


Status: Complete



The clovers are beyond comparison of the greatest importance to agriculture, not only on acconnt [account] of their great value for pasture and hay production but because their cultivation adds so greatly to the fertility of the soil, enriching in nitrogen and restoring it when exhausted by frequent cropping. It is impossible to secure the best results from any farm without clover and therefore the main question to decide is which variety will be best adapted to your purpose and do the best on your land. All plants need nitrogen but only a few kinds, such as clover, (all varieties) peas and beans, have the power of collecting nitrogen from the air and storing it in their roots, so, no matter if you cut two or more crops of hay per year the nutriment in the root adds immensely to the fertility of the soil. While the crop in Iowa is not large, still we have a quantity of new crop seed which would please you. The demand for our "Iowa Shield" Brand (formerly called Anchor Brand) clover is increasing rapidly in various parts of the country. Ohio is usually considered one of the greatest clover seed growing states, but the weeds are becoming quite bad there and last season we sold and shipped over 1,000 bushels of our best Iowa grown, recleaned Red Clover seed to customers in that state. The demand is sure to be large this year and we would advise an early order it you want any of our Iowa Shield clover seed. Prices named show values on day this catalogue goes to press (about December 1st.) Prices are changing constantly and we issue a price list every week during the season. Ask for quotations when ready to buy.

MEDIUM RED CLOVER.--This is the most important of all clovers and the standard everywhere for hay and pasture. It is is known as Common Red or June Clover in many sections. Our Iowa grown clover seed has become widely known for its purity, strong vitality, hardiness, vigorous and healthy growth, and stooling qualities, so that now we receive many orders from the most distant parts of the United States. It has been tested by the Agricultural Experiment Stations in various parts of the country and ranks among the highest everywhere. Well posted farmers are beginning to appreciate the difference between it and ordinary stock. It pays to have the best. Iowa Standard Grade--Sow 12 lbs. per acre. Per lb. 30c, 3 lbs. 85c, postpaid. By freight pk. $2.75, bu. (60 lb.) $10.50, 5 bu. or more at $10.35, bags included.


Iowa Shield Medium Red.--The plumpest, cleanest, purest, fanciest grade; tested and of high vitality. Farmers usually sow 15 to 20 lbs. of clover seed to the acre when sown alone, but this seed is so choice that 6 or 7 lbs. is really sufficient if conditions are favorable but we recommend sowing 10 lbs. so as to be sure of a perfect stand. About 5 lbs. if sown with timothy. Per lb. 35c, 3 lbs. 95c, postpaid. By freight, pk. $3.10; bu. (60 lbs.) $11.75, 5 bu. or more at $11.60, bags included.
MAMMOTH RED CLOVER.--Also called Sapling or Pea Vine Clover. This greatly resembles the Medium Red, but is of much taller and more vigorous growth. Nothing equals it for hog pasture as it will produce an enormous yield and is of the highest feeding quality. It gives quick results, making an unequalad [unequaled] crop and is usually considered a permanent pasture grass. If your soil is poor and needs enriching there is no fertilizer as cheap and good as sowing Mammoth clover and plowing the crop under. It is the crop for poor soils. IOWA STANDARD grade, sow 12 lbs. per acre. Per lb. 35c, 3 lbs. 90c, postpaid. By freight, pk. $2.80, bu. (60 lbs.) $10.65, 5 bu. or more at $10.50, bags included.

ALSIKE CLOVER.--Uneqnaled [Unequaled] for hay and we cannot too strongly recommend it to our customers. It is hardy, even in northern Minnesota, and is the only variety which will produce a good crop and not kill out in low, wet land. The hay is finer and better than any other, therefore of special value for sowing with timothy. Height 18 to 24 inches and has round, pink or flesh-colored heads. Seed is small and of our IOWA STANDARD grade; it requires only 8 pounds per acre or half that quantity if sown with timothy. Per lb. 30c; 3 lbs. 85c postpaid; by freight, pk. $2.75; bu. (60 lbs.) $9.90; 5 bu. or more at $9.75, bags included.

[logo] Iowa Shield Brand

Iowa Shield Alsike.--The highest grade in purity and vitality. Sow 60 lbs. per acre. Per lb. 35c, 3 lbs. 95c, postpaid. By freight, pk. $3.00, bu. $11.00, 5 bu. or more at $10.85, bags included.
WHITE DUTCH CLOVER.--Desirable in pasture mixtures. Also used largely for lawns. It is the most hardy of any variety of clover, is of a creeping habit, desirable for sowing on terraces and sloping grounds. Our IOWA STANDARD is a very nice grade and requires only 7 lbs. to sow an acre. Per lb. 40c, 3 lbs. $1.10, postpaid; by freight, per pk. $2.75, bu. (60 lbs.) $10.25.
Iowa Shield White Clover.--Extra bright and pure. Of special value for lawns. Sow 5 lbs. per acre. Per lb. 45c, 3 lbs. $1.25, postpaid. By freight, pk. $3.25, bushel $12.00.
SANFOIN CLOVER, also called Esparcette Clover--An excellent but comparatively little known variety of special value for growing on light, dry sandy or limestone soils. It is a good fodder plant. Usually sown with oats or barley, using 30 or 40 pounds of seed to an acre. Per lb. 35c, 3 lbs. 90c, postpaid; by freight, pk. $1.60; bu. (45 pounds) $5.50.

Iowa Shield Mammoth Red.--Of superior quality, sow 10 lbs. per acre. Per pk. $3.15, bu. $12.00, 5 bu. or more at $11.85, bags included.
ALFALFA, or Lucerne Clover--Very popular in many portions of the country. Under proper management it will yield from ten to twelve tons to the acre. All classes of stock are exceedingly fond of it. The roots are so long and grow so deep, frost cannot heave or throw them out in winter. One sowing will stand for twenty years, and instead ot [of] impoverishing the soil, enriches it. Grows on the thinnest sandy soil and thrives in greatest drouth. IOWA STANDARD grade.--Sow broadcast about 25 lbs. to the acre. Per lb. 35c, 3 lb. 90c, postpaid. By freight, per pk. $2.75, bu. (60 lbs.) $10.50, 5 bu. or more at $10.35, bags included.
Iowa Shield Alfalfa.--An extra choice pure grade. Sow 20 lbs. per acre. Per pk. $3.00, bu. $11.50, 5 bu. or more at $11.35, bags included.

SWEET CLOVER.--(Melilotis Alba, or Bokhara.)--A tall shrubby plant bearing innumerable small white flowers; very valuable for bees, and is sown largely along the roadside by bee keepers. Both leaves and flowers have a delightful fragrance. Sow 10 lbs. per acre. Per lb. 40c, 3 lbs. $1.10; by freight, 5 lbs. or more at 25c.
CRIMSON CLOVER, also called Giant Incarnate.--This is an annual variety. The yield in fodder is immense, and after cutting, it at once commences to grow and continues until severe freezing weather and makes good hay. Sow in April or May, 20 pounds of seed per acre. The only objection to this is that it winter kills in this latitude. Desirable as a soiling crop. Per lb. 30c, 3 lbs. 80c postpaid; by freight, peck $1.90, bushel $7.00.

As it comes from the huller, full of weed seeds, trash and sand. If you buy low grade seed, you not only risk filling your land with weeds but you are also paying for each pound of weed seed and trash.

Mr. Davidson, of Ottawa county, Kansas, says that his Alfalfa Clover produced four crops of hay--8 tons, value $4.00 per ton in the country, or $32.00; also a yield of 11 bu. of seed worth $8 per bu. or $88, making a total $120 per acre in one season, three times the value of the land. How would that kind of a crop suit you! Better try Alfalfa this year.
TURKESTAN ALFALFA.--This new variety was sent out by the Department of Agriculture five years ago and has given excellent satisfaction. More hardy than the ordinary variety, having stood a temperature of 45 degrees below zero when ground was bare. Makes large top growth; also fine root growth. Pkt. 5c, lb. 35c, 3 lbs. $1.00, postpaid. By freight, pk. $2.90, bu. $11.00; 5 bu. or more at $10.85.

JAPAN CLOVER.--Grows freely on poor soil. Not a true clover. Per lb. 60c, 3 lbs. $1.50 postpaid; 5 lbs. or more by freight at 40c.


If any seed ordered from us is not satisfactory, return it at once and we will return your money.


MICROSCOPE. Examine your Own Seed.--This is a double lens, high power microscope; solid brass mountings; valuable aid in the examination of grass, clover and other seeds. Each by mail 50c, postpaid. If sent with other goods by frt. or ex., 40c.

Notice the plump, perfect shaped grains and freedom from weeds. You cannot secure better seed no matter what you pay for it and it costs but little more. It pays to sow the best.


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