[right column]
One ounce of seed will produce about 3.000 plants. Set 8,000 to 10,000 plants to
the acre, of the early sorts, and 6,000 of the large, late kinds.
No vegetable is of greater importance than cabbage, and compared with the cost
of seed, there is more money in growing cabbage than any other crop. It does not
pay, therefore, to take any risk in buying seed. We have had our cabbage seed
grown by the same growers for about sixteen years past, and it has proven of uniformly excellent quality, so that we pride ourselves on having the purest and
highest grade of cabbage seed that is offered, or at least it is surpassed by none.
The cabbage requires a deep, rich soi1 and thorough working to insure good, solid,
full-sized heads. Sow early sorts in hot-beds in February or March or in open
ground as soon as it can be worked. Later or winter crops in May or June, in
shallow drills six inches apart. When the plants are four inches high transplant
to richly manured ground, the early kinds two feet apart; the fall and winter
varieties three feet apart. Packets contain about 800 seeds. Slug Shot and tobacco
dust are used to kill insects and worms.
EXTRA EARLY EXPRESS.-The earliest variety in existence and produces
rather small heads long before the J ersey Wakefield or other varieties have begun
to head up. Heads are solid, have few outside leaves, and can therefore be planted
very close and yield a large crop. It is a most important variety for the gardener.
Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.75.
EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD.-Considered by many gardeners the very best
first early variety. Of large size for so early a kind and is certainly deserving of
its great populanty. H eads hard and solid , and have few outside leaves. Our seed
is highest quality, American grown. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 70c, lb. $2.25.
NEW WASHINGTON WAKEFIELD.-This grand variety is a trifle
later than Jersey Wakefield, but produces much larger heads which
are of perfect pyramidal shape, very solid, and with few outside
leaves. One cabbage grower who is enthusiastic in its praise says:
"It is first in head, first in market, and first in the hearts of gardeners."
Grows remarkably uniform, the heads are of even size and
shape. Unequaled for market or family garden. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c,
1/4 lb 75, lb $2.50
[image - cabbage with banner NEW WASHINGTON WAKEFIELD]
SUREHEAD.-This popular cabbage is rightly named Surehead
and never fails to make a remarkably fine, solid, large head with
few outer leaves. It is a strong, vigorous grower, ripening late.
A first-class main crop variety. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb.
60c, lb. $2.00.
GREEN GLAZED.-Very different from any other variety,
as the leaves are of very dark green color and
appear as though varnished or glazed. AWe do not consider
it of quite as good quality as some other sorts, but
it is a decided novelty, very hardy, makes a large head
and is practically insect proof. On this account it is particularly
desirable for the south and well worthy of
trial anywhere. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. $1.00.
MAMMOTH RED ROCK.-Market gardening strain
of unusual size, weight, color. Its handsome appearance,
large size, solidity and good quality will make it very desirable
to all who like red cabbage. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 65c. lb. $2.25.
ZENITH RED.-A novelty from Holland which will prove
satisfactory. It is a medium early sort, of medium size, and handsome
dark red color, by far the most attractive of the red sorts. Small ribs
and thin leaves lying very close together, making it exceptionally solid.
Many prefer red cabbages, considering them of finer flavor. The Zenith
seems to be ideal: will please the most particular. Pkt. 10c. oz. 35c.
PERFECTION DRUMHEAD SAVOY.-The Savoy cabbages have curled
leaves and are of finer flavor and quality than the ordinary kinds. Our
strain is a sure header and heads are large and solid. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c,
1/4 lb. 65c, lb. $2.00
[image - map with text IOWA STANDARD]
some early cabbage and you will find the Iowa Standard
satisfactory. It matures early, is of good size, solid heads
and excellent quality. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c. 1/4 lb. $1.00, lb. $3.00.
one of the largest heading, most solid and most profitable varieties of
cabbage grown and we are sure truck growers will be especially
well pleased with it. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c, lb. $2.40.
[left column]
[image - cabbage]
caption: VOLGA.
VOLGA.-For uniformity in growth, shape of
head and hardiness we have never seen its equal in
a large heading variety. Plant is nearly all head,
having few outside leaves. The heads are nearly
as round as a ball, hard and solid as Danish Ballhead,
much larger and heavier. In a field of three
acres in Long Island there was not a single plant
thrown out or one that showed any variation from
the true type. Quality is very fine both for cooking
and kraut. Can be set out in the middle of July in
this latitude; will mature large, solid heads in October.
Plants are so compact that they can be set
out 1 1/2 x 3 feet and will produce enormous crops on
good land. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 60c, lb. $2.15.
-This sort has been selected and perfected for
more than fifty years by Danish gardeners. They
prize it so highly that they grow it almost exclusively
for winter cabbage, and annually export
large quantities to London, Paris and other cities.
Heads round, good sized solid and fine grained. Has
few outer leaves. Good keeper, tender and crisp,
with but little waste heard. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb.
75c, lb. $2.50.
EARLY SUMMER.-Ten or twelve days later than
the Jersey Wakefield, but much larger in size and
will stand on the ground much longer without
bursting open. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 65c. lb. $2.00.
HENDERSON'S SUCCESSION.-An excellent variety
of large size with a flat head maturing in mid-summer.
It can be brought to perfection in the hottest
weather or may be used as an autumn or winter
crop. Heads average 10 or 12 inches in diameter,
but are frequently larger. The average weight per
head is about 12 lbs. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 65c, lab. $2.
WINNINGSTADT.-Cone-shaped summer sort if
sown late is good for fall and
even winter: a sure header
and a good keeper. Pkt. 5c,
oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 35c, lb. $1.25.
[image - cabbage]
week earlier than other summer cabbage; fully
one-third larger, perfect shape, most solid variety
on th elist. Originated with C. L. Allen, who
grows our cabbage seed, but Mr. Burpee secured
first year's crop and gave it his name. Can heartily
recommend it. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 60c, lb. $2.
[divider line]
head' and h a rdn e~ s we have never seen its equal in
NE \V 'VASHINGTON WAKEFIELD.-'l'his grand variety is a trifle
a l a rge h e ading Variety. Plant Is nearly all head late r tha n J e rsey Wak efie ld, but produces mu c h larger heads whi c h
having f l'! w outSide l eaves. .The heads are nearly are of perfect pyramid a l sh ape, very solid, and with few outside
as round as a b a ll, hard and solid as Danish Ball- leav es. One cabbage grower who is enthusiastic in its praise say's :
head, mu c h la rger and h eavi e r. In a field of three "It ,I,s first in head, first in m ark et, a nd first in the hearts of gardenac res in Long Islan d there was not a single plant ers.
Grows r e markably uniform, the h eads are of even size :and
th r ow n out Or one that show e d any variation from shape. Unequal ed for market or family garden. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c,
t he tru e type. Quality is very fine both for cooking ',4 lb.
lb. $2.50.
a nd lqaut. Can be set out in the middle of July in
th is latitude; will m ature l a rge, solid heads in Octo be r . Plants are so compact that they can be set
out 1 'h x3 feet and will produce enormous crops on
good !,and. Pkt. 5c. oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 60c, lb. $2.15.
- Thi s sort has b ee n se lected and perfected for
more than fifty years by Danish gardene rs. They
p rize it so highly th a t they grow it a lm ost exclusively for wint e r cab bage, and an nually export
large quantiti es to London, Paris a nd oth e r cities.
Heads round, good sized solid and fine grained. Has
fe w outer leaves . . Good keepe r , tender a nd crisp,
with but littl e waste h eart. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, ',4 lb.
75c, lb. $2. 50.
EARLY SUIUillEll.-Te n or twe lve days late r than
the J e r sey Wakefield , but much large r in size and
will stand On the ground much lo nger without
bursting open. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, ',4 lb. 65c, lb. $2.00.
HENDEllSON'S SUCCESSION.-An excell e nt varl- ._0::1...
. ety of la rge 's ize with a flat head maturing in midsum m er. It can b e brought to perfection in the hott est w eather or may be used as an au tumn or winter
crop. Heads average 10 or 12 inches in diamctrr,
but are frequently larger. Th e ave rage weight per
head is about 12 lb s . P kt. 5c, oz. 25c, ',4lb. 65c, lb. $2.
WINNJNGST,\DT.-Cone -sh a p e d summer sort If
sown late is good for fall ana
even winter; a s ure h ead e r
a nd a good ke e p e r. Pkt. 5c.
oz. 10c, ',4 lb. 35c. lb. $1.?5.
SUREHEAD.-This popular cabbage Is rightly named Sure h ead
and n ever fails to make a r emarkably fine , solid, large h ead with
few outer. l eaves. It . ls a. strong, vigorous grower, ripening late.
A flrst-c'ass main c r op variety. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, ',4lb.
60c, lb. $2.00.
GllEEN GLAZED.-Ve ry differe nt from a n y other variety, as the l eaves are of very dark green color and
appear as though varnished or glazed. W e do not consider it of quite as good quality as some other sorts, but
it is a decided n ovelty, very hardy, makes a large h ead
and Is practically insect proof. On this acco unt it is
particularly d es irabl e for th e south and well worthy of
trial anyw h ere. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c, ',4 lb. $1.00.
- IUAilHfOTH RED ROCK. - Market gardening strain
of unusual size, w e ight, color. Its h andsom e appearan ce,
large size, solidity and good quality wlIl make It very desirable
to a ll who like r e d cabbage. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, ',4 lb. 65c, lb. $2.2 5.
ZENITH RED.~A novelty from Holland which wlIJ prove
satisfactory. :;:" !'t medium earl y sort , of m e dium size, and handsome
dark red color, by far the most attractive of the r ed sorts. Small ribs
and thin leaves l y ing very clos e together, making it exceptionally solid.
Many prefe r red cabbages, considering them of finer fl avor. Th e Ze nith
seems .to b e ideal; will pl ease the most particul a r . Pkt. 10c, . oz. 35c.
PERFECTION DRU~IHEAD SAVOY.-Th e Savoy cabbages have c urled
l eave's and are of finer fl avor a nd quality than the ordinary kinds. Our
strain is a su r e header a nd h eads are large a nd solid. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c,
lh,lb. 65c, lb. $2.00.
'A some ~a rl y cabbage and ·you w ill find the Iowa Sta ndard
satisfactory . . It matures early, is of good size, solid h ead~
w ee k earli er than oth e r s ummer cab bage; ful 'y
on e -third l a rger, perfect shape, most solid vari.
a nd excell e nt qu a lity. Pkt. 1.0c, oz. 30c. ',4 lb. $1.00, lb. $3.00.
ety on the list. Originated with C. L. Allen, who
IOWA STANDARD LATE CABBAGE . ~We con s id e r thi~
grows our cabbage seed, but Mr. Burpee secured one of the largest heading, most solid a nd mo st profitable varieties of
first year's crop a nd gave it his nam e. Can heart- cabbage grown and we a r e sure truck grow~rs will be espec ially
I'y r ec ommend it. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, lA, lb . 60c, lb. $2. w ell pl ease~ with it. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c. ',4 lb . 75c, lb. $2.40.
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