DWARF CHAMPION. - Habit of growth peculiar, for not only is it dwarf and compact, but the stem being thick, stiff and short jointed, it is almost self-supporting when laden with fruit. Early, of a purplish pink color; smooth, symmetrical, solid and of fine quality. Best variety to grow for plants for sale as they are so stocky. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c, lb. $2.50.
DWARF STONE. - A dwarf growing sort after the manner of Dwarf Champion, with very large, bright red fruits, fully as large as the standard stone variety. Illustrated on back cover page. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, 1/4 lb. $1.25.
STONE. - One of the best of all standard sorts. Color is a bright red. Fruit is of large size, perfectly smooth and of best table quality in every respect. It is a famous main crop tomato in many sections, both north and south, and is much used for canning. Productive and the fruit bears shipment well. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4lb. 75c, lb. $2.50.
One packet each of the Three Majestics 25c.
7 lbs. 7 ozs.
Photograph: Plant of Majestic Tomato grown by W.R. Long, Iowa Co. Iowa.
GOLDEN MAJESTIC, the $1,800.00 Tomato. - A magificent new variety which originated in northern Iowa, and we were so favorably impressed with it that we bought all the stock in existence and paid for same at the rate of $1,800.00 per lb. It is the golden member of the great triumvirate, fully equal to its elder brothers in size, solidity, yield and flavor. Without hesitation we pronounce it the grandest yellow tomato in existence. The tomato is undoubtedley the most popular vegetable in America, and nothing presents a more appetizing appearance on the table than thick, luscious slices of alternating purple, red and yellow, cut from our own Majestics. A trial will convince you of their superior qualities. Pkt. 100 seeds 15c.
MAJESTIC. - The largest, handsomest and finest quality tomato ever sent out. When we first secured this grand sort we knew that it was of exceptional merit, and superior in size and flavor to anything on the market, but were astonished at the reports received from our customers. Thousands of letters arrived speaking of it in highest praise. Undoubtably the largest fruited of any, and the fruit is solid, weighing more than its size would indicate. The first fruits matured are somewhat rough, but later they are smooth and handsome; of a rosy red color, ripening evenly all over, way up to the stem. When cut it is a rich coral red color, its core blending into delicate shell-rose tints. Fruit is unusually solid, very small seed cells, few in number and near the surface. Flesh is tender, fine-grained and rich, yet of mild, delicate flavor, being of the sub-acid class. Plant is of vigorous growth from start to finish, producing fruit nearly as early as the small extra early sorts. Many customers reported specimens weighing 3lbs. to 7lbs. each. The largest were, of course, grown by special culture, allowing only one or two fruits to ripen on a plant. In this way the whole strength of the vine goes to the fruit and the size is increased greatly. There were also many reports of 120lbs. to 160lbs. of tomatoes grown on one plant. Just think what a crop on an acre of such tomatoes. Pkt. 10c, oz. 75c, 1/4lb. $2.00.
RED MAJESTIC. - This new variety appears to have all the good qualities as well as the large size of the world-renowned Majestic, but it is of a bright crimson red color, and for this reason may be preferred by some. It is also of special value for growing on a trellis and will quickly cover a support six or eight feet high, and bear its fruit well up from the ground, out of reach of the chickens. Our customers were delighted with it, and hundreds report that it is the finest sort that they have ever grown. Many growing both this and the Purple Majestic pronounce the red variety superior. Pkt. 15c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c.
MIXED TOMATOES. - For the benefit of some customers who would like to try all kinds, we offer this mixture of sorts named above. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c.
Strong, Well Grown Transplanted Plants
Majestic.................per doz. 40 cts.
Red Majestic.......... '' '' 40 ''
Golden Majestic..... '' '' 40 ''
One Dozen of Each, only £1.00 postpaid
RED MAJESTIC . (Measuring 7 inches across)
GOLDEN NUGGET. - When at the Royal Agricultural Show in England, our attention was especially attracted by this grand new variety. Fruits are a beautifil golden yellow, round as a ball and about as large as a hulled black walnut. Flavor exceptionally fine, and a most desirable variety for eating from the hand or as a dessert fruit. We have grown them now both on our farm and at our trial grounds, and were more than pleased. Plants are loaded down with the most beautiful rich golden yellow fruits of delicious flavor. Try them. Extra fine. Pkt. 10c, oz. 75c.
RUBY NUGGET. - This we consider one of our most fortunate discoveries. It is a sport from the Golden nugget, discovered in a field of that variety which we were growing for a seed crop. In shape of fruit, great productiveness and fine flavor it is the equal of the yellow variety, while the color is the popular bright red tomato color. Pkt. 10c, oz. 75c.
PEACH. - Named from a resemblance to a peach in size and shape. The color is a peculiar shade of pink and orange, differing from ordinary tomatoes. A fine sort for preserving. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c.
YELLOW PEAR. - A favorite with all who know them. Fruit is pear-shaped and of a deep yellow color. Highly valued as a table delicacy raw, also for preserving or to make "tomato figs"; fine pickled. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. 75c.
CRIMSON CURRANT. - The most charming little fruit, hardly more than a half inch in diameter, of bright crimson color; borne in long clusters containing 20 to 60 tomatoes. Excellent eating from the hand or preserved. Pkt. 10c, oz. 60c.
STRAWBERRY, or Husk Tomato. - Also called Ground Cherry. Plants are of spreading habit and immensely productive. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c.
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