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Wide awake, up to date farmers appreciate the advantage of planting pure bred varieties of corn, as in this way they not only secure a large yield but their corn will sell at a higher price on the market, has as a rule better feeding qualities, and, being pure bred, is better able to adapt itself to the season should it be unfavorable. Their use also frequently enables the grower to sell seed corn to his less enterprising neighbors at a good price. The following varieties, shown in colors on the reverse side of this sheet, are now generally regarded as the very best in their respective classes, and if you have space it will pay you to put in an acreage of all three varieties. If your land is not so arranged that they can be isolated and kept pure, better select only one or two sorts.

A magnificent new variety which we introduced in 1908, and it has everywhere given good results. Many prominent corn growers of the country tell us that in this variety we have reached the climax, it being as near perfection as has ever been attained or as is apt to be attained for years to come. It may well be called a mammoth Iowa Gold Mine, as in many points it resembles that well known variety, but is much larger. Ears are of almost ideal shape, 10 to 12 inches long, nearly cylindrical and very heavy. It has deep grains, small, light cob, well rounded ends, kernel set snugly from cob to cap, leaving only room enough to properly dry out; but what is more, it shells a high percentage in actual test, 70 pounds of ears making 61 pounds of shelled corn. Judge it as you will, we are confident it will stand the test and hold its own in a comparison with any other variety.
The real test of any seed corn is not the symmetry of the ear alone, nor size of ear, nor color of grain, nor any of the points upon which corn is judged from a show standpoint, but rather the yield of shelled corn of good quality per acre. While Prosperity will compete with any variety in show points, we base our claims for its superiority on the field test, and a trial will convince any farmer that this variety will produce more good, sound gratn [grain] per acre than any kind now grown, with the only possible exception of Iowa Silver Mine. Price per peck 90c; bushel $3.00; 2 bushels or more at $2.90; 10 bushels for $27.50.

Conceded generally by growers to be the deepest grained and purest yellow corn in existence, and is more widely disseminated and better known than any other variety of corn. Sold and planted all over the world where corn is grown. Listed by dealers in every state in the Union and in Central Europe, South Africa, Australia; everywhere that corn is planted. See description on page 37. Per peck 90c; bushel $3.00; 2 bushel or more $2.90; 10 bushel for $27.50.

This is not only the most popular corn ever introduced to the farming public, but has the reputation of producing larger crops than any other variety of any color. It has also taken more sweepstakes prizes at corn shows than any other sort. It originated with one of our best seed corn growers in central Illinois, who for eight years had been selecting an unnamed white corn in his garden and small field plots and had secured a variety so far superior to the older sorts as to entitle it to the front rank. It is by all odds the purest, most productive and most profitable variety of corn grown, is generally recognized to be the best variety of white seed corn ever introduced and the largest yielder of any regardless of color. See description on page 36. Price per peck 90c; bushel $3.00; 2 bushels or more at $2.90; 10 bushels for $27.50.
SPECIAL: If desired will furnish 10 bushels or more assorted of above three varieties at the 10 bushel rate. Will send you 7 lbs. of any of these varieties (enough to plant an acre) prepaid to your address for only $1.00.

We consider this in all respects the most desirable variety of oats ever sent out. It is from England, where most new varieties originate, and is a round-headed sort, producing an unusually large number of grains and therefore yielding a large crop in measured bushels, but it is of such unprecedentedly heavy weight that it surprises everyone, in some tests yielding fully double the crops of ordinary oats. The straw is very stiff and coarse, although of but medium height and well rooted, so that it withstands unfavorable weather better than most other sorts. Price per bushel $1.50; bag of 3 bushels $4.20; 10 bushels for $13.00; 25 bushels or more at $1.25.
ENGLISH GROWN.--We also have a limited quantity of imported English grown Prosperity Oats, which we offer as long as they last at $2.00 per bushel; bag of 3 bushels $5.50; 10 bushels or more at $1.75. We consider these fully equal if not superior to the English grown oats being offered by other seedsmen at $2.50 to $3.00 per bushel. Ask for sample.



This grand new main crop variety, which we introduced last year, has proven generally satisfactory. While at some times and on some soils it is as early as the Early Ohio, still we prefer to recommend it as a standard main crop sort. Our tests show that it yields mere [more] than any other variety of either early or late potates [potatoes] with which it has been tested. The tubers are of almost uniform large size, smooth and white. The appearance is so exceptionally good that we predict that it will soon become a very popular market sort. Produced 300 to 350 bushels per acre last year. If you expect to plant any potatoes this year, be sure to try at least a few of the new White Plume. Price per peck 75 cents; bushel $2.50; 2 bushels or more at $2.25.

WE HAVE ORIGINATED OR INTRODUCED More Choice Varieties of Seed Corn than any firm in the world. In the year 1881 we introduced the Profit Corn; in 1892 the Iowa Gold Mine; in 1893 the Early Longfellow Dent; in 1894 the Star Leaming; in 1895 the Iowa Silver Mine; in 1896 Lenocher's Homestead; in 1900 Farmer's Reliance, in 1905 the Golden West, and in 1908 the Prosperity.

For the benefit of those of our customers who would like to compare our varieties of corn in a practical way, we offer a collection composed of 1 lb. each of the following nine varieties:
Prosperity, Iowa Silver Mine, Iowa Gold Mine, Profit, Golden West, Longfellow Dent, Lenocher's Homestead, Farmers' Reliance, Leaming,
By express, not prepaid, for $1.00; or, if you will send 50c additional, will prepay.

IOWA SEED COMPANY, Des Moines, Iowa.

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