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A well regulated aquarium adds an elegance to any place and this is one of the most desirable ornaments for the parlor, library, sitting or dining room. It offers a wide opportunity for the study of nature, the motion of animal life eliciting the admiration of all, while affording instructive amusement for the children. The fishes require very little attention and live a great many years. We breed immense numbers of gold fish, paradise fish, etc. and ship them to all parts of the United States from Maine to California and from Canada to the Gulf. They can be shipped at all seasons of the year; cold weather does not affect them unless bucket containing them freezes solid. The express charges are always paid by the purchaser. We have thousands of aquaria customers in the country as well as in the city, and therefore devote space in this catalogue to gold fish, knowing that they are the handsomest parlor ornaments which can be obtained. Ask for our Aquaria catalogue. It contains valuable information on Fish, Globes, Aquariums, etc.

GOLD FISH. - While there are many varieties of gold fish as named and described in this list, we refer only to the plain variety only by this name. These are more popular than the fancy sorts, being hardy and generally satisfactory. They are a species of carp, inhabiting ponds and sluggish streams in China, and they are better adapted to life in fish globes than any other breed of fish. They are universal favorites, of golden red color. Those bred in this state seem to have a peculiar brilliancy of coloring which is especially noticeable when in the fish globes. Prices, 10c, 15c, 35c, 50c and $1.00 each according to size. Extra choice three-color specimens, when obtainable, $1.00 each. The 25c size (5 for $1.00) is the most popular. The largest size is only suitable for pond or fountains.
SILVER FISH. - This is simply an uncolored gold fish of dark silvery color. Nice for a variety. Medium size 10c each, 6 for 50c.
PEARL FISH. - These elegant fish are either of a clear pearly white color or white is variegrated with gold markings. Medium size 25c, 5 for $1.00.
AMERICAN FANTAIL FISH. - Are bred from the imported Japanese fish and are very handsome. Price, according to size, shape and color, 25c, 35c, 50c, and 75c each.
ORIOLE FISH. - Beautifully variegrated golden red and clear black. Medium size 30c each.
AQUARIUM CASTLES - Styles for 8-inch fish globes 35c, postpaid, or 20c by express, not prepaid. (Too heavy to mail.)
PREPARED FISH FOOD. - Good for all kinds of gold fish. This we import from Germany where they make the best quality and of the purest materials. Price 10c per box, postpaid.
PAGE'S FISH FOOD. - A fish food in granular form specially prepared by us. Best for amateurs. Price 15c per pkg., postpaid.
WHITE SAND. - Absolutely clean. Is very beautiful for aquariums. Price per pkg. (about 2 lbs.) 50c, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, 10c.


EUREKA AQUARIUM. - Strong iron-frame tank. See cut above. Capacity about 7 1/2 gallons. Price only $7.50.
GLASS FISH GLOBES. - These are neat, cheap and consequently more popular than the larger aquariums. The 8, 9, 10 and 11in. are the sizes most used.
Diam. Holds Ea.
5in.. 1 qt.. $.25
6in.. 2 qts.. .40
7in.. 3 qts.. .50
8in.. 4 qts.. .60
9in.. 6 qts.. .75

Diam. Holds Ea.
10in.. 8qts.. $1.00
11in.. 12qts.. 1.25
12in.. 16qts. 1.75
15in.. 30qts. 3.00

COMET FISH. - Also called "Gorgeous Tails", "Long-Tailed Beauties", and "Fancy Gold Fish". They are without doubt the most graceful in their movements of all aquaria fish. Medium size 35c each, large 50c each. Extra choice colors and markings 75c to $1.25.
JAPANESE FANTAIL FISH. - By far the most popular of all fancy fish and the most satisfactory of the imported varieties. The fins and tails are long and of delicate lace-like appearance. The tail is V-shape and frequently divided so that it might be called two distinct tails. They are beautifully variegated usually with golden red and pearly white or black. Nice specimens 50c each. Choice 75c each. Fancy, some showing three colors, $1.00 each.
JAPANESE FRINGETAIL FISH. - These aristocratic fish are undoubtedly the most beautiful of all aquatic fish, having extremely long, drooping tail and fins. Choice specimens are very rare and when obtainable sell at $10.00 to $50.00 each. We can furnish select specimens at $2.50 and $5.00.
TELESCOPE FISH. - A very curious appearing fish which always attracts attention from its "extreme ugliness". Eyes are abnormally large and bulging. Price $1.00 to $1.50. Black Telescopes, which are quite rare, $3.00 each.
SHIPPING BUCKETS. - Unless you order fish globe with fish it will be necessary to ship them in a can or bucket. For this purpose we offer 2 or 3-quart tin buckets suitable for holding 6 medium sized fishes or less at 10c each, 4-quart at 15c, 6-quart, will hold 12 medium sized fishes, 20c.

STANDING FISH GLOBES. - These are raised up on a glass base and are handsomer than the ordinary fish globe.
Holds About Ea.
1/2 gallon ............$1.00
1 gallon...............1.25
1 1/2 gallons...........1.50

Holds About Ea.
2 gallons............$2.25
3 gallons.............3.00

AQUARIA BOOK. - Illustrates and describes all best kinds of fancy fish. How to breed and care for gold fish, etc.; 64 pages; 15c; cloth bound, 50c postpaid.
AQUARIUM PLANTS. - See page 130.

Consists of one 4-quart Globe, four pretty Fish, Plant, Shells, and Food. Weight, packed for shipment, about 13 pounds. Price, $1.25.

Consists of one 8-quart Globe, five Fancy Fish, Food, Plant, Shells. Shipping weight about 20 pounds. Price of collection, $2.00.


Various sea shells clustered on a beach.

"Only some shells that strewed a distant strand,
On lonely shores by careless billows hurled,
Yet each the impress bears of that Great Hand
Which decks with beauty all the radiant world"

EAST INDIA CLAM. - One of the most popular and beautiful of shells. Price $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c per pair.
SMALL SHELLS. - An endless variety. Best mixture 35c per 1/2 pt.; aquarium mixture 20c per 1/2 pt., postpaid.
MAMMOTH BAHAMA STARFISH. - very popular. price 25c, 50c, and 75c ea.
GIANT CONCH. - This large shell is from the Bahamas. Too large for mailing. Price 50c, 25c and15c. To be sent at expense of purchaser.
MEXICAN OPALS. - Finely polished opals for setting in rings, etc. 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, $1.00.
ZANZIBAR HARP. - A peculiar shell admired by all and not easily forgotten. 25c, 40c and 60c each.
POLISHED AGATES. - Choice stock of thin slabs of fine agates, one side finely polished, about 1x1 1/2 in. in size. Price 25c each; 6 all different, for $1.00.
TIGER COWRIE. - From Australia. 10c, 15c and 20c each.
INDIAN ARROW HEADS. - These are nice for helping to ornament the shell cabinet and add to the interest. Price 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c and 50c each.
PEARLY NAUTALIS. - One of the most beautiful and wonderful shells. Is quite rare and somewhat expensive. Can furnish three sizes: $1.25, $2.00 and $3.00 each.


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