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It is really wonderful the immense demand which there has been during the past few years, our trade in this line multiplying fourfold every year. Our customers are learning that they require less care and are more satisfactory with ordinary culture than most other classes of plants. When once set out they bloom year after year, the flowers really becoming better as the plants grow older. These varieties are all hardy, the tops dying down every winter, but coming up again in the spring. It is well to cover with leaves or litter after ground is frozen. We pay the postage on all of these and you may select $1.25 worth at the single rate for $1.00.
ACHILLEA.--The Pearl.--Beyond question the finest of all plants for cemetery planting. The flowers are good sized, forming a beautiful plant eighteen inches high, completely covered with pure white flowers from July until frost. We cannot too highly recommend this for general planting. Our cut shows one of the numerous heads of bloom with which the plant is covered. Each 10c, dozen 75c.
ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM ROSEUM.--Finely cut deep green foliage. Bears a mass of handsome bright pink flowers in heads or umbels. Well worth growing, both as a border plant and for cutting. 15c each, $1.50 per dozen.
AQUILEGIA.--These beautiful flowers, often called Columbines, are always beautiful and attractive, reminding one of the woods. Many handsome colors. Each 15c, dozen $1.25.
BLUE BELLS.--No one can help loving the beautiful "Blue Bells of Scotland," and they are just as beautiful when grown here. Poets have sung their praises more than almost any other flower. Each 15c, dozen $1.25.

CRIMSON EYE HIBISCUS.--This elegant Hibiscus is a robust grower, with dark red stems and foliage. The flowers are immense in size, often measuring twenty inches in circumference. The color is of the purest white, with a large spot of deep velvety crimson in the center of each flower. It will succeed anywhere and is perfectly hardy. A large bed of these on our place last summer attracted the admiration of everyone. Each 15c, dozen $1.25; extra large 30c each. Seed 10c per pkt.
GRASS PINKS.--The hardy and pretty clove-scented flowers which our grandmothers loved. Their fragrance is quickly noticed by anyone passing by the yard where they are grown before seeing the flowers. Flowers are double, semi-double and single, and range from pure white to dark pink and red. Each 10c, dozen $1.00.
HER MAJESTY GARDEN PINKS.--A grand variety of the hardy garden pinks. Plants grow to large size, spreading and producing immense numbers of pure white, perfectly double flowers. Each 15c, dozen $1.25.
LILY OF THE VALLEY.--A bed of these planted in some shady nook will prove satisfactory as their pure white flowers are always desirable. 4 for 15c, dozen 35c.



PARDANTHUS.--(Blackberry Lily.)--Quite curious and handsome. Flowers orange color spotted with brown, about two inches in diameter. The blossoms are followed by seed clusters like a blackberry in size, shape and color. Each 10c, 3 for 25c, doz. 85c.
BABY'S BREATH or MIST.--(Gypsophilia Paniculata.) Beautiful old-fashioned perennial; it possesses a grace not found in any other perennial, and attracts the attention of everyone. When in bloom it forms a symmetrical mass 2 to 3 feet in height, of minute white flowers, giving it a beautiful gauze-like appearance. For cutting purposes it is exquisite, especially in combination with high-colored flowers, and some lovely effects can be produced with it. 10c each; doz. $1.00.
STRIPED RIBBON GRASS.--The common striped grass, no two leaves alike. Is pretty for clumps and borders. Each 10c, dozen 75c.

GAILARDIA GRANDIFLORA.--These are among the showiest and most effective of hardy perennial plants; beginning to flower in June, they continue one mass of bloom the entire season. They will thrive in almost any position or in any soil, but respond freely to liberal feeding. Being perfectly hardy they require absolutely no protection, taking care of themselves. The flowers are large, from 2½ to 3½ inches in diameter. They are produced on long stems, and are excellent for cutting, and of the most gorgeous coloring. The center is a dark reddish brown, while the petals are variously marked with rings of brilliant scarlet crimson, orange and vermilion, and often a combination of all these colors in one flower. Each 15c, doz. $1.50.
LATHYRUS.--(Perennial Sweet Peas.) A hardy perennial which blooms all summer. A good plant for cutting. Each 20c.

[image] LEMON LILY.

MONARDIA DIDIMA.--(Oswego Tea.)--Flowers bright scarlet, produced in spikes. Each 10c, doz. 75c.
IBERIS SEMPERVIRENS.--(Perennial Candytuft.)--A dwarf plant producing clusters of handsome flowers. Each 20c.
CANTERBURY BELLS.--We can furnish both double and single in assorted colors. Each 15c, dozen $1.25.
MYRTLE.--A handsome trailing plant largely used for cemetery planting. Has beautiful, glossy dark green leaves forming a mat over the surface of the ground. Flowers heavenly blue. We know of one lawn made of these plants which is very showy and attracts the attention and admiration of every passerby. Each 10c, doz, 75c. $4.00 per 100.
LEMON LILY.--(Hemerocalis Flava.)--This handsome flower is not a true lily as the root is of different shape, but flower is very much like Lilium Speciosum in form, about 3 inches in diameter. A clear lemon yellow, very bright, pleasing appearance. Has most delightful lemon fragrance; each flower stem bearing 7 to 20 flowers; hardy. Each 15c, dozen $1.50.
ORANGE LILY.--(Hemerocalis Dermorteri.)--Similar to Lemon Lily but of a fine orange color. Each 15c, dozen $1.50.



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