


Status: Complete



See list of choice varieties on another page.

PUMPKIN-- Ger. Kurbis.
One pound will plant about 250 hills.
Principally used for agricultural purposes, but there has been a great improvement in the varieties during the past few years, by the introduction and hybridization of foreign varieties with our old sorts. Plant in hills eight feet apart in May among potatoes, or corn, or in open field. Do no plant near Squashes.
KING OF MAMMOTHS--See description in novelty sheet; Per 1/4 lb. $1.35; oz. 35c... 10.
TRUE TENENSSEE SWEET POTATO--An excellent variety for pies; pear shaped, of medium size, flesh and skin creamy white, fine grained, very sweet and delicious, a first-rate keeper; per lb. $2; 1/4 lb. 60c; oz. 20c... 5.
MAMMOTH TOURS--A French variety which grows to an immense size; per lb. $1.50; 1/4 lb. 50c; oz. 15c... 5.
MAMMOTH ETAMPES BRIGHT RED--This giant variety is from France, where it is quite celebrated. It has been grown in this country to enormous size; it is of a bright glossy red color, and makes a spendid variety to grow for exhibition purposes; per lb. $2; 1/4 lb. 65c; oz. 20c... 10.
Connecticut Field--This is the common field or cow Pumpkin, grown principally for stock. Immense crops can be grown by planting the seed among corn. In this way as many as five tons have been grown on one acre, without any detriment to the corn; per bu., by express or freight, $4; pk. $1.25; lb. by mail 40c; 1/4 lb. 15c; oz... 5.
Cashaw Crook-Neck--For table use; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
Large Cheese--Per lb. 75c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
Sweet, or Sugar--Round, not large, but very sweet and an excellent table variety; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
Negro--A small variety of peculiar shape and color. Very fine grain, extra fine for cooking; per lb. $1.25; 1/4 lb. 40c; oz.

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We offer a CASH PRIZE of $15.00 to the grower of the largest Pumpkin or Squash from our seeds in 1888, to be delivered to our store at any time before November 15th.
As an extra inducement for competition, and that our customers may give all our Mammoth varieties a trial, we will send by mail, one packet each, King of Mammoths, Mammoth Bright Red Etampes, Mammoth Tours Pumpkin and Mammoth Chili Squash for 25 CENTS. Don't fail to try these, and exhibit also your products at your County Fair and obtain the premium there as well as the prize we offer. We will send free exhibition cards for use at your fair.
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RADISH-- Ger. Rettig.
One ounce will sow about 100 feet of drill.
Radish seed should be sown in light rich soil as early as the ground can be worked, and for a succession, at intervals of two weeks until mid-summer. Radishes must be grown quickly, and have plenty of room or they will invariably be tough and pithy. Sow in drills one foot apart and thin to one to three inches apart as soon as the rough leaves appear. Most of our Radish seed was grown for us in France, "the natural home of Radishes," and we think it cannot be surpassed.
NEW ROSY GEM--A splendid acquisition for the market gardener and the family garden. See description in novelty list, page 3; per 1/4 lb. 60c; oz. 20c... 10.
NEW SUPRISE--Of very early, quick growth, the Surprise is remarkable for remaining in fine condition, without becoming pithy, longer than any other early Radish. By successive sowing the Surprise will keep the table constantly supplied with the very choicest Radishes. The skin is thin and colored a rich light brown. So thin is the skin that the pure white of the flesh shows through. In quality it is par excellence; firm, juicy and of fine flavor; per lb. $1.50; 1/4 lb. 50c; oz. 15c... 5.
Early Scarlet Turnip White Tip--Bright scarlet, tipped with white, very showy; per lb. 65c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
Early Scarlet Turnip--First early, round, white flesh; per lb. 65c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c... 5.
EARLY DEEP SCARLET TURNIP--An improvement on the above; richer in color and smoother in skin; per lb. 90c; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
White Turnip--Per lb. 75c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
Scarlet, Olive Shaped--Very early and tender; prized by gardeners; per lb. 75c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
FRENCH BREAKFAST--A very handsome table variety of medium size, quick growth and fine quality. It is oval shaped, scarlet tipped with white, very crisp and tender, a favorite variety wherever grown for early use; per lb. 75c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.

WOOD'S EARLY FRAME--A favorite with our market gardeneres as it is about ten days earlier than the Long Scarlet, which it very much resembles, although not quite so long; per lb. 75c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
EARLY LONG SCARLET SHORT TOP--Very popular variety with gardeners and for family use; per lb. 60c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c... 5.
BECKERT'S IMPROVED CHARTIER--See description on novelty sheet; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
WHITE STRASBURG SUMMER OR HOSPITAL--See description on novelty sheet; per lb. $1.25; 1/4 lb. 40c; oz. 15c... 5.
EARLY MIXED--A mixture of all the above named varieties, except New Rosy Gem. This will certainly take well for the family garden, as in it there is an assortment of all the best early sorts. They will make a handsome show on the table; per 1/4 lb. 45c; oz. 15c... 10.
IOWA SEED CO.'S PERPETUAL WHITE SUMMER--See description with novelties; per 1/4 lb. 60c; oz. 20c... 5.
Long White Naples, or Vienna--A long, clear, white Radish, very handsome, crisp, tender and mild; per lb. 85c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c... 5.
White Lady Finger--A large white crisp variety, about half as long as Long Scarlet, nd simliar in shape. A very desirable sort, decidedly the best of its kind ever introduced. An admirable market sort. A novelty of merit; per lb. $1.25; 1/4 lb. 35c; oz. 10c... 5.
GOLDEN GLOBE--One of the best summer Radishes, amber flesh and keeps long in eating condition, extra fine quality and rapid growth; per lb. 85c; 1/4 lb. 25c; 10c... 5.
Giant White Stuttgart--Flesh and skin are both snowy white, very crisp, mild and of good flavor, suitable for pulling at any size; per lb. $1.25; 1/4 lb. 40c; oz. 15c... 5.
CHINA ROSE WINTER--One of the best winter varities, a general favorite, bright rose colored, flesh white, firm and of superior quality; per lb. $1; 1/4 lb. 30c; oz. 10c... 5.
Long Black Spanish--A large winter variety, one of the hardiest, with dark green leaeves, firm [continued next page]

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