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Column 1


ROMAINE. - Really a variety of lettuce, though so very different from the sorts usually grown that it is classed separately. Very popular in France, where choice flavor in vegetables is especially appreciated. The leaves are of rather light green shading to color white when blanched. It is more uniform growing and self-folding than any other variety of cos lettuce, so that it is not really necessary to tie the leaves together in order that it may blanch. We hope all our customers will give this grand novelty a trial this season and we are sure that you will be more than pleased with it. Possesses a flavor peculiarly its own, crisp and delicious, and people who grow it once are sure to continue its use. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c.


(One ounce will sow 50 feet of drill, 8 lbs. to the acre.)
Why don't you grow salsify? It is one of the most delicious and nutritious vegetables and should be more generally cultivated for use in winter, when the supply of really good vegetables is so limited. It has the true oyster flavor, and makes a delicious and inexpensive substitute for them in soup, etc. Cultivate like parsnips.

MAMMOTH SANDWICH ISLAND. - Average fully double size of old Long White. Roots are white, smooth, amd, notwithstanding their enormous size, of superior quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.25.

Last spring we offered a prize of $10.00 for the largest number of Ruby Nugget Tomatoes grown on one plant. Reports were received from every part of the United States. While many reported a dry unfavorable season, all were united in their praise of the Ruby Nugget.
The prize was awarded to Mr. D.F. Gunn of Oenaville, Tex., whose yield was 2444. Others whom we think deserve honorable mention are: L. C. Brown, Danialsville [Danielsville], Ga., 2000; R.Pearce, Edwardsport, Ind., 1773; Mrs. F. W. Damp, Walnut Grove, Minn., 1671; F. J. Smith, Bloomburg, Tex., 1650.

We have carefully selected the list offered below to meet the wants of our patrons who desire a first-class garden. The quantities named are in right amounts to produce all the vegetables that can be used by an ordinary family. This lot of seeds well planted and carefully grown will produce hundreds of dollars' worth of crop. There will never be a time that you will be short of vegetables and you can be assured of an abundance of good things at all times.
1/2 pt. Challenge Black Wax Beans, 1/2 pt. Improved Early Valentine Beans, 1/2 pt. Old Homestead Pole Beans, 1oz. Dewing's Improved Blood Turnip Beet, 1 pkt. Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage, 1 pkt. Short Stem Drumhead Cabbage, 1pkt. Oxheart or Guerande Carrot, 1 pkt. White Plume Celery; 1/2 pt. Golden Bantam Sweet Corn, 1/2pt. Country Gentleman Sweet Corn, 1/2 pt. Improved Stowell's Evergreen Sweet Corn, 1 pkt. Monarch White Rice Pop Corn, 1 pkt. Perfect White Spine Cucumber, 1 pkt. Iceberg Lettuce, 1 pkt. Hanson Lettuce, 1 pkt. Paul Rose Musk Melon, 1 pkt. Improved Early Hackensack Musk Melon, 1 oz. Sweetheart Water Melon, 1oz. Improved Triumph Water Melon, 1pt. White Onion Sets, 1pt. Yellow Onion Sets, 1oz. Golden Globe Onion, 1 pkt. Ruby King Pepper, 1 oz. Improved Guernsey Parsnip, 1 pt. Gradus or Prosperity Peas, 1 pt. Abundance Peas, 1 oz. Golden Russet Pumpkin, 1oz. Rosy Gem Radish, 1 oz. White Icicle Radish, 1 pkt. Mammoth Sandwich Island Salsify, 1 pkt. Golden Bush Squash, 1 oz. Hubbard Squash, 1 pkt. Beauty Tomato, 1 pkt. Matchless Tomato, 1 oz. Purple Top Globe Turnip, 1 pkt. Sage.
There is in the collection a catalogue value of nearly $4.00 but we want to encourage the increased planting of really good gardens and we therefore make a bargain of this and offer THE ENTIRE COLLECTION PREPAID TO ANY ADDRESS FOR ONLY $3.00.
If you are ordering any farm seeds or miscellaneous goods by express or freight so that we can ship this right in the sack, or if you are willing to have them come by express at your expense for charges, the price will be only $2.50.

Column 2


[Image of a dog carrying a basket of rhubarb in its mouth]

Succeeds best in deep, rich soil. Sow in the spring in drills, cover one inch. Thin plants to six inches apart. Transplant in autumn or spring to permanent beds three feet apart each way.
For price of rhubarb roots see page 38.

IDEAL MAMMOTH. - This new variety, which is decidedly the finest and best of all, originated with Dr. Kennicott, of Illinois. The stalks are much larger than the Victoria or any other sort and are also produced in much greater abundance. Like all other highly improved sorts it seeds sparingly and comes more nearly true to name when grown from seed than most other sorts. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c.

VICTORIA. - For many years the standard variety of rhubarb. The stalks are not so large as the Ideal Mammoth, but are preferred by many on account of their more piquant and richer flavor. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.



(One ounce will sow about 80ft. of drill, 10lbs. to acre.)
Makes the finest "greens" of any plant in cultivation. For summer sow early in spring in deep, rich soil, one foot apart in drills; cover one inch; sow at intervals of two weeks all through season. For very early use sow first of September and protect with straw.

VICTORIA. - A variety distinguished by exceedingly dark, black-green color and for its very long standing qualities, being two or three weeks later than ordinary varieties. The leaves are thick and spread out flat upon the ground.Is excellent for spring sowing, but not sufficiently hardy to withstand winter in this locality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 15c, lb. 35c. By express, not prepaid, 5 lbs. or more at 25c per lb.

LONG STANDING. - Standard with gardeners; leaves thick, fleshy and crumpled, round, large and dark green color; slow to run to seed. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 15c, lb. 35c. By express, not prepaid, 5 lbs. or more at 20c per lb.

BLOOMDALE. - Savoy leaved, curled sort, very popular in the south. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 35c.

NEW ZEALAND. - Very useful to supply the place of ordinary spinach during the hottest months of the year, or in dry, arid localities. A few plants will supply a family with this delicious vegetable from July until October. A distinct variety of merit. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.



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