The Dahlia is one of the showiest of all autumn flowers. Commencing to flower in July, they are a perfect blaze of bloom until stopped by frost. Especially fine for cut flowers. They have been greatly improved and we now grow acres of them to supply the demand. Out of the many hundred varieties we have selected the following as of special value. For best results start roots early in the house. Late in the season, when dry roots become exhausted, we then fill orders with strong rooted pot plants.
BRONZE BEAUTY.--As indicated by its name, the flower is a beautiful bronze color. Of decorative type. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
CATHERINE DUER.--A bright, shining red of decorative form. Makes fine cut flower. Each 20c; 3 for 50c.
CLIFFORD W. BRUTON.--A new show Dahlia of greatest merit. Extra large flowers of a bright golden yellow, perfect in shape and form; very early. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
MRS. CHAS. TURNER.--(See Cut No. 1.)--Extra large, with long pointed petals and perfect form. Color clear, bright lemon yellow. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
DELICE.--A decorative dahlia of beautiful rose pink color. One of the finest of the newer varieties. Each 20c; 3 for 50c.
ETHEL VICK.--Very early blooming variety; color delicate shell pink. Grown largely for cut flowers. Very handsome and the best of the pink sorts. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
GRAND DUKE ALEXIS.--The flowers are of the largest size known in dahlias, being 18 inches in circumference, and of most beautiful form, petals being rolled up so that they overlap each other. Color pure snow white slightly tinged with delicate pink at center. No other variety equal to it in size or beauty. Each 25c; 3 for 65c.
JACK ROSE.--So named because the color is brilliant crimson red, almost exactly like the Gen. Jacqueminot rose. Fine for decorations or for cutting. Each 20c; 3 for 50c.
JEANNE CHARMET.--Violet pink over a rose ground. A decorative variety of exquisite loveliness. Each 20c; 3 for 50c.
JOHN WALKER.--A beautiful pure white, double show dahlia. A choice flower. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
JUMBO.--(See Cut No. 3.)--Large flowers of deep crimson. One of the finest shades of color and a fine variety, producing large blooms in profusion. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
KING OF FANCIES.--Color is almost indescribable, being most elegantly marked, striped and blotched with crimson, scarlet, pink, etc., on a white ground; variable. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
LYNDHURST.--(See Cut No. 4.)--A rich and brilliant cardinal red. A popular variety on account of the color and substance of the flowers. Fine as cut flowers for decoration. Each 20c; 3 for 50c.
MAID OF KENT.--(Cut No. 5.)--Richest crimson velvet. About half the petals tipped with a large spot of white. Frequently flowers are solid scarlet, but most are variegated. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
MILLER'S RED.--A bright, brilliant shade of red. A shining scarlet show dahlia. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
NYMPHEA.--(See Cut No. 2.)--Color a distinct, clear, light pink, shading darker toward the outer petals. Inner petals nearly white. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
PAUL KRUGER.--A paeony flowered dahlia of beautiful red and white contrasting colors. A new sort destined to become popular. Each 20c; 3 for 50c.
QUEEN VICTORIA.--Plant a robust grower and so covered with flowers as to appear almost like a solid mass of golden yellow color. Blooms early, very freely and continuously. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
QUEEN EMMA.--A paeony flowered sort. Ground color bright rose, yellow margined. A strong, robust grower. Flowers are borne on long stems and are fine for cutting. Each 25c; 3 for 60c.
RED HUSSAR.--A double show dahlia of bright cardinal red. Fine form and vigorous growth. Each 20c; 3 for 50c.
WM. AGNEW.--Carmine red, rich and bright. Decorative type. Fine. Each 20c; 3 for 50c.
WM. PIERCE.--Deep, rich yellow; free flowering. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
DOUBLE MIXED VARIETIES.--Contains a good proportion of best scarlet, yellow and white varieties, besides many other shades which are popular. Each 10c; doz. $1.00.
ALBA SUPERBA.--A free blooming single flowered variety of pure white color. Each 15c.
CLOTH OF GOLD.--Bright golden yellow. Graceful and beautiful. Each 15c.
JOHN DOWNIE.--Clear bright red. Harmonizes with any other shade and is fine for contrast in a bouquet of dahlia flowers. Each 15c.
CRIMSON CENTURY.--Rich crimson, with halo of rose surrounding a yellow center. Markings distinct, flower striking in appearance. Each 20c; 3 for 50c.
PINK CENTURY.--This is exactly similar in type to the Twentieth Century, but color is a solid, soft pink, very pleasing and delicate. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
TWENTIETH CENTURY.--One of the beautiful orchid flowering single varieties of immense size, blooms ranging from 4½ to 7 inches in diameter. Color is of intense rosy crimson, with a white tipping and a white disk around the center. Each 20c; 3 for 50c.
One each of the five beautiful sorts shown in the above illustration
Postpaid for 65 Cents
CRIMSON CACTUS.--A desirable dark crimson variety; should be in every collection. Each 15c; 3 for 40c.
KREIMHILDE.--A most lovely flower of bright, shining pink, gradually shading to white at the center. It is a vigorous grower producing the flowers on perfect long stems, making it especially valuable for a cut flower. Each 20c; 3 for 50c.
FLORADORA.--Is a very showy cactus dahlia of large size, intense dark crimson; an early and profuse bloomer. Each 20c; 3 for 50c.
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