[image] KY. BLUE GRASS.
TALL MEADOW OAT-GRASS.--For either hay or a permanent pasture a most valuable grass, which can be successfully grown in all parts of the country. Grows tall and therefore desirable for meadow. Does not winter kill. Per lb. 35c, 3 lbs. $1.00, postpaid. By freight, bu. (14 lbs.) $3.00; 5 bu. or more at $2.75.
KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS--Fancy Cleaned. Very valuable and popular as a permanent pasture grass. It is productive and unusually early in spring, furnishing delicious food for all kinds of stock. Unexcelled for lawns. Our seed is all new crop, Kentucky grown and "fancy cleaned." Sow 14 lbs. per acre for pasture, or 60 to 100 lbs. for lawns. Per lb. 40c, 3 lbs. $1.10, postpaid. By freight, bu. (14 lbs.) $[?]0, 5 bu. or more at $2.90.
"IOWA SHIELD" KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS. We pride ourselves on this extra choice grade, which is of such unusual purity and high germination that it is of special value for lawns. Per lb. 45c, 3 lbs. $1.25 postpaid; by freight bu. (14 lbs.) $3.50, 5 bu. or more at $3.25.
SWEET VERNAL.--Valuable on account of its delicious perfume; when included in hay its aroma is imparted to other grasses, enhancing the value of the hay, and making it relished by the stock. Per lb. 35[c], 3 lbs. 85c. By freight, bu. (14 lbs.) $2.00, 5 bu. or more $1.75.
[logo] Iowa Shield Brand
CREEPING BENT GRASS.--Of special value for pasture and low ground. Starts early, deep rooted and a valued sort for holding sloping ground or terraces together. Sow 15 lb. per acre. Lb. 35c, 3 lb. $1.00, postpaid. By freight bu. (14 lbs.) $3.00, 5 bu. or more at $2.75.
MEADOW FESCUE, or English Blue Grass.--Succeeds well in almost all soils, from high dry land to moist, standing the heat excellently. It is valuable as a pasturage grass, being one of the earliest in the spring and latest in the fall. It is very nutritious. Lb. 30c, 3 lbs. 75c, postpaid. By freight bu. (14 lbs.) $2.10, 5 bu. or more at $1.95.
MEADOW FOXTAIL.--A fine grass for permanent pasture. Its growth resembles timothy. Sow 14 lb. per acre. Per lb. 50c, 3 lbs. $1.35 postpaid. By freight, bu. (14 lbs.) $4.50, 5 bu. or more at $4.35.
RED TOP.--A very hardy native perennial grass, succeeding best on moist land. It remains green for the greater part of the year. In the east it is one of their principal sorts, but it is not so highly valued here. Fancy cleaned or solid seed. Per lb. 30[c], 3 lb. 75c, postpaid. By freight, per bu. (14 lbs.) $2.00, 5 bu. or more at $1.80.
BERMUDA GRASS.--The most valuable grass for the southern states, and it withstands heat and drouth wonderfully well. It is valuable for hay and pasture and unsurpassed for lawns in the south, as it runs over the ground, forming a dense turf. Sow 8 lbs. per acre. Lb. $1.10, 3 lbs. $2.75 prepaid; 5 lbs. not prepaid, @ 65c per lb.
RED FESCUE.--For meadows or pastures on dry, hard or sandy soils. It is very hardy, a true perennial, growing about 1 to 2½ feet high. Per lb. 35c, 3 lbs. $1.00, postpaid. By freight, per bu. (14 lbs.) $3.25; 5 bu. or more at $3.00.
ORCHARD GRASS.--A valuable grass for pasture or hay land, and on account of its earliness very valuable for Permanent pastures. It furnishes the first green bite in the spring and the last in the fall, and is quick to recover from close cropping, and even thrives better the more it is cropped. It is well suited to shady places, such as orchards and groves. Sow 14 lbs. per acre. Per lb. 35c, 3 lbs. $1.00 postpaid; by freight, per bu. (14 lbs.) $2.65, 5 bus. or more @ $2.50.
SHEEP'S FESCUE.--Suited to light, sandy soil, and dry uplands or hillsides. It is deep rooted, and not affected by extreme drouth. Sheep are especially fond of it. Sow 14 lbs. per acre. Per lb. 35c, 3 lbs. $1.00, postpaid; by freight, per bu. (14 lbs.) $1.75, 5 bus. or more @ $1.65.
WATER FESCUE.--A perennial grass with long, creeping roots, which is desirable for sowing on low, wet ground, in shallow ponds, beside lakes, rivers, etc. Per lb. 50c, 3 lbs. $1.10, postpaid; by freight, per bu. (14 bus. [lbs.]) $4.50, 5 bu. or more @ $4.25.
CRESTED DOGSTAIL.--For permanent pastures; especially on high land and hard, dry soils and hills. Is very hardy, and but little affected by extreme drouth or cold weather. Per lb. 50c, 3 lbs. $1.35, postpaid; by freight, per bu. (14 lbs.) $4.75, 5 bus. or more @ $4.50.
WOOD MEADOW GRASS.--It is invaluable for wooded pasture or shaded ground, and should be included in all mixtures for permanent pastures, especially in shady places. Sow 20 pounds per acre. Per lb. 50c, 3 lbs. $1.25, postpaid; by freight, per bu. (14 lbs.) $5.00, 5 bus. or more @ $4.75.
MEADOW SOFT GRASS.--Although not of high feeding value, it is very valuable for low, soft, spongy places, where other grasses don't succeed. It is very productive, a hardy perennial, 18 to 20 inches high. Per lb. 35c, 3 lbs. $1.00, postpaid; by freight, per bu. (14 lbs.) $2.50, 5 bus. or more @ $2.25.
WATER, or Floating Meadow Grass. For wet soils, marshes and lands which occasionally overflow. Per lb. 50c, 3 lbs. $1.10, postpaid. By freight per bu. (14 lbs.) $4.75, 5 bu. or more at $4.50.
HARD FESCUE.--Is emphatically a grass for dry lands, doing well on sandy and shallow silicious soils. It is exceedingly hardy and withstands extremes of heat, cold and drouth. Per lb. 35c, 3 lbs. $1.00, postpaid; by freight, per bu. (14 lbs.) $1.75, 5 bu. or more @ $1.65.
SAND VETCH, or Winter Vetch.--A comparatively new forage plant which has proved of high value, and is highly recommended by the U. S. Agricultural Department. Though it succeeds and produces good crops on poor sandy soils, it is more vigorous on good land and grows to a height of 4 to 5 feet. It is perfectly hardy throughout the United States, remaining green all winter. It is exceedingly nutritious, much more so than clover, is eaten with relish, and may be fed with safety to all kinds of stock. It is the earliest for cutting and a full crop may be taken off the land in time for planting the spring crops. Sow ½ bushel per acre in spring or fall. Pkt. 5c, lb. 30c, 3 lbs. 75c, postpaid. By freight, pk. $1.60, bu. (60 lbs.) $5.75, 2 bu. or more @ $5.50.
in order to get the seed evenly distributed over the land. The Indiana Broadcast Seeder is the most popular. It is force feed and is operated with a crank. It does good work and we sell hundreds of them. Described on page 96. Price $1.50.
There is nothing like millet for sowing to cover up shortage in your hay crops. It can be sown up to the middle or end of July and makes a valuable catch crop. Grain bags included.
JAPANESE MILLET.--(Panicum crus-galli.)--A distinct new variety which has been called by one seedsman the "Billion Dollar Grass." Especially valuable for the northern states. It yields an enormous crop of forage, which is greatly relished by stock. When cured it makes an excellent hay. Sow the seed broadcast at the rate of 15 lbs. to the acre, or in drills 12 to 18 inches apart, using 10 to 12 lbs. to the acre. Per lb. 30c, 3 lbs. 75c, postpaid. By freight, per pk. 85c, bu. (50 lbs.) $2.75, 5 bu. or more at $2.65.
MANITOBA MILLET.--Also called Hog or Broomcorn Millet. Best millet for withstanding drouth. Two weeks earlier than German. Per lb. 20c, 3 lbs. 50c. By freight, pk. 60c, bu. (50 lbs.) $1.75, 5 bu. or more at $1.65.
SIBERIAN MILLET.--This is frequently called Red German Millet, as it greatly resembles German Millet in manner of growth and productiveness. It is earlier and seed is of a mixed red and yellow color. Lb. 20c, 3 lb. 50c. By freight, pk. 50c, bu. (50 lbs.) $1.40, 5 bu. or more at $1.30.
PEARL MILLET.--Entirely different from ordinary millet; an immense fodder yielder, of tall growth, highly recommended by the U. S. Department of Agriculture for the south. Pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 70c. By freight, 10 lbs. (for one acre) $1.25, 100 lbs. $7.50.
GERMAN MILLET.--Matures about two weeks later than common millet. It grows 4 to 5 feet high, yielding an abundance of leaves; heads closely condensed; spikes very numerous; seeds round, golden yellow, in rough sheaths. Sow one bushel to the acre. Our "Iowa Standard" brand will be found very desirable. Price subject to important market changes. Per lb. 20c, 3 lbs. 50c, postpaid. By freight, pk. 50c, bu. (50 lbs.) $1.40, 5 bu. or more @ $1.30.
IOWA SHIELD GERMAN MILLET.--This is an extra fancy grade of the true southern grown German Millet of the Tennessee or cultivated strain. The seeds are round and "shotty." The heads are very large, borne on a strong, vigorous, very leafy plant and produces a much heavier crop than the ordinary stock. Try it and you will be surprised at the big yield. Per lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c, postpaid. By freight, pk. 50c, bu. (50 lbs.) $1.75, 5 bu. or more @ $1.65.
[logo] Iowa Shield Brand
COMMON MILLET.--Best quality. Preferred by some to German. By freight, per pk. 50c, bu. (50 lbs.) $1.40, 5 bu. or more @ $1.30.
HUNGARIAN.--Popular in some sections. Pk. 50c, bu. (50 lbs.) $1.65.
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