These are a specialty with us and our fields devoted to them make a most magnificent sight each year, appearing at a distance a mass of bright colors. It is the most desirable of all bulbs and claimed by many, who are well acquainted with their varied beauty, to be the flower of flowers.
ALTOONA MIXED.--This is put first in our list of Gladoli because we believe it is the best mixture in existence. These bulbs are grown by us on our Altoona farm and the mixture is made mainly from the named varieties on this page and other very choice sorts which we do not list. Large bulbs each 7c; doz. 60c; 100 for $4.00.
AMERICA.--A splendid new variety of beautiful soft pink shade. It will delight the gladiolus grower with its large flowers and pleasing beauty. Each 10c; doz. $1.00.
AUGUSTA.--White ground color with blue shading. Fine variety as it is very vigorous and spikes are large and fine. A very beautiful flower. Each 5c; doz. 50c.
AUTUMN GLOW.--Many shades pink, red and yellow, producing the effect of highly colored autumn foliage. Strong spikes bearing 18 to 20 flowers on one side, making it desirable for bouquets. Each 10c, dozen $1.00.
BRENCHLEYENSIS.--Deep vermilion scarlet. One of the brightest and most showy varieties. Each 4c, dozen 40c.
MRS. FRANCES KING.--A hybrid sort of great beauty and attractiveness. The color is very pleasing light scarlet. Spike strong, flowers large and usually a half dozen open at once. Each 10c; doz. $1.00.
MADAM MONNERET.--This is a very lovely blossom of solid flesh pink color. Fine spike. Each 10c, doz. $1.00.
PERFECTION.--A seedling of the Royal Queen, very much like its parent, but flower is more perfect, has longer spikes, brighter and clear color. Frequently 2 feet of the spikes are covered with flowers at one time, there being from 12 to 18 wide open flowers. The ground color is very nearly pure white, beautifully flaked and striped with bright, rich crimson. Each 20c; doz. $2.00.
SNOW WHITE.--Quite a popular sort, as the beautiful snow white spikes contrast so well with the brilliant colors of other varieties. Each 25c; dozen $2.50.
VELVET KING.--Almost solid colored flower of deep crimson. A very fine variety for bouquets or decorative effects. Each 20c; doz. $2.00.
TACONIC.--A beautiful flower of lovely pink, striped and flaked lighter shade, and with throat of light blush. Crimson markings on lower petals. Each 20c; doz. $2.00.
DR. CHEVILLE.--Color salmon red with buff blotch on throat. Of the Lemoine or butterfly type. Free bloomer with long spikes. Each 10c; doz. $1.00.
KLONDYKE.--Color clear primrose yellow with blotch of crimson maroon. Striking. Strong and vigorous plant, blooming early. Each 15c; doz. $1.50
PRINCEPS.--Rich crimson with deep shadings in throat, and fine large white blotches on lower petals. Flowers are exceedingly large and fine and bloom for a long time. One of the most magnificent of gladioli. Each 20c; doz. $2.00.
One each, Augusta, Grace, May, Mrs. Frances King and Madam Monneret, 5 choice sorts, only 35c.
CANARY BIRD.--Without doubt the best yellow variety. Very pleasing and attractive. Each 15c; dozen $1.50.
FLORIDA.--One of the earliest bloomers, color deep red, very fine for mixed bouquets. Each 10c, doz. $1.00.
GRACE.--Large open flowers. Blush white striped crimson with white throat; 10 to 15 flowers on stalk. Each 10c, doz. $1.
INDEPENDENCE.--A Novelty of 1908.--Introduced by us, and is an extra choice variety, attracting great attention, because of its extra large size, wide open flowers and handsome salmon rose color with violet shading. Each color is clear and distinct. It is a strong, vigorous grower, nearly 3 ft. high. Color varies as flower grows older. Ea. 10c, doz. $1.
MAY.--Popular with florists. White flaked with crimson. Ea. 10c, doz. $1.00.
For the benefit of such of our customers as wish a number of given tints for massing we are offering some mixtures of different shades at attractive prices. For the bed of varied colors we offer you some of the choicest mixtures to be found in this country.
SILVER TROPHY MIXED.--Considered one of finest of commercial mixtures. Our stock was procured from the originator and has been carefully grown, so that we can without hesitation recommend it to our friends. Each 7c; doz. 60c; 100 for $4.00.
GROFF'S HYBRIDS MIXED.--A mixture containing all the new varieties of this splendid type of prize gladiolus. Have been universally praised by admirers of this flower. Each 7c, doz. 50c.
GROFF'S BLUE MIXED.--A mixture in various shades of blue of the type of Groff's Hybrids so generally popular. Each 15c, dozen $1.50.
LEMOINE MIXED.--Often called Butterfly Gladiolus. Have odd and fantastic markings. Ea. 5c, doz. 50c, 100 for $3.50.
CHILDSII.--A mixture of this special type of gladiolus, striking in varied markings of flowers. Each 5c, doz. 50c.
RED MIXED.--Darker colors than the above. Each 5c; doz. 40c; 100 for $3.00.
PINK MIXED.--Many varieties of this popular shade of color. Each 5c; doz. 50c; 100 for $3.50.
WHITE AND LIGHT MIXED.--The light colored sorts. Each 5c, doz. 50c, 100 for $3.50.
YELLOW MIXED.--Ranging from lemon to the darkest shades. Each 7c; doz. 60c; 100 for $4.00.
FINE MIXED.--Our own mixture containing a wide range of color; offered at a very low price and we feel sure they will prove satisfactory. First size each 4c, doz. 35c, 100 $2.50; second size each 3c, doz. 25c, 100 $1.50.
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