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RURAL NEW YORKER--In our trial
grounds, before the introduction of the Alaska, this proved to be the earliest of all, and the most even in growth and maturity; eighty to ninety per cent of the pods can be removed at one picking; very productive and of good quality. Our stock is from the introducer; per bu. $5.75; 1/4 bu. $1.65; qt. 30c... 5.
EXTRA EARLY CHALLENGE--A favorite with the Des Moines market gardeners. Last year it was not obtainable in quantity, but this season we have secured a splendid supply. We can in all confidence say that after a trial of nearly all extra early varieties offered to the trade, we have not found one possessing more merit, hence its name. For the market gardener it has no superior. It is not only extremely early and prolific, but it is of most luscious flavor. All the good qualities of the Extra Early are more nearly brought to perfection in the Challenge. Vines eighteen inches; per bu. $7; pk. $2; qt. 40c... 5.
FIRST AND BEST--One of the earliest and most generally used varieties. It is an improvement on the Philadelphia Extra Early. Popular on account of its uniformity in ripening. Pods good sized and well filled with smooth Peas of excellent flavor; per bu. $5; pk. $1.50; qt. 25c... 5.
--The earliest and most prolific dwarf wrinkled Pea, unsurpassed for early sowing. On good soil each vine will average twelve pods and each pod six peas. Fifteen pods have been counted on some vines, and nine large peas in some of the pods, and every pod is well filled. The vine grows from eight to ten inches high, according to the soil and season; per bu. $9; pk. $2.50; qt. 40c... 5.
*McLEAN'S LITTLE GEM--The most popular variety for private gardens, very sweet; per bu. $7; pk. $2; qt. 30c... 5.
PREMIUM GEM--Height one foot, early and prolific. A type of, and improvement on, the Little Gem. Pods long and of a dark green color; per bu. $7; pk. $2; qt. 30c... 5.
Tom Thumb--Very scarce this year; per bu. $7; pk. $2; qt. 30c... 5.
Blue Peter, or Blue Tom Thumb--Similar to above, except in color; seed blue; pods large and well filled with delicious and large sized Peas; per bu. $7; pk. $2; qt. 30c... 5.
*Laxton's Alpha--One of the very earliest wrinkled Peas in cultivation; very prolific, fine flavor; pods well filled with large sweet Peas; height, two and one-half feet; per bu. $6; pk. $1.75; qt. 30c... 5.
Landreth's Extra Early--A strain of the Philadelphia Extra Early that is very popular with some of our customers; per bu. $4.50; pk. $1.25; qt. 25c... 5.

Kentish Invicta--Very early blue Pea; per bu. $6; pk. $1.75; qt. 30c... 5.
Carter's First Crop--Per bu. $4; pk. $1.25; qt. 20c... 5.
Philadelphia Extra Early--Per bu. $4; pk. $1.25; qt. 20c... 5.
Early Kent, or Dan O'Rourke--Per bu. $3.50, pk. $1; qt 20c... 5.
DWARF WHITE MARROW--Similar in quality to the tall variety, but much earlier, and does well without bushing. Good yielder, much prized by gardeners; per bu. $3.50; pk. $1; qt. 20c. 5.
*CHAMPION OF ENGLAND--Universally admitted by all to the one of the richest and best flavored Peas grown. It is very popular, and will bring a higher price in the market than any other; per bu. $6; pk. $1.75; qt. 25c... 5.
BLISS' ABUNDANCE--Height 20 inches; time of ripening medium; remarkably strong, vigorous branching habit and unusually productive, often sending out three or more branches; pods of fair size, well filled with Peas of good quality; per bu. $7; pk. $2; qt. 30c... 5.
BLISS' EVER-BEARING--Height 2 feet; late to very late; hardy, vigorous, enormous cropper; pods and Peas of large size and good quality; per bu. $7; pk. $2; qt. 35c... 5.
White Marrowfat--Per bu. $2.50; pk, 80c; qt. 15c... 5.
BLACK-EYED MARROWFAT--This is extensively grown as a field Pea; very productive, height about four feet; per bu. $2.50; pk. 75c; qt. 15c. 5.
Dwarf Blue Imperial--Per bu. $5; pk. $1.50; qt. 25c... 5.
*McLean's Advancer--Per bu. $5; pk. $1.50; qt. 25c... 5.
Yorkshire Hero--Per bu. $5; pk. $1.50; qt. 25c. 5.
Dwarf Sugar--Edible pods, use like Snap Beans; per bu. $8; pk. $2.50; qt. 40c... 5.
White Field--Per bu. $2; pk. 60c; qt. 10c... 5.
Blue Field--Per bu. $2.25; pk. 65c; qt. 15c... 5.

PEPPER-- Ger. Pfeffer.
One ounce will produce about 1,800 plants.
Sow seed in hot-bed early in spring; transplant to open ground when the weather is favorable, in warm, mellow soil, in rows eighteen inches apart. Seeds germinate slowly and require considerable heat.

RED CLUSTER--This very handsome new variety is a sport of the Chili, which it slightly resembles, the leaves and fruits are smaller, while it is much more productive, the fruits being curiously crowded together on each branch, making the plants extremely ornamental as well as useful. The Peppers are very hot and of a conspicuous coral red color; per 1/4 lb. $1; oz. 30c... 10.
Red Chili--Small, very hot; used everywhere for pepper sauce; per 1/4 lb. 75c; oz. 26c... 5.
RUBY KING--This new Pepper has given most excellent satisfaction everywhere. The Peppers often attain a very large size. Ordinarily they grow 4 1/2 to 6 inches long by 3 1/2 to 4 inches thick. When ripe they are of a beautiful, bright, ruby red color, and are always remarkably mild and pleasant to the taste. The plant is of sturdy, bushy habit, and each plant produces from 6 to 12 large, handsome fruits; per 1/4 lb. 90c; oz. 30c... 5.
NEW GOLDEN QUEEN--See description on novelty sheet, page 5; per 1/4 lb. $1.50; oz. 50c... 10.
Large Bell, or Bull Nose--Early standard sort; per 1/4 lb. 75c; oz. 20c... 5.
Sweet Mountain, or Mammoth--Similar to above, but milder; per 1/4 lb. 75c; oz. 20c... 5.
Red Cayenne--Per 1/4 lb. 90c; oz. 25c... 5.
NEW GOLDEN DAWN MANGO--A handsome new Mango Pepper, very sweet and entirely exempt from the flery flavor peculiar to most other varieties; per 1/4 lb. $1; oz. 30c... 5.

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