Des Moines, Iowa, Feb. 1--During the past summer thousands of person have admired the beautiful velvety green lawns at our city parks, 489 acres, and we are pleased to say that they were produced by sowing grass seeds furnished by the Iowa Seed Company of this city.--E. J. Fairall, Sec'y Board of Park Commissioners.
"Thank God for Grass! No other Glory vies
With the refreshing glory of the grass;
Not e'en the blue of the o'er bending skies,
Nor fading splendors when daylight dies,
Can this sweet smile of living green surpass."
A nice velvety lawn adds more to the beauty of a place than any other adornment and even the humblest home may be made attractive with such surroundings, while without a good lawn even the finest flowering plants and elegantly arranged beds seem insignificant. How important it is then to plan for the best lawn obtainable. Do not spend money in sodding a lawn, for it is expensive and seldom satisfactory. When sod is cut from the roadside or some out of the way pasture, it is poor in quality and full of weeds, and when unevenly laid produces a rough surface which disfigures the lawn. It costs much less to sow the seed and the lawn is far better. Ask for circular, "How to Make a Lawn."
EVERGREEN MIXED LAWN GRASS SEED.--This is a mixture of the best varieties of grass seeds suited for growing together in the central and northern states, and will make a beautiful, soft velvety lawn, as handsome green as an emerald and is formed of grasses which keep green from early spring all through the hot dry summer weather, until late in the fall. It comes up quickly (in about two weeks after seed is sown) and after once up it soon spreads to cover the ground and is ready for the lawn mower in six or eight weeks. It is permanent, maintaining its beauty for a life-time, although it is a good plan to give any lawn a topseeding once every two or three years. This mixture is made by ourselves from new crop, recleaned pure seeds of the best varieties, well suited for even and permanent growth, as good as money can buy. It cannot be excelled for producing a rich velvety lawn of beautiful dark green color. Price per lb. (will sow 400 square feet) 45c; 3 lbs. $1.25 postpaid. By freight, per bu. (15 lbs.) $3.50. 2 bu. or more at $3.25.
[image] "SHADY PLACE"
TERRACE LAWN MIXTURE.--It is sometimes difficult to get a good sod on sloping ground, terraces, side hills or embankments. This is a mixture of such grasses as have strong spreading roots, making a close turf which heavy rains cannot wash out easily. On new lawns sow some oats also to prevent washing until grass gets started. Per lb. 50c, 3 lbs. $1.35 postpaid. By freight per bu. (15 lbs.) $4.00.
CENTRAL PARK LAWN GRASS.--A very fine mixture for lawns, but is of special value for parks and around country homes where it is not convenient to mow the lawn frequently. It contains some fragrant grasses which give out a delightful odor both when growing or when cut. It is the grass for country homes, parks and large estates and for this purpose sow about 50 lbs. per acre. Per lb. 40c, 3 lbs. $1.00 postpaid. By freight bu. (15 lbs.) $3.00; 2 bu. or more at $2.75.
Make Your Place
this year by fixing up a good lawn.
SHADY PLACE LAWN MIXTURE.--This mixture is a combination of fine, dwarf-growing, evergreen varieties of grass whieh [which] grow naturally in the woods or in shaded spots. They are mixed in proper proportions to make a fine lawn under shade trees. Sow seed thickly 1 quart to 150 square feet. Per lb. 50c, 3 lbs. $1.35, postpaid. By freight, bu. (15 lbs.) $4.25.
GOLF LINK MIXTURE.--This is a mixture of various sorts of fine grasses which when liberally sown will produce a fine green sward. They grow vigorously when cut closey [closely], form a fine mass of interlacing roots, and also differ in their seasons of maturity, so that a succession of fresh growths is secured from early spring to the latest fall. Per lb. 50c, 3 lbs. $1.35, postpaid. By freight, bu. (15 lbs.) $4.00.
PUTTING-GREEN MIXTURE--A mixture of extra fine grasses that will make a close, firm, green and lasting turf, improves the more it is tramped. Per lb. 50c, 3 lbs. $1.35, postpaid. By freight, bu. (15 lbs.) $4.50.
SWEET VERNAL.--A very fragrant grass and everyone should sow a little of it in mixture with other kinds as it exhales a pleasant aroma when lawn is cut. Per lb. 35c, 3 lbs. 85c, po8tpaid [postpaid].
[image] Roots of grass showing need of fertilizer.
KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS, "Iowa Shield" Brand--Our stock of this is the best grade of fancy cleaned new crop tested seed. The crop this year was very short and prices may advance before spring. Lb. 45c, 3 lbs. $1.25 prepaid. By freight (14 lbs.) $3.50, 2 bu. or more at $3.25.
WHITE CLOVER,--"Iowa Shield" Brand--The well known common white clover is very hardy and its dwarf growth makes it desirable for lawn mixtures. Its close, dense turf and creeping habit make it desirable for terraces and sloping ground. Seed is very small and requires but little in mixtures. Lb. 45c, 3 lbs. $1.25 postpaid. By freight, peck $3.25, bushel (60 lbs.) $12.00.
SOUTHLAND LAWN MIXTURE.--In the southern states there is frequently trouble to secure a lawn. This mixture is made of Southern Blue Grass, Bermuda Grass and other varieties adapted to a hot, sunny climate. Together they make a nice bright lawn the year round. Per lb. 50c, 3 lbs. $1.35 postpaid.
LAWN FLOWER MIXTURE.--Nothing looks more beautiful than a variety of pretty little dwarf growing flowers blooming on the lawn and we have therefore prepared this mixture which we believe will be just what is desired. It consists of low growing, quick blooming flowers very desirable for sowing with Lawn Grass Seed in the syring [spring]. They come up quickly, afford shelter for grass seed and will bloom by time the grass requires cutting the first time. Also desirable for sowing on an old lawn very early in the season. Price per ounce package only 25c.
"Leave the World More Beautiful Than You Found It."
The charm of any home place is in the lawn, trees and shrubbery. The finest, most expensive mansion looks dreary and like a forsaken castle if the grounds surrounding it are not properly planned and cared for, while, with a comparatively small expenditure of time and money for lawn and shrupbery [shrubbery], it might be made surpassingly beautiful. If you do not employ a landscape architect let us suggest that you at least take time to carefully plan your place. Do not try to plan it all in ten minutes; if you employed a landscape architect you would expect him to take time sufficient to consider well where each tree, shrub and vine should be located.
The lawn should be the basis of all arrangements in the nature picture which you are preparing. The best lawns are made by sowing seed. Select for the borders at least, hardy shrubs and plants which will be permanent. Our list of these is quite complete. See plant department.
Last spring we purchased from you a quantity of mixed lawn grass seed for use on the College campus. The results were very satisfactory to us. Our lawn was very attractive throughout the entire year. C. C. REARICK, President Highland Park College.
[image] Root of Grass Showing the effect of using Peerless Lawn Dressing.
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