


Status: Complete



Every one who has tried it is enthusiastic in the praise of this splendid new variety which we introduced last year.
Iowa is not called a gold mining State but in this grand new variety the farmers of this country will find a veritable mine of wealth. It has everywhere received the most cordial endorsement as the best and most profitable variety ever grown. This variety originated as follows: Five years ago a special preminm [premium] offered brought sample ears of corn from several hundred farmers and seed growers, and from these we chose the one which was most decidedly the best and have been selecting and improving it until it is about as near perfection as corn can be made. It is early, ripening only a few days later than Pride of the North; ears are of good size and symmetrical; color a bright golden yellow, as handsome as a $20.00 gold coin just from the mint; grain is very deep; cob small, and therefore dries out very quickly as soon as ripe. Seventy pounds of ear corn makes fifty-nine or sixty pounds of shelled corn, and in hauling to market it weighs out five bushels more to the wagon load than common varieties in the same size wagon. We can most confidently recommend it as the acme of perfection, and stake our reputation on its pleasing every one who tries it. It will grade No. 1 in any market. It will pay you to change your seed, and don’t fail to at least see a sample of Iowa Gold Mine before buying elsewhere. Per lb. 30c; 3 lbs. 75c; pk. 75c; bu. $2.25; bag of 2 bu. $4.00. Sample Free.

All the seeds ordered from you last spring gave the best of satisfaction. The Iowa Gold Mine Corn turned out specially well and made good sound corn although not planted until May 27. I can recommend it highly. E. Courtright, Cherokee County, Iowa.

Your Gold Mine Corn gave entire satisfaction. It is early and ripened O. K. I would plant no other kind. M. M. Murray, Woodbury County, Iowa.

Your Gold Mine Corn yielded well and had the deepest grains and smallest cob of any field corn I ever saw. All the seed I got of you turned out well. C. E. Pownall, Cedar County, Iowa.


For several years we have been trying to obtain a variety of oats which would prove entirely satisfactory in all respects to our customers and have at last secured this variety which we are sure will please all, and we have sufficient stock so that we think we can supply all and have therefore put price as low as possible. This splendid variety originated in Minnesota and we are fortunate in being able to offer it, in connection with the introducer, to our customers, this year. It has never before been offered for sale and those who have tried all other standard and new varieties of oats, and who had opportunity to test this last year, unhesitatingly pronounce the Lincoln Oats the best oats now before the American people.
One of the largest farmers in Minnesota who planted fifty bushels for us, but to whom we afterwards sold the oats, writes saying, the crop turned out one hundred bushels to the acre, and weighed 47 3-10 lbs. to the measured bushel; further that they would not sell a bushel at any price as they wished to put in the whole crop next season. This shows the estimation in which the oat is held by those who have grown them.
While claiming it to be the most productive sort grown, we do not state that it will yield over two hundred bushels to the acre. Such claims are unreasonable. Facts are what buyers want, and these facts we present.
First. That the Lincoln Oats has produced one-third more than any other variety grown in the same localities. Second. It is very early. Third. It has thus far proven itself entirely rust-proof. Fourth. It stands up better than any other sort, (no season could have afforded a better test in this particular than the one just passed.) Fifth. It is best for feeding on account of its soft nib, heavy meat and thin hull. Sixth. It s [Its] best for oat-meal or grinding for the same reasons. The large cash prizes offered for the largest yields are made not only with a view to increasing the sales but of demonstrating what the Lincoln Oats may be able to produce under skillful farming. Such a contest cannot fail to prove interesting and profitable.


are offered by the introducer and will be

$200.00 for the Largest Yield.
$100.00 for the Second Largest Yield.
$75.00 for the Third Largest Yield.
$60.00 for the Fourth Largest Yield.
$35.00 for the Fifth Largest Yield.
$20.00 for the Sixth Largest Yield.
$10.00 for the Seventh Largest Yield.

Conditions of Competition.

The oats must be purchased in bushel bags fastened with a leaden seal bearing the words “Lincoln Oats.” NONE OTHER ARE GENUINE.
Each bag will contain a numbered blank which should be preserved until after harvest and threshing of the oats, at which time those desiring to compete for the premiums must fill out these certificates with the necessary information, as to date of sowing, yield, etc.; same to be sworn to before a notary. This certificate should be sent by OCTOBER 1st, 1893, in accordance with instructions on circular enclosed in bag. The prizes will be awarded by a committee of disinterested gentlemen.
New varieties of oats are usually sent out at $10.00 per bushel or more but we have made price only $2.50 per bushel and this gives you a chance to compete for cash prizes. 10 bushels for $22.50 bags included.
Many customers will want to see a sample before buying in quantity and to accommodate them, we will send a large sample by mail for 10c, one pound by mail for 35c, 3 lbs., 70c, peck by express 85c, one. half bu. $1.50. Those who buy less than a bushel cannot compete for a premium.

P. P. Leigh, Hennepin County, Minn., says:
“I have been growing oats for the last twenty years and in my experience the Lincoln is by far the best oat I ever saw or any one else ever saw. A great many farmers who live near me and saw the oats growing are very anxious to secure the seed. They are better than any other oats, on account of the straw, which stands up better against storms. They, this season stood up where all other oats went down. They are also the largest yielders ever grown in this section. I would not care to grow any other kind of oat after once having grown them.”


Novelty 1893.
Introduced by Iowa Seed Co.
Every dealer in seed potatoes has numerous calls for the old Peachblow potato and often in the descriptions various sorts are compared in quality to it. In this grand new variety we have combined all the good qualities of the old variety and none of the poor ones. It originated in this state about eight years ago from a seed ball of the White Peachblow and has been carefully grown and selected ever since but not one has ever been sold so that it would be impossible for you to obtain it except from the Iowa Seed Co It is an exceedingly handsome variety, the shape and peculiar color is well shown by our illustration. It is nearly round, but slightly flattened. Color a beautiful creamy white with an irregular blotch of bright red at stem end. Sets tubers earlier than either the old Peachblow or the White Peachblow. Matures with Bonanza or a trifle earlier. Last season the wet weather prevented planting until June 25, but still they matured nicely, making good sized potatoes. It is remarkably productive exceeding any potatoes in existance [existence] that we are acquainted with in this respect yielding 10 to 14 or more large tubers to the hill, or about twice as many as Potentate and other similar sorts and the crop averages good medium size, not overly large and very few small ones. The eyes are very nearly level with surface except a slight depression at the seed end a characteristic of the Peachblow. It cooks dry and fine without "cooking off" and is unsurpassed in quality. Keeps better than any other we have ever seen or heard of. Have kept them in an ordinary way until State Fair time (about Sept. 1st) nearly one year from time they were dug, and had them in good eating condition then. Very uniform in size, shape and characteristics. Vines very strong and robust but not tall, foliage very dark green, with flower of dark purple. Summing it all up it is the very best potato for main crop in existence and we hope every farmer and gardener who receives our catalogue this year will give it a trial. We regret that our stock is so limited that we can only offer it by the pound this year. Per lb. 50c. 3 lbs. for $1.25 postpaid, 3 lbs. by express for $1.00.


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