[continued from previous page]
in texture, keeping until spring; per lb. 75c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
California Mammoth White--A winter variety, growing twelve inches long; white fleshed, firm and of excellent quality. It is the largest Radish grown; per lb. $1.50; 1/4 lb. 50c; oz. 15c... 5.
RHUBARB, or Pie Plant-- Ger. Rhabarber.
One ounce will produce about 100 plants.
Succeeds best in deep, rich soil. Sow in spring in drills, cover one inch. Thin plants to six inches apart. Transplant in autumn or spring to permanent beds, three feet apart each way.
Victoria, or Mammoth--Per. lb. $2; 1/4 lb. 65c; oz. 20c. 5.
Rhubarb Roots--See miscellaneous list.
SALSIFY, or Vegetable Oyster-- Ger. Bocksbart.
One ounce will sow about 50 feet of drill.
A delicious substitute for oysters in soups. Cultivate same as Parsnips. Salsify should be more generally cultivated. All who have once grown it continue to thereafter.
MAMMOTH SANDWICH ISLAND--This new variety is of enormous size, twice that of the ordinary, pure white, very tender and delicious. Invaluable for the market gardener; per oz. 40c... 10.
SPINACH-- Ger. Spinat.
One ounce will sow about 80 feet of drill; 10 pounds to an acre.
This makes the finest "greens" of any plant in cultivation. For summer, sow early in spring in deep, rich soil in drills one foot apart, cover one inch. Sow at intervals of two weeks through the season. For very early spring use, sow the winter varieties last of August, and protect by covering with straw.
LONG STANDING--Far superior to all others;
leaves thick, fleshy and crumpled. Slow in running to seed. (See cut;) per lb. 65c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
Round--Main market sort. Equally good for spring or fall; per lb. 50c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c... 5.
Savoy Leaved--Per lb. 50c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c... 5.
Prickly, or Winter--Per lb. 50c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c... 5.
Viroflay--Grows to an enormous size, and produces wonderful crops; per lb. 50c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c... 5.
Stuart, Iowa, Sept. 16, 1887.
The seeds I bought of you last spring were all right. I don't see any use for any one in our noble state to send anywhere else for seeds.
J. H. Eyman, Market Gardener.
SQUASH-- Ger. Kurbiss.
One ounce early varieties will plant about 40 hills; one ounce late will plant 20 hills; 4 to 6 pounds to the acre.
Plant about the middle of spring in hills, the early sorts four to six feet apart, late varieties eight to twelve. Thin to three plants to each hill. The soil cannot be too rich.
NEW GOLDEN BUSH--The best summer Squash yet brought out. It is thicker, larger and superior in every way to the old varieties. Very early. Try it; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 35c; oz. 10c... 5.
John M. Phillips, of Troy Mills, Iowa, says: "The Golden Bush Squash you sent as an extra is a splendid Squash."
Yellow Bush Scolloped--Early market variety; per lb. 75c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
White Bush Scolloped--Similar to above, color creamy white; per lb. 75c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c. 5.
Early Bush Crook-Neck--Splendid summer sort; early, productive, very fine quality; per lb. 75c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
PERFECT GEM--Excellent both as a summer and winter Squash. Flesh fine grained, dry, sweet and of a delicious flavor, very productive, a free grower and good keeper; per lb. $1.25; 1/4 lb. 40c; oz. 15c... 5.
NEW EARLY PROLIFIC MARROW--The earliest Squash aside from the small summer varieties in existence. See description in novelty list; per 1/4 lb. 90c; oz. 30c... 10.
NEW MEDITERRANEAN--See description on novelty sheet; per 1/4 lb., 75c; oz. 25c... 10.
Boston Marrow--This delicious variety is of a rich orange color all the way through; exquisite flavor; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
Essex Hybrid--Combines the shape of the Turban with the hard shell of the Hubbard, and a better keeper than either. Flesh very thick, rich colored, solid and fine flavored; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
HUBBARD--This old variety has for years stood the test of all rivals, and is undoubtedly the best winter Squash known; hard green shell, flesh bright orange yellow, fine grained, very dry, sweet and rich flavored, keeps in perfect condition thoughout the winter; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
Winter Crook-Neck--An old standard table variety. Varies in color from light yellow to green; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
American Turban--Flesh deep orange yellow in color, fine grained, very dry, sweet and of delicious flavor, unexcelled for fall and early winter use; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
MARBLEHEAD--A splendid winter variety, only equaled by the Hubbard. Shell very hard, of a light blue color, flesh fully equal to the Hubbard in quality; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
MAMMOTH CHILI--Is certainly the largest variety of Squash (or Pumpkin, as some call it,) grown. Specimens have been grown to weigh over 300 pounds, but to obtain this weight they must be forced by special culture, leaving but one Squash on the vine to mature. From 100 to 200 pounds is a common weight with ordinary culture. Flesh is thick and nutritious for feeding stock, but not considered good for cooking purposes. Grown mainly for curiosity and exhibition at fairs. (See cash premiums on page 25;) per lb. $2; 1/4 lb. 75c; oz. 25c... 10.
Brazlian Sugar--As its name indicates, it is one of the sweetest of all Squashes, the flesh being unusually fine grained and tender, so much so that it is palatable even when eaten raw. They reach a weight of three to four pounds each, ripen early, and grow so vigorously that they are but little affected by the Squash bug; per lb. $1.25; 1/4 lb. 35c; oz. 10c... 5.
Vegetable Marrow--A very popular variety with the English; per lb. $1.50; 1/4 lb. 50c; oz. 15c. 5.
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