Species of onion propagated by offsets; used for flavoring soups, stews, etc. Sets 40c lb., postpaid; by exp. 25c per lb., 10 lbs. $2.00.
Grown in your own garden and grate fresh. Plant sets small end down in rows 2 ft. apart, about 18 in. apart in row. Do best in rich, loose soil set slanting and covered 2 in. Doz. 15c, 100 75c, postpaid; by exp., per 100 50c, 1,000 $4.00.
GARDEN ROOTS.--Continued.
GENUINE PENNYROYAL.--Warm, pungent, of somewhat aromatic taste; used for medicinal purposes. Each 15c, 3 for 40c, doz. $1.25.
ROSEMARY.--Used for perfume; for flavoring meats, stews, etc., and garnishing. Each 10c, 3 for 25c, dozen 75c.
HOLT'S MAMMOTH SAGE.--Great improvement on common sage. Plants very strong growing, first season attaining one foot in height, and so spreading that a single plant covers space 3 feet in diameter; leaves borne well above soil; very large and of unusual substance, strong in flavor and of superior quality. A single plant of Holt's Mammoth will yield more than a dozen of the common; hardy. Each 10c, 3 for 25c, doz. 75c.
VARIEGATED MAMMOTH SAGE.--Beautifully variegated dark green and pure white color, which makes it a very ornamental plant; equal to Holt's in productiveness and flavor; new and scarce. Each 15c, 3 for 35c.
SPEARMINT.--This is commonly called Mint and thousands of dollars worth of it is sold annually in New York, Boston and other cities for flavoring salads, garnishing meats, mint julep, etc. Each 10c, 3 for 25c, doz. 75c.
SASSAFRAS.--Common medicinal plant. Ea. 25c, 3 for 60c.
LEMON MINT.--Also called Citronelle and Bergamot mint. A perennial, hardy herb, the leaves of which furnish a sweet lemon fragrance and flavor. Each 10c, 3 for 25c, dozen 75c.
THYME.--A well known plant which is used for sauces and flavoring. Each 10c, 3 for 25c.
SILVER THYME.--Variegated white and green. Each 10c, 3 for 25c.
[image] ASPARAGUS.
It pays to have a small bed of asparagus so as to gether [gather] it fresh, and when once set, a bed will last many years. Our roots are strong and healthy. We recommend the one-year-old roots as more desirable for general planting than the two-year-old, as well as cheaper. Ask for circular giving directions for planting.
CONOVER'S COLOSSAL.--25c per doz.; 100 85c, postpaid. By express or freight, at purchaser's expense, 100 60c, 1,000 for $4.00.
PALMETTO.--30c per doz., 100 for $1.00, postpaid. By express or frt. at customer's expense, 100 75c, 1,000 for $5.00.
COLUMBIAN MAMMOTH WHITE.--(See description on page 3.)--30c per doz.; 100 $1.00, postpaid. By express, 100 for 75c, 1,000 for $5.00.
Two-year-old roots of either variety 50c per doz., 100 for $1.25, postpaid. By express or freight 100 $1.00, 1,000 $6.00.
Everyone realizes the value of rhubarb or pie plant in the home garden. The best way to get a start is to purchase a few roots as you can save one year's time in this way. The roots we offer are not seedlings but large divided plants. Plant in spring or fall, setting plants 3 ft. apart each way.
VICTORIA.--The standard for general use. Each 15c, 5 for 70c, dozen $1.50.
IDEAL MAMMOTH.--The largest and best variety. See description in seed department. Strong roots 25c each, doz. $2.00, postpaid.
Well grown and lightly packed to carry a long distance. They can be shipped fresh, well packed at the beds, on a day's notice.
Plants quoted "by mail" are sent at our expense; "by express" the purchaser is to pay the express charges. No charge either for packing or boxes. Plants from either hotbed or cold frame are ready during April or May; outdoor growth during June and until the middle of July. We sell 500 at the 1,000 rate.
CABBAGE PLANTS--Early Varieties.--Ready April 10th. Extra Early Express, Jersey Wakefield and Washington Wakefield. Mail, 25 for 25c, 100 75c; by express, 100 50c, 1,000 $4.00.
CABBAGE PLANTS--Late Varieties.--Ready May 15th. Surehead, Premium Flat Dutch and Shortstem Drumhead. Mail, 25 for 25c, 100 65c; by express, 100 40c, 1,000 $2.50.
CAULIFLOWER PLANTS.--Ready April 15th. Henderson's Snowball. By mail, doz. 25c, 100 $1.25; by express, 100 $1.00, 1,000 $7.00.
CELERY PLANTS.--Ready May 1st. White Plume and Golden Self-Blanching. Mail, doz. 20c, 100 75c; express, 100 60c, 1,000 $4.00. Outdoor grown, after June 15th, by express, 100 40c, 1,000 $5.00.
EGG PLANTS.--Ready May 1st. New York Improved. Mail, doz. 25c, 100 $1.25; by express, 100 $1.00.
PEPPER PLANTS.--Ready May 1st. Ruby King, Large Bell, Red Chili. By mail, doz. 25c, 100 $1.00; by exp., 100 75c.
TOMATO PLANTS.--Ready May 1st. Strong transplanted plants: Sparks' Earliana, Dwarf Champion, Beauty, Matchless. By mail, doz. 25c, 100 $1.40; by exp., 100 $1.20, 1,000 $7.50. Not transplanted, by mail, 100 75c; by exp., 100 50c, 1,000 $3.50.
TOMATO PLANTS.--Majestic, Red Majestic, Yellow Majestic. Strong transplanted plants by mail, doz. 40c, 100 for $2.00, postpaid.
GROUND CHERRY.--Ready May 15th. Improved Yellow. By mail, doz. 25c, 100 $1.25; by express, 100 for $1.00.
SWEET POTATO PLANTS.--Ready May 1st. Plants strong and vigorous, well rooted, hardy. Can furnish either the Yellow Nansemond or Early Yellow Jersey. Write if you want a large lot. Prices vary. By mail, 100 50c; by express at purchaser's expense, 100 35c, 1,000 $2.50.
For early onions for bunching; ready for table in a very few weeks. Is cheaper to grow from seed but considerable work to weed, and many prefer to buy sets. Price by pt. and qt. includes postage; deduct 10c per qt. if by express. Price per pk. or bu. subject to market variation, and shipped at buyer's expense. Top sets sold at 30 lb. per bu.; other kinds 32 lbs., or stroke measure on all small lots. Write for prices for large lots.
WHITE BOTTOM SETS.--White onion sets from seed are best for early use and large onions. Pt. 20c, qt. 30c, postpaid; not prepaid, pk. 90c, bu. $3.25.
YELLOW BOTTOM SETS.--Like the White, except color. More used than any other kind. Pkt. 15c, qt. 30c; not prepaid, pk. 90c, bu. $3.00.
RED BOTTOM SETS.--Are like the white, except that they are of dark red color. Very hardy. Pt. 15c, qt. 30c; not prepaid, pk. 90c, bu. $3.00.
POTATO ONION SETS.--A species of Mulitplier [Multiplier] onion, increasing from bulb; early; matures quickly; mild. Pt. 20c, qt. 35c; not prepaid, pk. $1.10, bu. $3.75.
WHITE MULTIPLIER ONION SETS.--Pure silvery white; frequently producing as many as twenty bulbs in a single cluster; excellent quality; very early. Pt. 20c, qt. 40c; not prepaid, pk. $1.35, bu. $4.50.
RED TOP SETS.--Commonly known as Button Onion sets. Pt. 20c, qt. 30c; not prepaid, pk. $1.00, bu. $3.50.
PERENNIAL or Winter Sets.--Also called Egyptian or Tree Onions. Usually set in fall; produce earliest spring onions without winter protection. Do not make large bulbs. Pt. 20c, qt. 35c; not prepaid, pk. 75c, bu. $2.50.
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