Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines, Iowa.
Condensed List of Flower Plants.
See descriptive list of novelties and specialties on pages 6 to 9.
Orders for plants must amount to not less than 50 cents.
Discounts.--Plants amounting to $1.10 for $1.00, $2.25 for $2.00, $3.50 for $3.00, $6.00 for $5.00. We pay postage on plants at these prices.
[column heading: Each.]
Abutilon, Layelion.--Bright golden yellow. 10.
Snowball.--Pure white, very handsome. 10.
Thompsonii Plena.--Double deep orange, shaded crimson. 15.
Achillea, Alba.--(The Pearl.)--The flowers are large, forming a beautiful plant eighteen inches in height. It is completely covered with pure white flowers from July until frost; hardy. 10.
Aloysia, Citridora.--(Lemon Verbena)--Delightfully fragrant. 15.
Alternantheras.--Bright colored dwarf plants. Per doz. 75. 10.
Ampelopsis, Veitchi.--(Boston Ivy.) One of the finest climbers we have for covering walls, as it clings firmly to the smoothest surface. Color, deep green, changing to crimson and yellow. 25.
Artillery Plant.--Very desirable for baskets and vases. 10.
Asparagus Plumosus.--One of the handsomest foliage plants for house culture. 25.
Bouvardia.--Valuable for winter blooming. 15.
Cactus.--Price, 10 to 25c each, or 10 sorts for $1.00.
Clematis, Jackmanii.--Most magnificent and showy vine in existence. Strong plants, each 50c; extra strong, three years old. 1.00.
Coboea Scandens.--Large, purple, bell-shaped flowers. 15.
Coleus.--Best and cheapest ornamental leaved plant we have for bedding. A few plants will make a beautiful bed; doz. 75c. 10.
Cuphea, New Tricolor.--Blooms the year around; handsome. 10.
Platycentra.--(Cigar Plant)--A fine basket plant. 10.
Cyclamen.--Fine for winter blooming. 15.
Farfugium.--Leopard Plant. 20.
Feverfew, Double White--Per doz. 75c. 10.
Ferns.--Beautiful for rockwork, or as specimens for parlor. 20.
Glecoma.--(Variegated Ground Ivy.) Foliage bright green, marked with pure white, and has a refreshing fragrance. Beautiful for hanging baskets and cemeteries, hardy and ornamental. 10.
Geraniums, Scented Varieties.--Nutmeg, Rose, Balm, Peppermint, Mrs. Taylor, Skeleton Leaf and Variegated Rose, each. 10.
Fancy Leaved.--Madam Pollock and Sunset. Beautiful foliage. 25.
Mountain of Snow, Happy Thought, Crystal Palace Gem, Golden Circle, Cloth of Gold, Mad. Salleroi, and Bismarck. All good variegated foliage sorts, each. 10.
Hydrangea, Hortensis.--Bright pink flowers. 15.
Thomas. Hogg.--Pure white; beautiful. 10.
Variegated.--Foliage white and green; flowers pink. 20.
Hibiscus. Rubra, Fl. Pl.--Double, large, bright red flowers. 15.
Grandiflora.--Plant covered with large scarlet crimson flowers. 15.
Hoya.--(Wax Plant)--The well known house climber, with thick fleshy leaves and curious waxy flowers. 25.
Heliotrope, Mad. Blonay.--Nearly pure white. 10.
President Garfield.--Has fine large trusses of deep purple flowers. 10.
Helialthus, Multiflorus.--(Hardy Double Golden Sunflower)--Flowers of a rich golden yellow. Very double and large. 10.
Ivies, English.--No vine excels this. 15.
German--Grows very fast. Fine for hanging baskets. 10.
Variegated English.--Foliage very prettily marked with white. 25.
Lantanas.--Blooms continuously, the colors changing id [in] a curious manner from day to day. 10.
Maurandia.--Graceful climbers for window or conservatories. 10.
Myosotis.--(Forget-Me-Not)--A charming, constant blooming plant, requiring plenty of water and a partially shaded position. 10.
Mexican Primrose.--Is a perpetual bloomer; handsome colors. 10.
Marguerite Daisy, New California Paris. 10.
Double Golden.--Beautiful, golden yellow flowers continuously. 10.
Moon Flower.--A handsome climber growing twenty-five to forty feet, and covered with its white, moon-like flowers. 15.
Mountain Pink.--A fine plant for basket. Flowers bright pink. 10.
Night-Blooming Cereus.--This gorgeous cactus, which opens evenings, bears abundant blossoms, measuring twelve inches in diameter, and of delicious fragrance. 25.
Palms.--Fashionable decorative house and window plants. Mailing size, 25c each; large $1.00 to $5.00 each by express.
Pansies.--Our plants are strong and well grown from the best seed. All choice varieties mixed. Doz. 50c.
Passion Flower.--An attractive vine bearing beautiful flowers. 15.
Petunia.--All the finest double fringed varieties, each. 10.
Pelargoniums.--Commonly known as Lady Washington geraniums. Flowers are large, with deep blotches on the upper petals and bright spots on the lower; very beautiful. 20.
Smilax.--Well known, handsome climber, and very popular. 15.
Salvia, Splendens.--Pretty flowering plants; bright scarlet. 10.
Stapelia.--Curious plants with showy star-shaped flowers; color buff yellow, with maroon markings. Each. 15.
Violet, Swanley White.--The best double pure white variety, bears a profusion of large, snowy sweet-scented blossoms. 15.
Louise.--Double purple. Handsome and very fragrant. 15
Double Russian.--A magnificent, hardy variety for outdoor culture, bearing immense very double flowers, of a very deep shade of blue. 15.
Verbena.--One of the most popular of all plants for bedding; we have many varieties, including all the new kinds. Per doz. 75c. 10.
Vinca, Major.--Leaves handsomely variegated with creamy white. Flowers bright blue and very showy. 10.
Wandering Jew, Variegated.--A popular variety having foliage beautifully variegated with white, pink and green. 10.
Nursery Stock.
Ask for our complete illustrated list of choice Nursery Stock.
We have only room here for a condensed list.
The following prices are all for first-class stock, carefully packed and delivered to the transportation companies, but the purchaser must pay the freight or express charges except where noted. Fifty or more of any variety at the 100 rate, 300 or more at the 1,000 rate. Orders for nursery stock must amount to at least 50c.
[column headings: Postpaid. Per doz. Per 100. By Express. Per 100. Per 1,000.]
Strawberries--Greenville. $ 40. 1.75. 1.25. 8.50.
Timbrell. 50. 2.25. 2.00. 15.00.
Parker Earle. 40. 1.75. 1.50. 9.00.
Shuckless. 40. 1.75. 1.50. 10.00.
Bubach No. 5. 35. 1.50. 1.00. 6.00.
Bederwood. 35. 1.50. 1.00. 6.00.
Warfield. 35. 1.50. 1.00. 5.50.
Haverland. 35. 1.50. 1.00. 6.00.
Jessie. 35. 1.50. 1.00. 6.00.
Crescent Seedling. 30. 1.25. 85. 4.75.
[column headings: Postpaid. Each. Doz. By Express. Per 100. Per 1,000.]
Grapes--Cottage. 20. 1.50. 4.50. 30.00.
Moore's Early. 20. 1.75. 5.00. 40.00.
Moore's Diamond. 25. 2.00. 6.00. 45.00.
Concord. 15. 1.00. 2.50. 15.00.
Worden. 20. 1.50. 2.50. 20.00.
Brighton. 25. 2.00. 3.50. 30.00.
Agawam. 20. 1.75. 3.00. 25.00.
Pocklington. 20. 1.75. 3.00. 25.00.
Niagara. 20. 1.75. 3.00. 25.00.
Raspberries--Redfield. 40. 3.50. 20.00. ...
Columbian. 35. 3.25. 15.00. ...
Older, Kansas, Golden Queen and Souhegan. 15. 1.25. 2.25. 16.00.
Shaffer's, Cuthbert, Gregg, Ohio. 15. 1.25. 2.00. 12.00.
Blackberries--Ohmer. 20. 1.50. 3.00. 20.00.
Erie. 20. 1.50. 3.00. 22.00.
Snyder. 15. 1.00. 1.75. 10.00.
Stone's Hardy. 15. 1.25. 2.00. 14.00.
Dewberries--Lucretia. 15. 1.25. 2.25. 18.00.
Currants--North Star. 25. 2.00. 12.00. ...
Fay's Prolific. 20. 1.50. 10.00. ...
Standard varieties. 15. 1.00. 5.00. ...
Gooseberries--Industry. 35. 3.00. 18.00. ...
Downing. 20. 1.50. 8.00. ...
Houghton. 15. 1.00. 5.00. ...
The Following Too Large to Mail.
[column headings: Each. Per Doz. Per 100.]
Apples--Standard varieties, 4 to 6 feet.
Select. $ 20. 1.75. 10.00.
Russian and Crab Apples, same price.
Page's Ideal and Paragon. 40. 3.50. 15.00.
Plums--Standard varieties. 40. 4.00. 25.00.
Abundance. 50. 5.00. 30.00.
Stoddart. 60. 6.00. 32.50.
Pears--Standard varieties. 40. 4.00. 15.00.
Cherries--Standard varieties. 40. 4.00. 20.00.
The Wragg and Russian varieties. 50. 5.00. 25.00.
Peaches--Standard varieties. 30. 3.00. 20.00.
Apricot--Chinese. 50. 4.50. 25.00.
Mulberries--Russian, 3 to 5 feet. 20. 1.50. 6.00.
Evergreens--Scotch Pine, 12 to 18 in. 15. 1.25. 5.00.
Scotch Pine, 24 to 36 in. 25. 2.25. 14.00.
White Pine, 8 to 12 in. 15. 1.00. 5.00.
White Pine, 18 to 24 in. 25. 2.25. 14.00.
White Pine, 24 to 36 in. 40. 4.00. 18.00.
Norway Spruce, 8 to 12 in. 15. 75. 3.75.
Norway Spruce, 18 to 24 in. 20. 1.50. 7.00.
Norway Spruce, 24 to 36 in. 35. 3.00. 20.00.
White Spruce, 12 to 18 in. 20. 1.50. 14.00.
White Spruce, 18 to 24 in. 30. 2.50. 20.00.
Am. Arbor Vitae, 8 to 12 in. 10. 75. 4.50.
Am. Arbor Vitae, 12 to 18 in. 15. 1.00. 7.00.
Siberian Arbor Vitae, 12 to 18 in. 30. 3.00. 20.00.
Balsam Fir, 18 to 24 in. 30. 3.00. 20.00.
Red Cedar, 8 to 12 in. 15. 1.00. 5.00.
Red Cedar, 18 to 24 in. 25. 2.50. 15.00.
Ornamental Trees--Mountain Ash, 5 to 6 ft. 35. 3.50. 20.00.
Hard Maple, 6 to 8 ft. 40. 4.00. 25.00.
Catalpa Speciosa, 6 to 8 ft. 40. 4.00. 25.00.
Cut Leaved Weeping Birch, 5 to 6 ft. 50. 5.00. 30.00.
Cut Leaved Weeping Birch, 8 to 10 ft. 75. 7.00. 45.00.
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