2 Condensed Seed And Plant Catalogue
Vegetable Seeds
Improved Golden Wax
Our stock of vegetable seeds we are sure cannot be excelled either in
quality or selection by any firm in the country. as we watch our growing
crops with great care. taking pains to isolate and keep pure and true to name.
Every variety listed is desirable and has our recommendation. The packets
are we believe as well filled as any reliable seed dealers in the United
States and in fact a comparison has shown that they contain more seed
on the average than those of any other firm whose packets we have secured.
We pay the postage at these prices except on Beans Peas and Corn at the
peck or bushel rates.
Notice. We thoroughly test all our seeds and nothing is sent out which
we do not believe to be good in every respect but we want it plainly under
stood that while we exercise great care to have all seeds pure and reliable
and also true to name we do not give any warranty express or implied.
If the purchaser does not accept the seeds on these terms and conditions
they are to be returned at once and the money that has been paid for
same will be refunded. No officer agent or employee of this company is
authorized to make any warranty whatsoever. However we have so much
confidence in our seeds that we hereby agree to refill any retail order
for vegetable or flower seeds free of charge should they prove otherwise
than as we represent them. We know of no responsible seed firm in the
world which guarantees seeds any further than this.
Lazy Wifes
Pole Bean
Columbian Mammoth White.
Produces shoots which are white and
stay white as long as fit for use. Per
pkt. 5c oz. lOc 1/4 lb. 25c lb . 75c.
Palmetto. Pkt. 5c oz 10c, 1/4
lb. 20c lb. 50c.
Convers Colossal. The
standard variety. Pkt. 5c oz. lOc
1/4 lb. 15c lb. 40c.
Borecole Or Kale
Extra Curled Mosbach. Pkt.
5c oz. 15c 1/4 lb . 40c lb. 1.25.
Dwarf German Green or Si
berian. Popular. Pkt. 5c oz. 10c
1/4 lb. 25c lb. 75c.
Bush Beans
Improved Early Valentine. Very early robust and vigorous and produces the true round
curved pods very abundantly. Unexcelled in quality. Pkt. 5c 1/2 pt. 15c qt. 45c by express or freight
1/2 pk. 85c pk. 1.25.
Stringless Green Pod. The finely shaped long green pods are absolutely stringless and are
ready to market two weeks earlier than the Valentines. Pkt. 5c 1/2 pt. 15c qt. 50c by express 1/2 pk. 1.00
pk. 1.75.
Improved Golden Wax. This improved stock is one of the handsomest beans we have ever
seen the pods a dark rich golden yellow color and of perfect shape. For family or market you make
no mistake in planting them. Pkt. 5c 1/2 pt. 15c qt. 50c by express 1/2 pk. 1.10 pk. 1.85.
Challenge Black Wax. Earlier more productive and of better quality than the old Black Wax.
Pods tender round fleshy and stringless. Pkt. 5c 1/2 pt. 15c qt. 50c. by express 1/2 pk. 1.10 pk. 1.85.
Wardwells Kidney Wax. One of the earliest hardiest and most productive of all wax beans.
Pkt. 5c. 1/2 pt. 20c qt. 60c by express 1/2 pk. 1.25 pk. 2 .25.
Hendersons Bush Lima. Grows in compact bush form producing enormous crops of delicious
Lima beans. Enormously productive. Pkt.5c 1/2 pt. 20c qt.60c by express 1/2 pk. 1.25 pk. 2.25.
Burpees Bush Lima. Pkt. 5c 1/2 pt. 20c qt. 60c by express 1/2 pk. 1.35, pk. 2.50.
Pole Beans
Golden Cluster Wax. Generally considered the best of all wax pole beans. It bears profusely
its long golden yellow pods from the middle of July till the vines are cut by frost. Pkt. 5c 1/2 pt. 15c
qt. 50c by express 1/2 pk. 1.15. pk. 2.00.
Market Gardeners Beet
Old Homestead. Enormously productive the pods
hanging in great clusters. Entirely stringless pods are of
a silvery green color. Can be grown with corn to good ad
vantage. Pkt. 5c 1/2 pt. 15c qt. 45c by express 1/2 pk. 1.00
pk. 1.75.
Lazy Wife. The most popular pole bean. The pods of medium darkgreen color are produced
in great abundance and measure from 4 1/2 to 6 inches in length. The pods retain their rich tender and
stringless qualities until nearly ripe. Pkt. 5c 1/2 pt. 20c qt. 60c by express 1/2 pk. 1.25 pk. 2.25.
Cut Shorts. Pkt. 5c 1/2 pt. 15 qt. 45c express 1/2 pk. 90c pk. 1.60.
Early Crimson Globe. A very early variety, of spherical form. Cooks readily is very fine grained
and flavor cannot be surpassed. Of uniform shape and size. Pkt. 5c oz. 10c. 1/4 lb. 25c lb. 75c.
Crosbys Improved Egyptian. A great improvement on the old Egyptian being thicker hand
somer and more regular in shape smooth
with very small tops and small tap root.
Very popular with Des Moines Market gar
deners for this purpose. Pkt. 5c oz. 10c
1/4 lb. 25c lb. 70c.
Market Gardeners. The best and
most profitable table variety. Its shape is
well illustrated by the accompanying engrav
ing. As will be noticed it is very symmet
rical with small tap root and but few fibrous
roots. Unusually small tops. Pkt. 5c oz.
10c 1/4 lb. 25c lb .75c.
Danish Giant. A grand new variety
of extra large size and about ten days later
than the Snowball. Pkt. 20c oz. 2.50.
Hendersons Early Snowball. Throughout the country this is considered
not only the earliest of all cauliflowers but it is more certain to make a head than
any other sort. Our stock is extra choice and cannot be excelled. It is grown in the
ocality where this variety originated by a grower whom we believe to be the best in
the world. Pkt. 15c 1/4 oz. 65c. oz. 2.25.
Extra Early Dwarf Erfurt. Pkt. 10c 1/4 oz. 50c oz. 1.75.
Early Paris. Pkt. 5c oz. 50c.
Hendersons Snowball Cauliflower
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