PUMPKIN One oz. will plant 25 hills; 4 lbs. will plant one acre
The best most enterprising and most prosperous farmers put in a crop of pumpkins every year. They can be grown separately or with a corn or potato crop, and do not seem to interfere in the least. They are valuable for feeding to stock and what is a fair without pumpkins, or a Thanksgiving dinner without a pumpkin pie? Planted with corn, two pounds will plant one acre.
NEW ATLAS- What do you think of a pumpkin weighing 300 pounds? It is not an impossibility, as that weight has been exceeded in this variety, which is an improvement on teh Mammoth Chili. Our seed is the result of years of selection and was saved only from the largest sized, perfect shaped specimens, which will be sure to produce enormous fruits if properly grown. It is just the thing for exhibition at fairs. Flesh is a rich yellow, very thick, and excellent quality, nutritious and profitable to grow for stock feeding. Keeps well. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c. "From one seed of the Atlas Pumpkin received from you I grew one vine which produced four pumpkins. The largest weight 175 lbs., the second 168 lbs. third 138 lbs., fourth 96 lbs., or 577 lbs. in all."- Hardy Hughes, Myrtle Creek, Ore.
[Illustration of a King of Mammoths pumpkin]
KING OF MAMMOTHS- The largest variety of true pumpkins. The flesh and skin are of a bright golden yellow, fine grained and of good quality. We know of one specimen that reached the enormous weight of 245 lbs. One customer writes us that he grew one that weighed 158 lbs., and on the same vine, he had five other pumpkins from 80 to 104 lbs. each in weight--over 640 lbs. grown from one seed. Farmers and gardeners, just think of that kind of a crop! Will it not pay to grow the King of Mammoths and exhibit them at your county fair? Our seed is from select specimens. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.75.
[Illustration of a man holding an Atlas pumpkin on his shoulders]
MAMMOTH TOURS- Is also called "Mammoth Whale." Grows to an immense size, sometimes 3 feet in length, and to a weight of 100 to 200 pounds. Flesh of a salmon color. Seed of a peculiar shape. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25. MAMMOTH ETAMPES- Giant variety from France. Bright red color. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 45c, lb. $1.50.
COLLECTION OF MAMMOTH PUMPKINS One packet each of New Atlas, Mammoth Tours, King of Mammoths and Mammoth Etampes. ONLY TWENTY CENTS
YANKEE PIE- The noted New England Pie or Small Sugar Pumkin. Same shape and color as the Connecticut Field but is smaller, very sweet, fine grained and one of the best varieties for table use. It pleases everyone for making pies. Early. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c.
[Illustration of a pie surrouded by pumpkins] Yankee Pie Pumpkin
CALHOUN, or Thanksgiving Pie- A great improvement on the Large Cheese. Color creamy brown, flesh deep salmon yellow, fine grained; seed cavity is very small. Rind thin. When cooked it is very yellow and makes pies of a rich color, sweet and of the finest quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. JAPANESE PIE- This is similar in size and form to the well known Cushaw, but the skin is deep green, with darker stripes turning into yellow as the fruit ripens; earlier than any other pumpkin. Seeds marked with curious indentations. Flesh is very thick, a rich crimson color, dry and sweet, making rich pies without eggs. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25. LARGE CHEESE, or Improved Kentucky Field- Large flat fruit; creamy buff skin; thick flesh. Usually called Sweet Pumpkin. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 60c. BIG TOM- A greatly improved strain of Yankee or Connecticut Field Pumpkin which has been selected for many years to secure the most uniform type. Not only are the pumpkins larger and smoother but the yield is neary double that of the old variety. We recommend it to our customers as the very best type of cornfield pumpkin. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 50c. Five pounds by express or freight at 35c per lb.
[Illustration of a Japanese Pie pumpkin]
GOLDEN CUSHAW, or Jonathan- Attractive and sells better than the old green striped sort. Large, bottle-shaped sort. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. GOLDEN RUSSET- An extra choice sweet variety, also called Winter Luxury. Golden yellow, netted or russeted over surface; small to medium size. Unsurpassed as a pie pumpkin and a good seller on market. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. CONNECTICUT FIELD- Is the common field or cow pumpkin. If you have any live stock plant some of these. Oz. 5c, 1/4 lb. 15c, lb. by mail 35c. By exp. or frt. 10 lbs. $2.25.
[Photo of a field of Big Tom pumpkins]
RADISH One ounce will sow 100 feet of drill. 8 to 10 lbs will sow an acre in drill. Radish seed should be sown in light, rich soil as early as the ground can be worked, and for succession, at intervals of two weeks, until midsummer. Radishes must be grown quickly and have plenty of room or they will invariably be tough and pithy. Sow in drills one foot apart and thin to two or three inches apart as soon as the rough leaves appear. Most of our radish seed was grown for us in France, "the natural home of radishes," and we think it cannot be surpassed. EARLY BIRD- Decidedly the earliest of all radishes. Quick growth is one of the main essentials for a crisp and tender radish, and with loose soil and proper culture the Early Bird is ready for the table in twenty days from time of sowing the seed, which makes it one of the most desirable sorts ever offered for either forcing or outdoor culture. It is of round or turnip shape as shown in our illustration, of bright scarlet color and pure white flesh, which is tender, crisp and of the very best flavor. It has few and short leaves, which admits of very close growing, thus producing a large number of bundles of radishes on the same ground. Very desirable for the home garden and money maker for the market gardener. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
[Illustration of a bundle of French Breakfast radishes]
SPARKLER- This is a new extra early white-tipped round radish. It is distinct in that the white tip is larger and more pronounced than in any other variety. Much more of the root is white than shown in our illustration, and the contrasting colors being so nearly equal gives it a more attractive appearance than any of the varieties now on the list. Well adapted for either forcing in frames or for the private garden. Will brighten the whole table if placed in a glass dish where colors show to good advantage. Quality unsurpassed; remain solid and crisp a long time. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.
[Illustration of early bird radishes]
[Illustration of a bundle of Early Scarlet turnips]
VIOLET QUEEN RADISH- A novelty of 1908 an decidedly the handsomest of all radishes. It is a small, round or turnip-shaped variety of a beautiful violet-purple color, somtimes shading to white near the tip, thus giving it a very pleasing aspect. It matures quickly, is solid, crisp and of excellent flavor, and does not become pithy quickly. For best results grow in loose, rich soil and cultivate well. It is very showy on the table, especially when put in a glass dish with red and white radishes. Do not fail to try it. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. 75c, lb. $2.00.
[Illustration of a bundle of Early Scarlet turnips]
FRENCH BREAKFAST- Of medium size and olive shape, with small top; quick growth; beautiful scarlet color shading to white. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 60c.
[Illustration of Sparkler radishes]
ROSY GEM- A handsome globe-shaped variety of rosy scarlet, shading to white at tip. Similar to Scarlet Gem, but lighter color. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. EARLY SCARLET TURNIP- A small, round, red, turnip-shaped radish, of quick growth. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 50c. IMPROVED CHARTIER- Roots are long and cylindrical, scarlet rose above, shading into pure waxy white at the tip. Flesh white, crisp and mild flavor. Stands hot weather well. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 60c.
[Illustration of Iowa Standard radishes]
EARLY LONG SCARLET, or Short Top- An old standard variety; of quick growth; long, slender root. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 50c. CINCINNATI MARKET- Also called by some the Glass Radish. An excellent long radish, having small top. The best long red radish for forcing. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. CRIMSON GIANT FORCING- The most profitable variety for market gardeners, and may well be considered the most valuable new variety which has been sent out for many years. A rapid growing sort, developing roots of beautiful deep crimson color, perfect shape and more than double the size of any other forcing variety. The old standard sorts, such as Rosy Gem and Scarlet Globe, usually measure from two to three inches in circumference while the Crimson Giant often measures nine inches in circumference without getting pithy or hollow, and retains its firmness and tenderness of the flesh. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
[Illustration of a bundle of Violet Queen radishes]
IOWA STANDARD EARLY RADISH- If you are only growing one variety of radish, we are sure you will be pleased with this choice sort. It is larger in size and considerably longer than the Scarlet Globe, and of handsome bright scarlet color throughout. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
[Illustration of Crimson Giant Forcing radishes]
EARLY SCARLET GEM- An extremely early variety which has matured fit for the table in seventeen to twenty days from the time of sowing the seed and is fully grown in less than four weeks. It is of a perfect globe shape, an dof a bright, rich scarlet color, tipped in white, thus making it particularly handsome on the table. The Scarlet Gem has very few leaves, therefore is an excellent variety for forcing, and gardeners will find it an "A No. 1" seller on the market. In quality it stands unsurpassed- tender, crisp, appetizing. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
[Illustration of Scarlet Gem radishes on a table]
BRIGHTEST LONG SCARLET- The handsomest long red radish wich is very early. It is shaped like Long Scarlet, but the tips are white like Chartier. The white and red colors in contrast make it a popular market sort which sells readily. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
RADISH == Continued
EARLY SCARLET GLOBE. - The most popular variety for hotbeds and forcing, as it is the earliest of all. Of handsome color, crisp, juicy and tender. It forms a small top and will stand a great amount of heat without becoming pithy. Its fine shape, well illustrated by the accompanying engraving, makes it sell for a higher price and more readily than any other sort. Pkt, 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. 85c.
STRIPED TRIUMPH.- A beautiful new variety and is a decided novelty. It is of the shape shown in our illustration, with white skin striped bright scarlet, being decidedly ornamental when placed on the table. It is very early and has a very small top, thus adapting it to cultivation in hotbeds. The flesh is white, crips, tender and as good flavor as any radish grown. It being a sport, some of the roots are always of solid color, not variegated, but they are always of fine quality, regardless of color. Pkt. 5c, 0z. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.
WHITE LADY FINGER.- Large, white, crisp variety, about as long as Long Scarlet; similiar shape. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 60c.
ICICLE.- A splendid long variety of almost transarent whiteness. Produces nice roots in twenty-two days from the date of sowing, and it contimes in prime condition for a long period, so that in one sowing of seed, nice, crisp radishes may be had from spring until midsummer. It is much the most popular sort in the entire list. There is no variety that grows more uniform in type and there are none that surpass it in quality. We recommend it as the very best second early radish. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
WHITE STRASBURG.- Of handsome, oblong, tapering shape, both skin and flesh being pure white. The flesh is firm, brittle and tender and retains its crispness even if old and large. Excellent for summer use. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c.
MODEL WHITE BOX.- Of handsome shape, very early and has but a few leaves, thus making it of special value for growing in hotbeds and bozes, and one-third more radishes can be grown in the same space than with most other varieties. Of clear white color, solid, juicy and unsurpassed in flavor. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. 85c.
GOLDEN DRESDEN.- A little beauty with golden brown skin, white flesh, crisp, juicy and of finest flavor. One of the quickest growing sorts; tops small, admitting of close planting. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.
GRAY LARK.- A unique variety from Spain. Is really an all seasons radish, making nice shaped little roots very early and they keep on growing larger and hold their quality until late in the fall. Crisp, brittle and of excellent flavor. Color grayish brown spotted or diversified. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c.
IOWA SEED CO'S MIXTURE.- A superb mixture of all kinds of radishes- early, medium, fall, winter, Chinese, etc. Sow a row of it and it will furnish you delicious radishes throughout the year. The early and medium ones as they mature and are pulled, make room for the larger growth of the fall and winter varieties. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c.
LONG BLACK SPANISH.- A large black-skinned radish, with firm white flesh of pungent flavor. A good keeper, lasting until spring. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4. 20c, lb. 60c.
ALL SEASONS, or Celestial.- A summer and fall sort, keeping quite well also for winter use. Large Ivory white roots of fine quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
CHINA ROSE WINTER.-Bright rose colored; winter variety. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c.
CALIFORNIA MAMMOTH WHITE. - Large size, eight to twelve inches long, two to three inches thick; white, solid and of good quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
I have used all kinds of seeds for ten years past, but have never had better results than with those from you.- W. H. Binder, Grand Island, Neb.
I have used your seeds for four years and they are by far the best I ever use.- Mrs. J. S. Leamer, Polo, Mo.
The seeds purchased from you last year produced the finest vegetables we have ever raised.- N. B. Larson, Powells, Neb.
I will say that your seeds have proved to me to be the best I ever used and I intend to continue purchasing my seeds from you.- E. Barnhart, Olathe, Kan.
I have bought seeds from you for several years past and expect to continue to as long as I can get such good seeds as you have always sent me.- Harry Bassindale, Hageman, Idaho.
I have used your seeds for four years and have always had good success with them as they all grew nicely.- Miss Belle Owen, Crossingville, Penn.
Column 1
[Image] ROMAINE.
ROMAINE ROMAINE. - Really a variety of lettuce, though so very different from the sorts usually grown that it is classed separately. Very popular in France, where choice flavor in vegetables is especially appreciated. The leaves are of rather light green shading to color white when blanched. It is more uniform growing and self-folding than any other variety of cos lettuce, so that it is not really necessary to tie the leaves together in order that it may blanch. We hope all our customers will give this grand novelty a trial this season and we are sure that you will be more than pleased with it. Possesses a flavor peculiarly its own, crisp and delicious, and people who grow it once are sure to continue its use. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c.
SALSIFY VEGETABLE OYSTER (One ounce will sow 50 feet of drill, 8 lbs. to the acre.) Why don't you grow salsify? It is one of the most delicious and nutritious vegetables and should be more generally cultivated for use in winter, when the supply of really good vegetables is so limited. It has the true oyster flavor, and makes a delicious and inexpensive substitute for them in soup, etc. Cultivate like parsnips.
MAMMOTH SANDWICH ISLAND. - Average fully double size of old Long White. Roots are white, smooth, amd, notwithstanding their enormous size, of superior quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.25.
A WONDERFUL YIELD Last spring we offered a prize of $10.00 for the largest number of Ruby Nugget Tomatoes grown on one plant. Reports were received from every part of the United States. While many reported a dry unfavorable season, all were united in their praise of the Ruby Nugget. The prize was awarded to Mr. D.F. Gunn of Oenaville, Tex., whose yield was 2444. Others whom we think deserve honorable mention are: L. C. Brown, Danialsville [Danielsville], Ga., 2000; R.Pearce, Edwardsport, Ind., 1773; Mrs. F. W. Damp, Walnut Grove, Minn., 1671; F. J. Smith, Bloomburg, Tex., 1650.
FARMERS' SUPERB GARDEN COLLECTION We have carefully selected the list offered below to meet the wants of our patrons who desire a first-class garden. The quantities named are in right amounts to produce all the vegetables that can be used by an ordinary family. This lot of seeds well planted and carefully grown will produce hundreds of dollars' worth of crop. There will never be a time that you will be short of vegetables and you can be assured of an abundance of good things at all times. 1/2 pt. Challenge Black Wax Beans, 1/2 pt. Improved Early Valentine Beans, 1/2 pt. Old Homestead Pole Beans, 1oz. Dewing's Improved Blood Turnip Beet, 1 pkt. Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage, 1 pkt. Short Stem Drumhead Cabbage, 1pkt. Oxheart or Guerande Carrot, 1 pkt. White Plume Celery; 1/2 pt. Golden Bantam Sweet Corn, 1/2pt. Country Gentleman Sweet Corn, 1/2 pt. Improved Stowell's Evergreen Sweet Corn, 1 pkt. Monarch White Rice Pop Corn, 1 pkt. Perfect White Spine Cucumber, 1 pkt. Iceberg Lettuce, 1 pkt. Hanson Lettuce, 1 pkt. Paul Rose Musk Melon, 1 pkt. Improved Early Hackensack Musk Melon, 1 oz. Sweetheart Water Melon, 1oz. Improved Triumph Water Melon, 1pt. White Onion Sets, 1pt. Yellow Onion Sets, 1oz. Golden Globe Onion, 1 pkt. Ruby King Pepper, 1 oz. Improved Guernsey Parsnip, 1 pt. Gradus or Prosperity Peas, 1 pt. Abundance Peas, 1 oz. Golden Russet Pumpkin, 1oz. Rosy Gem Radish, 1 oz. White Icicle Radish, 1 pkt. Mammoth Sandwich Island Salsify, 1 pkt. Golden Bush Squash, 1 oz. Hubbard Squash, 1 pkt. Beauty Tomato, 1 pkt. Matchless Tomato, 1 oz. Purple Top Globe Turnip, 1 pkt. Sage. There is in the collection a catalogue value of nearly $4.00 but we want to encourage the increased planting of really good gardens and we therefore make a bargain of this and offer THE ENTIRE COLLECTION PREPAID TO ANY ADDRESS FOR ONLY $3.00. If you are ordering any farm seeds or miscellaneous goods by express or freight so that we can ship this right in the sack, or if you are willing to have them come by express at your expense for charges, the price will be only $2.50.
Column 2
[Image of a dog carrying a basket of rhubarb in its mouth] IDEAL MAMMOTH RHUBARB
Succeeds best in deep, rich soil. Sow in the spring in drills, cover one inch. Thin plants to six inches apart. Transplant in autumn or spring to permanent beds three feet apart each way. For price of rhubarb roots see page 38.
IDEAL MAMMOTH. - This new variety, which is decidedly the finest and best of all, originated with Dr. Kennicott, of Illinois. The stalks are much larger than the Victoria or any other sort and are also produced in much greater abundance. Like all other highly improved sorts it seeds sparingly and comes more nearly true to name when grown from seed than most other sorts. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c.
VICTORIA. - For many years the standard variety of rhubarb. The stalks are not so large as the Ideal Mammoth, but are preferred by many on account of their more piquant and richer flavor. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.
(One ounce will sow about 80ft. of drill, 10lbs. to acre.) Makes the finest "greens" of any plant in cultivation. For summer sow early in spring in deep, rich soil, one foot apart in drills; cover one inch; sow at intervals of two weeks all through season. For very early use sow first of September and protect with straw.
VICTORIA. - A variety distinguished by exceedingly dark, black-green color and for its very long standing qualities, being two or three weeks later than ordinary varieties. The leaves are thick and spread out flat upon the ground.Is excellent for spring sowing, but not sufficiently hardy to withstand winter in this locality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 15c, lb. 35c. By express, not prepaid, 5 lbs. or more at 25c per lb.
LONG STANDING. - Standard with gardeners; leaves thick, fleshy and crumpled, round, large and dark green color; slow to run to seed. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 15c, lb. 35c. By express, not prepaid, 5 lbs. or more at 20c per lb.
BLOOMDALE. - Savoy leaved, curled sort, very popular in the south. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 35c.
NEW ZEALAND. - Very useful to supply the place of ordinary spinach during the hottest months of the year, or in dry, arid localities. A few plants will supply a family with this delicious vegetable from July until October. A distinct variety of merit. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
SQUASH (One ounce early varieties will plant about forty hills; one ounce late varieties will plant about twenty hills; 3 to 4 pounds per acre.) Plant in the middle of spring in hills, the early sorts four to six feet apart, the late varieties eight to twelve. Thin to three plants in the hill. The soil cannot be too rich. Use Slug Shot to kill the bugs.
GOLDEN BUSH. - An improvement on the old Yellow Bush Scallop or Patty Pan. The earliest of all and quite a favorite with all who like summer squash. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c.
WHITE BUSH SCALLOPED. - Similar to Golden Bush. Color creamy white; an excellent sort for family garden for early use. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c.
EARLY BUSH CROOKNECK. - Splendid sort, early, productive, very fine quality. With all new varieties recently brought out, many claim that there is no summer squash superior to this. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c.
PERFECT GEM. - Is a strong grower, as many as twenty-four squashes having been produced on a single vine. Squashes are from 4 to six inches in diameter; of a creamy white, with thin, smooth shell, slightly ribbed. Flesh when cooked is dry, sweet and rich in flavor. It is a spendid keeper. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
NEW HESTER. - This extra choice new variety, which we introduced, is of the same shape as the Sibley, but the color is of a pinkish yellow, slightly striped at the point with light green. They are early and can be used as a summer squash, but are superior to the Hubbard for winter. When stewed or steamed they are dryer than when baked and make delicious pies. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.
SIBLEY, or Pike's Peak. - We consider this one of the very best winter varieties. Has the reputation of being only variety surpassing the Hubbard in quality. Large oval fruits tapering at blossom end. Shell hard, dark, olive green color. Flesh light orange color, of best quality. Vines strong, productive. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
COLLECTION OF HUBBARD SQUASHES One packet of each of the four varieties of Hubbard squash for only 15c.
TRUE HUBBARD. - This old variety for years has stood the test of all rivals and is the most popular winter squash grown; hard, green shell; flesh bright orange yellow, fine grained, very dry, sweet and of rich flavor; keeps in perfect condition throughout the winter. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.
WARTY HUBBARD. - The new strain of Hubbard. The wartiness indicates a very hard shell, which is one of the very best features of a long-keeping squash. It also denotes extra choice quality - the harder and more warty the shell of a Hubbard, the more delicate and sweet the flesh; the flesh however, is not so thick as the old Hubbard. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c. 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.
BLUE HUBBARD, or Marblehead. - A splendid winter variety. Shell light blue; flesh similar to Hubbard in quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.
GOLDEN HUBBARD, also called Red Hubbard. - This is a counterpart of the old Green Hubbard, except in color, which is bright, deep orange yellow; much richer in color than Hubbard, fine grained, cooks very dry, and is of excellent flavor. Its keeping qualities are fully equal to, while in productiveness it far excels the green variety. This is a squash that every market gardener should plant, for it is a "seller". Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.
DELICIOUS. - On our place this has proved to be a most desirable new winter variety. Color of the skin is green, with an occasional blue specimen, about the same size as the Hubbard, weighing 5 to 10 lbs. Has very thick flesh, cooks dry and is of superior flavor. Although a good fall variety it is in its best condition during the winter. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.
EARLY PROLIFIC MARROW. - Early and productive, the two most important features for the market gardener, while its attractive color - brilliant orange red - good cooking and keeping qualities, make it popular with consumers. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c. lb. $1.00.
PEERLESS VEGETABLE MARROW. - In England they consider the Vegetable Marrow far superior to any variety of squash, but for some reason it has never become popular here. The Peerless is, we believe, the most desirable sort, fruits being of handsome shape, creamy white color, very large size, of excellent flavor. Very productive. Cultivate like squash. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.50.
MAMMOTH CHILI. - The "Jumbo" of the squash family. Outer color rich orange yellow; skin is quite smooth with wide fissures. Flesh very thick and of a yellow color. Keep well and are profitable for stock. Have been grown to weigh over 200 pounds. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.
I was very well pleased with the squashes which I raised from your seed last year. They matured well though planted very late. - Frank Blanchard, Port Alleghany, Pa.