Dwarf Bush Varieties.
(One quart will sow 100 feet of drill.)
Dwarf or bush beans require no support and should be planted in
drills an inch and a half deep and drop the beans three inches apart
in drills. Beans are tender annuals and cannot be planted until danger
of frost is past. A sandy loam is the best. The half pint packages
will be found very desirable for small families. We furnish pints at
one-half the quart price. Packages contain about two ounces. Price
includes postage except at peck and half peck rates. Deduct 15c from
quart rate if to be shipped by express. All varieties of beans are
scarce owing to the crop failure in
many sections and you should order
early to be sure you get the variety
you want.
WAX.—In spite of all the
new sorts of beans being
introduced every year, our
trade calls for more Golden
Wax than any other vari-
ety. This great popularity
is due largely to the fact
that the variety we have is
a great improvement on the
old Golden Wax, having
larger pods and being more
prolific. This improved
stock is one of the hand-
somest beans we have ever
seen, the pods a dark, rich
golden yellow color and of
perfect shape. For family
or market you make no
mistake in planting them.
Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c;
by express, 1/2 pk. $1.10, pk.
WAX.—Earlier, more pro-
ductive and of better qual-
ity than the old Black Wax.
Pods tender, round, fleshy
and stringless. Pkt. 5c, 1/2
pt. 15c, qt. 50c; by express,
IMPROVED GOLDEN WAX. 1/2 pk. $1.00, pk. $1.75.
SILVER WAX.—A beautiful new wax
bean with pods of peculiar silvery col-
or. A strong grower, vigorous early,
and very prolific. Pods are round, very
tender, free from rust and diseases and
the attractive shape and appearance
together with its valuable qualities
should make it one of the most popular
beans on the list. Our illustration gives
some idea of the symmetry of the pods
but we cannot convey the beauty of
these beans in such a picture. Recom-
mended to all lovers of wax beans. Pkt.
5c, 1/2 pt. 20c, qt. 60c; by express, pk.
$2. 00.
DAVIS WHITE WAX.—A new white,
rustless, productive, wax-podded bean;
pods flat, very long, white, straight and
handsome; seeds clear white; excels all
others in hardiness and productiveness.
One of the best for shipping as snap
beans and of the greatest value as a
market variety. The length, uniformly
perfect shape and fine color of the pods
and the clear, white seed, make this one
of the best for canners. It is just what
they want: a long, straight, clear white
pod which does not discolor in canning.
Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 20c. qt. 60c; by express,
1/2 pk. $1.00. pk. $1.75.
PROLIFIC TREE, or California Branch.—A valable variety for field
culture. Grows about 20 inches high, has stiff, upright branches and
bears immensely; sometimes yields 45 bu. per acre. The beans closely
resemble White Navy and are marketed in the dry state on an equality
with that variety. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 12c, qt. 35c; by express, 1/2 pk. 75c,
pk. $1.25.
LARGE WHITE MARROW.—Fine as shelled
bean. Beans ivory white and double as large
as Navy. Especially fine if used as soon as
ripe, either boiled or baked. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt.
15c, qt. 45c; by express, 1/2 pk, 75c, pk. $1.25.
IMPROVED NAVY, or Boston Pea.—An im-
provement over the old-time Navy bean. Pkt.
5c, 1/2 pt. 12c, qt. 35c; by express, 1/2 pk. 60c,
pk. $1.00.
less green pod bush bean in cultivation. It
surpasses all others in crisp, tender flavor.
The finely shaped, long green pods are abso-
lutely stringless, and are ready to market
two weeks earlier than the Va'entines. Of
immense value, not only to the market gard-
ener but also to the amateur who seeks a rare
quality early bean for the home table. Pkt.
5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c; by express, 1/2 pk. 85c,
pk. $1.50.
earliest, hardiest and most productive of all
wax beans. Yields large crop of long, nearly
straight, broad and creamy white, handsome
pods. They are of good quality and always command a ready sale.
Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 20c, qt. 50c; by express, 1/2 pk. $1.00, pk. $1.75.
EARLY REFUGE, or Thousand to One.—Most prolific green podded
sort, thick and fleshy. Pkt. 5c, 1/2pt. 15c, qt. 45c; by express, 1/2 pk.
85c, pk. $1.40.
LONG YELLOW SIX WEEKS.—Very early and prolific; long, green,
tender, flat pods; matures quickly. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 45c; by ex-
press, 1/2 pk. 75c, pk. $1.25.
IMPROVED EARLY VALENTINE.—For many years the standard
green pod variety. Very popular. About ten days earlier than the
common Early Valentine. In addition to this it is more robust and
vigorous, and produces the true, round, curved pods very abundantly.
Unexcelled in quality and uniformity of ripening: nearly the whole
crop can be taken at one picking, usually within thirty-five days
after planting. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 45c; by express or freight, 1/2
pk. 85c, pk. $1.25.
The Seed Beans are here all right. I want to thank you for being one of a thousand
that has done exactly as you agreed. I think it is worthy of note in this day of dodg-
ing and trying to crawl out of some small hole. WARREN NUTTING, Faribault, Minn.
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