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Winter Wheat

The best variety on the market except Defiance. Re-
member this is not a new or untried variety, as it has
been grown in Iowa for twenty years and endured a
temperature of 30 degrees below zero. It also stood
more than 40 degrees below zero in Minnesota. It has
never winter-killed except the season of 1898-99, when
clover, grass, fruit and even oak trees winter -killed
owing to the dry fall and the extreme cold weather
without snow. Other years when the Fultz, Mediter-
ranean, Michigan Amber, Harvest King, Poole, Rus-
sian Red and other varieties killed out very badly or
rusted so as to be worthless, the Turkish Red came
through in fine condition and yielded a bountiful crop.
It is a big yielder. a sure cropper and there is no
danger of its freezing out. It has given such excel-
lent satisfaction in Minnesota that there they have re-
named it the "Reliable Minnesota," or "Bearded Fife."
Kernels are red and have a thin husk, very hard and
rich in gluten. We believe that there is no other
variety in existence except the Defiance that will give
as good satisfaction in every respect, that will pro-
duce as large a crop under ordinary conditions, that
will make as much good flour per bushel or weigh as
heavy per stuck measure as the Turkish Red. IT
and we believe under favorable conditions would do
still better in other parts of the East. It is of strong
growth with heavy, vigorous roots stooling out im-
mensely and succeeds well on a great variety of soils.
While we belive it will pay farmers to plant the best,
still this will be found far superior to most of the seed
wheat now on the market, and will doubtless please
all customers. It is not as highly bred or as closely
selected as Defiance, but the price is lower.

At the Nebraska State Experiment Station in fall of
1906 they sowed thirty-seven varieties of winter
wheat; it all winter-killed except three; in 1898 they
sowed over one hundred varieties and only five sur-
vived the winter in good condition. In 1899 they
sowed forty-two varities. In all of these tests the
Turkey Red succeeded finely and is given a first place
on their list. It withstands the scab disease better than all oth-
ers, is of best quality, yields best and is most satisfactory to
grow. It pays to have the best. Don't risk doubtful sorts.

The Iowa State Experiment Station says that the Turkish Red
Winter Wheat turned out exceptionally well, going through the
winter without the slightest injury and yielding 55.3 bushels per
acre. It outyielded all other eighteen varieties of winter wheat
tested with it, the average yield of the eight bald varities in
same test being only seventeen and one-third bushel per acre.
PRICES - Quoted on Red Ink Price List Enclosed.

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