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lelfrank at Jan 20, 2023 08:38 PM


Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines, Iowa.



An extremely handsome, large free-flowering annual, deserving of the most extensive cultivation. It is quite ornamental in growth, quickly forming large bushes and bearing showy flowers, as large and beautiful as Gloxinias, of various colors, red, white, yellow, purple, cream color, very handsomely spotted, stained and striped. The flowers are of the shape shown in our engraving, and are produced in great abundance. These are succeeded by the fruit, or seed-pods, which are large and curiously shaped. When young and tender (test by pinching with the nail) these seed-pods make excellent pickles, and as they are produced in great abundance a few plants will suffice for an ordinardinary garden. When allowed to fully mature the pods split open at the end, and become very hard and horny, and are sometimes called "Devil's Claws." Don't fail to try this handsome, useful and curious plant this year. Sow about May 1st, in open ground, in hills about three feet apart, allowing three or four seeds to each hill. When well started, thin out, leaving one plant to a hill. Per pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; 1/4 lb. 75 cts.

Elegant Nasturtiums.

These may well be classed among our most showy and handsome annuals. They are of very easy culture, and make a continuous show of bloom. Excellent for corsage bouquets. The following are new varieties which all should try:

Cloth Of Gold--Entirely unlike all other Nasturtiums, and in striking contrast to the dark-leaved sorts, the foliage of this new variety is a clear bright yellow. The plant is of dwarf, compact habit, very beautiful, even before coming into bloom, while the deep scarlet flowers intermingled among the yellow leaves add much to its beauty. We can recommend it most highly for bedding. Per pkt., 10 cts.; per oz., 30 cts.

Lady Bird--This is decidedly one of the very best of the several recent novelties. It is of dwarf, neat, compact habit of growth, and its striking flowers are produced in profusion throughout the summer. The ground color of the flowers is rich golden yellow, each petal barred with a broad vein (starting from the base) of bright ruby crimson. By careful re-selection its unique character has been fixed, so that it comes true from seed. Per pkt., 10 cts.; per oz., 30 cts.

"Chameleon."--The flowers of this new Tom Thumb Nasturtium are in "color crimson, bronze and gold, bordered and flamed, changing in hue almost daily, hence named 'Chameleon.' In habit compact and graceful, a profuse bloomer and an excellent pot plant." Per pkt., 10 cts.; per oz., 30 cts.

Empress Of India.--The plant is of dwarf, bushy habit, the leaves are of a dark, purplish blue color, making a suitable background for the brilliant crimson-scarlet flowers which stand out in bold relief. Its profusion of bloom and dazzling richness of color are remarkable. Per pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 25 cts.

King Of The Blacks.--A very handsome climbing variety, with flowers of a very rich dark brown, almost black. Per pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 25 cts.

Imperial Collection Of Nasturtiums.--This includes over a dozen of the dwarf varieties, selected from both American and foreign growers; thus when planted in beds produces a solid mass of colors. Per pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 25 cts.

One packet each of the above 6 varieties for 40 cents.


Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines, Iowa



An extremely handsome, large free-flow
ering annual, deserving of the most exten
sive cultivation. It is quite ornamental in
growth, quickly forming large bushes and
bearing showy flowers, as large and beau
tiful as Gloxinias, of various colors, red,
white, yellow, purple, cream color, very
handsomely spotted, stained and striped.
The flowers are of the shape shown in our
engraving, and are produced in great abun
dance. These are succeeded by the fruit,
Or seed-pods, which are large and curiously
shaped. When young and tender (test by
pinching with the nail) these seed-pods
make excellent pickles, and as they are
produced in great abundance a few plants
will suffice for an ordinardinary garden.
When allowed to fully mature the pods split
open at the end, and become very hard and horny, and are sometimes called "Devil's
Claws." Don't fail to try this handsome, useful and curious plant this year. Sow
about May 1st, in open ground, in hills about three feet apart, allowing three or four
seeds to each hill. When well started, thin out, leaving one plant to a hill. Per pkt.
10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; 1/4 lb. 75 cts.

Elegant Nasturtiums

These may well be classed among our
most showy and handsome annuals. They
are of very easy culture, and make a contin
uous show of bloom. Excellent for corsage
bouquets. The following are new varieties
which all should try:

Cloth Of Gold--Entirely unlike all
other Nasturtiums, and in striking contrast
to the dark-leaved sorts, the foliage of this
new variety is a clear bright yellow. The
plant is of dwarf, compact habit, very beau
tiful, even before coming into bloom, while
the deep scarlet flowers intermingled among
the yellow leaves add much to its beauty.
We can recommend it most highly for bed
ding. Per pkt., 10 cts.; per oz., 30 cts.

Lady Bird--This is decidedly one of the
very best of the several recent novelties. It
is of dwarf, neat, compact habit of growth,
and its striking flowers are pro
duced in profusion throughout the summer. The ground
color of the flowers is rich golden yellow,
each petal barred with a broad vein (start
ing from the base) of bright ruby crimson.
By careful re-selection its unique character has been fixed, so that it comes true from
seed. Per pkt., 10 cts.; per oz., 30 cts.

"Chameleon."--The flowers of this new Tom Thumb Nasturtium are in "color
crimson, bronze and gold, bordered and flamed, changing in hue almost daily, hence
named 'Chameleon.' In habit compact and graceful, a profuse bloomer and an excel
lent pot plant." Per pkt., 10 cts.; per oz., 30 cts.

Empress Of India.--The plant is of dwarf, bushy habit, the leaves are of a dark,
purplish blue color, making a suitable background for the brilliant crimson-scarlet
flowers which stand out in bold relief. Its profusion of bloom and dazzling richness
of color are remarkable. Per pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 25 cts.

King Of The Blacks.--A very handsome climbing variety, with flowers of a
very rich dark brown, almost black. Per pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 25 cts.

Imperial Collection Of Nasturtiums.--This includes over a dozen of the
dwarf varieties, selected from both American and foreign growers; thus when planted
in beds produces a solid mass of colors. Per pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 25 cts.

One packet each of the above 6 varieties for 40 cents.