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[image, Top Right: Black and white drawing of a blooming rose, captioned BESSIE BROWN.]
[image, bottom left: Various garden vegetables arranged in a display, cabbage corn melons turnips beetroot cauliflower onions and radish.]

Satisfactory Sorts Chosen for This Special Offer
Because They Bloom Very Freely and Continuously


Fine Two-Year-Old Plants for Immediate Blooming Postpaid to any Address $1.00


It is impossible to convey on paper the loveliness of the rose. The artist has painted from nature and you can form some conception of the beauty of our blooming roses, but we cannot show in this manner the dewy freshness, splendid substance or delightful fragrance of these queenly blossoms. No flower that blooms is so popular as the rose, and the varieties offered in this collection will delight the grower with sturdy growth and bountiful returns. Our choice of these varieties for this offer was determined by consideration first, the production of bloom; second, hardiness and vigor of plants; third, harmony of color; and we know from experience in growing roses for many years and from comparative tests of hundreds of varieties that our selection of kinds for this collection will please our friends who favor us with orders for this Everblooming Rose Collection. The young plants offered are vigorous growing plants from 2 1/2 inch pots, while the two-year-old plants will be either dormant or growing plants depending upon the time of filling the order. Dormant plants will be sent as long as stock lasts after which growing plants will be supplied. In either case we guarantee them to reach you in good condition.


The picture does not do it justice it is in our opinion the finest white everblooming garden rose. It is as hardy as any of this class and will winter safely with protection. Buds are of faultless shape, and develope into great large double flowers of soft pearly white, lightly tinted with lemon at the center. Is exquisitely fragrant and a free bloomer. Worthy of first place in our first bargain offer. Each 15c; two-year-old 30c.

Bessie Brown.

This is called by rose specialists the finest new variety which has been brought out for many years past. It is a hybrid tea variety which originated in England. Blooms are very large in size, full double and of perfect shape; color, creamy white flushed and tinged with pink, especially at the edges of the petals which are shell shaped. It was awarded eight prizes at the great English floral exhibition. Blooms freely; is of the sweetest fragrance, and is just the thing for wearing. Each 20c; two-year-old plants, each 35c.

Etoile de France.

This great French Rose well deserves its name, "Star of France." It makes a fine upright bush, has beautiful deep-green foliage, and the flowers, which are glorious in their form and fragrance, are borne with amazing profusion--in fact it is always in bloom. Large, massive, deep full, cup-formed flowers are produced singly on long, stiff stems, while the color is absolutely new--clear red or crimson velvet, and the fragrance is exquisitely sweet. It's a gem of the first water. Each 20c; two-year-old plants, each 40c.

Yellow Cochet.

The cochets are the hardiest of the everblooming roses. They winter with only slight protection. The buds are peculiarly long and pointed and open into very large flowers. The color of this variety is deep sulphur yellow, and is generally accorded first place among yellow roses for outdoor planting by rose specialists. It makes a good plant, and bears abundantly. There is continuous popular demand for yellow everblooming rose of adequate hardiness, and we offer the Yellow Cochet to meet this want. Each 15c; two-year-old, each 35c.

Champion of the World.

Champion in form, champion in color, champion in production of bloom. Claimed to produce more flowers during a season than any other variety of rose. The illustration hardly equals in beauty the flower as the blossoms are perfectly double to the center. Color is a bright, rich deep pink, shining and beautiful, not surpassed in loveliness by any other variety. Grows a fine bush, with deep green foliage and will be the cherished favorite with everyone who plants it. Each 15c; two-year-old plants 30c.

American Beauty Rose Collection

Who has not heard of the American Beauty, the rose famed in story, poetry and song? The cut flowers are frequently sold during the winter at $10.00 to $25.00 per dozen. What flower lover has not hoped some day to have a "garden of roses" with American Beauties galore? This collection has proven very popular and we are growing vast numbers of plants for the immense demand. Read carefully the list of varieties fully described in the Plant List and notice the low prices. American Beauty, White American Beauty, Black Beauty, Striped Beauty, Pink Beauty, and Moss Beauty.

SPECIAL: One strong plant each of the above six roses for 75c. One large two-year-old plant of each for $1.50. By mail to any town in the United States.

"Complete Garden Collection"
35 Varieties Best Garden Vegetables
FOR $1.00
All Good Desirable Sorts Sure to Please You

Consists of one full size packet each of Improved Golden Wax Beans, Old Homestead Pole Beans, Eclipse Beet, Henderson's Snowball Cauliflower, Washington Wakefield Cabbage, Shortstem Drumhead Cabbage, Oxheart Carrot, White Plume Celery, Early Sunrise Corn, Country Gentleman Corn, Emerald Cucumber, Improved Ground Cherry, American Mammoth Brussels Sprouts, Monarch White Rice Pop Corn, Continuity Lettuce, Improved Hanson Lettuce, Rocky Ford Musk Melon, Duke Jones Water Melon, Large Red Wethersfield Onion, Mammoth Prizetaker Onion, Iowa Challenge Peas, White Icicle Radish, Rosy Gem Radish, Improved Table Guernsey Parsnip, Market Gardener's Parsley, Ruby King Pepper, Early Crookneck Squash, Hester Squash, Bloomsdale Spinach, Mammoth Sandwich Island Salsify, New Stone Tomato, Matchless Tomato, White Egg Turnip, Purple Top Strap Leaf Turnip, Monarch Ruta Baga, and Garden Lemon.

Total of 35 Full Sized Packets Sent Postpaid for $1.00
At Our Regular Price They Amount to About Two Dollars

NOTICE: These collections are all put up ready for mailing before our busy season begins, and therefore cannot be changed or divided. Varieties described in Vegetable Seed Dept.

It is a Bargain. Can a Dollar be better Invested?

The best investment I ever made with one dollar was this spring when I sent to you for garden seeds. I wish you could see my garden, it is just grand.--Mrs. David Horton, Caseville, Mich.

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