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ONION- Ger. Zwiebel.
One ounce will sow about 100 feet of drill; four pounds will sow one acre.
This is, with perhaps the one exception ot Cabbage, the most important crop grown both in market and family gardens, and there is no other vegetable where the quality of the seed exerts a greater influence upon the crop than in Onions. There is more


grown from the seed than in almost any other crop. Those grown from our select


possess the following qualifications of superior merit:
Earliness, Productiveness, Reliability, Perfect Shaped Bulbs, Solidity, Fine Texture and Keeping Qualities. Sowing seed to produce large Onions is the cheapest, easiest, best and most satisfactory way.
Large Onions can easily be grown the first year from the seed by obtaining our seed which is all northern grown, and new, crop of 1887. It won't pay you to use the cheap imported or southern grown seeds which produce a large proportion of scullions and Onions that will not keep well. Poor seed, even as a gift, is the dearest the planter can use. We want you to try our seed, and have therefore put the price down to as low a rate as good, reliable seed can be sold at.
Culture--As early as the ground can be worked in the spring, sow the seed in drills fourteen inches apart, covering one-half inch. They should be in rich sandy soil, which is as from from weeds as possible. Commence hoeing soon as rows can be seen; skim the ground over the surface; avoid stirring deeply, and work the soil away from the bulbs. At second hoeing, weed carefully and thoroughly by hand. When the tops die, pull and spread evenly over the ground; stir or turn until fully dried, then cut the tops one-half inch from the bulb.
For Pickles or Sets--Good ground should be prepared as above, and the seed should be sown very thickly in broad drills, about forty pounds to the acre.
See description of tools for the cultivation of Onions on another page.
Lang's Hand Weeder--Gives the best satisfaction as a small hand tool in the culture of Onions, and we can recommend it to all. Don't fail to include one in your order.
[Lang's Weeder, PAT. APPLIED FOR]
Price, 25 cents each, or $2.60 per dozen; or postpaid for 30 cents each.

[center box]
No. 1, Extra Early Red; No. 2, Large Red Wethersfield; No. 3, Yellow Globe Danvers; No. 4, White Portugal; No. 5, Extra Early Pearl; No. 6, White Globe.

EXTRA EARLY BLOOMSDALE PEARL--Earliest of all. Pearly white translucent, growing almost with the rapidity of a Radish, form flat, flavor very mild. Wonderfully fine. Try it; per lb. $5; 1/4 lb. $1.50; oz. 40c... 10.
Extra Early Red--Very early, matures about two weeks before the Wethersfield; per lb. $2.25; 1/4 lb. 65c; oz. 20c... 5.
White Portugal, or Silver Skin--Matures early; very mild flavor, medium size and generally preferred for table use; not a good keeper; per lb. $3; 1/4 lb. 90c; oz. 25c... 5.
LARGE RED WETHERSFIELD--The standard sort throughout the west, as they are more hardy, and immense crops can be raised when more tender varieties would fail. They grow to a large size, fine form, skin deep purplish red, moderately fine grained and strong flavor. Very productive, and an excellent keeper. For shipping purposes it is considered one of the best, as it will bear almost any amount of handling without any apparent injury; per lb. 1.80; 1/4 lb. 50c; oz. 15c 5.
YELLOW GLOBE DANVERS--Although not quite so large as the above, we consider it a better Onion in every way for general use; per lb. $2.00; 1/4 lb. 65c; oz. 20c... 5.
LARGE WHITE GLOBE--The handsomest market variety we have ever seen. Large size, oval form, very even, mild and pleasant flavor, good keeper, out-sells every other variety; per lb. $3; 1/4 lb. 90c; oz. 30c. 5.
Southport Red Globe--Differs from above only in color; per lb. $2.25; 1/4 lb.
65c; oz. 20c... 5.
Yellow Dutch--Per lb. $2; 1/4 lb. 60c; oz. 20c... 5.
Most of these varieties grow to an enormous size, and are more mild flavored than any of the above. We recommend all to try at least a few for their own home use, or for early market. They do not keep well in this climate.
MAMMOTH SILVER KING--See description on novelty sheet; lb. $4.25; 1/4 lb. $1.25; oz. 35c... 10.
NEW MAMMOTH SPANISH KING--This is the celebrated Spanish fancy Onion, which is annually imported from Spain, and sold by confectioners and fruit dealers in all the larger cities at from 25 to 50 cents each. They do well in this country, and have been grown here to the weight of 3 3-4 pounds. Skin is of a rich yellow color, while flesh is pure white, sweet, mild and tender; per 1/4 lb. $1.50; oz. 50c... 10.
NEW QUEEN--A very nice extra early silver-skinned Onion, the best keeper of the foreign sorts. Very mild flavored, and excellent for pickling; per lb. $3; 1/4 lb. 90c; oz. 25c... 5.
GIANT ROCCA--Very large, frequently weighing three and one-half pounds. Globular form; mild, delicate flavor; per lb. $2.25; 1/4 lb. 65c; oz. 20c... 5.
Marzagole--Large silvery Onions; per lb., $3; 1/4 lb. 80c; oz. 20c... 5.

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