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Great increase in the volume of sales in this department has been the continued experience for the past several years. The great impetus thus given to our business has enabled us to employ specialists in this work and place the department under an organization specially perfected to deal direct with the farmers and give them the very best farm seeds to be found anywhere. That we do give satisfaction is evidenced by the increasing confidence shown by our patrons as it is no unusual thing to receive single orders with $1,000 enclosed, and our volume of cash with order sales many times reaches $5,000 per day in spring. This we take to be the very highest form of confidence. There is a reason. This department receives the most careful attention. We have half a dozen experts continuously watching the progress in new offerings in grain. Inspecting crops, visiting the experiment stations and looking closely after the many details required to keep our stocks of seed grains and grass seed to the point where we can truthfully claim there is none superior on earth.



High Grade Seed Grain. - It costs more to grow a crop for seed purposes than the ordinary farmer can understand. It requires extra choice stock seed, special preparation of the land, special cultivation, great care in harvesting, cleaning, grading, testing, preparing for shipment, bags, etc.,so that we are obliged to ask a considerable advance over market prices, but any intelligent farmer who appreciates the value of good seeds will agree with us that such pedigreed seed is well worth to him the price we ask. IT PAYS TO GROW THE BEST. PRICES named in this department are always subject to important market changes. All quotations are net and are not subject to any premium or discount. Clover and grass seeds are constantly varying in value, and we issue a price list daily during the busy season. Please write for quotations, sending list of requirements when in need. Orders sent us will be given benefit of lowest prices on day order is received. Will take pleasure in mailing samples and quoting inside prices at any time on large orders. SHIPPING. - In this department everything that is quoted by the packet or pound is sent by mail, postpaid; all larger quantities, unless noted, are sent by express or freight at the expense of the purchaser. Prices named include bags and delivering to depot here. ABOUT WARRANTING. - We thoroughly test all our seeds and nothing is sent out which we do not believe to be good in every respect. However, we give no warranty, express or implied, as to description, quality, productiveness, or any other matter of any seeds, bulbs or plants we send out, and we will not be in any way responsible for the crop. If the purchaser does not accept the goods on these terms, they are at once to be returned, and the money for same will be refunded. We know of no responsible seed firm in the world which guarantees seeds any further than this. Compare with other seed catalogues and you will find we are right. OUR EXPERIMENT GROUNDS. - We make provision at our Altoona farm for planting test plots of the various grains which we offer, and also to note the comparative growth of varieties offered by others. We also test new things as offered, so that we may catalogue only proven sorts and be better able to answer inquiries from our farmer customers. Our customers secure the benefits of all this painstaking care, and may be assured that the varieties of grain we offer are suited for their planting. WE BUY UNDER THE MICROSCOPE. - Our grass seeds are all subjected to a strict microscopic examination and test before we purchase. Many lots are rejected because they contain weed seeds or other impurities that render them unfit for our trade. We will not offer to out farmer customers any grass seeds that we would not be willing to sow on our own farms. In addition to our careful buying we give expert attention to recleaning all grass seeds received, taking out all sand, dirt and trash, and the result is that the grass seeds we offer are as good as money and skill can produce. WE THOROUGHLY CURE our grain and seed corn. We purchased and erected in our warehouse a drier, especially for the purpose of kiln drying such of our seed grains and corn as might require artificial ripening to protect the germ. It will thus be seen that we have provided every possible protection for our customers so that they may be assured of clean, pure, and vital farm seeds for their planting, and on this basis we ask for your trade. WE ARE BREEDERS OF SEED CORN growing it here in central Iowa, the best section for corn in the great corn belt of the United States. We have several seed corn specialists, who select stock seed for our crops. Each ear is critically examined in all points with greatest care and only the strong and vigorous in vitality, true to the ideal of each variety used. These ears must be uniform in shape and color, straight rows, tips well filled with large grains denoting vigor and strength, kernels uniform in color, depth, width, shape and such other points as are desirable and indicate will[well] bred corn. The stock seed is given to careful growers who, for many years past, have made a speciality of growing seed corn exclusively for us, and know just how to handle the crops to secure best results. Our rule is to have each variety grown at least ninety rods from any other in order to prevent becoming mixed. Greatest care is used in preparing and having soil in best condition and in cultivation of the crop. We have special machinery for tipping and butting and our seed corn is very carefully graded so it can be planted with the edge dropping corn planter. It is then tested by taking several lots of 100 kernels, each from different bags or bins just as corn runs in bulk, the only way to get a true average test. Great care is taken through the whole process. Corn thus prepared is more expensive, but worth much more.


OUR SEED CORN HOUSE which we have just erected on our farm at Altoona, eleven miles east of Des Moines, is, we are sure, the best arranged and most complete building in America for this purpose. The outside walls are made up almost entirely of doors which can be lifted for ventilation and are in fact kept open all the time except during very cold or stormy weather. The interior arrangements consist mainly of very narrow high cribs with ventilators running through the entire length of them and narrow passages between the cribs. There is a very extensive system of steam pipes underneath, which are used as needed for drying the corn and also to keep out moisture during foggy weather and to protect it from freezing.

You are Safe in ordering Seed Corn, Clover Seed, or any other seed from us, as you are protected by our $10,0000 GUARANTEE BOND as you will note by the following: OFFICE OF CENTURY SAVINGS BANK DES MOINES, IOWA. NOV. 1, 1910. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This certifies that the Iowa Seed Company of this city has deposited with us a bond for TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000) as a guarantee to any one ordering seeds from them, where cash accompanies order, that if said seeds are found to be unsatisfactory upon examination or test, they may be returned within ten days from date received and the money which has been paid for same will be promptly refunded. L.E. STEVENS, President.

After the seed arrives examine it, test it, or have it inspected and tested by the State Seed Inspector, the State Botanist or the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Then you be the judge. If their report or test is not satisfactory, or if for any reason, or without any reason, you want to return the seed to us within ten days, we will return your money promptly without quibbling. Can any offer be fairer?


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SEED CORN It costs less than 45 cents an acre to use our carefully selected SEED CORN. Do you deem it wise to risk doubtful corn when GOOD SEED is so cheap?

Better than ever. Now is the time to buy your seed from us and get the very choicest quality of our thoroughbred varieties. We have been making a speciality of growing seed corn for more than thirty years and never raised a crop of better quality than we now have in our corn house. That our seed corn is appreciated by the farmers of Iowa is evidenced by the fact that our sales in this department last year were heavier than ever before in the history of the house. We claim to have sold more seed corn direct to farmers last year than any firm in the country. Reports from our customers are very gratifying and we urge you to try our thoroughbred corn, fully convinced that we can give you better stocks than you now have. The price is not excessive for the quality furnished.


CONDITIONS ARE IDEAL Iowa this year has a splendid corn crop, but most of the corn produced is badly mixed, because of replanting last spring at seeding time; and while the crop from the cross breeding thus produced is fine and sound from the excellent season of 1910, yet these crops should not be used for seed, as it is a well known fact that cross breeding leads to deterioration. PLANT ONLY THOROUGHBRED CORN The progressive farmer does not use grade male animals to head his herds, and he should be equally careful in the choice of seed for planting, whether it is corn or any other grain. You can't raise a thoroughbred crop from any but thoroughbred seed. It is true you can select good ears that appear all right, but reversion will show next year in the crop, and you will have "run out" corn at best. The time to start a pure variety is now, for the reason stated above, that you can get exceptionally good stock this year of pure bred, sound, thoroughly matured, large sized corn, that will not be surpassed and probably not equalled again for several years. When Joseph filled that granaries of Pharaoh in anticipation of the seven lean years, he set an example that wise men have followed ever since. It is not likely that the immediate following seasons will be as favorable for the production of corn as was 1910. While we shall strive in future as we have in the past to produce the very best quality of seed corn, yet we know that it will be difficult to improve our stocks above the quality of this year. We know that we are now in position to offer you the very highest type, and choicest quality of seed corn and for the reason that we are so very certain that we can and will please you, we urge that you take advantage of conditions and start the foundation of your future crops on a right basis. SATISFY YOURSELF We not only make you statements on our own judgement of this matter but we go further and we offer you the privilege of examination and test of seed upon receipt and if it is not satisfactory to you it can be returned to us as we will refund the money you paid for it. You don't have to take our word for this, either, for if you will refer to page 39 you will see we have put up a bond of $10,000 as a guarantee that we will do just as we agree. Now, what more can we do? We cannot guarantee a crop, that would be folly, but we let you be the judge. Thus we not only ask you to accept our judgement, but we back it with a bond, and then we give you a further privilege of rejecting the corn if you think it is not up to our representations. IF YOU STILL HESITATE let us know the variety that seems best to meet your requirements and we will mail you free a small sample for inspection and test before your purchase. Do you think now that we would make so many liberal inducements, or give you so much chance to be certain of the seed if we were not sure of our ground, and confident of pleasing you. Our house has been forty years in the building. You surely realize that we would not jeopardize our reputation and business standing for the sale of a few bushels of corn. WE HAVE ORIGINATED OR INTRODUCED More Choice Varieties of Seed Corn than any other firm in the world. In 1881 we introduced Profit Corn; in 1892 Iowa Gold Mine; in 1893 Early Longfellow Dent; in 1894 Star Leaming; in 1895 Iowa Silver Mine; in 1896 Lenocher's Homestead; in 1900 Farmer's Reliance, in 1905 the Golden West and in 1908 the Prosperity. SEND US YOU ORDER Of course our plea is made to sell seed corn, but our understanding of business is that every deal should be profitable to both buyer and seller, and that is the basis upon which we operate. We take particular pride in the cornfields of Iowa as we have been selling corn 30 years and think we have done our share in improving the corn now being harvested. We have a patriotic desire to still further improve Iowa corn and strive honestly to this end, often making sacrifice of financial gain to improve quality of stocks sent out, and please our customers. This is why we have succeeded.


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[Images of corn cobs]

The BIG FOUR Which have helped make Iowa the leading Corn State

FARMERS RELIANCE The Earliest Large Corn. The Largest Early Corn. PROFIT Best Yellow Corn in the World. The Money Maker for the Farmers. IOWA SILVER MINE Most productive and profitable variety. IOWA GOLD MINE Deepest Grained Variety in Existence

All Originated or Introduced by the IOWA SEED CO.

One Acre - $1.00 We will deliver 7lbs. Choice Seed Corn (will plant one acre) of any of these varieties, charges prepaid to your place, for only $1.00

These varieties are everywhere the best in their class and have done much to increase the yield and quality of Iowa's Greatest Crop.

FOUR ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: EARLINESS - These varieties have matured safely every season. SIZE OF EAR - Large, and still cob is small diameter. DEPTH OF GRAIN - Unsurpassed, and of uniform good quality. PRODUCTIVENESS - Unequalled. They do well on any kind of soil.

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THE BIG FOUR FOR 1910 This is the year for which we have waited. Our stocks of seed corn are this year superior to those of recent years, because the growing season was almost ideal. As a result we have the finest crops of seed corn we have been able to offer for several years. We not only have purity, vitality and selection of former seasons, but in addition we have exceptional size, vigor and maturity. It is hardly probable that you will be able to get as good stocks in the next few years and we know that you will not be able at any time to get better. It is the time for you to change your seed and start a new deal on the firm foundation of throughbred pedigreed seed. WHY WE PUSH THE BIG FOUR We have other good varieties of corn as you will see by reading the following pages of our catalogue, but our stocks of the four varieties, illustrated in colors on the back page, are so exceptionally choice, and we have such large qauntites of the very finest seed of these varieties, that we desired especially to urge our friends to plant them this year. Each has its special value, but any one of them will be satisfactory. All will prove profitable and any one of them will produce more than double the official average per acre of ordinary Iowa corn. Another reason for urging these varieties to our customers arises from the fact that last year hundreds of our farmer friends visited our store and warehouse in search of seed corn, making personal inspection of our stocks; with the result that the four varieties specially offered this season were by far the most popular, when compared with our choice stocks of other kinds. We are therefore persuaded that we are offering you as special the very varieties you would select for yourself if you had the opportunity to look over our stocks. THEY WILL GIVE YOU RESULTS You can buy seed corn of [off] us that will produce a crop anywhere in the corn belt. Don't think because you are 150 miles north of Des Moines that our corn will not do in your section, for we have varieties specially suited to your locality, and will produce better crops than home grown seed. Don't think that it will not pay to raise these varieties south of us. The experience of our customers in the south for many years has demonstrated that our seed corn grows more vigorously; produces larger crops and better quality of corn than the slow maturing varieties usually grown in the south. We ship seed corn all over the United States. We have exported seed corn to Mexico, Central and South America, Australia, Africa and New Zealand and never yet has failure to mature been reported in seasons when any corn ripened. There are many reasons for this but the main reason is that our seed corn is produced in the best spot on earth for the growth of corn - eCntral [Central] Iowa. It is a well recognized fact that any seed crop is better when produced in the locality best suited for its growth, hence it follows that the best seed corn is grown in the center of the queen of corn states - Iowa. IOWA SILVER MINE Our premier variety, introduced by us in 1895. This corn has furnished the basis from which many of the greatly advertised new white varieties were originated, and yet we have failed to find among any of these later sorts any corn equal to our own strain of Silver Mine which we have grown continuously for sixteen years, selecting our own stocks year after year, maintaining the original beautiful type, and keeping up the productiveness that has made it th[the] most populr[popular] corn in the world. IOWA GOLD MINE The deepest grained, smallest cob and handsomest corn in existence. The corn that will furnish more feed per bushel than any other corn in our list. Its earliness makes it a desirable variety for any portion of the corn belt. It is grown with success from Minnesota , South Dakota and Wisconsin on the north to Arkansas and Texas on the south; from New York east to California west, and seed grown by us here produces crops no matter where it is planted. THE PROFIT Our oldest pedigree variety. Thirty years of careful selection for a foundation. The very best feeding corn for central and southern corn belt farmers who can be assured of 100 days of good corn weather. Will surprise the grower with its enormous yield of shelled corn of first quality. We have not pushed it as hard as we have our other kinds but the demand for it has for several years exceeded the amount we had to offer. Last year we thought we had an abundant supply, but it was the first sort to be sold out as it was bought on sight, and made a friend of every farmer who saw it. FARMERS' RELIANCE This is our extra early variety. It has many times matured in 90 days and it never fails to produce a crop of sound corn in any season or locality. The ears are as large as Iowa Gold Mine, though of different type, the grain being smooth and while not quite so deep they are thick and heavy. It is the earliest large corn and the largest early corn, and is most of all a sound, smooth, solid corn of substantial value. Full description and prices of the Big Four and other valuable varieties of seed corn on the following pages.


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Prize Winner Everywhere.


215 Bushels per Acre.

[Image] A partially cut through corn cob.

In 1895 we purchased the original stock of this corn, paying for it $1,000 in cash, and offered it to the public in a limited way that season. It has proven to be a most excellent investment, not only as a financial success, but as a help to the growth of our business, because no purchaser of Silver Mine corn has ever been disappointed. It has grown in popularity each year until it now leads all varieties in the quantity and extent of sales. There has been in the minds of most farmers a prejudice in favor of yellow corn, and this prejudice still exists in some degree. For many years it was thought that white corn lacked some essential elements that were contained in the yellow. Against both of these handicaps Iowa Silver Mine has had to contend, and in spite of them it has won its way to the head of the list of varieties in general use. There is still more yellow corn grown than white, but there are so many kinds of yellow corn planted that when single varieties are considered Silver Mine will be found to lead them all as nearly all white corn now grown is from Silver Mine parentage. For sixteen years we have offered this corn to the public. During that time a multitude of competitors have arisen in the seed corn trade and many unscrupulous dealers have grown Iowa Silver Mine, given it a new, high-sounding name, and heralded it broadcast as a wonderful new variety. It is a wonderful variety but our stock is of the original, purchased by us sixteen years ago, and bred coninuously during all this time under the personal direction of our seed corn experts who have thirty years experience as their guide. So we may say to you that you will not be able to get any better corn than our Silver Mine, no matter what the name or what the price that is asked of you. We have never in our thirty years' experience found any corn, white or yellow, that would give as good results under adverse weather and soil conditions, or adapt itself so well to change of locality as does this variety. DESCRIPTION. - Stalk grows to a height of about seven or eight feet, and sets the ears about three and one-half to four feet from the ground, just the right height for easy picking. One peculiarity which will be noticed in going over the fields is that there are no barren stalks; every one has an ear, many stalks have two or three good ears, and the originator says that has been characteristic every year that he has grown it. Type is very even. Ears measuring from ten to twelve straight rows (usually eighteen rows) of deep, pure white kernels, set on small, white cob, and ears are well filled out over the tips. It is early, maturing in ninety-five days. The cob dries rapidly, so that it is ready for market earlier than any other white field corn in existence. Seventy pounds in the ear will make sixty-two pounds shelled. It is adapted to a wider range of soil and climate than any corn ever offered. From Minnesota to Florida, from Massechusetts to California, it will yield a paying crop where other sorts are grown at a loss. It is in every way a distinct type of corn, hardy, and a wonderful resister of drouth. ITS PRIZE RECORD. - Everywhere the Iowa Silver Mine captures the prizes over all other varieties. At one fair ten of the largest ears took first prize, ten of the smaller ears took second prize. Afterwards the same ten large ears tooks sweepstakes over all other varieties, both white and yellow, making a total of $95.00 in prizes taken at one fair by twenty ears of Iowa Silver Mine Corn. It captured the big prize offered by us in 1896, for the largest crop, against all other kinds of any color, yielding 215 bushels. At the Illinois State Fair it took first premium for the best bushel of corn, any color or sort; first for best white corn in the state, and grand sweepstakes for the best corn of any color, competition open to the world. In 1899 the Illinois State Agricultural Society offered three large prizes for the largest corn crops grown on one acre, and the Iowa Silver Mine captured all three of them with crops of 196, 176 AND 154 BUSHELS PER ACRE. No other corn of any color can compare with it for productiveness. Read the Astonishing Record of our own prize contest. It produced 215 bushels per acre in Scott county, Iowa; 211 bushels per acre in Indiana; 201 bushels per acre in Arkansas; 178 bushels per acre in Illinois; 145 bushels per acre in Ohio; 137 bushels per acre in Texas. NOW FOR 1911. - To everyone who orders Iowa Silver Mine from us we will send free full information as to how 125 bushels of corn were grown on one acre. Be progressive; adopt new methods and use good seed. Figure out what your profit would be if your crop were that large. It will pay you to plant your entire field with this variety. Get your neighbors to order with you. PRICES: For high grade extra select seed corn postpaid or by express prepaid: Pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c, 7 lbs. (will plant one acre) $1.00. By frt. or express, not prepaid, pk. 90c, bu. $3.00, 2 bu. or more at $2.85, 10 bu. or more at $2.60 per bu. Write for prices in quantity. If you are looking for corn that will make you money every year, SILVER MINE WILL MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS. There is no better feeding corn than Silver Mine. The grain is rich on oil and protein, the kernel is deep, cob is small, ears are always sound and dry, color makes no difference to the stock. Try them and see. If you raise corn for the market, it will pay you to try Silver Mine. Your grain buyer will handle it and the price is usually better than for yellow, and you can raise more Silver Mine than any other corn. A FREE SAMPLE OF OUR SEED CORN WILL CONVINCE YOU OF ITS MERITS

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