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5 revisions
lelfrank at Jan 23, 2023 08:33 PM




LIVINGSTON'S NEW BEAUTY--This new variety originated with Mr. A. W. Livingston of Franklin Co., Ohio, and is one of the best ever introduced. Its beauty, size, shape, perfection, color, flavor, durability and productiveness make it desirable to all classes of Tomato growers, being of a very glossy crimson with a slight tinge of purple (lighter than the Acme.) Grows in clusters of four or five large fruits, (on a strong vine,) retaining its large size very late in the season; per 1/4 lb. 65c; oz. 20c... 5.
Paragon--Best for canning; 1/4 lb. 60c; oz. 20c... 5.
Trophy--One of the largest and best, fine quality, medium early, heavy and solid, great favorite; per 1/4 lb. 50c; oz. 15c... 5.
White Apple--A handsome new variety. Is quite sweet, with a rich fruit-like flavor and highly ornamental for the table. We do not consider the flavor quite equal to the best red varieties. In packets only, each... 10.
Golden Trophy--Our choice of the yellow varieties, color a beautiful canary yellow; per 1/4 lb. 85c; oz. 25c... 5.
Red Cherry--Perfectly round and smooth, about the size of a cherry, handsome and fine for pickles or preserves; per 1/4 lb. $1.00; oz. 30c... 5.
Red Currant--Quite ornamental, resembling long bunches of currants; 1/4 lb. $1.00; oz. 30c... 5.
Yellow Plum--Good for preserving and pickling, plum shape, solid and smooth; per 1/4 lb. $1.00; oz. 30c... 5.

TURNIPS--Ger. Steekrube.
One ounce will sow 150 feet of drill; two pounds will sow one acre.
For early, sow in April. For main crop sow during July and August, and just before or during a showery time if possible. Often by sowing an early variety as late as September 1st, a good crop can be obtained. The Purple Top Milan is excellent for this purpose. The soil should be rich and mellow, and kept free from weeds. Sow in drills half an inch deep and twelve inches apart. Thin to six inches apart in the drill.


EARLY WHITE EGG--Very early and particularly desirable for the table; flesh firm and fine grained, sweet and sugary, and of snowy whiteness, egg shaped; per lb. 60c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
EXTRA EARLY PURPLE TOP MILAN--(Strap-leaved)--This new variety has proven to be the earliest in cultivation. It is of medium size and flat shape, pure white flesh, of excellent flavor, small top and a good keeper; per lb. 75c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
Early White Six Weeks--Very early and excellent; per lb. 50c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c. 5.
Early White Flat Dutch--An early white fleshed variety, usually sown early in the spring, of quick growth, juicy, mild flavor, and excellent quality, also grown for a fall crop; per lb. 50c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c... 5.

Purple Top Strap-leaved.
Purple Top Globe.

PURPLE TOP STRAP-LEAVED--The standard for this part of the country. Superior for early or late planting. Round, flat, good sized, small top with but few leaves, flesh very fine grained, flavor good. (See cut.) Per lb. 45c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c; 5 pounds or more not prepaid, at 30c per pound... 5.
PURPLE TOP GLOBE--Simliar to above, except shape. This is the largest yielder of any Turnip on the list, and very desirable either for table use or stock. (See cut.) Per lb. 50c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c; 5 pounds or more not prepaid, 35c per pound... 5.
ORANGE JELLY, or Golden Ball--A beautiful, bright yellow Turnip of medium size and of universally sweet and delicious flavor. It is hardy and one of [continued next page]

April 20, 1889. I received the plants in good condition and was more than pleased with them.
MARY F. SHIELDS, Fayette, Mo.




LIVINGSTON'S NEW BEAUTY--This new variety originated with Mr. A. W. Livingston of Franklin Co., Ohio, and is one of the best ever introduced. Its beauty, size, shape, perfection, color, flavor, durability and productiveness make it desirable to all classes of Tomato growers, being of a very glossy crimson with a slight tinge of purple (lighter than the Acme.) Grows in clusters of four or five large fruits, (on a strong vine,) retaining its large size very late in the season; per 1/4 lb. 65c; oz. 20c... 5.
Paragon--Best for canning; 1/4 lb. 60c; oz. 20c... 5.
Trophy--One of the largest and best, fine quality, medium early, heavy and solid, great favorite; per 1/4 lb. 50c; oz. 15c... 5.
White Apple--A handsome new variety. Is quite sweet, with a rich fruit-like flavor and highly ornamental for the table. We do not consider the flavor quite equal to the best red varieties. In packets only, each... 10.
Golden Trophy--Our choice of the yellow varieties, color a beautiful canary yellow; per 1/4 lb. 85c; oz. 25c... 5.
Red Cherry--Perfect1y round and smooth, about the size of a cherry, handsome and fine for pickles or preserves; per 1/4 lb. $1.00; oz. 30c... 5.
Red Currant--Quite ornamental, resembling long bunches of currants; 1/4 lb. $1.00; oz. 30c... 5.
Yellow Plum--Good for preserving and pickling, plum shape, solid and smooth; per 1/4 lb. $1.00; oz. 30c... 5.

TURNIPS--Ger. Steekrube.
One ounce will sow 150 feet of drill; two pounds will sow one acre.
For early, sow in April. For main crop sow during July and August, and just before or during a showery time if possible. Often by sowing an early variety as late as September 1st, a good crop can be obtained. The Purple Top Milan is excellent for this purpose. The soil should be rich and mellow, and kept free from weeds. Sow in drills half an inch deep and twelve inches apart. Thin to six inches apart in the drill.


EARLY WHITE EGG--Very early and particularly desirable for the table; flesh firm and fine grained, sweet and sugary, and of snowy whiteness, egg shaped; per lb. 60c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
EXTRA EARLY PURPLE TOP MILAN--(Strap-leaved)--This new variety has proven to be the earliest in cultivation. It is of medium size and flat shape, pure white flesh, of excellent flavor, small top and a good keeper; per lb.75c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
Early White Six Weeks--Very early and excellent; per lb. 50c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c. 5.
Early White Flat Dutch--An early white fleshed variety, usually sown early in the spring, of quick growth, juicy, mild flavor, and excellent quality, also grown for a fall crop; per lb. 50c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c... 5.

Purple Top Strap-leaved.
Purple Top Globe.

PURPLE TOP STRAP-LEAVED--The standard for this part of the country. Superior for early or late planting. Round, flat, good sized, small top with but few leaves, flesh very fine grained, flavor good. (See cut.) Per lb. 45c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c; 5 pounds or more not prepaid, at 30c per pound... 5.
PURPLE TOP GLOBE--Simliar to above, except shape. This is the largest yielder of any Turnip on the list, and very desirable either for table use or stock. (See cut.) Per lb. 50c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c; 5 pounds or more not prepaid, 35c per pound... 5.
ORANGE JELLY, or Golden Ball--A beautiful, bright yellow Turnip of medium size and of universally sweet and delicious flavor. It is hardy and one of [continued next page]

April 20, 1889. I received the plants in good condition and was more than pleased with them.
MARY F. SHIELDS, Fayette, Mo.