Iowa Seed Company Des Moines, Iowa. ... 47
[Image - Drawing of different, large, Phlox blooms framing a bed of Phlox flowers.]
Phlox Drummondi.
If we could have but one flower for our garden, that one would be the Phlox. Its brilliant shades of color ranging from clear white to brilliant scarlet make an almost dazzling show; continually in bloom. All which we offer except the common mixed are of the large flowering or grandiflora class.
[Left column.]
Fireball.-(Cut No. 1.) Brilliant, dazzling scarlet; very handsome dwarf compact growing. Pkt. 5c.
Straita.-(No. 2.) Bright, rich scarlet, sharply striped with white. Pkt. 5c.
Stellata Carminea.-(No. 3.) Very handsome carmine flowers, with pure white star-like eye. Pkt. 5c.
Grandiflora Alba.-(No. 4.) Pure white, very large. Pkt. 5c.
Cuspidata Or Star.-(No. 5.) The growth is more dwarf and compact than the common. The pointed center teeth of the petals (five in number) are long and project like little spines, one-quarter to one-third inch long. Thus the flowers appear to have a splendid, regular star-like form whose beauty is improved by the broad, white margins, which border the edges of the petals. Pkt. 10c.
Sunrise.-(No. 6.) Beautiful, rosy salmon, shaded carmine. Pkt. 5c.
Fringed Mixed.-(No. 7.) Very handsome. The flowers are of the most velvety colors and handsomely fringed. Pkt 7c.
Jubilee.-(No. 8.) A decided novelty, being an entirely new color in Phlox, a bright yellow; of strong, bushy erect habit, each plant presenting a mass of dazzling flowers, each of which is nearly the size of a twenty dollar gold coin and of perfect form. Pkt. 10c.
Radowitzii.-(No. 9.) Handsome flowers of rose, crimson, violet, etc., striped with white. Pkt. 5c.
Double Pearl.-A grand novelty introduced by us in 1888. By constant selection each year we have improved it so that almost every plant produces handsome, double, pure white flowers. It is very pretty and will prove a splendid acquistion for bouquet work. Pkt. 10c.
Grandiflora Mixed.-This special large flowering strain has been selected with great care for many years until we now have an ideal flower, of immense size and for beauty of colors they are unsurpassed. They produce a great profusion of large trusses of flowers, and if cut freely will continue a mass of bloom until severe freezing weather. The colors range from the purest white to nearly black, including all shades of pink, red, violet, crimson, purple, yellow, blue,
[Right column.]
scarlet and brown, striped and blended in an indescribable manner. Some of the flowers are very nearly as large as a half dollar. Pkt. 8c.
Mixed Varieties.-A mixture of the common varieties. Pkt. 3c.
Phlox Collection. One packet each of the above varities, making a grand assortment for only 50c.
Perennial Mixed.-Splendid hardy plants which bloom continuously after the second year. Pkt. 5c.
This grand old flower has kept pace with the march of improvement, and now comes around and surprises us with its new forms, new sizes and new colors.
Brilliant.-Of very strong, robust growth. The flowers present a variety of bright colors; pure white, scarlet, rose, purple and various other shades. The ends of the petals or fringes are of a deeper tint than the rest, and are so bright as to be dazzling to the eye. Pkt. 10c.
Rosy Morn.-Flowers extremely double, forming perfect balls of a beautiful, unique shade of rose. Pkt. 8c.
Shirley.-A new single. In color from the purest white through the most delicate shades of rose pink and carmine to deepest crimson. Pkt. 5c.
Fairy Blush.-Flowers perfectly double and measure from ten to thirteen inches in circumference. The petals are elegantly fringed and pure white, tipped with rosy cream. Pkt. 8c.
American Flag.-Flowers extra large, very double, snow white, bordered with scarlet.-Pkt. 7c.
Giant Nankeen Yellow.-A superb new poppy. It is a vigorous grower, the flowers are borne in constant succession for a long season, on erect, strong stalks; the nearest approach to yellow in poppies. Pkt. 10c.
Double Carnation.-A spendid assortment of the best double carnation-flowered sorts. The most popular variety and will make an attractive bed. Pkt. 5c.
All Varieties Mixed.-Pkt. 3c.
[Image: Drawing of a large, leafy plant, Caption-Cambogiensis Ricinus.
[Lower third of page.]
Castor oil plant. Stately foliage plants. Make a very handsome appearance on the lawn singly; also fine for clumps or ornamental hedges. Keeps out moles.
Cambogiensis.-This beautiful plant grows to a height of 8 feet, and of most stately, majestic tropical appearance. Large palm-like leaves of darkest reddish maroon, covered with a bright bronzy lustre, while the main stalk and leaf stems are ebony black. Leaves have large red veins which add to the beauty. The fruit is fiery red. It is unexcelled as a decorative plant for lawn or garden. Seed will always be scarce and high. Pkt. of 5 seeds 5c.
Zanzibarensis.-Grows to a height of 12 to 14 feet, with leaves 2 to nearly 4 feet across. A handsome specimen plant for lawns. Pkt. 10c.
Sanguineus Tricolor.-Blood red stalk; very attractive[.] Pkt. 5c.
Common.-Pkt. 3c, oz. 10c.
All Varieties Mixed.-Pkt. 4c.
[Image: Drawing, closeup of bloom, Caption-Brilliant Poppy.]
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The original transcription shows the first column being mixed with the text of the second column on the page. This should be broken down into two separate columns, however, I'm not sure how to accomplish this without making a notation at the top of each column to indicate the page is broken into two columns that have been transcribed one below the other.