Column 1
There is no flower sweeter, or more fragrant and beautiful than the rose, and they are
so universally satisfactory that the demand for them is almost doubling every year. This
superb collection which we are this year giving special prominence by illustrating in
colors on the cover of our catalogue, contains some of the finest roses ever offered and
we are sure every rose lover will want it. The collection should really sell for at least
[illegible]1.50, but we have propagated a large number this season and offer one strong plant of each for 75 cents, postpaid.
BLUE RAMBLER.—(Vellchenblau.)—The wonderful new rose introduced last year
which has attracted so much attention. It resembles the well known Crimson
Rambler in its climbing habit and manner of growth, having glossy green foliage and
bearing large clusters of medium sized flowers. When first opened, its color is an
attractive shade of violet-crimson, later changing to a more distinctive and the unique
shade of violet-blue. It is markedly distinct in color from any other rose within our
knowledge: and from a conservative standpoint, is a novelty deserving of attention
and trial on pillar, arbor on trellis. Strong, young plants ea. 25c; large two-year-old 50c.
WHITE KILLARNEY.— Probably no rose has ever taken such a prominent place as
quickly as the Killarney, and this new variety is exactly like it except in color. It is
one of the best of our garden roses being perfectly hardy in this climate with slight
protection. In growth, it is strong and robust and as free flowering as any rose we
know. The color is pure, snowy white; the blooms are large and the buds long and
pointed. The petals are very large and of great substance and just as handsome in
the full-bloomed flower as in the bud form. In the garden, the flowers are very last
ing and color remains clear and pure to the last. Each 15c; large two-year-old 40c.
QUEEN BEATRICE.—The $30,000 rose. This new hybrid tea rose is one of the
finest varieties ever sent out. It is a strong, vigorous grower, free flowering, pro
ducing large, perfect-shaped blooms of delightful fragrance. When first opening, it
is a beautiful, dark, rich pink and gradually fades to the beautiful silvery pink of the
La France, when the rose is at its best. The form of the flower resembles that of
Liberty, large, full and double. It is a strong and healthy grower and very free
flowering, and a splendid keeper. It is ideal for cut-flower purposes. Each 20c;
large two-year-old plants 40c.
GOLDEN NUGGET.—(Blumenschmidt.)—A vigorous grower, bearing its large,
beautiful flowers on long, erect stems. Color deep golden-orange, shading out to
creamy-yellow, occasionally washed with salmon-rose. This magnificent variety will
certainly prove one of the best yellows among they hybrid teas. It is the most beau
tiful golden yellow color we ever saw in any rose and suggestive of the name. The
freedom with which its blooms are produced, combined with their long lasting quali
ties, will render it a most valuable rose for cutting. Each 25c; large two-year-old 50c.
MY MARYLAND. - This grand variety is an ideal garden sort and promises to be one of the most popular in this country. The color is a soft, salmon-pink which lights up beautifully as the flowers expand. The shade is most pleasing, surpassing all other pink roses in the eyes of many competent judges. Under artificial light, it is even more beautiful than in daylight. The growth is splendid, sturdy and healthy; the foliage large and abundant; the large flowers are strongly and delightfully perfumed. Each 20c; large two-year-old plants.
RHEA REID. - A magnificent new crimson garden rose described by an enthusiastic rose lover as being "as large as American Beauty, as double as La France and as red as Richmond." For an all-round garden rose for outdoor culture it has no equal. The color is vivid scarlet-crimson, and the flowers are marvels of beauty, large, bold and of splendid substance. It has a strong, disease-resisting constitution, makes a rapid growth, and throws up a profusion of canes from the roots and is always blooming. Very hardy and of thriving growth. Each 20c; large two-year-old plants 50c.
Column 2
Consists of one strong plant each of the above six varieties for only 75 cents, or a large-sized two-year-old plant of each, ready to begin blooming at once, for only $1.85, sent prepaid to any town in the United States. Four collections $6.
Column 3
Who has not heard of the American Beauty, the rose famed in story, poetry and song? The cut flowers are frequently sold during the winter at $10.00 to $25.00 per dozen. What flower lover has not hoped some day to have a "garden of roses" with American Beauties galore? This collection has proven very popular and we are growing vast numbers of plants for the immense demand. Read carefully the list of varieties fully described in the Plant List and notice the low prices. American Beauty, White American Beauty, Black Beauty, Striped Beauty, Pink Beauty, and Moss Beauty.
SPECIAL One strong plant each of the above six roses for 75c. One large two-year-old plant of each for $1.65. By mail to any town in the United States.
Column 4
The rose is the world's most popular flower, and almost every civilized country has a favorite variety of its own. The American Beauty, of course, heads the list, but our collection contains also the favorite varieties of the English, German, Irish, Swedish and French nations. Full descriptions in the Plant Department. American Beauty, Rosy Crimson; England's Favorite, Golden Yellow; Kaiserin, Pearl White; Killarney, Bright Pink; Marechal Neil, Bright Yellow; King Oscar, Dark Crimson.
International Rose Collection consists of one strong plant each of the above six varieties for only 75c; or a large sized two-year-old plant of each, ready to begin blooming at once, for only $1.75, sent postpaid to any town in the United States. Four collections for $5.75.
Column 5
35 Varieties Best FOR $1.00 All Good Desirable Sorts
Garden Vegetables Sure to Please You
A selection of vegetables listed in the text.
Consists of one full-sized packet each of Improved Golden Wax Beans, Old Homestead Pole Beans, Market Gardener's Beet, Henderson's Snowball Cauliflower, Washington Wakefield Cabbage, Shortstem Drumhead Cabbage, Oxheart Carrot, White Plume Celery; Early Cory Corn, Country Gentleman Corn, Perfect White Spine Cucumber. Improved Ground Cherry, American Mammoth Brussells Sprouts, Page's Striped Rice Pop Corn, Continuity Lettuce, Improved Hanson Lettuce. Rocky Ford Musk Melon. Duke Jones Watermelon, Large Red Wethersfield Onion, Mammoth Prizetaker Onion, Nott's Excelsior Peas, Early Scarlet Globe Radish, White Icicle Radish, Improved Table Guernsey Parsnip, Ruby King Pepper, Early Crookneck Squash, Long Standing Spinach, Mammoth Sandwish Island Salsify, Market Gardener's Parsley, Iowa Standard Tomato, Matchless Tomato, White Egg Turnip, Purple Top Strap Leaf Turnip, Monarch Ruta Baga, and Vine Peach.
Total of 35 Full Sized Packets Sent Postpaid for $1.00
At Regular Catalogue Price they Amount to About $2.00
NOTICE: These collections are all put up ready for mailing before our busy season begins, and therefore can not be changed or divided.
It is a Bargain. Can a Dollar Be Better Invested?
The best investment I ever made with one dollar was this spring when I sent to you for garden seeds. I wish you could see my garden. It is just grand. - Mrs. David Horton, Caseville, Mich.
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