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Sweet Corn.
(One quart will plant 200 hills; one peck will plant an acre in hills.)
Plant as soon as ground becomes warm in the spring in hills about three feet apart, five or six grains to a hill, and when up thin out, allowing three or four of the strongest plants to remain. Give thorough cultivation. We pay the postage on pkt., 1/2 pt. and qt. Deduct 10c on each quart if to be sent by express or freight.
PHARAOH'S DREAM.-A novelty and the most productive and finest variety ever sent out. Owing to the fact that it so frequently produces seven ears to the stalk, it has been aptly named "Pharaoh's Dream." The ears are of large size and resemble the Stowell's Evergreen Corn. The corn is pure white, tender and of delicate flavor, remaining a long time in edible condition. Pkt. 10c, 1/2 pt, 25c, qt. 85c. By exp. pk. $3.00.
EARLY SUNRISE.-The best early variety. Ears about six inches long, well filled out. Is quite productive and of excellent flavor. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c. By express, 1/2 pk. $1.00, pk. $1.75.
EXTRA EARLY CORY. (White Cob.)-This has for years been the most popular variety with market gardeners for first early market. Of medium size. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 45c. By express, 1/2 pk. 90c, pk. $1.60.
CHAMPION EARLY.-Without doubt the earliest large corn ever introduced. An average ear is about nine inches long. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 45c. By express, 1/2 pk. 85c, pk. $1.50.
EARLY MINNESOTA.-An early variety. The ears are of good size, well flavored and of the best cooking qualities. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 12c, qt. 40c. By express, 1/2 pk. 70c, pk. $1.35.
COUNTRY GENTLEMAN.-An improvement on the old favorite Shoe Peg Sweet Corn. The crop can be counted on to give three to five ears to a stalk. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 60c. By express, 1/2 pk. $1.25, pk. $2.25.
CROSBY'S EARLY.-For medium early use. A good cropper and profitable for family use and as a market sort. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 12c, qt. 40c. By express, 1/2 pk. 70c, pk. $1.35.
IMPROVED STOWELL'S EVERGREEN.-For many years the most prominent main crop variety and more largely planted than any other, being a general favorite with canners and market gardeners for late use. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c. By express, 1/2 pk. $1.10, pk. $2.00, bu. $7.25.
MAMMOTH SUGAR.-This produces the largest ear of any sweet corn, a single ear sometimes weighing as much as two or three lbs.; sweet and luscious. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c. By express, 1/2 pk. $1.10, pk. $2.00.

Pop Corn.
SNOWBALL.-A novelty of superior merit and makes delicious pop corn. Ears are of large size, fine shape; is very productive. Pkt. 10c, 1/2 pt. 20c, qt. 65c.
PAGE'S NEW STRIPED RICE.-The best, handsomest and most attractive variety of pop corn in existence. The ears are of good size. Very productive. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 20c, qt. 65c. By exp. 1/2 pk. $1.25, pk. $2.25.
MONARCH WHITE RICE.-The best white variety. Bears from 3 to 6 ears per stalk, and produces 1,500 to 2,000 lbs. per acre. It will pay you to try it. Pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 40c. By exp. 1/2 pk. 70c, pk. $1.25.

One ounce will plant fifty hills; two pounds will plant one acre. Cucumbers succeed best in a rich, loamy soil. For first early, sow in hot-beds, in berry boxes, or in small flower pots, six weeks before they can be set out in open ground. For general crop plant in open ground in May, about twelve seeds in a hill. When danger of bugs is past, thin to four strong plants in a hill.
EARLY EXPRESS.-A very desirable novelty. It is by all odds the earliest variety in existence, producing fruit several days ahead of early Siberian, Extra Early Russian and other early sorts. Quality is the very best and it is as fine for slicing as any later sort. Color is lively green shading to white at the blossom-end as they grow older. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c, lb. $2.50.
CUMBERLAND.-This is a hardy, rapid, vigorous grower, and one of the most prolific varieties. The pickles are thickly covered with fine spines, and the flesh is crisp and tender. We can highly recommend this variety. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 60c, lb. $2.00.
PERFECT WHITE SPINE.-Fruit even and of good size, straight, well formed and symmetrical. It is of uniform shape, making it unexcelled for pickling. Immensely productive. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.75. By express, 5 lbs. or more @ $1.50.
BOSTON or JERSEY PICKLE.-Is used almost exclusively by the market gardeners near Boston for pickling. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.75.


JAPANESE CLIMBING.- It comes into bearing quickly and continues to set fruit abundantly throughout the season. Of large size, tender, cylindrical shape, flesh pure white, skin dark green when ripe; of excellent quality for slicing. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. $1.00, lb. $3.00.
IMPROVED LONG GREEN.-A standard sort. Fruit about 12 inches long, firm and crisp. The young fruit makes the best of pickles, and when ripe is the best of any for sweet pickles. Packet 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 60c, lb. $1.85.
IMPROVED CHICAGO PICKLE.-It is very prolific. Produces an immense number of desirable shaped pickles. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 60c, lb. $2.00.
NEW ASTRO.-Fruit large, perfect shape, 8 to 12 inches long. They are of the very best quality for slicing, as the flesh is white and crisp and they have very few seeds. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.00.
EARLY CLUSTER.-Grows in clusters. It is productive and the quality is very good. Packet 5 cents, ounce 15 cents, 1/4 lb. 50 cents, lb. $1.65.

One ounce will produce about three thousand plants.
One of the most delicious of vegetables. Any soil that will grow cabbage will grow cauliflower. Give the same culture as cabbage, except that they need a cool and moist atmosphere and should be watered during dry weather. As the flower heads appear, the large leaves should be broken down over them to shield them from the sun and rain.
HENDERSON'S EARLY SNOW BALL.-This is considered the eariest of all cauliflowers. Our stock is extra choice and cannot be excelled. Pkt. 15c, 1/4 oz. 75c, oz. $2.50.
EXTRA EARLY DWARF ERFURT. Valuable for forcing. A very popular variety in Europe and with eastern gardeners. First quality. Pkt. 15c, 1/4 oz. 60c, oz. $2.00.
EARLY PARIS.- A well known small variety which usually proves quite satisfactory. Pkt. 5c, oz. 50c.
LENORMAND'S.-There is considerable call in this market for a late variety of cauliflower, and in the Lenormand's we have just what is wanted. It is of large size and produces well formed heads of excellent quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 60c.
CAULIFLOWER PLANTS.-See list of Vegetable Plants.


Chufas or Earth Almonds
A nice little ground nut which in sweetness and flavor resembles the coacoanut or almond. The nuts grow underground very near the surface, easily reached by pigs and poultry, and destroyed by them if they have free access. Plant in April, 10 inches apart in 2 1/2 foot rows. Cover them lightly. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 50c.

One ounce will sow 100 feet of drill; 3 to 4 pounds for one acre.
For early crop sow in spring as soon as ground can be worked, in drills fifteen inches apart, covering one-half inch; thin plants to three or four inches apart in the row. For field culture rows should be of sufficient distance to admit the use of a horse cultivator; sow seed from the middle of April to first of June. A light sandy loam, deeply tilled, is best.
EARLY SCARLET HORN.-Favorite for early crop. Sold largely in New York market bunched. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c.
OXHEART-We do not hesitate to call this the most valuable variety. It is between the Half-long and Horn varieties, attaining a diameter of 3 to 4 inches at the neck, beautiful shape, rich orange color. Where others require digging it is easily pulled; produces roots as early as any variety, continuing of best quality; excellent for hogs and other live stock and has yielded 1,200 bushels per acre. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c.
DANVERS.- In form about midway between the Long Orange and Shorthorn class, growing generally with a stump root. Of a rich, dark orange color and large size. A first-class carrot for all soils, that is claimed under good cultivation will yield the greatest weight per acre with smallest length of root. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 65c.
IMPROVED LONG ORANGE.-One of the most desirable for either garden or field culture. Fair specimens average 12 in. long, diameter of 3 in. at the top. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 50c.
VICTORIA.- Largest carrot grown, heaviest cropping and most nutritious variety in cultivation. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. By express, 5 lbs. or more, 50c per pound.



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