. 48-inch. .30. 4.20. 20.00. 60-inch. .35. 5.00. 23.50. 72-inch. .40. 6.00. 28.50.

GALVANIZED STAPLES.--For fastening wire poultry netting, 10c per lb. WIRE HENS' NESTS.--These nests are strongly made from heavy wire and will last a lifetime. There is no room on them for lice to find a lodging place, and they are easily kept clean. Each 15c, half doz. 80c, doz. $1.50, not prepaid.


EGGS FOR HATCHING If 15 chicken eggs are wanted for a setting, add 15c to price quoted. We are prepared this season to supply eggs for hatching from choice farm-raised, high-grade, thoroughbred stock of the leading varieties. They are superior egg-laying strains and have won many prizes at leading poultry shows. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS.--The farmer's favorite. From large, well-marked stock. Setting of 13 eggs $1.25. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS.--Great egg producers and very early to mature. Our stock is pure white. Price per setting of 13 eggs $1.25. BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCKS.--Becoming very popular as a general purpose fowl. Per setting of 13 eggs $1.50. WHITE WYANDOTTES.--Rapidly becoming favorites. They are great layers, mature early and are pure white. Price per setting of 13 eggs $1.50. SILVER-LACED WYANDOTTES.--Most popular of Wyandotte class. Per setting of 13 eggs $1.50. BLACK LANGSHANS.--Very satisfactory for general purposes. Per setting of 13 eggs $1.50. BROWN LEGHORNS.--The greatest of all layers. Our stock is from one of the best laying strains in the country. Price per setting of 13 eggs $1.25. ROSE COMB BROWN LEGHORNS.--Per setting of 13 eggs $1.50. SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORNS.--Beautiful and profitable variety. Per setting of 13 eggs $1.50. LIGHT BRAHMAS.--High scoring stock. Per setting of 13 eggs $1.50. RHODE ISLAND REDS.--Single or Rose Comb as preferred. Per setting of 13 eggs $1.50. BUFF ORPINGTONS.--Large, handsome fowls. Per setting of 13 eggs $1.50. WHITE ORPINGTONS.--Most popular breed among fanciers. Our stock is a fancy strain. Per setting of 13 eggs $2. BUFF COCHIN BANTAMS.--Similar in shape and color to the standard Buff Cochin fowl, except in size. Price per setting of 15 eggs $2.00; 7 for $1.00. BRONZE TURKEYS.--Usually scarce, but we hope to have a good supply this season. Setting of nine eggs, $3.00. WHITE HOLLAND TURKEYS.--Preferred by some over the Bronze variety. Per setting of 9 eggs $3.00. MAMMOTH WHITE PEKIN DUCKS.--Per setting of nine eggs $1.50. INDIAN RUNNER DUCK.--Considered the best layers of any breed of ducks. Quick growing. Setting of 9 eggs $1.50. EGGS FOR INCUBATORS.--Write us for prices, stating the number of eggs you will want and breed. Will quote you very lowest prices. BREEDING STOCK.--A few choice cockerels and pullets at reasonable prices. Order early as our stock is limited. We send out only choice stock which will please our customers. Write for a price list.


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Only $6.00 Buys the Style C machine. It is cheaper than to set hens. Each machine hatches as many chicks as four hens, and it won't be half the bother to care for that hens are.

Only $6.00

WE WILL MAKE YOU A SPECIAL PRICE ON FIVE OR MORE Just the right size, just the right price. You can set them anywhere, and move them any time without jarring the eggs. Guaranteed by the manufacturers. Lessens the risk of operation, for a failure only means the loss of fifty eggs, while the loss from similar cause with a large standard machine would be three to six times as heavy. You can buy the same egg capacity for less money than if a large standard make is purchased. It is suitable for any poultry raiser whether he breeds from ten or ten hundred hens. One of the largest poultry farmers of the country has discarded all the large machines and filled his incubator house with these small hatchers, claiming he gets better results, and has less loss from failures than under the old system.

[image] OUT-DOOR BROODER No. 4

Style C.--Equipment--One tank and boiler, one lamp bowl, one burner with wick, one chimney, one thermometer, one thermometer holder, one complete Buckeye regulator, one egg tester and two egg trays. Has single walls and weighs 35 lbs. crated. Price each $6.00.

Style B.--Equipment same as Style C, but has double walls throughout. Price each $7.00. Style A.--Has double walls to maintain temperature and in addition to regular equipment has compartment below for chicks as hatched. Price, each $8.00.


Only $8.00 Buys the Style A Machine. Strong, well made, double walls, chick nursery compartment in addition to the regular equipment of the other styles. Our best seller and the greatest bargain in incubators.

Only $8.00

BUCKEYE 50-CHICK BROODERS No. 1.--Overhead, hot-water system for indoors. Equipment--Tank and boiler, lamp bowl, burner with wick, chimney, thermometer, complete regulator, platform, galvanized iron fence. Complete with yard. Price each $6.00. No. 2--Overhead, hot-water system for outdoors. Equipment--Tank and boiler, steel lamp box, lamp bowl, burner with wick, chimney, thermometer, complete regulator, platform and galvanized steel roof with skylight. Weighs 80 lbs. crated. Price each $8.00. No. 3--Lampless system for indoors. Equipment--Flannel hover, wooden door, platform, galvanized wire fence, roof with sky light. Complete with yard; weighs 30 lbs. crated. Price each $5.00. No. 4--Lampless system for outdoors. Equipment--Flannel and burlap hover, platform, galvanized steel roof with skylight. Weight 75 lbs. Each $7.00.

BOSTON DRY FOOD HOPPER.--A metal box with wire cover. Can be locked to keep out rats. Each $1.00. GRIT AND SHELL BOXES.--Made of galvanized iron. Keep feed and grit off ground and prevent waste. Each 75c.

[image] STANDARD CYPHERS INCUBATOR. Fire Proofed.--Insurable.

STANDARD CYPHER'S INCUBATOR Give the best of satisfaction, are the easiest to operate, require the least amount of oil, capacity considered, and will hatch a larger per cent than any other machine we have ever tried, including more than twenty of the leading machines. Nos. 0 and 1 do not have nursery shown in illustration. No. 0, 70 egg... $15. No. 1, 144 egg... $22. No. 2, 244 egg... 32. No. 3, 390 egg... 38.

CYPHER'S BROODERS Style A. Outdoor, 32x32 in... $12.50. Style B. Outdoor, 32x36 in... 16.50. Style C. Outdoor, 32x62 in... 18.50.


IDEAL HOVER Set the Ideal Hover any place--colony house, laying house, barn or dwelling. Heater easily removed without disturbing brooder. Moved at will without disturbing the lamp. Make a pen of boards or wire netting around it and you have a perfect brooder. Metal top (double, with asbestos between) and double curtain down to the floor. Size, 24 in. diameter, complete with thermometer, price each $6.00.


SIMPLICITY HATCHER.--This is a round metal hatcher and, in our opinion, is the best of the type. Descriptive circular on application. In two sizes: 50-egg, price $7.50; 100-egg, price $12.00.

DOUBLE QUICK OAT SPROUTER.--Sprouts quickly. Moisture-tight metal walls inside, double wooden wall outside. No. 1--13x11x27 in.; 3 trays; wt. 20 lbs.; 25 to 40 fowls... $5.00. No. 2--15x12x31 in.; 4 trays; wt. 28 lbs.; 50 to 75 fowls... 6.25. No. 3--18x16x37 in.; 5 trays; wt. 40 lbs.; 100 to 150 fowls... 8.75. Write for quotation on larger sizes.

HEN FRIEND DRINKING FOUNTAIN.--Made of galvanized iron. Easily filled and handled. 2-qt. size, each 25c; 4-qt., each 35c; 10-qt., each 50c.


SANITARY DETACHABLE FOUNTAIN.--Made of stoneware. Chicks can drink all around. Easily cleaned. One-quart 25c, doz. $2.50; 2-quart 30c, doz. $3.00; gal. 35c, doz. $3.50; 2-gal. 50c, doz. $5.00. GRANT'S AUTOMATIC FEEDER AND FOUNTAIN.--A metal pan in the center of which can be fastened a Mason fruit jar. You fill the jar with feed or water as desired, screw on the pan and turn jar upside down, and the contents flow automatically into the pan as needed. We sell the pans only, as everybody has Mason jars. Pans 5-in. diam., each 25c, postpaid; 6-in. diam., each 30c., postpaid. MOE'S TOP FILL FOUNTAIN.--It always supplies just enough pure water. Won't slop over. Dead air space keeps water cool in summer, warm in winter. Simple in construction. Remove cover and fill from top. Water ceases to flow when cover is removed. No valves to get out of order. One, two and three gal. capacity. Satisfaction guaranteed 1-gal $1.25; 2-gal. $1.75; 4-gal. $2.25. NORWICH EXERCISER AND FEEDER No. 1--8 qt. hopper; wt. 12 lbs... $2.50. No. 2--14 qt. hopper; wt. 15 lbs... 3.25. No. 3--20 qt. hopper; wt. 20 lbs... 4.10. No. 4--32 qt. hopper; wt. 30 lbs... 5.00. IMPROVED AMERICAN FEEDER.--Metal feeding trough with top if wires to prevent crowding; a good water pan. No. 1--3 inch trough; 18 in. long... $ .50. No. 2--4 inch trough; 24 in. long... .75. No. 3--5 inch trough; 36 in. long... 1.00.


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[image] Our Talking Pet

BIRDS "Little Dewdrops of Celestial Melody." The companionship of a bird has brightened the life of many a tired, over-worked mother on whom the daily cares and burdens rested heavily. The music of a good singer makes the whole house more cheerful and every member of the family enjoys the pure, clear notes of a happy little song bird. We specially invite the patronage of those who are well posted and can appreciate a bird of superior quality. Our bird department is as complete as any bird store in the country and our prices are lower than most others. The reason for this is that we handle many thousand birds annually and have the largest mail order business in America. Ask for complete illustrated catalogue. We ship to the most distant parts of the United States and guarantee live arrival to any express office which is a railroad station. Express charges to be paid by purchaser on all goods on this page except where stated. Ask for special quotations if you desire several birds or a large lot of supplies. The winter is the best time to ship canaries. Book on canaries for 25 cents. Descriptive catalog free.


HARTZ MOUNTAIN CANARIES.--These are a specialty with us. They are bred in Germany, high up among the Hartz Mountains, and are famous for their clear, pure, beautiful song, which is a restful melody. There is no comparison between these and common American "screeching" canaries, whose choppy notes are at times almost ear-splitting. Choice male birds $3.00 each; second grade $2.25 each.

PARROTS GUARANTEED TALKERS Each year we import young parrots in immense numbers from our supply stations in Old Mexico, where our men personally supervise raising, selecting, and shipping these birds. Only parrots of superior quality are sent to us, all culls being rejected. Thus we can offer extra choice stock, hand raised, and give with each parrot a written guarantee that it will learn to talk. Beware of cheap trapped parrots; they look nice but will not learn to talk; we never handle them. ROYAL AZTEC DOUBLE YELLOW HEADS.--Our very finest talking variety, formerly called Page Parrots. Superior to all other American parrots and make most fluent talkers. Guaranteed. Price $15.00 during summer, but usually higher after August 15th. COMMON DOUBLE YELLOW HEADS.--Very good birds fully guaranteed but not likely to make such brilliant talkers as the Aztecs. Price $9.75 during the summer. MEXICAN RED HEAD PARROTS.--Medium size, make nice talkers and great pets. Young birds ready in June. Price $4.75 each if ordered early. During fall and winter prices range from $8.00 to $12.00 each. CUBAN PARROTS.--Medium size, and make nice talkers. Usually in stock from June to September. $5.50 each.


PANAMA PARROTS.--Large, green parrots, very fluent talking species. Usually in stock entire year. Price, $12.50 each. TRAINED PARROTS.--We buy and sell educated parrots. Ask about them. PARROT BOOK.--Describes different kinds, tells how to treat when sick, how to train and care for young parrots. Paper 25c; cloth 75c, postpaid. Orders for young parrots will be accepted and booked now to be filled in order received, from the first importation, thus giving you the advantage of getting one of the early hatch which are always the best.

ST. ANDREASBERG ROLLER CANARIES.--These birds are without doubt the finest songsters int he world. Their tones are sweet, round and full, consisting of delightful bell notes, low water bubble, charming flute notes and long, silvery trills. Their most restful music continually surprises by its many changes. They are an ideal bird for an invalid and are often presented by our customers to sick friends. Each $5.00. EUROPEAN GOLDFINCH.--The most delightful of parlor birds. Has brilliant plumage and usually an excellent song. Price $2.50 each. IMPROVED BRASS CAGES.--Thoroughly well made and decidedly better than painted cages for birds. Sizes 5¼x8½ in. $1; 6x9 $1.15; 6½x9½ $1.40, 7x10 $1.70; 7¾x10¾ $2.25; 8¼x11⅛ $2.60. IDEAL BRASS CAGE.--One of the most elegant cages ever sent out. The brass screen cloth around the bottom prevents scattering of seed or gravel. Size 6x9 $2.20; 7x10 $3.00; 8⅜x11⅜ $3.50; 8⅜x11⅜, fancy top, $5.00. BREEDING CAGES.--Wood frame. Single compartment: 17 in. long $1.75; 19 in. $2.00; 21 in. $2.25. Double: 19 in. $2.50; 21 in. $3.00; 23 in. $3.50 each. ROUND PARROT CAGES.--Tinned wire, durable, satisfactory, 13 inches in diameter $2.25; 14-inch $2.75; 16-inch $3.50; 18-inch $4.50. DOUBLE CAGE SPRINGS.--Brass, 15c each postpaid. Single spring 10c.


JAPANNED OR PAINTED CAGE.--Best cage on the market for the money. It is neat, durable and convenient. [table] [column headings: No. Size. Price.] 70. 6x9 in. $ .70. 71. 6½x9½ in. .85. 72. 7x10 in. 1.00. 73. 7¼x10½ in. 1.25. 74. 8x11 in. 1.40.

BIRD SEED But few persons are aware how much a bird's health, and consequently its song, depends upon the selection of seed. To the eye of the inexperienced buyer there appears to be but little difference. The mixed bird seed in most stores is the cheapest quality obtainable--often old, hard or musty. As you value the life of your bird, feed only our superior bird seed. SUPERIOR MIXED BIRD SEED.--Is a specialty with us and we sell tons of it. Per lb. 10c; 3 lbs. 25c; 13 lbs. $1.00. Postage 10c per lb. extra. GERMAN SUMMER RAPE.--Fed very largely to trained canaries. Price 15c per lb.; 8 lbs. $1.00. Postage 10c per lb. extra. SICILY CANARY.--Best recleaned 10c per lb.; 12 lbs. $1.00. Postage 10c per lb. extra. MAMMOTH RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER.--Price 10c per lb.; 13 lbs. $1.00. Postage 10c per lb. extra. MIXED PARROT SEED.--Same price. PARROT DAINTIES.--Per pkg. 25c, postpaid. RED BIRD MIXTURE.--For Red Birds, Grosbeaks, etc. Same price as Superior Mixed.

BIRD DAINTIES.--Pkg. 15c, postpaid. CUTTLE BONE.--Large piece with a holder 7c; dozen 65c, postpaid. FOOD HOLDER.--Fastens between the wires of the cage. Is nice for holding Song Restorer, Cuttle Bone, lettuce, apple or other food. Price 10c, postpaid.


BIRD HEALTH.--A preparation of our own which will keep birds in good condition at all times. It relieves colds and cures obscure ailments after other remedies fail. Restores the voice and invigorates the system. Price per 2 oz. box 15c, postpaid. Four boxes for 50c. PARROT BELLS.--Each 12c, postpaid. PREPARED MOCKING BIRD FOOD.--Best food on the market for all soft billed birds. Large can 35c; postpaid 55 cents. WIRE NESTS.--10c or 15c, postpaid. TOY BELLS.--For birds. 7c, postpaid.


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GOLDFISH A well regulated aquarium adds an elegance to any place and is one of the most desirable ornaments for the parlor, library, sitting or dining room. It offers a wide opportunity for the study of nature, the motion of animal life eliciting the admiration of all, while affording instructive amusement for the children. The fishes require very little attention, and live a great many years. We breed immense numbers of gold fish, paradise fish, etc., and ship them to all parts of the United States from Maine to California and from Canada to the Gulf. They can be shipped at all seasons of the year; cold weather does not affect them unless bucket containing them freezes solid. The express charges are always paid by the purchaser. We have thousands of aquaria customers in the country as well as in the city, and therefore devote space in this catalogue to gold fish, knowing that they are the handsomest parlor ornaments which can be obtained. Ask for our Aquaria catalogue. It contains valuable information on Fish, Globes, Aquariums, etc.


GOLD FISH.--While there are many varieties of gold fish as named and described in this list, we refer only to the plain variety by this name. These are more popular than the fancy sorts, being low priced and generally satisfactory. They are a species of carp, originally inhabiting ponds and sluggish streams in China, and they are better adapted to life in fish globes than any other breed of fish. They are universal favorites, of golden red color. Those bred in this state seem to have a peculiar brilliancy of coloring which is especially noticeable when in the fish globes. Prices, 10c, 15c, 25, 35c, 50c and $1.00 each, according to size. Extra choice three-color specimens, when obtainable, $1.00 each. The 25c size (5 for $1.00) is the most popular. The largest size is only suitable for ponds or fountains.

COMET FISH.--Also called "Gorgeous Tails," "Long-Tailed Beauties," and "Fancy Gold Fish." They are without doubt the most graceful in their movements of all aquaria fish. Medium size 25c each; large 50c each. Extra choice colors and markings 75c to $1.25. JAPANESE FANTAIL FISH.--By far the most popular of all fancy fish and the most satisfactory of the imported varieties. The fins and tails are long and of delicate lace-like appearance. The tail is V-shape and frequently divided so that it might be called two distinct tails. They are beautifully variegated usually with golden red and pearly white or black. Nice specimens 50c each. Choice 75c each. Fancy, some showing three colors, $1.00 each.

SILVER FISH.--This is simply an uncolored gold fish of dark silvery color. Nice for a variety. Medium size 10c each; 6 for 50c. PEARL FISH.--These elegant fish are either of a clear pearly white color or white is variegated with gold markings. Medium size 25c; 5 for $1.00. AMERICAN FANTAIL FISH.--Are bred from the imported Japanese fish and are very handsome. Price, according to size, shape and color, 25c, 35c, 50c, and 75c each. ORIOLE FISH.--Beautifully variegated golden red and clear black. Medium size 30c each. AQUARIUM CASTLES.--Styles for 8-inch fish globes 35c, postpaid, or 20c by express, not prepaid. Larger and special styles for oblong aquariums each 50c, 75c and $1.00 by express, not prepaid. (Too heavy to mail.) PREPARED FISH FOOD.--Good for all kinds of gold fish. This we import from Germany where they make the best quality and of the purest materials. Price 10c per box, postpaid. PAGE'S FISH FOOD.--A fish food in granular form specially prepared by us. Best for amateurs. Price 15c per pkg., postpaid. WHITE SAND.--Absolutely clean. Is very beautiful for aquariums. Price per pkg. (about 2 lbs.) 50c, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, 10c.


EUREKA AQUARIUM.--Strong iron-frame tank. See cut above. Capacity about 7½ gallons. Price only $7.50. GLASS FISH GLOBES.--These are neat, cheap and consequently more popular than the large aquariums. The 8, 9, 10, and 11 in. are the sizes most used. [table] [column headings: Diam. Holds. Ea.] 5 in. 1 qt. $ .25. 6 in. 2 qts. .40. 7 in. 3 qts. .50. 8 in. 4 qts. .60. 9 in. 6 qts. .75. 10 in. 8 qts. $1.00. 11 in. 12 qts. 1.25. 12 in. 16 qts. 1.75. 15 in. 30 qts. 3.00.

JAPANESE FRINGETAIL FISH.--These aristocratic fish are undoubtedly the most beautiful of all aquaria fish, having extremely long, drooping tail and fins. Choice specimens are very rare and when obtainable sell at $10.00 to $50.00 each. We can furnish select specimens at $2.50 and $5.00. TELESCOPE FISH.--A very curious appearing fish which always attracts attention from its "extreme ugliness." Eyes are abnormally large and bulging. Price $1.00 to $1.50. Black Telescopes, which are quite rare, $3.00 each. SHIPPING BUCKETS.--Unless you order fish globe with fish it will be necessary to ship them in a can or bucket. For this purpose we offer 2 or 3-quart tin buckets suitable for holding medium sized fishes or less at 10c each, 4-quart at 15c, 6-quart, will hold 12 medium sized fishes, 20c. STANDING FISH GLOBES.--These are raised up on a glass base and are handsomer than the ordinary fish globe. [table] [column headings: Holds About. Ea.] ½ gallon. $1.00. 1 gallon. 1.25. 1½ gallons. 1.50. 2 gallons. $2.25. 3 gallons. 3.00.

AQUARIA BOOK.--Illustrates and describes all best kinds of fancy fish. How to breed and care for gold fish, etc.; 64 pages; 15c; cloth bound, 50c, postpaid. AQUARIUM PLANTS.--See page 130.

HOME COLLECTION Consists of one 4-quart Globe, three pretty Fish, Plant, Shells, and Food. Weight, packed for shipment, about 13 pounds. Price, $1.25.

PARLOR COLLECTION Consists of one 8-quart Globe, five Fancy Fish, Food, Plant, Shells. Shipping weight about 20 pounds. Price of Collection, $2.00.

FANCY SEA SHELLS "Only some shells that strewed a distant strand, On lonely shores by careless billows hurled, Yet each the impress bears of that Great Hand Which decks with beauty all the radiant world."


EAST INDIA CLAM.--One of the most popular and beautiful of shells. Price $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c per pair. SMALL SHELLS.--An endless variety. Best mixture 35c per ½ pt.; aquarium mixture 20c per ½ pt., postpaid.

MAMMOTH BAHAMA STARFISH.--Very popular. Price 25c, 50c and 75c ea. GIANT CONCH.--This large shell is from the Bahamas. Too large for mailing. Price 50c, 25c and 15c. To be sent at expense of purchaser. MEXICAN OPALS.--Finely polished opals for setting in rings, etc. 15c, 25c, [?]c, 50c, $1.00.

ZANZIBAR HARP.--A peculiar shell admired by all and not easily forgotten. 25c, 40c and 60c each. POLISHED AGATES.--Choice stock of thin slabs of fine agates, one side finely polished, about 1x1½ in. in size. Price 25c each; 6, all different, for $1.00. TIGER COWRIE.--From Australia. 10c, 15c and 20c each.

INDIAN ARROW HEADS.--These are nice for helping to ornament the shell cabinet and add to the interest. Price 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c and 50c each. PEARLY NAUTILUS.--One of the most beautiful and wonderful shells. Is quite rare and somewhat expensive. Can furnish three sizes: $1.25, $2.00 and $3.00 each.


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INDEX TO CATALOGUE [table] [column headings: PAGE.] Artichoke. 3. Asparagus. 3. Asparagus Roots. 38. Beans. 4, 5, 56. Beets. 6, 7, 42, 56. Borecole or Kale. 3. Broccoli. 3. Brussels Sprouts. 3. Cabbage. 8, 9. Carrot. 10, 56. Cauliflower. 11. Celery. 14. Celeriac. 14. Chervil. 11. Chicory. 11. Chives. 37. Chufas. 11. Coffee Berry. 56. Collards. 11. Corn, Pop. 23. Corn, Sweet. 12, 13, 42. Corn Salad. 11. Cress. 11. Cucumber. 15. Curious Vegetables. 16. Egg Plant. 16. Endive. 16. Garden Huckleberry. 17. Garden Lemon. 17. Garden Plants. 37. Garlic. 38. Gourds. 16. Ground Cherry. 17. Herbs. 37. Horse Radish. 38. Kale. 3, 55. Kohl Rabi. 17. Leek. 17. Lettuce. 18. Mangel Wurzel. 7, 56. Melon, Musk. 19, 20. Melon, Water. 21, 22. Melon, Citron. 22. Mushrooms. 23. Mustard. 23. Odd Vegetables. 16. Okra or Gumbo. 23. Onions. 24, 25. Onion Sets. 25. Parsley. 28. Parsnip. 28. Peanuts. 28. Pea. 26, 27. Pepper. 28. Pomegranate. 23. Potato Seed. 58. Pumpkin. 29. Radish. 30, 31. Rhubarb. 32. Rhubarb Roots. 38. Romaine. 32. Ruta Baga. 36. Salsify. 32. Spinach. 32. Squash. 33. Sugar Beet. 7. Sweet Potato Plants. 38. Tobacco. 36. Tomato. 34, 35. Turnip. 36. Vegetable Marrow. 33. Vegetable Plants. 38. Vine Peach. 17. Witloof. 11. Wonderberry. 16. FARM SEEDS. Alfalfa. 42, 61. Barley. 52. Buckwheat. 53. Broom Corn. 53. Cane. 54. Clover. 42, 61, 62. Corn. 40 to 49. Corn, Sweet Fodder. 49. Coffee Peas. 56. Cotton. 53. Cow Peas. 56. Field Peas. 56. Field Beans. 56. Flax. 53. Giant Spurry. 55. Grass Mixtures. 62. Grass Seed. 59, 60. Kaffir Corn. 54. Kale. 55. Lawn Grass. 63. Millet. 60. Milo Maize. 54. Oats. 51. Pasture Mixtures. 62. Pencilaria. 54. Potatoes. 57, 58. Rape. 55. Rye. 52. Salt Bush. 55. Sand Vetch. 54. Seradella. 55. Speltz. 53. Soja or Soy Beans. 56. Sorghum. 54. Sweet Clover. 42. Sweet Potatoes. 58. Sunflower. 55. Teosinte. 54. Tree Seeds. 54. Veg't'bl Farm Crops. 56. Wheat. 50. FLOWER SEEDS. Abronia. 64. Abutilon. 64. Adlumia. 82. Accroclinium. 79. African Gold Daisy. 66. Ageratum. 66. Agrostemma. 66. Alyssum. 64. Amaranthus. 64, 79. Ambrosia. 66. Ampelopsis. 82. Amobium. 79. Antirrhinum. 64, 149. Aquilegia. 66. Arabis. 64. Arctotis. 64. Asperula. 66. Asters. 65, 149. Balloon Vine. 82. Balsam. 66. Beans. 83. Begonia. 66. Bird of Paradise. 66. Blue Bells. 66. Brachycome. 66. Browallia. 66. Bryanopsis. 82. Butterfly Flower. 67. Burning Bush. 66. Cacalia. 69. Cactus. 68. Calendula. 67. Calliopsis. 67. Campanula. 67. Canary Bird Vine. 82. Candytuft. 67. Canna. 67. Canturbury Bells. 69. Carnation. 67. Castor Beans. 77. Celosia. 68. Centaurea. 68. Chinese Lantern Pl. 68. Chrysanthemum. 68. Cineraria. 67. Clarkia. 68. Clitoria. 68. Coboea. 82. Cockscomb. 68. Coleus. 68. Commelina. 68. Convolvulus. 83. Coreopsis. 67. Cosmos. 68. Cypress Vine. 82. Dahlia. 69. Daisies. 66, 69, 77, 149. Datura. 69. Delphinum. 71. Dianthus. 69. Digitalis. 70. Dolichos. 69, 82. Electric Light Plant. 69. Eschscholtzia. 69. Euphorbia. 69. Ferns. 70. Forget-me-not. 72. Foxglove. 70. Four O'clock. 70. Fuchsia. 70. Gailardia. 70. Geranium. 70. Gilia. 70. Gilliflower. 77. Gladiolus. 70. Globe Amaranth. 79. Gloxinia. 70. Godetia. 70. Gold and Silver Fl. 70, 79. Golden Rod. 70. Gomphrena. 79. Gourds, Ornamental. 82. Grasses, Fancy. 79. Grass Pinks. 70. Gypsophilia. 70. Helianthus. 78. Heliotrope. 71. Helichrysum. 79. Hibiscus. 71. Hollyhock. 71. Humulus. 82. Ice Plant. 71. Ipomea. 83. Job's Tears. 79. Kochia. 66. Kudzu Vine. 83. Lantana. 71. Larkspur. 71. Lathyrus. 83. Lawn Flowers. 79. Linum. 71. Lobelia. 71. Lupinus. 71. Lychnis. 71. Maize, striped. 72. Marigold. 72. Martynia. 16. Marvel of Peru. 70. Maurandia. 83. Mignonette. 72. Mimulus. 72. Mirabilis. 70. Mixed Flowers. 79. Momordica. 83. Moon Flower. 83. Morning Glory. 72, 83. Musa Ensete. 75. Musk Plant. 72. Myosotis. 72. Nasturtium. 73, 149. Nicotiana. 72. Nigella. 72. Oenothera. 72. Palms. 75. Pansy. 74. Passion Flower. 83. Pennisetum. 79. Pentstemon. 75. Petunia. 75. Pinks. 69, 70, 149. Phlox. 76. Poppy. 76. Portulaca. 75. Primrose. 76. Pyrethrum. 75. Rhodanthe. 79. Roses. 77. Ricinus. 77. Salpiglossis. 77. Salvia. 77. Scabiosa. 77. Scarlet Runner. 83. Schizanthus. 67. Sensitive Plant. 77. Shasta Daisy. 77. Shell Flower. 77. Smilax. 83. Snapdragon. 64, 140. Statice. 79. Stocks. 77. Stokesia. 77. Sweet Peas. 80, 81, 83, 149. Sweet William. 78. Sunflower. 78. Thunbergia. 83. Torenia. 78. Verbena. 78. Violet. 78. Wallflower. 78. Wistaria. 83. Wild Cucumber. 83. Wild Garden Mixt. 79. Xeranthemum. 79. Zinnia. 78. PLANTS & BULBS. Abutilon. 91. Acalypha. 92. Achyranthes. 92. Achillea. 124. Ageratum. 92. Air Plant. 98. Akebia. 119. Allamanda. 117. Alternanthera. 92. Althea. 121. Alyssum. 92, 124. Amaryllis. 84. Anemones. 124. Ampelopsis. 119. Anthemis. 124. Antirrhinum. 92. Apios. 119. Aquatic Plants. 130. Aquilegia. 124. Arabis. 124. Aralia. 121. Aristolochia. 119. Artemesia. 92. Artillery Plant. 92. Araucaria. 91. Arundo Donax. 124. Asclepias. 124. Asparagus. 91. Asters. 65, 92, 128. Astilbe. 124. Baby's Breath. 124. Banana. 105. Barberry. 122. Begonias. 84, 93. Bedding Plants. 109. Bignonia. 119. Bishop's Bedder. 125. Bitter Sweet. 119. Blackberry Lily. 128. Bleeding Heart. 124. Bocconia. 128. Boston Ivy. 119. Bougainvillea. 94. Bouvardia. 92. Bridal Wreath. 123. Browallia. 94. Bryophyllum. 94. Buttercup. 124. Cabomba. 130. Cactus. 91. Caladium. 84. Callas. 84. Calycanthus. 121. Calystegia. 119. Camelia Vine. 119. Candytuft. 126. Canna. 85. Canterbury Bells. 124. Carex. 94. Carnation. 95. Centaurea. 94. Chenille Plant. 92. Chinese Lantern. 94. Chrysanthemum. 96. Cigar Plant. 97. Cinnamon Vine. 84, 119. Clematis. 120. Clerodendron. 117. Cocoloba. 94. Coboea Scandens. 117. Coleus. 97. Columbine. 125. Coral Berry. 123. Coreopsis. 125. Corcorus. 121. Cornus. 121. Crown of Thorns. 94. Cuphea. 97. Cyclamen. 94. Cydonia. 121. Cyperus. 97, 130. Dahlia. 86. Daisy. 97, 105, 129. Day Lily. 125. Delphinium. 125. Deutzia. 121. Dicentra. 124. Dracena. 97. Echeveria. 97. Elder. 123. Eleagnus. 122. Electric Light Plant. 97. Emerald Vine. 84. Euphorbia. 94. Exochordia. 121. Farfugium. 97. Ferns. 98. Feverfew. 97. Ficus. 109, 118. Flowering Almond. 122. Flowering Currant. 122. Forget-Me-Not. 97. Forsythia. 122. Fountain Grass. 109. Foxglove. 125. Fuchsias. 99. Funkia. 125. Gailardia. 125. Genista. 97. Geranium. 100, 101, 102, 107. Gladiolus. 87. Gloxinia. 89. Glechoma. 117. Golden Glow. 128. Gramineus. 103. Grass Pinks. 126, 128. Grevillea. 97. Gypsophilia. 124. Hawthorne. 121. Helianthus. 125. Heliotrope. 103. Helleborus. 125. Hemerocalis. 125. Hibiscus. 103, 125. Hollyhocks. 125. Honeysuckle. 120, 121. Hop Vine. 120. Hoya. 117. Hyacinths. 90. Hydrangea. 103, 122. Iberis. 126. Ice Plant. 103. Impatiens Sultana. 103. Iris. 126. Ismene. 89. Ivies. 117. Jasmine. 104. Jerusalem Cherry. 103. Kudzu Vine. 119. Lantana. 104. Lathyrus. 126. Larkspur. 125. Lemna. 130. Lemon. 105. Lemon Lily. 88. Lemon Verbena. 104. Lilac. 122. Lilies. 88. Lily of the Valley. 88. Linum. 126. Lobelia. 104. Lonicera. 121. Lotus. 130. Ludwigia. 130. Lycium. 119. Lychnis. 126. Maderia Vine. 89. Manetta Vine. 117. Marguerite. 105. Matrimony Vine. 119. Maurandia. 117. Mehan's Mallow. 125. Minneapolis Vine. 120. Monardia. 126. Montbretia. 89. Moonflower. 117. Moschosma. 104. Myosotis. 97. Myrtle. 126. Nasturtium. 118. Oleander. 105. Orange Lily. 88. Orange Tree. 105. Othona. 104. Oxalis. 89, 104. Paeonies. 127. Palms. 105, 106. Panicum. 118. Pansies. 109. Pansy Geranium. 106. Pardanthus. 128. Parrott's Feather. 130. Passion Flower. 118. Pearl Bush. 121. Pelargoniums. 106. Pennisetum. 109. Pepper. 94. Pepper Bush. 123. Petunia. 106, 107. Phlox. 128. Physostegia. 128. Pinks. 126, 128. Platycodon. 126. Plumbago. 106. Plume Poppy. 128. Poppy. 128. Potentilla. 122. Prairie Dahlia. 129. Primrose. 109. Privit. 122. Purple Fringe. 122. Pyrethrum. 129. Resurrection Plant. 89. Ribbon Grass. 129. Robina. 122. Roses. 1, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116. Rubber Tree. 109. Rudbeckia. 128. Russella. 109. Sagitaria. 130. Salvia. 110. Salvinia. 130. Sambucus. 123. Saponaria. 129. Sanseveria. 110. Santolina. 110. Saxafraga. 118. Sea Pink. 129. Sedum. 110. Selaginella. 110. Shamrock. 103. Shasta Daisy. 129. Silk Vine. 120. Shower of Gold. 97. Smilax. 118. Snowball. 123. Snowberry. 123. Spiraea. 122, 123, 128. Solanum. 110. Stephanotis. 118. Stevia. 110. Streptosolon. 110. Stokesia. 129. Strawberry Gauva. 105. Strobilanthe. 110. Swainsonia. 110. Sweet Alyssum. 92. Sweet Pea Shrub. 122. Symphoricarpus. 123. Sweet William. 129. Syringa. 123. Tamarix. 123. Tigridia. 89. Tritoma. 89, 129. Tuberoses. 89. Umbrella Palm. 97, 130. Verbena. 104, 110. Viburnum. 123. Vinca. 118. Violets. 129. Virgins Bower. 120. Wahlenbergia. 126. Wandering Jew. 118. Water Hyacinth. 130. Water Lilies. 130. Water Poppy. 130. Wax Plant. 117. Weigela. 123. Winter Bl. Bulbs. 90. Wistaria. 120. Woodbine. 120. Yucca. 129. Zephyranthes. 89. Hardy Shrubs. 121. Hardy Vines. 119. Perennials. 121. Hedge Plants. 122. NURSERY STOCK. Apples. 132, 133. Blackberries. 134. Cherries. 132, 133. Crab Apples. 132. Currants. 134. Dewberries. 134. Evergreens. 133. Gooseberries. 134. Grapes. 134. Ornamental Trees. 133. Peaches. 132, 133. Pears. 132, 133. Plums. 132, 133. Raspberries. 133. Shade Trees. 133. Strawberries. 135. MISCELLANEOUS. Aquariums. 147. Baskets. 136. Berry Boxes. 136. Birds & Supplies. 146. Books. 53, 64, 72, 131. Broadcast Seeders. 142. Brood Coops. 144, 145. Brooders. 144, 145. Corn Tools. 141. Cut Flowers. 131. Eggs for Hatching. 144. Fanning Mills. 14[?]. Fertilizer. 32, 139, 142. Flower Pots. 138. Fruit Packages. 136. Garden Tools. 140, 141. Gold Fish. 147. Grass Catchers. 139. Hand Weeders. 142. Implements. 140, 141, 142. Incubators. 145. Insecticides. 137, 138. Iron Vases. 139. Lawn Supplies. 139. Measures. 136. Mole Traps. 142. Nursery Supplies. 136. Paris Green. 137. Parrots. 146. Plant Food. 138. Plant Stands. 138. Potato Knife. 58, 142. Potato Planters. 58, 142. Poultry Supplies. 143. Pruning Shears. 136. Raffia. 136. Rubber Hose. 139. Sea Shells. 147. Seed Sowers. 142. Seed Tester. 141, 142. Slug Shot. 137. Spagnum Moss. 136. Sprayers. 137. Tree Protectors. 136. Trellises. 83. Window Garden Supplies. 138.

Last edit about 2 months ago by lelfrank
Displaying pages 146 - 150 of 152 in total