Status: Complete
ii [, inside front cover]
Specialties and Novelties for 1891
Giant Pascal Celery.
[image (bunch of celery )]
[text in image: VC]
[text in image: Thiebault]
This is without doubt, the most remarkable novelty In Celery obtained since the in introduction of the Golden Self-Blanching from which It is a sport, carefully established by skillful selection.
The illustration shows Its handsome appearance,—surpassing all other varieties in this respect; It grows one-fourth taller than Its parent and the stalks are remarkably large thick, solid and entirely stringless. When fully grown the outer stalks average two inches wide and are nearly thick as a man’s finger and are always Very crisp and brittle and can be eaten when quite small. It is a vigorous grower and blanches very easily, requiring only five to six day’s earthing-up, when the outer stalks present a beautiful clear-white appearance. It is the best keeper of all Celeries and is, with doubt.[,] THE CELERY for January and February use. It is most excellent for shipping, does not rust or rot, and it always retains its crisp, brittle appearance. Per pkt. 10 cts; oz. 50 cts.
[image (cut halves of Fordhook squash showing internal and external view)]
[text in image: FORDHOOK SQUASH•]
[text in image: COPYRIGHTED 1889]
[text in image: W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO]
The engraving herewith, accurately reproduced from photograph shows the shape of the Squash and the solidity of a section. It is extremely handsome, of a bright yellow outside and straw-yellow within. The flesh is dry and sweet and of the best quality. Placed In a cool, dry room, keeps in perfect condition throughout the winter and spring, until late in June, when Summer Squashes are ready. The stem is thin and hard, and also the roots, consequently it is perfectly free from the attacks of the squash borer. Matures early and is everywhere a sure cropper, being earlier in ripening than any other Winter Squash. Immensely productive. Another feature is that the green squashes can be used any stage of their growth, and in flavor are superior to any Summer Squash. Per pkt. 10 cts; oz. 25c; ¼ lb. 75c; lb. 2.50.
New Gold Coin Sweet Corn.
[image (husked ear of Livingston’s Gold Coin sweet corn atop edge views of stem, broken center and tip of ear)]
[text in image: A.BLANC]
Years ago there was a yellow variety of Sweet Corn grown to a limited extent, but owing to its extreme lateness and great liability to mix with other corn, the stock become almost extinct. In 1889 Livingston, of Columbus, Ohio, introduced this variety of Yellow Sweet corn, and we believe it to be a decided acquisition. It is remarkably distinct and handsome in appearance, in these respects exciting the admiration not only of gardeners but of professional seed growers, and it is without doubt, a valuable variety. It is productive, of large size and quite sweet. Per pkt. 10 cts., pt. 30 cts, qt. 5 cts.
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Difficult to determine illustrators name within illustration of celery stalks. Considered spelling to be Thiebalt or Thieralt. The Database of Scientific Illustrators (DSI) web site indicates Thiebalt as being a collaborating illustrator.