[Left column]
It pays to raise pop-corn as a general crop. It is a sure crop, and the demand usually
exceeds the supply. Some farmers claim that it is as easily grown as field corn and
they receive three to four times the amount per acre for the crop. For main crop the
Monarch White Rice will bring the best price per pound, as it is better known among
the poppers. Let the children try a small patch anyway and for home use don't fail to
try the Striped Rice.
[logo] PAGE'S NEW STRIPED RICE.--This splendid variety, which Is the result of a cross
between the best White and Red varieties of Rice pop-corn, we have been at
work improving for several years, until now we have undoubtedly the best,
handsomest and most attractive variety of pop-corn in existence. "Beautiful!"
"Splendid!" "It takes the cake!" is what our customers say of it. The color
is a clear, translucent white, and each kernel is beautifully striped with bright crimson.
Our illustration does not do it justice. The ears are of good size and well filled out;
kernels are long and pointed, resembling rice. Early, very productlve, and extremely
tender when popped, bursting out very large, white as snow and of finest quality. All
should try it. Per pkt. 5c. 1/2 pt. 20c, qt. 60c.
MONARCH WHITE RICE.--The best white variety grown. It bears
from three to six ears per stalk, weighs 36 pounds per bushel of ears
when dry, and produces 1,500 to 2,500 pounds per acre. It will pay you
to try it. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c.
MAPLEDALE PROLIFIC POP-CORN.--The most productIve popcorn,
averaging 8 to 12 good ears to the stalk, as many as 19 ears having
been taken from a single stalk. Ears uniformly large. Pops to a large
size and very tender. Per pkt 5c. 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c.
QUEEN' S GOLDEN.--Color a peculiar lustrous, golden yellow; when
popped, of a rich cream color; very prolific. Per pkt 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt 50c.
[Image] Holt's Mammoth Sage leaf of average size
After having grown and thoroughly tested this valuable variety for
many years, we can recommend it most highly. The illustration shows
a leaf of average size. The plants are very strong growing, the first
season attaining one foot in height, and so spreading that a slngle
plant covers a circular space 3 feet in diameter. The leaves are
borne well above the soil, keeping them clean; very large and of
unusual substance, strong in flavor, and of superior quality. A
single plant of Holt's Mammoth will yield more than a dozen of
the common sort. It is perfectly hartly, even in New England,
and attains still larger growth the second season. It never runs
to seed. The past three years we have not been able to supply
the demand but this year we grew a very large number and hope
to have sufficient. Price: 3 plants tor 25c, 7 for 50c, or 15 plants for
$1.00, postpaid.
A very interesting and ornamental little fruit, which a century
ago was commonly grown in the gardens but is now rarely seen.
Grows on a pretty vine;
fruit Is round, of a bright yellow,
irregularly striped with
orange, red or mahogany; very
fragrant; a single specimen
will sweetly perfume a room
for many days. Prolific and
easily grown. It is often
called Queen Anne's Pocket
Melon. Per pkt. 5c.
Please quote price on five or six
lbs. of Yellow Globe Danvers onion.
I puchased some from you
and the same quantity from quite
a number of other seed houses
last season and I did not get as
many good onions out of all the
others combined as I did from
yours. F. L. WOTTON,
Darien, N. Y.
[Right column]
Peanuts can be grown in Iowa, and everyone should plant a
few for themselves and children. This very desirable variety
is as early as the earliest, the most hardy, very prolific and of
the best quality. Boys, here is a chance for you. Think of
growing peanuts in your own garden and having plenty of them to eat.
Plant as soon as the ground becomes warm, from two to three feet
apart each way four or five to the hill, covering two to three inches.
The soil should be deep and mellow, and well broken
up so as to be ready for planting soon after frost is
over. April is a suitable time. They produce 25 to 70
bushels per acre, and are as easily cultivated as corn.
Price, per large package, 10c, lb. 50c, postpaid.
In making up your assortment of seeds for the year
don't neglect to order a few varieties of herbs. They
should have a place in every vegetable garden. Sow
seed in shallow drills one foot apart, and when up thin
out and transplant to a few inches apart. The chief
point is to harvest them properly, which should be done
on a dry day when not quite in full bloom, then dried
quickly and packed closely, and entirely excluded from
the air. The following are the varieties most cultivated.
ANISE.--Annual. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c.
BALM.--Perennial. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 30c.
BASIL, SWEET.--Annual. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.
BORAGE.--Annual. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 15c.
CARAWAY.--Perennial. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c.
[Image] herbs in bottles and tins on a shelf.
CATNIP.--Perennial. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 50c.
CASTOR OIL [PLANT].--Annual. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c.
CORIANDER.--Annual. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c.
DANDELION.--Perennial. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.
DILL.--Annual. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 15c.
FENNEL.--Perennial. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 15c.
HOREHOUND.--Perennial. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.
HYSSOP.--Perennial. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 30c.
LAVENDER.--Perennial. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 25c.
MARJORAM, SWEET.--Perennial. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 30c,
OPIUM POPPY.--Annnal. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 30c.
ROSEMARY.--Perennial. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 45c.
RUE.--Perennial. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 30c.
SAFFRON.--Annnal. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 15c.
SAGE.--This hardy perennial is used more than any other for flavoring
and dressing. Should be in every garden. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/2 lb. 70c, lb. $2.25.
SAVORY, SUMMER.--Annual. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.
THYME, BROAD-LEAVED.--Perennial. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 40c.
TANSY.--Perennial. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 50c.
WORMWOOD.--Perennial. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 30c.
MIXED VARIETIES.--A mixture of all the above. Nice garden
assortment. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 25c.
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