To reduce the cost of gardening it is necessary to have the best tools. A good wheel hoe is as much superior to a common hoe for cultivating a garden as a mowing machine to the sickle in the hay field. All of the followlng tools have been thoroughly tested, and, for their own particular class of work , have given splendid satisfaction. If you desire it, we will send illustrated and descriptive catalogue or circular of any of these tools.
PLANTER JR. NO. 3 SEED DRILL.--We regard this drill as the acme of perfection, and most decidedly the best seed sower made. It will sow perfectly either in a continuous row or drop the seed in hills, either four, six, eight, twelve or twenty-four inches apart. It opens the furrow, drops in hills or drills, covers, rolls down and marks the next row, all at one operation. The hopper holds three quarts. The wheel is thirteen inches high. It is changed in a moment from hill dropping to drill work. It has a force feed, sows equally well whether the hopper is full or contains only a paper of seed. It is nicely adapted to all conditions of land, working especially well in fresh ground or when planting on a ridge. Price $9.00.
PEERLESS GARDEN CULTIVATOR. [image of one wheeled cultivator and accessories to left]
PLANET JR. COMBINED DRILL, WHEEL HOE, CULTIVATOR AND PLOW. This is the most popular tool we have ever sold. As a plow it opens furrows, covers them, hills, plows to and from, etc. As a hoe, it works safely to and from both sides of the row at once, or between rows, working all rows from eight to sixteen inches wide at one passage. As a cultivator, it is admirably adapted to deep mellowing of the soil. It sows all garden seed accurately at the desired depth, opening, covering, rolling down and marking the next row all at one passage in the most reliable and perfect manner. Each machine is sent out with the tools shown in the cut. Price $9.00.
PLANET JR. NO. 4 COMBINED SEEDER AND CULTIVATOR.--The latest improvement for 1897. While we have not personally tested this machine, still it comes from a good factory and has apparently so many good points that we offer it with confidence. It will drop the seed either in a continuous row or in hills, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 36 inches apart. The drill is easily detached and the tool frame substituted. Has all the attachments shown in cut. We predict a great demand for this tool. Price complete $10.00. As a drill only $7.00. Attachments can afterwards be purchased for $3.50, to make a complete machine.
PLANET JR. NO. 15 SINGLE WHEEL HOE.--Another new tool for 1897, being same as above only without the drill attachment. Price $6.00.
PLANET JR. HILL DROPPING DRILL (Double Wheel).--Much like No. 3, seed drill, but it has two wheels, and is for that reason preferred by some gardeners. It holds two quarts and sows all kinds of garden seed with the greatest regularity, either in drills or hills. Price $10.00.
PLANET JR. NO. 3 SEED DRILL. [image to the right]
PLANET JR. DOUBLE WHEEL HOE.--The most practtcal tool made for gardeners. Each tool is sent out with the attachment shown in cut. The arch is high enough to enable the operator to work both sides of the row at once until plants are eighteen inches high; then the wheels can be set to run close together and work between the rows. Leaf guards (detachable) go with each machine, to be used when plants extend into a wide row. This tool is light, very simple, very strong, made of the best material and highly finished, and nothing exceeds the variety and perfection of work it performs. It will do the work of six men with ordinary hand hoes. Price $6.00.
[to the right]FIREFLY WHEEL GARDEN PLOW.--Vegetable gardening made a pleasure. Will both plow the garden and attend to the cultivating and weeding throughout the gardening season. The moldboard is tempered and polished steel. Price only $2.00.
THE PLANET JR. PLAIN DOUBLE WHEEL HOE.--Like the machine just described, except that it has no attachments except one pair of hoes. It is just the thing for onion growers and others who want a hoe only, at a small cost. Price $3.50.
PLANET JR. TWELVE-TOOTH HARROW, CULTIVATORAND PULVERIZER. For fine cultivation, either deep or shallow, this has no equal. The recurved throat and high frame prevents clogging, and the reverse position is given to the teeth in a short time by changing a single bolt in each. It is provided with a new lever wheel, used to regulate the depth with exactness; also with a pulverizer, which leaves the ground in the finest possible condition. As a harrow, the work done is most perfect, and with the teeth turned backward it is admirable for trashy ground and leveling, and for crops just breaking through the surface. Price $7.50, or without pulverizer $6.15.
THE PLANET JR. NO. 8 HORSE HOE.--Probably no other cultivating machine is so widely known as the "Planet Jr." Combined Horse Hoe and Cultivator, for it is in use throughout the civilized world. It is so strongly built as to withstand incredible strain, yet it is light and easy to handle. The No. 8 combines all the latest improvements. Levers adjusting it in witdth and regulating the depth. Everything about the machine has been improved. Ask for circular, gives full description. Price $7.50.
PEERLESS GARDEN CULTIVATOR.--This new tool has many features which will recommend it to the practical gardener. When we tested it we were really surprised at the ease with which it worked, cultivating and thorougly pulverizing hard, unplowed ground. The handles are shaped so that they rest easily on the hands, and the wheel is so high, (23 inches) and broad-tired that it is no more work to cultivate with it than to trundle an empty wheel-barrow. Price $5.00.
McGEE GARDEN CULTIVATOR or SPRING HOE.--The invention of a practical onion raiser, who knew just what was wanted and how to make it. It has two wheels connected by an arch attached to frames by a lateral spring, enabling the user to almost "finger-weed" the crop, as the machine is under such complete control. Onion growers claim this is the best cultivator for onions. With each tool there is a pair of knives, that operate as hoes, and a pair of cultivators. Price $4.40.
MATTHEW'S DRILL.--This is the old original Matthews, and is of especial value in sowing beet, parsnip and other difficult seeds. When in operation, it opens the furrow, drops the seed accurately at the desired depth, covers it and lightly rolls the earth down over it, and at the same time marks the next row, all of which is done with mechanical precision, by simply propelling the drill forward. A simple contrivance accurately gauges a uniform deposit of the seed to any required depth, thus avoiding the risk of planting at irregular depths, so deep in places as to destroy the seed. Price $8.00.
[image] PLANET JR. NO. 8, HORSE HOE.
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