Seed Catalogue and Garden Guide.
Florists and amatuers can rely on our seeds being of the finest strains from the best European growers.
Abutilon- Fine mixed. 25.
Begonia, Tuberous Rooted - Finest new single varieties; mixed. 25.
-Rex-(Ornamental-Leaved Varieties)- Extra fine mixed. 25.
-Mixed- Fourteen excellent varieties. 15.
Calceolaria Grandiflora- Mixed hybrids. 25.
Cactus- Mixed varieties. 25.
Cineraria, Hybrida- Mixed. 25.
-Maritima- White-leaved variety. 10.
- - Candidissima. 15.
Clianthus, Dampieri. 25.
Coleus- Mixed varieties. 15.
Cuphea, Platycentra-(True Cigar Plant). 15.
-Purpurea- Fine mixed. 5.
Cyclamen, Persicum- Best mixed. 25.
Fuchsia, Hybrida- Finest double mixed. 25.
Ferns, Best Varieties Mixed. 15.
-Tree- Fine mixed. 25.
Geranium, Apple-Scented- Per 100 seeds, 75c. 25.
-Zonale- Fine mixed. 10.
- -Tom Thumb- Mixed varieties. 15.
Gloxinia- Choice mixture of French hybrids. 25.
Heliotrope- Fine mixed. 10.
Lantana- Best mixed. 15.
Pimula Sinensis-(Chinese Primrose):
-Splendid Mixed. 25.
-Best Double Mixed. 50.
-Fimbriata Mixed. 40.
-Elatior-(Polyanthus). 10.
Viuca, Mixed Colors. 10.
These should be cut just as they come into bloom and dried in the shade. Very useful for working up with the Everlastings into winter ornaments; they lend a grace and beauty not obtainable without them.
Agrostis Nebulosa- Deleicate [Delicate] and elegant. 10.
-Puichella- Very graceful. 5.
Briza Maxima-(Quaking Grass). 5.
-Gracilis- Smaller than above; very graceful. 5.
Bromus Brizaformus- An elegant grass. 5.
Coix-(Job's Tears)- Fine for masses. 5.
Eragrostis Elegans-(Love Grass). 5.
Erianthus Ravennae- Similar to Pampas Grass and perfectly hardy. 10.
Eulalia Japonica- An extra fine tall growing Japanese Grass, very fine for groups. 10.
Gynerium Argenteum-(Pampas Grass)- A magnificent grass with graceful plumes twenty to thirty inches long. Roots must be kept from frost. 10.
Hordeum Jubatum-(Squirrel's Tail). 5.
Lagurus Ovatus-(Hare's Tail). 5.
Stipa Pennata-(Feather Grass)- Very graceful and elegant. 10.
Zea Japoniea-(Striped Japanese Maize). 5.
Mixed Grasses- A mixture of the above ornamental grasses suitable to grow in masses; makes a very striking as well as useful collection. 10.
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Our plants are all strong, healthy and vigorous. They are sent by mail, postpaid, at prices named. Our system of packing is so very complete that plants arrive in almost as perfect condition after traveling many hundred miles as they were when packed.
When plants are ordered to be sent by express, we not only send larger plants, but also put in enough extras to cover the express charges, and where it is possible to do so, we should advise our customers to have their plants shipped in this way.
No order amounting to less than One Dollar will be filled unless ten cents extra accompany same to cover extra cost for packing and postage.
[column heading: EACH.]
Abutilon-(Flowering Maple)- Red, white and yellow. 10.
-Thomson Plena-(See Novelties.) 25.
Achania- Scarlet flowers; always in bloom. 10.
Aloysia- Lemon Verbena. 15.
Alyssum- Large double. Double variegated and Tom Thumb; very dwarf variety; fine for borders. 10.
Begonia Flowering- Ten best varieties; each. 10.
-Rubra, Scarlet- Everblooming. 15.
-Rubra, White. 25.
-Rex- Ornamental leaved; twelve varieties. 25.
Bouvardia- Winter-blooming plants with clusters of waxy flowers like minature [miniature] tuberoses:
-Le Elegans- Single scarlet. 20.
-Davidsoni- Single white. 20.
-Alfred Neuner- Double white. 20.
-Pres. Garfield- Double pink. 20.
Calla Lily- Large white flowers; trumpet-shaped. 15.
-Nona- A dwarf variety, more desirable in every way. 15.
Carnation Pinks, Snowden- Best white for house or yard. 10.
-Crimson King- Dark crimson. 10.
-Fire Brand- A fiery scarlet. 10.
-Attraction- Yellow and crimson, splashed. 10.
-Buttercup- The nerrest [nearest?] approach to yellow. 25.
Chrysanthemum- We have not room to give a list of the large assortment we have of these most popular and desirable flowers. Tell us the color you desire and we can surely accommodate your order. 15.
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