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[left column]

(An ounce will sow 100 feet of drill.)
Leaves used in soups and salads. They
have a pleasant aromatic taste which is
greatly liked. Cultivate like parsley. Pkt.
5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c.

[image - chervil plant]


[image - chicory plant]
[caption] WITLOOF

as a substitute for coffee.
Cultivate the same as carrots.
Take up roots in the
fall, cut in small pieces and
let dry. When wanted for
use it is roasted and ground
like coffee. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c,
1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c.

WITLOOF.-A delicious
winter vegetable which
is really a variety of Chicory,
but is sometimes called
French Endive. It makes
one of the finest of all salads
and is also excellent
boiled. Plant seed in May
or June in open ground and
in the fall dig the roots and
plant them in earth in a
dark, cool place in the cellar
or under greenhouse
bench. By planting deeply
in loose soil a more solid
head is produced, which is
very fine. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c.

[image - leafy plant]


(one ounce will sow about 20 square feet.)
A nice winter salad. Sow in September
in drills. Just before cold weather cover
with straw or leaves. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c,
1/4 lb. 30c.

[image - cress plant]
[caption] UPLAND CRESS

[left and middle column]


A nice little ground nut greatly liked by children. In flavor resembles the cocoanut.
Very prolific, a single one yielding 200-400 nuts growing just under ground and
easily reached by pigs and poultry if they have access. Grow best in light, sandy soil,
well fertilized. Plant in April, 10 in. apart in 2 1/2 ft. rows. Cover lightly. If seed
is very dry, soak well before planting. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 50c.

[image, to right of entry in right column - grassy plant]
[caption] CHUFAS

[middle column]


(one oz. will produce about 3,000
Collards are largely used as
"greens" in some parts of the
country, especially south. They
are a form of loose-headed cabbage.

GEORGIA.-The most satisfactory
for general use. Pkt. 5c,
oz. 10c, lb. [1/4 lb] 30c, lb. 85c.

[right column]


(one oz. will produce about 3,000 plants.)
Growth and habit like the cauliflower,
except that it is more hardy and the heads
are not as compact. It is not desirable for
warm or dry countries, but is of special
value in the north. Cultivate and use the
same as Cauliflower.

EARLY LARGE WHITE.-The most popular
sort. Has medium sized reamy white
heads. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c.

[middle and right columns]


ORNAMENTAL MICE.-This vegetable curiosity is a native of Central
Africa, having a small, neat growing vine and bears numerous oval fruits,
clear green in color, which are always completely covered with long, light
green spines or hairs. Nice for pickling. Pkt. 10c.

CATERPILLARS.-Prostrate creeping plants, with small yellow flowers,
changing into "Vegetable Caterpillars." They are grown as curiosities and
sometimes are put into salads and pickles. Pkt. 10c.

SNAILS.-Another singular variety having most oddly twisted seed pods
resembling snails. Pkt. 10c.

COTTON:-Grown mainly as a curiosity in the
north. Start the seed early in the house and transplant
to the field as soon as warm weather arrives.
It makes an ornamental plant in the flower bed and
has showy, large flowers, followed by the boll of
pure white cotton which interests everyone. Pkt.
5c, oz. 15c.

[image - to right of column - cotton plant]
[caption] COTTON

CHINESE TEA.-Many of our customers will be
glad to grow this as a curiosity, if nothing else.
The plant is of a shrubby nature, with beautiful
shiny foliage and fragrant blooms; requires same
treatment as any tender shrub. Can be kept
growing in pots through winter. About 10,000
pounds of tea per year is grown by one man in
South Carolina. Pkt. 10c.

EGYPTIAN LENTILS.-Largely used in Oriental
countries as a principle article of diet. It was from
these that the dish of pottage was made for which
Esau sold his birthright to Jacob in Bible times,
and many will be interested in them for that reason.
Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c.

CARDOON.-A plant grown for its large thick
leaves. Blanched and used like
asparagus. Pkt. 10c.

sown early, will produce bearing
plants the first year. Grown in
large quantities in Europ, where
they are ever-bearing, producing
all summer. Pkt. 10c.

[image to left of entry, within center column - strawberries on plant]
[caption] Alpine Strawb'ry

MOUGRI.-Vegetable from the
Island of Java. Pods resemble radish,
some 2-3 ft. long; eaten raw
or cooked. Taste like water cress.
Pkt. 10c.

POHAI BERRY.-One of Luther Burbank's novelties
which came originally from the Hawaiian
Islands, but is sometimes called the "South African
Cape Gooseberry." The
showy plants somewhat resemble
the Ground Cherry, but
produce fruit about three
times as large, of pale yellow
color and superior flavor. It
yields abundantly. Pkt. 15c.

MARTYNIA.-Also called
"Devil's Claw" and "Unicorn
Plant." A large ornamental plant, bearing beautiful flowers
which are succeeded by
large seed pods which when young are fine for pickling. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c.

[image to right of entry, in center column, martynia plant]
[caption] MARTYNIA

SEA KALE.-Grown and used like Chard Beets, except that they are perennial
and when established can remain for years without renewal. Pkt. 10c.

SCOLYMUS.-Grown for the roots which are used like salsify. Roots often
10 to 12 in. long. Can be dug and stored
for winter. Pkt. 10c.

FRENCH SORREL.-Grown for and
used as "greens." Large light green
leaves with mild acid flavor. Fine for
salads. Pkt. 5c.

[box in right column, to right of curious vegetables entries]

Persons exhibiting at
fairs should grow some
of the curiosities of the
vegetable family to help
make attractive showing.
Try and have something
different from your

Any of the following at 10c. per pkt.: Sea
Kale, Cardoon, Scolymus,
Ornamental Mice, Caterpillars,
Snails, Mougri
Pomegranate, Yard Long
Beans and Mixed Peppers.

Any of the following
at 5c per pkt.: Martynia,
French Sorrell, [sorrel]
Ground Cherry, Chufas,
Brussell's Sprouts, Swiss
Chard, Endive, Okra,
Vegetable Marrow, Garden
Lemon, Vine Peach,
Mixed Gourds and Cotton.
The entire collection
of 23 pkts. for $1.00.

[Middle column]

CRESS, or Pepper Grass.

EARLY CURLED.-Well-known salad.
Sow at intervals all season. Pkt. 5c, oz.
10c, 1/4 lb. 25c.

TRUE WATER.-Sow seeds along the
border of running water. Pkt. 10c, oz. 35c.

UPLAND.-A perennial variety: hardy,
produces well: same flavor as Water
Cress. Grown on high, dry land: does
not run to seed rapidly. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c.

[Across entire bottom]

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